Nadene Goldfoot
Did you know that when Jews pray, they face Jerusalem? Jews recite the words, "Next year in Jerusalem" every Passover ever since 70 CE when the Romans burned the Temple down and the city.
East Jerusalem is the original site of Jerusalem, the city King David made as his capital of Israel. It goes back to the days of David's ggggggrandfather, Abraham. This part of Jerusalem once was called Salem ruled by Melchi-zedek, the priest of the most high god who was honored by Abraham as told in Gen.14:18-19. Hyksos and Hittie and Hurrite once lived here and in the 15th century BCE, the city was ruled by a king who was attacked by Habriru invaders. He asked his suzerain (big brother), the pharaoh, for help. The Egyptians had kept a Cushite garrison. Joshua came along with his conquest in about 1320 BCE when the then king of Jerusalem, Adoni-zedek, was defeated at Aijaon, but the city remained as an independent enclave between the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. In the 12th century, Jebus or Jerusalem continued to be independent but with Philistine help until it was captured by David in 1010 BCE and became the capital of a united Israel as verified in II Sam.5:6-8. . All the names of people listed have disappeared, except David's people, the Jews. The Jebusites who survived were dealt with leniently by David who added the fortress of Zion and a House of Heroes for his guards. He also built a tomb inside the city for himself and his family. He had transferred the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and made his capital the religious center of Israel, which it has remained with the Jewish people. His empire had reached from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River.
King David's son, Solomon, from 970-930 BCE, had commercial business and started heavy taxation on the people as told about in I Kings 10:27-29. He enlarged the city by adding the Palace and the Temple, both of which are now a part of East Jerusalem. There was a gap between his enterprises and David's which he filled in with the MILLO (filling). Solomon's Temple changed Jerusalem into the permanent center of the Jewish religion.
Solomon died in 920 BCE and the tribe of Judah and parts of Benjamin and Simeon, the southern tribes, would not continue to follow Jeroboam, a leader who had taken the throne. He was from the tribe of Ephraim and had been a superintendent of forced labor during Solomon's days and later had led the revolt against the burden imposed on the people by the monarchy. He had been stopped in his revolt so had to take refuge in Egypt. He and King Rehoboam, Solomon's son, met at Shechem and Rehoboam was asked to change the system of taxation and forced labor but Rehoboam refused, so Israel declared their independence and seceded from the Southern tribes, leaving them high and dry.
The tribe of .Judah followed Rehoboam, Solomon's son by Naamah, his Ammonite wife, as the new state of Judah from 933 to 917 BCE, no longer part of Israel. By having done this, Judah isolated itself by now not having access to the sea, having no good trade-route anymore, and was made up of just 1/3 of the land of the northern Israel. It was poor and unimportant compared to Israel now. For this reason Judah didn't get involved with international rivalries and led a more tranquil life. It was able to keep their Mosaic monotheism in a pure form, which was not happening in Israel. Their monarchy passed peacefully from father to son in the Davidic house for a long time.
Large Jewish communities were reestablished in Jerusalem and Tiberias by the 9th century CE. Many Jews were massacred by the Crusaders of Christianity during the 12th century, but the community rebounded in the next 2 centuries. Large numbers of rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem. By the early 19th century, more than 10,000 Jews lived in Israel. 78 years of nation-building beginning in 1870 created the Jewish state we have today.
Jerusalem is now in the hands of the tribe of Judah, who have remained as the Jews to this day. They were able to create the land of Israel again on May 14, 1948 after 2,000 years of being without a country, forcing their people to be at the mercy of other countries who would allow them to live in their lands for periods of time before ousting them again and again. For instance, England expulsed all Jews in 1290 and didn't allow them back in until 1655. Israel was created on this day through not only the League of Nations, but the United Nations. However, they had been attacked almost on the moment of announcing their creation, and lost Jerusalem to Jordan at that time. They gained it back in 1967 when Jordan and all the other nations attacked in a losing battle to Israel.
The United Nations had written their partition resolution of Jerusalem on November 29, 1947 which provided for the creation of an independent area of Jerusalem to be under UN administration. However, the Arabs kept attacking which was actually regular warfare between the Haganah and the Arabs. The Arabs had started out as local bands attacking but soon were joined by the Arab Legion of Transjordan which put an end to the internationalization scheme of the UN. This struggle lasted from December 1947 to July 1948. At this time, the Jewish quarter of the Old City had to be evacuated and was destroyed. The 150,000 Jewish inhabitants were under constant military pressure. The 2,500 Jews living in the Old City (east Jerusalem) were the victims of the Arab blockade that lasted for 5 months before they were forced to surrender on May 29, 1948. Before the surrender and throughout the siege on Jerusalem, Jewish convoys tried to reach the city to bring in food, which by April had become a critical need. The Arabs had attacked since December and tried to cut off the highwaying linking Tel Aviv with Jerusalem, which was the main freeway. Arabs controlled several points including the villages of Kastel and Deir Yassin. They were firing on the convoys of trucks with supplies. The Jewish fighters had banded together and were called the "Haganah". Their commander was David Shaltiel who told the 2 other fighting bands; Lehi (leader Stanley Goldfoot) and Irgun (Menachem Begin and 100 men) As it turned out, Irgun attacked this Deir Yassin on April 9th while Haganah fought for Kastel, which was the 1st major attack on Arabs. They used a loud speaker to tell the people to evacuate which many did. Others opened fire and they had a ferocious battle.
1948, Jerusalem was divided into 2 parts. The part belonging to Israel was all of the western and southern part of the New City including Mount Zion and an enclave on Mt. Scopus. The city extended west by the construction of the Knesset and Government quarter with the National Museum and University campus nearby. New housing projects were constructed. Kiryat Yovel was the largest then. Deceased leaders were buried on Mt. Hertzl which became a cemetery for soldiers who died during active duty. New rabbinical centers were built. Some factories were built here. The city became the administrative center of the country. Benny Morris, historian, tells us that Arab leaders encouraged their Arabs to leave Jerusalem. The Arab national Committee in Jerusalem, following the March 8, 1948 instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, ordered women, children and the elderly in many parts of Jerusalem to leave their homes, because, as they said, "Any opposition to this an obstacle to the holy war....and will hamper the operations of the fighters in these districts."
All the New City of Jerusalem, except the Arab quarters north of the walls, fell into Jewish hands. The Arab Legion's attack of shelling and starving the Jews into surrendering didn't work. The Jews had the fortitude to continue fighting and were able to open a Burma Road which restored their connection between the Jewish section of Jerusalem and the coast. In 1949, the government and the Knesset were transferred to Jerusalem.
The Six Day War of 1967 started June 5th. Israel warned Jordan to stay out of the war, but King Hussein attacked Jerusalem. Jordanian troops were in the Old City and Jordanian sections of the city bombarded the New City. It took the Israel army 2 days and they took the whole city. June 29, 1967 this city was united as one. and the barriers dividing them were removed. It was like the Berlin Wall coming down. There were 139,600 Muslims and a few Christians in the eastern portion of the city and now were incorporated into the total population of 493,500 as of 1990. Winning this war came at the high price of 777 dead and 2,586 wounded, a high, high price for a state of only in 1967 with 2,383,600 Jews, 289,600 Muslims and 103,100 Christians. At that time Jerusalem had 195,700 Jews, 54,963 Muslims and 12,646 Christians.
The Old City's Jewish quarter has been restored which had been razed by the Jordanians. New suburbs have been built. The Jerusalem Law of 1980 extended Israel sovereignty over the entire city. To Jews, the entire city of Jerusalem is sacred. So sacred is it, only to the Jews, that Jews have prayed 3 times a day saying, "Thy city, shall we return with joy!." They also have sworn in prayed the Psalmist's oath, "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.!
March 1988 and Yasir Arafat's Fatah tried to murder Secretary of State George Shultz by planting a car bomb near his Jerusalem hotel. Then Arafat's PLO on October 8, 1990, had used the Temple Mount tragedy at the Al Aqsa Mosque as an excuse to encourage violence against Israelis. What had happened was during the third year of the First Intifada that was started in 1987, the rioters began after a decision by the Temple Mount Faithful, a Jewish group which Stanley Goldfoot belonged to, to lay a cornerstone at the site, and Arab rioting continued against these Jewish worshippers. The riots resulted in the death of over twenty Palestinians, with more than 150 people injured, including Palestinian civilians and worshippers. It was condemned by UN Security Council. resolutions 672 and 673. 3 days later, Arafat's Fatah issued a leaflet urging Palestinians to light fires, stab with knives and destroy everything that could be destroyed.
The worst attack by the PLO was on October 21, 1990 when 3 Israelis were knifed to death on a Jerusalem street. Over a 12 attacks happened for 6 weeks after that. Earlier in April 1990, 20 Jewish families moved into a building in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem, called St. John's Hospice which was near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The reason was a business deal that had occurred. An Armenian businessman sold the building, which was not a church or a holy place, to the Jewish families. Then the PLO-backed leadership of the intifada issued an order to kill the Armenian businessman. The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem stood up for the sale. They said they believed that the citizens should be able to live anywhere they chose. To deny Jews the right to live anywhere in Jerusalem, it declared, was "absurd."
By December 1991, the UN started to show its anti-Israel attitude towards the state. The General Assembly approved 4 new one-sided resolutions on the Middle East by on the 11th, voting 104-2 for a resolution calling for a UN-sponsored peace conference including the PLO. Then immediately they voted 142-2 to condemn Israeli behavior toward Palestinians in the territories. Again, on the 16 of December, the day they repealed the Zionism measure, they voted 152-1 with the USA abstaining, to call on Israel to rescind a Knesset resolution declaring Jerusalem its capital. Another resolution demanded Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories including Jerusalem, and the right of return for Palestinians. A repeal vote was one-sided with 13 out of `19 Arab countries-those engaged in negotiations with Israel; Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, who voted to retain the resolution, as did 6 others and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, which lobbied against repeal. Thus, no Arab country voted for repeal. The PLO denounced the vote and the US role. By doing this, the Arabs had voted once again to ignore the birthright of the Jewish State.
Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek who became mayor in 1965 said, "For 3,000 years, Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish hope and longing. No other city has played such a dominant role in the history, culture, religion and consciousness of a people as has Jerusalem in the life of Jewry and Judaism. Throughout centuries of exile, Jerusalem remained alive in the hearts of Jews everywhere as the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal. This heart and soul of the Jewish people engenders the thought that if you want one simple word to symbolize all of Jewish history, that word would be "Jerusalem!" Kollek made special efforts to promote Jewish-Arab cooperation in the city following the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967.
Since 1844, Jews have outnumbered Muslims living in Jerusalem.
1844----7,120 Jews.......5,000 Muslims......3,390 Christians
1922-- 33,971 Jews.... 13,411 Muslims..... 4,699 Christians
1967-195,700 Jews....54,963 Muslims....12,646 Christians
1990-378,200 Jews....131,800 Muslims...14,400 Christians
The Brits at the time of 1939 and WWII, decided to let Arabs in Palestine while keeping Jews out who needed a haven desperately being they had escaped from Nazis who would kill them.
The Muslim population in Jerusalem is growing at the same rate as the Orthodox Jews. Both have the medium age of 18 and 20. Approximately 23% of the city considers itself Charedi (Orthodox Jews) and 36% Arab. These two groups account for the reason that 51% of all of Jerusalem’s residents are considered to live in the lowest socio-economic category. All of the Arab-majority neighborhoods and 24% of the Jewish neighborhoods (basically the Charedi ones) are ranked the lowest in terms of socio-economics.
Today, we were mortified when John Kerry signed resolution 2334 that takes away Israel's right to the eastern section, now unified for the past 50 years, away-according to the United Nations who have no legal authority. Kerry just kicked out the Jews from the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, the only place Jews were allowed to be to pray there. This move was evil, wicked and cruel by the Obama government. The United States had established a resolution of always having Israel's back and broke the 30 some year resolution with Kerry's move.
The new USA President Trump has promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. It is possible that 2334 will make this move harder, but Trump may figure out a way to do it. I figure that's why Obama made this decision during his last few days in office. He wanted to not only hurt Israel, but make life more difficult for Trump to keep such a promise that he had made but never kept. No doubt he doesn't want to see Trump have any successes.
Palestinian Arabs are making threats if Trump is successful in a move of the US embassy. They have selected this important center of the Israelis for their attacks on the population, such as throwing stones, knifings and ramming crowds with their vehicles with intent to kill as many as possible.
Jerusalem has been referred to as "The City of David," city of righteousness, the faithful city, city of G-d, the holy city, city of truth, Ariel. In the early books of the Bible, Jerusalem was also called Jebus for the people living there before King David. It was also called ZION for David's fortress. In Latin it was called Hierosolyma-from Hebrew Yerushalayim. Romans called it Aelia Capitolina. Arabs called it El-Kuds (the Holy), and sometimes called it Beit el-Makdes (The House of Holiness). In Hebrew it is referred also to Bet ha-Mikdash (Temple). If we go back before David, to the Egyptian 12th Dynasty of the 19th and 18th centuries BCE, it was referred to as U/rjushamem, or in Akkadian was called Urusalim. They had a semitic god named Shalem, part of Jerusalem.
People have been living in the area where Jerusalem had developed from the Old Stone Age because of location. As a city, it developed in the Early Bronze Age of 3500-2000 BCE. It became the capital of a Canaanite city-state in the Middle-Bronze Age of 2000-1550 BCE and was the Salem of the Bible. No one has ever loved it as the Jews have. Today it is still the center of our Jewish religion.
1/27/17 (8:45am) P.S. Conclusively, the Palestinians have no legal claim to Jerusalem. There is no way to prove that they are the descendants of a people long extinguished by the ravages of time who no longer exist as a people, let alone a person. There is for the Jews. Their whole history of being has been documented in the "Old Testament" which is the Jewish Tanakh consisting of the Five Books of Moses-The Torah, Prophets, writings; the 24 books of the Bible. Their evidence is that Moses (1391-1271 BCE) wrote his books over the 40 years period of wandering, and the rest were from prophets, writers, historians of the period. The truth is it was written down along with oral history that then was put into writings. As a teacher documents the behavior of certain children in her class for later evidence, so is the history of the Jewish people who have a language, a culture, a history which includes being a part of the Empire of Israel. The Palestinians always had thought, as they had registered themselves, to be Syrian Palestinians. The word "Palestine" was given to the land by the Romans by 135 CE to aggravate the Jews who they replaced by forcing them to flee from their burning city of Jerusalem. All people living there later became Palestinians, including the Jewish people up until May 14, 1948, when the Jews were finally Israelis once more. Israel has been in Jewish hands for the past 3,288 years with undeniable history. Palestinians are best documented since 1984 by Joan Peters, in her well-known book, "FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL." She was a rare journalist who had learned the art of finding facts and documentation of original proof. Her book is the most thoroughly researched and solidly documented work on the origns of the Arab-Jewish conflict. She did massive research and was able to turn up material from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey-who held the land for the 400 years up till the end of WWI), and reports of Western consular officers and observant travelers and other sources. She has put PhD's to shame who have never dug into the original materials. The reason I'm so impressed with her published material is that she started with the attitude of finding material to PROVE the Palestinian claim to the land and DID NOT FIND ANY PROOF!
Another fact: DNA testing shows that Jews and Arabs are not closely related. The most remarkable thing is that they in fact are distant cousins with Jacob's son, Levi having produced the direct descendants of Aaron, Moses's brother, who was chosen to be the 1st Priest. Thus, all his direct descendants are called Cohens who have served in the Temple and later, the synagogue with specific duties. Many Arabs also carry the Cohen gene and should according to our documented history, for Abraham had children by Sarah, his niece, and by Hagar, her Egyptian handmaid-princess, producing Ishmael, father of the Arab people. People closer to the Jews would be the Kurds. Druze, Israeli Bedouins also connect. What I'm looking at are results from Ydna and MT dna testing the autosomal facts and in that, Kurds are first in being closer.
Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is the anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification in 1967. This day begins on 28th day of the month of Iyyar in the Hebrew calendar. So this year of 2017, it starts on Tuesday evening, May 23rd and ends Wednesday evening of the 24th. It was on June 7, 1967, one day into the Six-Day War, that Israeli forces captured the old city of Jerusalem. This year will be the big 50th year anniversary. How wonderful it would be to have the embassy moved by then for the celebration!
update 2/6/17: d"The recent U.N. Security Council vote, facilitated by an American abstention, that condemned all Israeli building over the pre-1967 border as illegal, outraged the Israeli public. That resolution, Israelis noted bitterly, allowed for no distinction between, say, an isolated settlement on a West Bank hilltop and the ancient Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City, which Jordan destroyed in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence and which Israel rebuilt immediately after the Six Day War." from
Resource: Myths and Facts, p. 220 for population #.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
Movie: CAST A GIANT SHADOW with Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Yul Brynner, Angie Dickinson, Senta Berger about 1947-1948 in War of Independence of Israel centering on Mickey Marcus-American Aluf helping to create Israel's army. Now in DVD.
PS: The researchers used the DNA of 1,847 Jewish men of Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Kurdish descent; Muslims and Christians of Kurdish, Turkish and Armenian descent; various Arab populations; and Russians, Poles and residents of Belarus."
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King David, of tribe of Judah, son of Jesse, ruled from Jerusalem-1010-970 BCE |
East Jerusalem is the original site of Jerusalem, the city King David made as his capital of Israel. It goes back to the days of David's ggggggrandfather, Abraham. This part of Jerusalem once was called Salem ruled by Melchi-zedek, the priest of the most high god who was honored by Abraham as told in Gen.14:18-19. Hyksos and Hittie and Hurrite once lived here and in the 15th century BCE, the city was ruled by a king who was attacked by Habriru invaders. He asked his suzerain (big brother), the pharaoh, for help. The Egyptians had kept a Cushite garrison. Joshua came along with his conquest in about 1320 BCE when the then king of Jerusalem, Adoni-zedek, was defeated at Aijaon, but the city remained as an independent enclave between the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. In the 12th century, Jebus or Jerusalem continued to be independent but with Philistine help until it was captured by David in 1010 BCE and became the capital of a united Israel as verified in II Sam.5:6-8. . All the names of people listed have disappeared, except David's people, the Jews. The Jebusites who survived were dealt with leniently by David who added the fortress of Zion and a House of Heroes for his guards. He also built a tomb inside the city for himself and his family. He had transferred the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and made his capital the religious center of Israel, which it has remained with the Jewish people. His empire had reached from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River.
King David's son, Solomon, from 970-930 BCE, had commercial business and started heavy taxation on the people as told about in I Kings 10:27-29. He enlarged the city by adding the Palace and the Temple, both of which are now a part of East Jerusalem. There was a gap between his enterprises and David's which he filled in with the MILLO (filling). Solomon's Temple changed Jerusalem into the permanent center of the Jewish religion.
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The known wisdom of Solomon, shown by his decision to find the birth mother out of 2 women who claimed to be the mother and how he did it. |
The tribe of .Judah followed Rehoboam, Solomon's son by Naamah, his Ammonite wife, as the new state of Judah from 933 to 917 BCE, no longer part of Israel. By having done this, Judah isolated itself by now not having access to the sea, having no good trade-route anymore, and was made up of just 1/3 of the land of the northern Israel. It was poor and unimportant compared to Israel now. For this reason Judah didn't get involved with international rivalries and led a more tranquil life. It was able to keep their Mosaic monotheism in a pure form, which was not happening in Israel. Their monarchy passed peacefully from father to son in the Davidic house for a long time.
Large Jewish communities were reestablished in Jerusalem and Tiberias by the 9th century CE. Many Jews were massacred by the Crusaders of Christianity during the 12th century, but the community rebounded in the next 2 centuries. Large numbers of rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem. By the early 19th century, more than 10,000 Jews lived in Israel. 78 years of nation-building beginning in 1870 created the Jewish state we have today.
Jerusalem is now in the hands of the tribe of Judah, who have remained as the Jews to this day. They were able to create the land of Israel again on May 14, 1948 after 2,000 years of being without a country, forcing their people to be at the mercy of other countries who would allow them to live in their lands for periods of time before ousting them again and again. For instance, England expulsed all Jews in 1290 and didn't allow them back in until 1655. Israel was created on this day through not only the League of Nations, but the United Nations. However, they had been attacked almost on the moment of announcing their creation, and lost Jerusalem to Jordan at that time. They gained it back in 1967 when Jordan and all the other nations attacked in a losing battle to Israel.
The United Nations had written their partition resolution of Jerusalem on November 29, 1947 which provided for the creation of an independent area of Jerusalem to be under UN administration. However, the Arabs kept attacking which was actually regular warfare between the Haganah and the Arabs. The Arabs had started out as local bands attacking but soon were joined by the Arab Legion of Transjordan which put an end to the internationalization scheme of the UN. This struggle lasted from December 1947 to July 1948. At this time, the Jewish quarter of the Old City had to be evacuated and was destroyed. The 150,000 Jewish inhabitants were under constant military pressure. The 2,500 Jews living in the Old City (east Jerusalem) were the victims of the Arab blockade that lasted for 5 months before they were forced to surrender on May 29, 1948. Before the surrender and throughout the siege on Jerusalem, Jewish convoys tried to reach the city to bring in food, which by April had become a critical need. The Arabs had attacked since December and tried to cut off the highwaying linking Tel Aviv with Jerusalem, which was the main freeway. Arabs controlled several points including the villages of Kastel and Deir Yassin. They were firing on the convoys of trucks with supplies. The Jewish fighters had banded together and were called the "Haganah". Their commander was David Shaltiel who told the 2 other fighting bands; Lehi (leader Stanley Goldfoot) and Irgun (Menachem Begin and 100 men) As it turned out, Irgun attacked this Deir Yassin on April 9th while Haganah fought for Kastel, which was the 1st major attack on Arabs. They used a loud speaker to tell the people to evacuate which many did. Others opened fire and they had a ferocious battle.
1948, Jerusalem was divided into 2 parts. The part belonging to Israel was all of the western and southern part of the New City including Mount Zion and an enclave on Mt. Scopus. The city extended west by the construction of the Knesset and Government quarter with the National Museum and University campus nearby. New housing projects were constructed. Kiryat Yovel was the largest then. Deceased leaders were buried on Mt. Hertzl which became a cemetery for soldiers who died during active duty. New rabbinical centers were built. Some factories were built here. The city became the administrative center of the country. Benny Morris, historian, tells us that Arab leaders encouraged their Arabs to leave Jerusalem. The Arab national Committee in Jerusalem, following the March 8, 1948 instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, ordered women, children and the elderly in many parts of Jerusalem to leave their homes, because, as they said, "Any opposition to this an obstacle to the holy war....and will hamper the operations of the fighters in these districts."
All the New City of Jerusalem, except the Arab quarters north of the walls, fell into Jewish hands. The Arab Legion's attack of shelling and starving the Jews into surrendering didn't work. The Jews had the fortitude to continue fighting and were able to open a Burma Road which restored their connection between the Jewish section of Jerusalem and the coast. In 1949, the government and the Knesset were transferred to Jerusalem.
The Six Day War of 1967 started June 5th. Israel warned Jordan to stay out of the war, but King Hussein attacked Jerusalem. Jordanian troops were in the Old City and Jordanian sections of the city bombarded the New City. It took the Israel army 2 days and they took the whole city. June 29, 1967 this city was united as one. and the barriers dividing them were removed. It was like the Berlin Wall coming down. There were 139,600 Muslims and a few Christians in the eastern portion of the city and now were incorporated into the total population of 493,500 as of 1990. Winning this war came at the high price of 777 dead and 2,586 wounded, a high, high price for a state of only in 1967 with 2,383,600 Jews, 289,600 Muslims and 103,100 Christians. At that time Jerusalem had 195,700 Jews, 54,963 Muslims and 12,646 Christians.
The Old City's Jewish quarter has been restored which had been razed by the Jordanians. New suburbs have been built. The Jerusalem Law of 1980 extended Israel sovereignty over the entire city. To Jews, the entire city of Jerusalem is sacred. So sacred is it, only to the Jews, that Jews have prayed 3 times a day saying, "Thy city, shall we return with joy!." They also have sworn in prayed the Psalmist's oath, "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.!
French Hill Neighborhood of almost 7,000 people, of northern East Jerusalem. Part of the unified city,
The UN considers it an illegal settlement. "The international community considers Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, such as French Hill, illegal under international law, but the Israeli government disputes this with other's interpretation of international law such as Prof. Kontorovich. "In 1969, construction began on a new residential neighborhood to create a land link between West Jerusalem and the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, which had been an Israeli enclave in Jordanian territory before the 1967 war. The official name of the new neighborhood was Giv'at Shapira. Another section of French Hill, Tzameret HaBira, was populated mainly by American immigrants.
"In recent years, an increasing number of Arabs have been buying apartments in the neighborhood. The neighborhood has also seen a large influx of Orthodox Jews (Haredim) in recent years. The ethnic mix is much more diverse than in most other Jewish areas in the city, partly due to the proximity of the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus."
The worst attack by the PLO was on October 21, 1990 when 3 Israelis were knifed to death on a Jerusalem street. Over a 12 attacks happened for 6 weeks after that. Earlier in April 1990, 20 Jewish families moved into a building in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem, called St. John's Hospice which was near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The reason was a business deal that had occurred. An Armenian businessman sold the building, which was not a church or a holy place, to the Jewish families. Then the PLO-backed leadership of the intifada issued an order to kill the Armenian businessman. The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem stood up for the sale. They said they believed that the citizens should be able to live anywhere they chose. To deny Jews the right to live anywhere in Jerusalem, it declared, was "absurd."
By December 1991, the UN started to show its anti-Israel attitude towards the state. The General Assembly approved 4 new one-sided resolutions on the Middle East by on the 11th, voting 104-2 for a resolution calling for a UN-sponsored peace conference including the PLO. Then immediately they voted 142-2 to condemn Israeli behavior toward Palestinians in the territories. Again, on the 16 of December, the day they repealed the Zionism measure, they voted 152-1 with the USA abstaining, to call on Israel to rescind a Knesset resolution declaring Jerusalem its capital. Another resolution demanded Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories including Jerusalem, and the right of return for Palestinians. A repeal vote was one-sided with 13 out of `19 Arab countries-those engaged in negotiations with Israel; Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, who voted to retain the resolution, as did 6 others and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, which lobbied against repeal. Thus, no Arab country voted for repeal. The PLO denounced the vote and the US role. By doing this, the Arabs had voted once again to ignore the birthright of the Jewish State.
Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek who became mayor in 1965 said, "For 3,000 years, Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish hope and longing. No other city has played such a dominant role in the history, culture, religion and consciousness of a people as has Jerusalem in the life of Jewry and Judaism. Throughout centuries of exile, Jerusalem remained alive in the hearts of Jews everywhere as the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal. This heart and soul of the Jewish people engenders the thought that if you want one simple word to symbolize all of Jewish history, that word would be "Jerusalem!" Kollek made special efforts to promote Jewish-Arab cooperation in the city following the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967.
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1862 in Jerusalem |
1844----7,120 Jews.......5,000 Muslims......3,390 Christians
1922-- 33,971 Jews.... 13,411 Muslims..... 4,699 Christians
1967-195,700 Jews....54,963 Muslims....12,646 Christians
1990-378,200 Jews....131,800 Muslims...14,400 Christians
The Brits at the time of 1939 and WWII, decided to let Arabs in Palestine while keeping Jews out who needed a haven desperately being they had escaped from Nazis who would kill them.
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Arabs Throwing rocks in Jerusalem |
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Young Arab throwing rocks at people in 1991 |
Today, we were mortified when John Kerry signed resolution 2334 that takes away Israel's right to the eastern section, now unified for the past 50 years, away-according to the United Nations who have no legal authority. Kerry just kicked out the Jews from the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, the only place Jews were allowed to be to pray there. This move was evil, wicked and cruel by the Obama government. The United States had established a resolution of always having Israel's back and broke the 30 some year resolution with Kerry's move.
US Embassy in Tel Aviv |
Palestinian Arabs are making threats if Trump is successful in a move of the US embassy. They have selected this important center of the Israelis for their attacks on the population, such as throwing stones, knifings and ramming crowds with their vehicles with intent to kill as many as possible.
Jerusalem has been referred to as "The City of David," city of righteousness, the faithful city, city of G-d, the holy city, city of truth, Ariel. In the early books of the Bible, Jerusalem was also called Jebus for the people living there before King David. It was also called ZION for David's fortress. In Latin it was called Hierosolyma-from Hebrew Yerushalayim. Romans called it Aelia Capitolina. Arabs called it El-Kuds (the Holy), and sometimes called it Beit el-Makdes (The House of Holiness). In Hebrew it is referred also to Bet ha-Mikdash (Temple). If we go back before David, to the Egyptian 12th Dynasty of the 19th and 18th centuries BCE, it was referred to as U/rjushamem, or in Akkadian was called Urusalim. They had a semitic god named Shalem, part of Jerusalem.
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Nir Barkat was elected mayor of Jerusalem in 2008 and again in 2013. |
1/27/17 (8:45am) P.S. Conclusively, the Palestinians have no legal claim to Jerusalem. There is no way to prove that they are the descendants of a people long extinguished by the ravages of time who no longer exist as a people, let alone a person. There is for the Jews. Their whole history of being has been documented in the "Old Testament" which is the Jewish Tanakh consisting of the Five Books of Moses-The Torah, Prophets, writings; the 24 books of the Bible. Their evidence is that Moses (1391-1271 BCE) wrote his books over the 40 years period of wandering, and the rest were from prophets, writers, historians of the period. The truth is it was written down along with oral history that then was put into writings. As a teacher documents the behavior of certain children in her class for later evidence, so is the history of the Jewish people who have a language, a culture, a history which includes being a part of the Empire of Israel. The Palestinians always had thought, as they had registered themselves, to be Syrian Palestinians. The word "Palestine" was given to the land by the Romans by 135 CE to aggravate the Jews who they replaced by forcing them to flee from their burning city of Jerusalem. All people living there later became Palestinians, including the Jewish people up until May 14, 1948, when the Jews were finally Israelis once more. Israel has been in Jewish hands for the past 3,288 years with undeniable history. Palestinians are best documented since 1984 by Joan Peters, in her well-known book, "FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL." She was a rare journalist who had learned the art of finding facts and documentation of original proof. Her book is the most thoroughly researched and solidly documented work on the origns of the Arab-Jewish conflict. She did massive research and was able to turn up material from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey-who held the land for the 400 years up till the end of WWI), and reports of Western consular officers and observant travelers and other sources. She has put PhD's to shame who have never dug into the original materials. The reason I'm so impressed with her published material is that she started with the attitude of finding material to PROVE the Palestinian claim to the land and DID NOT FIND ANY PROOF!
Another fact: DNA testing shows that Jews and Arabs are not closely related. The most remarkable thing is that they in fact are distant cousins with Jacob's son, Levi having produced the direct descendants of Aaron, Moses's brother, who was chosen to be the 1st Priest. Thus, all his direct descendants are called Cohens who have served in the Temple and later, the synagogue with specific duties. Many Arabs also carry the Cohen gene and should according to our documented history, for Abraham had children by Sarah, his niece, and by Hagar, her Egyptian handmaid-princess, producing Ishmael, father of the Arab people. People closer to the Jews would be the Kurds. Druze, Israeli Bedouins also connect. What I'm looking at are results from Ydna and MT dna testing the autosomal facts and in that, Kurds are first in being closer.
Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is the anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification in 1967. This day begins on 28th day of the month of Iyyar in the Hebrew calendar. So this year of 2017, it starts on Tuesday evening, May 23rd and ends Wednesday evening of the 24th. It was on June 7, 1967, one day into the Six-Day War, that Israeli forces captured the old city of Jerusalem. This year will be the big 50th year anniversary. How wonderful it would be to have the embassy moved by then for the celebration!
update 2/6/17: d"The recent U.N. Security Council vote, facilitated by an American abstention, that condemned all Israeli building over the pre-1967 border as illegal, outraged the Israeli public. That resolution, Israelis noted bitterly, allowed for no distinction between, say, an isolated settlement on a West Bank hilltop and the ancient Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City, which Jordan destroyed in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence and which Israel rebuilt immediately after the Six Day War." from
Resource: Myths and Facts, p. 220 for population #.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
Movie: CAST A GIANT SHADOW with Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Yul Brynner, Angie Dickinson, Senta Berger about 1947-1948 in War of Independence of Israel centering on Mickey Marcus-American Aluf helping to create Israel's army. Now in DVD.
PS: The researchers used the DNA of 1,847 Jewish men of Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Kurdish descent; Muslims and Christians of Kurdish, Turkish and Armenian descent; various Arab populations; and Russians, Poles and residents of Belarus."
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