Nadene Goldfoot
States surrounding Israel, created by King David (1000-960 BCE) David's ancestors were Jesse- his father, grandfather Oved, ggrandfather Boaz with ggrandmother Ruth, Judah and Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.
David fighting the Ammonites...always the fighter; no wonder he needed rest and recreation with Bathsheba.David had to fight the Philistines along the coast, Israel's worst enemy who came from Asia Minor and Greek localities. The 1st group had settled South of Beersheba in Gerar and fought against Abraham and Isaac, starting the rumble way before David's days. They were a fighting people by nature, dominating parts of Judah before the days of Kings, during the Judges.
David overran Philistia. When Solomon died, Philistines became independent but not a danger to Israel. They were then overrun by people from Mediterranean islands.
From the time of Herodotus, Greeks called the land of Judah, Palaestina, and then under Hadrian, the Romans gave the name officially to the former land of Judah. It was because they were furious that Aluf (General) Bar Kokhba had regained Jerusalem and held it with his army for 3 years. The name was the punishment they gave the Jews for rebelling. It was a name of Judah, land of the Jews; now a Roman name. They did nothing with the land. It did not become a State. The Philistines had been long gone. Bar Kokhba was killed in battle. His men were wiped out. The Romans were red-faced that they were so weak that the Jews held Jerusalem for 3 whole years, even though the Romans had far better war weapons.
Edom (Idumea) in SE Israel-Mount Sleir is mountainous and was fertile land, Semites lived here, descended from Esau-son of Isaac and twin of Jacob and were hunters of the hunter-gatherer era. Moab was in South Transjordan. The Moabites were kin to the Israelites, descended like the ammonites from Lot. Even their language was like biblical Hebrew. They originally were divided into small tribes; said they captured the land from the Rephaim (giants). During the Exodus, their land came under the rule of the Amorite king Sihon, later occupied between Israel, Moab and Ammon,
Abraham's battle of Siddim when he rescues Lot: The Battle of the Vale of Siddim, also often called the War of Nine Kings or the Slaughter of Chedorlaomer, is an event in the Hebrew Bible book of Genesis ...
Abraham (b: 1948 BCE) went into Canaan and had to fight to save his nephew Lot who was his father Terah's brother's son. He fought a battle to rescue his nephew, Lot from the kidnapping by King Chedorlaomer of Elam, King Amraphel of Shinar and their allies. Shinar was thought to be Sumer, now think it was Shanhar mentioned only in cuneiform documents either in N. Mesopotamia (Iraq) or the Plain of Babylon. Other rulers of Shinar were Nimrod and Amraphel. Exiles from Judah were banished there after the destruction of the 1st Temple. In those days, every little town had their own king. Sometimes they fought each other and sometimes they cooperated with each other against a mutual enemy.
Elam was not even mentioned on the map of the neighbors of Israel, its existence going so far back to Abraham. It was an ancient "state" or town, east of Babylonia, now the modern Khuzistan. It includes today's Susa (the ancient city of Shushan in the BOOK OF ESTHER.
The Elamites were non-Semitic people, like several others and were mentioned as being the "children of Shem." That goes back to the period of the well-known FLOOD, where Noah had 3 sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth. Shem was the father of Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, and Aram. Arpachshad was father of Eber and ancestor of Abraham. Abraham is the father of the Jewish people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and also Ishmael and his descendants, Semites.
King Chedorlaomer of Elam and his 3 other neighbor kings attacked the kings of Southern Canaan in the Dead Sea area. Abraham was on the Canaan side and defeated these 4 attack units, a battle during Abraham's life ( b:1948 BCE). The Elamites grew in size, nevertheless by 704 BCE with the siege of Jerusalem, less talked about by Sennacherib. Ashurbanipal transferred part of the population of Elam to Samaria after 639 BCE. Jews may have lived in Elam from the period of the Babylonian Exile. Under Persian (Iran) rule, they still had a large population and were still of importance several centuries later. They were significant in and after the Gaonic Period.
Before 1948 CE, all people called themselves Palestinians; both the Arabs and the Jews because of the Roman naming. Ask and Arab where he was and he might say, a Syrian Palestinian.
Joan Peters actually wrote a paper on the Palestinians and who they were-without doing DNA which was non-existent then. It was her published book, FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL-THE ORIGINS OF THE ARAB-JEWISH CONFLICT OVER PALESTINE. She had been sympathy with the Arabs until she did her research, which was in more detail than any PhD scholar so far like Chomsky and Finkelstein who have attacked her work. However, our President respected her findings. She shows how the people, the Palestinian Arabs, were exploited by other Palestinians turned terrorists.
Since then, we have DNA. A study found that the Palestinians, like Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis and Kurds have what appears to be Female-Mediated gene flow in the form of Maternal DNA Haplogroups from Sub-Saharan Africa. 15% of the 117 Palestinian individuals tested carried maternal haplogroups that originated in Sub-Saharan Africa.
By using neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses, they reveal that Palestinians are genetically very close to Jews and other Middle East populations, including Turks (Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians, and Iranians. Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences. The relatively close relatedness of both Jews and Palestinians to western Mediterranean populations reflects the continuous circum-Mediterranean cultural and gene flow that have occurred in prehistoric and historic times. This flow overtly contradicts the demic diffusion model of western Mediterranean populations substitution by agriculturalists coming from the Middle East in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. So our DNA match goes back to the days of Canaan and Abraham, almost 4,000 years ago at least.
There never has been a state or country of Palestine. Today's Palestinians are Arabs, squatters and people who were after a job and found it with the Jews. Most all had sold their land to Jews and had left for better places like Paris. They had been struggling as farmers who couldn't even pay their high taxes to the Ottoman Empire rulers.
The Ottoman Empire, who had actually been pretty good to the Jewish people, had sided with Germany in WWI and had lost their empire. It was divided up by the Allies of WWI. The Brits had made promises to both the Arabs and the Jews. The Arabs-ill advised descendants- still state that they intend to have all the land, no sharing.
Arabs have been rioting against Jews since 1920. 415 Jews were killed between 1936-1939. 5,000 Arabs sacrificed their lives to kill them.
Jews lost 6 million in the Holocaust, and needed land to receive them but the world refused them. We're down to a population of 6 million Jews in Israel today, a country created in the 1920s for the Jews. Arabs live in 48 Muslim Majority countries. Yet, Palestinian Arabs have been confined in their country in refugee camps, like in Jordan and all the other states; Syria, Iraq, etc, Here they are pickled and brewed to react violently--against the Jews.
During Israel's War of Independence, of 1948, 6,373 Jews were killed. 10,000 Arabs died trying to kill Jews.
Again, there never has been a State of Palestine, only the name of the former Judah-changed by Romans to Judaea, then Palaestine. There never was an empire of Palestine, either. There never was a fight over the land between Palestinians and Jews until modern history with WWI (1914-1918) The Palestinian Arabs were offered land and refused it, wanting all.
The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence is a series of letters that were exchanged during World War I in which the Government of the United Kingdom agreed to recognize Arab independence in a large region after the war in exchange for the Sharif of Mecca launching the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. There was Emir Feisal, also known as Hussein Ibn Feisal (1885-1933) King of Iraq from 1921; eldest son of Hussein, sherif of Mecca . Feisal led the Arab "rising" against Turkey from 1916 to 1918 and was designated King of Syria. There was also, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Sherif of Jerusalem who had conferred with Hitler and had started all the riots against the Jews.
The British Balfour Declaration was widely criticized throughout the Arab world, and especially in Palestine, as contrary to the spirit of British pledges contained in the Husayn-McMahon correspondence. Arab spokesmen, such as Husayn and his sons, opposed the 30 year Mandate's terms because the Covenant of the League of Nations had endorsed popular determination and thereby, they maintained, supported the cause of the Arab majority in Palestine. Further, the covenant specifically declared that all other obligations and understandings inconsistent with it were abrogated. Therefore, Arab argument held that both the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement were null and void. Arab leaders particularly objected to the Mandate's numerous references to the "Jewish community," whereas the Arab people, then constituting about 88 percent of the Palestinian population, were acknowledged only as "the other sections.". And there lies the problem, originally.
Book: From Time Immemorial, by Joan Peters
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