Friday, February 14, 2025

Who Ever Thought A Two-State Solution Was The Answer For Arabs and Israelis?

 Nadene Goldfoot:                                          

                                                           Richard D. Goldberg

Richard Goldberg was co-host of Jewish Insider‘s Limited Liability Podcast. A Senior Advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Rich previously served on the White House National Security Council and led the Trump administration’s efforts to counter Iranian weapons of mass destruction. A Chicago native, Goldberg previously served as chief of staff to former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner and as a senior adviser to former United States Sen. Mark Kirk. As a devoted Cubs fan and former Navy intelligence officer, Rich enjoys his whiskey neat.

      Jonathan Conricus,   Conricus, only 46 years old, a former officer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF),  knows what he is talking about.  (Hebrewיהונתן קונריקוס; born 1979) In 1997, when he was 18 years old, he was drafted into the IDF, and served in the Givati Brigade. From 1997–2000 he served as an infantry soldier in an elite unit in southern Lebanon. From 2000 to 2005 he served as a company commander in Gaza.    

Jonathan Conricus is a Swedish-Israeli spokesperson and media commentator. He was the international spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces from 2017 to 2021. Conricus is a senior fellow at the think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, based in Washington, DC, in the United States.   The men are FDD people with Cliff May.  The Foundation for Defense of Democracies is a non-profit neoconservative think tank.  

I saw this Cliff May presentation on YouTube this morning and wanted to share it with you along with my extra comments.                  

A two-state solution was first offered to Palestinian leaders as early as 1937. The Peel Commission Plan: In 1936, in response to the Arab Revolt against the British mandatory government and repeated Arab violence against Jews, the British government appointed a commission of inquiry headed by Lord Peel to assess the cause of the Arab riots and the performance of the Mandate government. In July 1937, the Peel Commission recommended for the first time a partition of the land into a Jewish state and an Arab state alongside an international zone, stretching from Jerusalem to Jaffa, that would remain under British mandatory authority.

(The Commission also recommended an exchange of land and population between the two states. The Peel partition plan was rejected by the Arabs, and was widely debated amongst the Jewish leadership (but accepted by them). In 1938, the British declared the plan unimplementable.)

#israel offered two-state solutions again in 1947, 1967, 1978, 2000, 2001, and 2008. Mostly,as I remember, the Labor Politicians were in, offering the sun, moon and stars, more than others could believe. After Labor, Likud came in, more on the defensive side of land following its historic meaning. In 1968, the Israeli Labor Party formed from three earlier left-leaning parties, but was defeated in the 1977 election by Menachem Begin's centre-to-right Revisionist Zionist Likud bloc (then composed of Herut, the Liberals and the smaller La'am Party).Knowing the party in favor shows the mindset of the government/people and their attitude toward a 2 state solution.   

    Prime Minister Netanyahu with friends in Israel                     

Palestinian leaders declined each and every such offer. They have proposed no alternatives. Their grievance, it should by now be clear, is not the absence of a nation-state called #palestine but rather the existence of a nation-state called Israel: the resurrected homeland of the Jewish people, a tiny island in an ocean of Arab and Muslim states.

Yet within the #foreignpolicy establishment in the U.S. and Europe, there has for generations been an unshakeable belief that there must be a two-state solution. President #trump has shaken that belief, changed the debate, and widened what’s known as the Overton Window, the range of policy proposals considered acceptable.

Does anyone think that the Egyptians knowing the Muslim Brotherhood organization was in favor of the 2 state solution? I think not; they didn't allow it in their own country of Egypt.It evidently was a big problem. (The group spread to other Muslim countries but still has one of its largest organizations in Egypt, despite a succession of government crackdowns from 1948 up until the present. It remained a fringe group in the politics of the Arab World until the 1967 Six-Day War, when Islamism managed to replace popular secular Arab nationalism after a resounding Arab defeat by Israel. The movement was also supported by Saudi Arabia, with which it shared mutual enemies like communism.)


All Eyes On GazaEpisode 254 with Jonathan Conricus and Richard Goldberg;  To discuss, host Cliff May is joined by his FDD colleagues Jonathan Conricus and Rich Goldberg.,British%20declared%20the%20plan%20unimplementable.

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