Thursday, October 26, 2023

Turning Against Israel Once More; President Erdogan of Turkey Follows the Ottoman Empire's Same Mistake

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

The Roman Empire had been first. The Roman emperor was the ruler and monarchical head of state of the Roman Empire, starting with the granting of the title augustus to Octavian in 27 BCE. The Byzantines had conquered them.  

        Erdogen has done it again.  On October 25, 2023, he called Israel a "war criminal" at a Pro Palestinian rally. He's chosen his side.                                                                             

The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmed II.  Byzantine Empire started in 4th century.  Justinian (most anti-Semitic)  (527-565) wrote elaborate anti-Jewish laws in his Code like not being allowed to serve in civil or military posts, to own Christian slaves, to give evidence against Christians or to celebrate Passover at the same time as Easter.  In Africa, he outlawed synagogues and forcibly converted the Jews of Borion;  issued a decree in 553 interfering with the synagogue service itself.  Heraclius in 614 issued an edict ordering the conversion of the Jews.  Judaism was thus forbidden by successive emperors such as Leo in 723, Basil I in 873-874, Romanus Lucapenus in 932-936, etc.  Jews hadn't left when the Turks conquered it in 1453.                                                                             

At first these Turks were wonderful. They offered religious freedom to Jews along with Holland.   After 1492 and the Spanish Inquisition, the sultans opened the gates to the refugees from Spain, and later from Portugal and other lands, and the Turkish Jewish community became very important.  The Jews were recognized for their trading and artisan skills and were also a counterpoise to the disloyal Christian minorities.  

The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic polity (followed Islam)  that originated in early-fourteenth-century Anatolia. Islam had been established in Anatolia before the emergence of the empire, but between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries the religion spread with Ottoman conquest to the Balkan Peninsula and central Hungary.

The Ottoman Empire with origin from Turkey  was one of the world's largest empires, lasting from  the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Turkoman tribal leader Osman I to the end of WWI in 1918.  Turkey lost their empire by being on the axis side of the war, the losing side.  The Ottoman-German alliance promised to isolate Russia. In exchange for money and future control over Russian territory, the Ottoman government abandoned a neutral position and sided with Germany.  They teamed up with the wrong side.  

Palestine was part of the Turkish Empire from 1517.  The Sultans applied the Moslem code against the Jews but not strictly.  Joseph Nasi (1520-1579) , nephew,  traveled with his aunt, Gracia Mendes (the angel) (1510-1569) , of a family of Marranos,  in her adventures, joining her in Constantinople. Joseph became adviser to the sultan.   and Solomon Ashkenazi (1520-1602) Turkish physician and diplomat who settled in Turkey in 1564, Jewish leaders,  were able to have influence in the state.  

The Jews of Turkey spoke their own mixture of Spanish and Hebrew, called Ladino, written in Hebrew characters.  The Ottoman Empire had entered a long period of decline by the late 1600s which showed up in the health and quality of Jewish life which never regained the economic and political heights it had enjoyed in the 16th century. At a time Jews were oppressed throughout the rest of the world, the Jews of the Ottoman Empire felt the kindness of the people and were able to accomplish their goals.  

Since WWII's end, 37,000 Jews emigrated to Israel after 1948 when Israel became a state.  There were 20,000 Jews left in the country by 1990 of which 18,000 lived in Istanbul (Constantinople) and 1,500 in Izmir and other smaller communities.  Jews were known to have lived in Turkey since 1326 when they built a synagogue in Brusa, the old capitol.  

A small population of Jews had remained in Palestine after 70 CE when Jerusalem was destroyed along with the Temple.  In the 1880s, groups of Jews, called Aliyote, returned from eastern Europe escaping the anti-Semitism of government inspired pogroms against them; ignoring the warnings of Jews ever returning by the Romans who laid down laws within the Catholic Church by the Popes pertaining to Jews since their decisions made in the 300s.  

Recep Tayyip Erdogan b: February 26, 1954 , president of Turkey since 2014.  

Erdogen is now President of Turkey and has changed his tune about the terrorists who rule Gaza, Hamas.  From agreeing that the Palestinians were violent and gross to saying they are just fighters defending their land.  He was defending Hamas.  In a speech in Parliament, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey accused Israel of committing “massacres” in Gaza and said Hamas was fighting for “liberation.I ask, what land is their land?  Israelis left Gaza  for the Palestinians to occupy.  They left everything, even their own businesses for them, which they in turn destroyed.  No doubt Hamas is in Turkey as well.  Too bad, since Turkey belongs to NATO.  The tentacles of Iran have reached Turkey.                                       

Erdogen's feelings for Jews seem to run hot and cold.  Erdoğan visited Israel on 1 May 2005, a gesture unusual for a leader of a Muslim majority country. During his trip, Erdoğan visited the Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. The President of Israel Shimon Peres addressed the Turkish parliament during a visit in 2007, the first time an Israeli leader had addressed the legislature of a predominantly Muslim nation.

    Erdoğan walks out of the session at the World Economic Forum in 2009, vows never to return.

Four years later:  Their relationship worsened at the 2009 World Economic Forum conference over Israel's actions during the Gaza War. Erdoğan was interrupted by the moderator while he was responding to Peres. Erdoğan stated: "Mister Peres, you are older than I am. Maybe you are feeling guilty and that is why you are raising your voice. When it comes to killing you know it too well. I remember how you killed the children on beaches..." Upon the moderator's reminder that they needed to adjourn for dinner, Erdoğan left the panel, accusing the moderator of giving Peres more time than all the other panelists combined.

   Possibly Erdogen gets his information from the Palestinian side only...not checking into facts from other places as to why Israel had to fight to protect themselves.  .  

Israelis had prayed and waited for over 2,000 years for their chance to return to their land and got it because the Ottoman Empire gambled it away in WWI.  They backed Germany and lost Palestine in the process.  Israel has been legally created through the League of Nations and also the United Nations.  .  

 Hamas terrorists were  voted in when President Obama advised that they should vote for their leader, something they had not done before.  According to their voting-Hamas won.  "In 2006, the Palestinian political entity operating in the West Bank and Gaza staged elections. Little did observers know that it would be the last vote allowed by the Palestinian Authority, led then, as it is now, by President Mahmoud Abbas".

"The election yielded a shock victory for Hamas, which won the most seats with some 44 percent of the vote. Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, which advocates for rapprochement and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, recently observed that in no single district in Gaza did Hamas win a majority of votes. At present, children make up roughly half of Gaza’s population, meaning only a fraction of the territory’s current population ever cast a ballot for Hamas. " The voting happened 17 years ago.  

Israel was not trying to take Gaza from them, but ever since they have lived there, they have been shooting rockets, mortars and missiles at Israel.  In fact, the sad thing is that the Israelis were just used to it; accepting being shot at like one accepts weather, which shouldn't be the case with any people in any country.  It's horrible!!!

  Qassam rockets that hit Sderot in previous times 

People living in Sderot were some accepting their fate like that, and so was the hospital nearby in Ashkelon.  They had to move into their basement to help patients.  

Since 2001, Palestinian militants have launched tens of thousands of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip as part of the continuing Arab–Israeli conflict. The attacks, widely condemned for targeting civilians, have been described as terrorism by the United Nations, the European Union, and Israeli officials, and are defined as war crimes by human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The international community considers indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets to be illegal under international law. 

Palestinian militants say rocket attacks are a response to Israel's block of Gaza, but the Palestinian Authority (PA) has condemned them and says rocket attacks undermine peace. There have been 2 factions; the PA and Hamas.  They cannot agree to anything each vying for leadership.  Hamas has taken the path of terrorism. 


edited title, 10/21/23,position%20and%20sided%20with%20Germany.

Islam in the Ottoman Empire |

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