“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” Golda Meir was Prime Minister from 1969 to 1974 during the Six Day War. She was born : May 3, 1898, Kyiv, Ukraine, and managed to live in the USA many years as well from 1906 to 1921 when she immigrated with her husband to Israel.
Why such hatred that causes one people to hate Jews? I find it awesome that this is prophecized in the bible, a book most people pooh pooh these days as fairy tales. Pregnant Jewish mothers are told to have happy thoughts, and not dwell in things they dislike. It's not known if emotions are carried in genes or not. We do know that babies can be conditioned from day one to have an attitude like their parents, though. Israel according to Genesis 15:18-21
Jews have always known that their place in this world is told in the bible itself which gives the size and locale of the land, and also says that it is for the children of Abraham. According to the Bible, the land promised to Abraham's descendants, often called the "Promised Land" or Canaan, stretched from the "River of Egypt" (generally considered the Nile) in the south to the Euphrates River in the north, encompassing a large area including modern-day Israel, the West Bank, Gaza, parts of Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria; this is described in Genesis 15:18 as a vast territory, not a precise boundary. King David (1010 -970 BCE) established the Land of Israel, a teeny section of the land, and the
Assyrians kidnapped 10 of the 12 tribes in 721 BCE and took them away. After WWI, the thought was that Palestine would become the Jewish Homeland.
They were forced out by the Romans in 70 CE and hadn't been able to return until WWI, when they helped the Allies to win the war by fighting and creating a type of ammunition that was a winner. The problem was that the Arabs also did the same thing, help the Brits fight in that war, too. The Brits promised the same land to the 2 different people; descendants of Abraham.in the Bible,
the Old Testament (Genesis 16:1–16; 17:18–26; 21:1–21),
Hagar and Ishmael told by Abraham to leave the compoundIsaac and Ishmael were brothers born to Abraham, but to different mothers. Isaac was the son of Sarah, and Ishmael was the son of Hagar, handmaid of Sarah, probably from Egypt. Ishmael was born and brought up in Abraham's household. Some 13 years later, however, Sarah conceived Isaac, with whom God established his covenant. Isaac became Abraham's sole heir, and Ishmael and Hagar were banished to the desert, though God promised that Ishmael would raise up a great nation of his own.
The Arabs most likely did not know of the biblical prophecy, but Mohammed tried to convert us into Muslims and failed when Jews lived in Medina, so soured on us. We knew we had been practicing what Mohammed was trying to sell for the past thousand years, and saw no reason to try a new brand of their own religion. The fact turned out to be a sword that spoke for the Arabs, and death was upon our ancestors. They would not just turn away and try to sell their product to their own and other people, but killed whole tribes of Jews in Arabia which continued till the time of anti-Semitism in Europe took hold, and then it became a safe reserve for Jews. Go figure! Jews were then 2nd class citizens but kept their lives-at least most of the time.
The Balfour Declaration was signed on November 2, 1917. It was a letter from the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, to Lord Walter Rothschild, a leader of the Jewish community. Explanation: The declaration promised to establish a Jewish national home in Palestine, which was then under Ottoman control. The British made this promise to gain Jewish support for their efforts in World War I. The Balfour Declaration is considered one of the most controversial documents in modern Arab history. It's also seen as a key factor in the start of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Arabs feel that the declaration is widely considered to have contributed to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, known as the Nakba, and the conflict that followed with the establishment of Israel. The declaration was written by Balfour, Rothschild, Leo Amery, and Lord Milner. Ethnic cleansing of Jews, they mean. The Arabs attacked the Jews immediately.
Arabs lost.
In 1920, the Arab population of Palestine was approximately 600,000. The majority of the population was Arab, with the majority of those being Muslim.
In 1922, the British Mandate of Palestine conducted its first census, which recorded a population of 757,182. This is ALL of PALESTINE!!
Israeli Paratroopers seeing the Western Wall for first time as Israelis were kept out of Jerusalem until 1967
Hamas terrorists, democratically voted in by the Palestinians thanks to Obama's suggestions, ruled Gaza, land which Israel held in 1967 after the Six Day War, and turned around and gave to the Arabs for a peace initiative. Five minutes later they were shooting at Israelis instead. No peace; No, NO, No. They've been shooting ever since.
Every offer Israel made to Hamas was turned down in favor of them taking ALL of Israel for themselves, wiping out the Jews. That's still their goal in life.
Europe, England, every other place is now blaming Israel for being aggressive and killing off Hamas. All their lives, they have lived in an anti-Semitic environment, so that inclination comes easy. How we have stuck to our guns behooves me, but somehow, we have. We're still Jews; not Christians or Muslims. We are known to be stubborn in that.
What Trump is offering the Arabs, Israel had already done over and over, and the reaction of their neighbors haven't changed either. Instead, the UN has managed to help the population double over and over again. Good luck, Trump. You and the USA are a known power-house in the world. Perhaps, perhaps you will do it. It's your chance to do a HUGE Mitzvah !
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