Nadene Goldfoot
The Arch of Titus in Rome showing the Judean slaves forced to carry the loot taken from the Temple verifying this act of history, Titus was the Roman emperor at that time. Romans occupied Jerusalem first.We came from Jerusalem after the Romans burned down the 2nd Temple of of Solomon and then Jerusalem itself in 70 CE/AD. By then the former Empire of Israel had been reduced from the 12 tribes of Israel to Judah which was the land where Jerusalem was. When the Romans had overcome the land, they starved the population into submission or death, and those that lived were taken as slaves. Some were taken into the army of Rome. We had had traders in Rome before hand in Cologne as well so it was not unknown.
By the year 321, the Emperor Constantine of Rome issued regulations which indicated the existence of an organized Jewish community with rabbis and elders living in the city of Cologne, Germany. Constantine cancelled the Jews' membership in this year. Other Jews were living along the Rhineland River at that time as well. They found evidence of Jewish soldiers living in "Germany" in the Roman garrison..
"Prime Minister Ariel Sharon likes to quote a theory developed by his close friend, attorney Dov Weissglas, that had the Jews not been expelled by the Romans and suffered nearly 2,000 years of persecution, there would be between 500-800 million Jews living today." "According to historical estimates, by the years of the 800s, the global Jewish population was likely around 1 million people, with some scholars placing it slightly higher or lower depending on the methodology used."
Rhineland of Germany, Jews Settled Here
"Jews settled along the Rhineland primarily because of its central location in European trade routes, allowing them to flourish as merchants along the Rhine River, with cities like Mainz, Worms, and Speyer becoming major centers of Jewish learning and community life during the Middle Ages; this region also offered relative stability and protection under certain rulers, contributing to the growth of Jewish populations there."
"In the 8th and 9th centuries, there was even a pro-Jewish policy and encouraged the settlement of Jews in the dominions with the object of developing trade, as Jews had lots of previous experience in this, being explorers in their interest of trade. AUGSBURG, METZ, then in 10th century was WORMS, MAINZ, MAGDEBURG, RATISBON, etc were populated with Jews. " The 1st charter for Jewish settlement in Poland was in the year 905. By 1240 the Tartars invaded Poland causing much grief, and so Jews were encouraged to lived there and help the economy.
Shum (acronym for the Hebrew names of the cities ) sites of Speyer, Worms, Mainz, The densest settlement of Jews was in the Rhineland made up of MAINZ, SPEYER, WORMS and COLOGNE-a Jewish city during Roman times.
By the year 1012, persecutions against Jews were taking place. By 1096 the Crusaders were massacring Jews in Germany on their way to the Holy Land to deliver it from the Muslims, but of course the Jews looked the same and were there too, so they were hunted down in Europe as well. This affected Jews all over Europe as Crusaders came from all over. Jews were forced to turn away from trading and into money-lending, the only profession left alone that Jews could be proficient.
Entire communities, like those of Trier, Worms, Mainz and Cologne, were slaughtered. The Hussite Wars became the signal for renewed persecution of Jews. The end of the 15th century was a period of religious hatred that ascribed to Jews all possible evils. With Napoleon's fall in 1815, growing nationalism resulted in increasing repression. From August to October 1819, pogroms that came to be known as the Hep-Hep riots took place throughout Germany. During this time, many German states stripped Jews of their civil rights. As a result, many German Jews began to emigrate. Jews from Germany are the Ashkenazi Jews, the word meaning "Germany, " since Jews who had sought refuge in Spain instead of Germany are the Sephardic Jews.
Eventually other European countries asked Jews to enter their land and help out with their finances and trading, offering them land to live upon. Then they were get the religious word of the Pope, etc, and force them to leave. Jews left Spain in 1492 and moved next door to Portugal, and then the word got out and they were forced to flee from there.
70 CE/AD, burning Temple of Solomon and Jerusalem itselfYou might ask, where did the Judeans/Jews come from who were in Jerusalem when the Romans burned down the 2nd Temple and the city?
Long long ago in the 2nd millennium BCE (c. 1948 BCE) A man from Mesopotamia (land between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers) named Abram/changing to Abraham, was living in the city of Ur of the Chaldees (tribe) with his wife, Sarai/Sarah who was also his niece, his father, Terah and many others of his tribe. Now, this was 3,973 years ago.-almost 4,000 years ago. [Long ago] also is 405 years ago when the Pilgrims landed the Mayflower in what became later, Massachusetts. 405 years is about the time the Israelites were in Egypt and held as slaves.According to historical records, 4,000 years ago, the land in the Middle East was primarily inhabited by the ancient civilizations of Sumer and Akkad in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), considered the "cradle of civilization" where some of the earliest human settlements developed; this period also coincides with the biblical stories of Abraham and the early Israelites in the region known as Canaan, which is now part of Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
Moses telling the Pharaoh he's freeing the Israelites (Jews)We know about Abram because of Moses, a descendent of his who had become a Prince Egypt (1391-1271 BCE) in about 3,416 years ago, had at at the age of 80, freed his Jewish people who had become slaves of Egypt, back to their original homeland of Canaan. This EXODUS of 600,000 people walking and riding wagons and mules, etc, must have frightened those living between them, and sometimes fighting occurred against them, but they got there.
Hagar and son Ishmael passing by Abraham's tentAbraham is who we can trace our genealogy back to, our patriarch, father of the Jewish people, and of the Muslims as well, for his first sons were Isaac-son of Sarah, and then her handmaid, Hagar, gave him Ishmael. Ishmael was born first, and seemed to be very jealous of Isaac. They didn't get along being there was the age gap and the attention Abram gave to each. Eventually, Hagar left the home of Abram and took Ishmael back to her own homeland, presuming it was Egypt or another close by group. This DISTANCE between siblings explains their condition today. Some have gotten together in the Abraham Accords-with Trumps "guidance." Of course G-d is a major part of our story, knowing and guiding the people with Isaac's descendants following the understanding of One G-d from the beginning to Ishmael's line of Islam with Mohammad of the years of (570-620).
Update: 2:55pm on 2/16/25 of Spain's Jews leaving in 1492, not 1942 😈😓
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
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