Nadene Goldfoot
The Six Day War of 1967 , imagine; a war over in 6 days! Israelis danced for the first time in Jerusalem where they had been kept out by Jordan.UN Security Council
The UN discussed the problems with Israel over the Six-Day War of June 1967 until November when a resolution was passed calling on the Arabs to end their state of belligerency with Israel and for Israel to withdraw its troops. During the following years, Israel-Arab relations were constantly before the UN Security Council with Israel having little faith in that body where an anti-Israel bloc of votes was a sure thing.
The Arabs were able to have extreme anti-Israel resolutions automatically passed in the General Assembly and in 1974, Yasser Arafat, chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was invited to address that body.
By 1975, an anti-Israel motion was put through describing Zionism as a form of racism. This was annulled in 1991. The definition is: Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement with the goal of the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Jews were known as wanderers, without a home. They yearned for their own again, especially when treated as 2nd class citizens wherever they went. They were suffering from Pogroms, anti-Semitism at its height, hated for being Jews ! How dare people say they were practicing racism !!! Peoples were practicing racism on Jews !!!!!
Here are a few Ashkenazi Jews; taken to Germany by the Romans after 70 CE.And no, being Jewish is not like a race such as being Chinese, but it started with a particular family so most all share a few genes. It's a belief that they share about G-d, a religion. Jews have been found in all corners of the world and come in all colors; black, white, tan, brown, etc. They can have all colors of hair and eyes. There are varieties, and minds that are individual.
The Jerusalem question was repeatedly debated in the UN. The 1947 Partition Resolution had proposed the establishment of an international regime for Jerusalem, to be administered by the UN Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly's resolution on this subject in December 1948, and again, later, were rejected by Israel. The question was raised frequently since 1967. Incidentally, King David built up Jerusalem.
The Arab refugee question was also frequently debated in the General Assembly. The Arab states wanted full rights of repatriation while Israel insisted that the bulk of the refugees be resettled in the neighboring Arab states. If passed, Israel would be no more; flooded with Arabs who came from neighboring countries, used as pawns by their leaders in their effort to destroy Israel. They had come to Israel originally for their own needs of job-hunting.
Israel's cooperation in UN regional projects was impeded by the Arab states' refusal to sit together with Israelis.
Apart from the Israel question, Jews, particularly in the Western Hemisphere, Western Europe, and Israel were concerned with the UN's activities in other fields, especially relating to the safeguarding and promoting of human rights.
They expressed their views on issues in these fields through membership in both national and international nongovernmental organizations. Several Jewish international organizations have been granted consultative status, including the Agudat Israel World Organization, the Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations, the Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations, the World Jewish Congress, the World Union of Progressive Judaism, and the World Union of Jewish Students. Jewish organizations accredited to the UN organization meeting at San Francisco in 1945, urged successfully the inclusion of human rights clauses in the UN Charter. Later, they made suggestions concerning the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thereafter, they carried on a program intended to publicize and interpret the Declaration and the Genocide Convention, adopted by the UN Assembly in December 1949. They have supported also the adoption of conventions on the rights of refugees and on the reduction and elimination of statelessness.
The World Jewish Congress was responsible for the The Kindertransport (German for 'Children Transport') that was a months-long secret mission to rescue Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Europe. The first group of children arrived in Harwich, England #OTD on December 2, 1938 (pictured).
Describing the situation in Gaza as “appalling and apocalyptic” the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Monday called on world leaders to act decisively to alleviate suffering and prevent the further devastation of the enclave says December 2024 news. "The nightmare in Gaza must stop," urges UN Deputy Chief.
A family photo hangs on the wall inside a burned-out house in Kibbutz Be'eri in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 assault by Palestinian armed groups on southern Israel, October 14, 2023. © 2023 Marcus Yam / Los Angeles TimesIt started with the Arab attack on young adult dancers living along the Gaza-Israel border on the last day of Sukkot, October 7, 2023. They took over 200 hostages, with over 100 more still being held, most likely most of the number deceased by now. They refuse to give the hostages up without wanting all of Israel in return. Those slaughtered by the Arabs died in horrific ways, worse than any historic pogrom, images we can't ever forget, including ISIS type beheadings, marring of tiny children, etc. horrific!
Now Israel is fighting in 7 fronts. What good is the UN? People steal the food from trucks that Israel brought in, sell it to their people at high prices. The Palestinians and Hezbollah dig tunnels to hide in or travel in, bringing in ammunition. UN's International Criminal Court simply puts out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant. accusing THEM of war crimes ! Biden hasn't delivered the weaponry Israel was promised and needs to end the war. Everyone is waiting to see how Trump will handle the problems.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
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