Sunday, October 22, 2023

Terrorism and Their Leaders Against the Birth of Israel,

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

First terrorist leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini consulting with Hitler 

I've mentioned before the terrorist leader of the 20s, the Grand Mufti-Haj Amin al-Husseini who went to Hitler for help in doing away with Jews entering Palestine at the end of WWI. He had control of the few Palestinian Arabs and incited them to attack Jewish communities.  He was afraid of losing his position as the Sharif of Jerusalem; a leading position unlike that of sheriffs of the wild west of USA.   The term sharif is Arabic for "noble", "highborn", and is used to describe the descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's grandson al-Hassan ibn Ali.Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib was a prominent early Islamic figure. He was the eldest son of Ali and Fatima and a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He briefly ruled as caliph from January 661 until August 661. Born: March 4, 625 AD, Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia.

Another was Yasser Arafat; b: 1929, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) born in Cairo.  In 1959 he organized the terrorist Fatah organization, and Hamas is an outgrowth of that made up of fighters.  The PLO went worldwide after 1967. Hamas is the fighting end of PLO, Palestinian Arabs are not new to terrorism.   

Hezbollah (Party of God) was founded in 1982 by Iranian Revolutionary guards.  Sheik Muhamed Husssein Fadlallah, Genereal secretary Sheik Abbas al-Mussaaawi in 1991-1992, and Sh3eik Hassan Nasrallah from 1992 to present, all happening in Southern Lebanon but established by Iran.

The goals of these and other terrorists are to establish an Islamic state across the Arab world and eliminate Israel and fight "western imperialism."  This is why the creation of a Muslim Palestine out of the 10% of land left for the Jews to be the "Jewish Homeland" as promised by Britain originally to remain as Israel does not show very good understanding of the Middle East situation going on presently. 

Arab Palestinians have been used by these sadistic leaders as pawns in a chess game.  Highly uneducated compared to their miseducated leadership.  They have been gullible in following the orders of a people not caring if they live or die.  They have become "brainwashed."   

The leadership have hidden arms and ammunition to use against Jews within mosques, schools, homes, where  the population congregate in order to protect themselves, figuring Israel would not wise up and hit these places.  Anytime Israel found itself forced to enter Gaza, they always gave warning to people to leave the premises for safety's sake. 

The leaders of Palestinians went to Khartoum, Africa for a meeting in 1967 after they lost the war against Israel and decided on NO NO NO, the 3 famous Nos about making peace.  Israel cannot have peace with a country contemplating constant attacks against them, so the creation of an Arab Palestine has not taken place.  The USA and other countries calling for a 2 state solution are not helping to bring about peace, either; but only the extinction of Israel.  They cannot even prove otherwise.

The idea was first a glimmer of hope when Israel was first considered in a Jewish reporter's mind, Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism. Herzl was not the first to conceive of a Jewish state. 

Orthodox Jews had traditionally invoked the return to Zion in their daily prayers. 

In 1799 Napoleon had thought of establishing a Jewish state in the ancient lands of Israel. 

The English statesman Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, had written a Zionist novelTancred.

Moses Hess, a friend and coworker of Karl Marx, had published an important book, Rom und Jerusalem (1862), in which he declared the restoration of a Jewish state a necessity both for the Jews and for the rest of humanity. Among the Jews of Russia and eastern Europe, a number of groups were engaged in trying to settle emigrants in agricultural colonies in Palestine

After the Russian pogroms of 1881, Leo Pinsker had written a pamphlet, “Auto-Emanzipation,” an appeal to western European Jews to assist in the establishment of colonies in Palestine.                        

When Herzl read it some years later, he commented in his diary that, if he had known of it, he might never have written The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat,).  He stated :  After centuries of various restrictions, hostilities and frequent pogroms, the Jews of Europe have been reduced to living in ghettos. The higher class is forced to deal with angry mobs and so experiences a great deal of discomfort; the lower class lives in despair. Middle-class professionals are distrusted, and the statement "don't buy from Jews" causes much anxiety among Jewish people. It is reasonable to assume that the Jews will not be left in peace. Neither a change in the feelings of non-Jews nor a movement to merge into the surrounds of Europe offers much hope to the Jewish people:

"The Jewish question persists wherever Jews live in appreciable numbers. Wherever it does not exist, it is brought in together with Jewish immigrants. We are naturally drawn into those places where we are not persecuted, and our appearance there gives rise to persecution. This is the case, and will inevitably be so, everywhere, even in highly civilised countries—see, for instance, France—so long as the Jewish question is not solved on the political level."

Herzl proposed two possible regions for settlement – Argentina and Palestine (Africa was also suggested) – but recognized in Der Judenstaat, Herzl's book,  that colonization in either would be difficult: "In both countries important experiments in colonization have been made, though on the mistaken principle of a gradual infiltration of Jews. An infiltration is bound to end badly. It continues till the inevitable moment when the native population feels itself threatened, and forces the government to stop a further influx of Jews. Immigration is consequently futile unless we have the sovereign right to continue such immigration." The only country touching Jews was Palestine, their ancient Homeland, the 

only one to be considered.  Herzl was a non-practicing Jew, as it happens,

not even being that familiar with his own ancestral history, but feeling Jews

deserved to be left in peace.  

For that reason, Herzl of Hungary, both in Der Judenstaat and in his political activity on behalf of Zionism, concentrated his efforts on securing official legal sanction from, as he put it, "the present masters of the land, putting itself under the protectorate of the European Powers, if they prove friendly to the plan." Attempts to negotiate with the Ottoman authorities failed, but with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I and the subsequent creation of Mandatory Palestine under the control of Britain, the Zionists gained success: Britain issued the Balfour Declaration that supported the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.

As pointed out by Michael Stein, Herzl accurately predicted what would actually happen next: the influx of Jews into Mandatory Palestine in the 1930s did make the native Arab population feel threatened, leading to the 1936–1939 Arab revolt by Husseini – which forced the British Government to announce in the White Paper of 1939 a stop to the further influx of Jews.  

We have a history as wild since then as it was in the biblical days.  

To live and not become extinct has been the challenge all along. We carry

the message from G-d himself with our existence but no one wants it to 

let us continue to live, it seems.  Our intelligence comes from just such a challenge.

Survival is always in our minds at all levels. This latest horrid attack caught the 

government off guard;  and Never Again will that happen.   





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