Nadene Goldfoot
And I thought Hillary said that Tim Kaine, her selection for Vice President, was without blemish. For her interests, that's probably true, but not for my interest that is dear to my heart: Israel's existence.
Act for America has just disclosed that Virginia's Senator, Tim Kaine, has a HISTORY of embracing Islamists. He's not much different than Hillary. No wonder she picked him.
What has he done to prove this?
1. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission.
2. He spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect.
3. He has received donations from well-known questionable Islamist groups, and people don't put money into Senators without expecting something in return.
Here are the facts:
1. In 2007, Kaine was the Governor of Virginia. He chose the Muslim American Society (MAS) President, Esam Orneish, to the state's Immigration Commission. A Muslim organization against Islamism criticized the appointment and reckless lack of vetting.
It depends on who does the vetting and what they are considering that concludes the process. If I were vetting, I would have spotted these facts that Act for America did. The good doctor had to hand in his resignation from the Virginia Commission on Immigration due to a jihad controversy. Orneish was the former President of the Muslim American Society and the 2009 State Assemblyman's primary election candidate in the 35th District of the Virginia House of Delegates. When he was president of MAS in 2005, he was at a news conference and announced an anti-terrorism campaign that was being launched by a coalition of US-based Muslim groups. That sounded good.
He's a former Vice President and current board member of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church and has consistently worked against extremist elements within Muslim community. He has said that the mainstream Islamic community needs to protect itself from extremist ideology and violent action. 2000 Esam was among those who recommended the hiring of Anwar al-Awlaki as the mosque's imam. This American-born cleric was espousing moderate Muslim view and seemed to be able to bridge the American and Muslim cultures.
Anwar al Awalaki has since turned out to be a dangerous man. He was an American and Yemeni imam and an Islamic lecturer. U.S. government officials allege that he was a senior recruiter and motivator who was involved in planning terrorist operations for the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda, and he became the first United States citizen to be targeted and killed in a United States drone strike. Did our good doctor do a good job of vetting? At the least, he was very naive about some Muslims and their goals in life.. I contend that Hillary has been, also.
Dr. Esam Orneish wrote that the reason his group, MAS, drew inspiration from the Muslim Brotherhood was "in order to espouse the values of human dialogue, tolerance, and moderation. " I know that this is a bunch of poppycock. I've read their goals in life and it is to destroy Israel and kill Jews. The Muslim Brotherhood is bad news. Even Egypt's General Sisi saw that and led the ousting of the newly "elected" Morsi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Orneish was kidding himself and others.
On August 12, 2006, Dr. Omeish was filmed at a rally in Washington near the White House and he was denouncing Israel's invasion of Lebanon that year and the "Israeli war machine." Never mind that Israel been attacked by the Gazan Arabs constantly and wouldn't stop, causing this. He accused Israel of genocide and massacres against Palestinians, and said the "Israeli agenda" controlled Congress." I notice the Arabs who attack Israel use events that have happened to Jews, such as "genocide. " Israel put their own soldiers in harm's way in trying to prevent deaths of Palestinians with all sorts of warnings. Orneish saw no problem in killing Jews, only complained when his people got it back. He should have learned the Golden Rule of not doing to others what you don't want done to you.
This didn't phase Kaine, however. He most likely agreed with Orneish because, of what he did next. In 2007, Dr. Orneish received the "Outstanding Physician of the Year" award. That year Tim Kaine appointed him to the commission on immigration that had to evaluate issues related to illegal immigration.
Now Dr. Orneish started criticizing Israel again in several videos and show the USA government encouraging Jihad. In one video, Orneish said to Washington-area Muslims; "You have learned the way, that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land." In another, he praised Palestinians for giving up their lives for Allah. In a 3rd video, he addressed a crowd, and said, "We must prosecute those who are responsible for this war. Impeach Bush today! Let us cleanse our State Department, our Congress, our Pentagon of those who have driven America into this colossal mistake."
Kaine therefore asked for Omeish's resignation from the commission on September 27, 2007, and he did. when Kaine did this, he also said, "Omeish is a respected physician and community leader, yet I have been made aware of certain statements he has made which concern me." Then Kaine concluded, saying that background checks of commission nominees would be more thorough in the future.
That wasn't the end of Omeish, though. He had the chutspah to run for State Assemblyman in the Democratic Party primary election in 2009 in Virginia and raised $143,7334 for his campaigning which included $52,000 of his own money. His 3rd highest contributor was the International Institute of Islamic Thought. " A source told the FBI that IIIT leaders speak of a six-stage plan to 'institute the Islamic Revolution in the United States.' The leaders 'indicated that in this phase their organization needs to peacefully get inside the United States government and also American universities.'" Take a good look. American Universities have turned on the whole completely against Israel these days. He came in 3rd. Whew!
Being available now still in June 2009, Hillary Clinton invited him to join about 150 others to a conference billed as a forum where they would discuss how to bridge the divide between the USA and the Muslim community. Of course Orneish supported Obama and was encouraging other Muslims to get more involved in politics. He wanted LIbya to be more like Malaysia or Indonesia . He told his listeners that to achieve a unified Libya that was still divided by regional identities of Cyrenacians, Misuratans and Tripolitanians, they had to rein in the armed groups before violence destroyed the nation of Libya.
Hillary Clinton AND Tim Kaine have a lot in common, and that is their view of the world. Their ties to Arab Muslims are people who do not share the same viewpoints, or do they. That's something to ponder about.
Finally in 2008, federal prosecutors filed in court accusing MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America! Confirming this was an investigation by the Chicago Tribune done in 2004. They agreed that MAS use of deceptive semantics appeared to be moderate. Abdurrahman Alamoudi, a Muslim Brotherhood member who has been found to be a convicted terrorist, testified in 2012, and he said, "Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood." Evidently everyone except Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine!
Dr. Omeish had a website being he was president of the National Muslim Students Association. He served for 2 years on the national board of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) which the Justice Department called a US Muslim Brotherhood entity. They were the unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-financing trial. His website said that he was the vice President of Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center. This is found to be a radical mosque and is known for its history of terror ties including having future Al-Qaeda operative, Anwar al-Awlaki as its imam.
This website was frequented by 2 of the 9/11 hijackers and Nidal Hasan, the man who perpetrated the Fort Hood shooting. "Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim, is an American Psychiatrist convicted of fatally shooting 13 people and injuring more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009. Hasan was a doctor who needed psychiatric help himself; the type that can undo brainwashing, perhaps. We're beginning to see this more and more. Dr. Omeish remains a board member of this group. He was also a member of the board of Islamic American University. This school had a Hamas financier and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader and a man I have written about many times, Yousef al-Qaradawi, who was chairman of its board until at least 2006.
This certainly makes me nervous. Qaradawi, from Egypt, was kicked out and found sanctuary in Qatar with its leader where he held weekly TV programs against Israel and Jews. He said he would like to kill Jews with his bare hands, and probably would if he could catch one of us. He's old now and in a wheelchair, but that hasn't softened his attitude one bit. He's an evil man.
Ornish somewhere along the way was convinced of following the severe form of Islam. Fooling people is not uncommon. Russian spies in the USA used the same methods, seeing to be ordinary Americans. Our President and Vice President have to be people aware of things like this. Hillary also has this type of history, being fond of Arafat, the people of Qatar and such. Her right hand woman when Secretary of State, Huma Abedin, is said to have parents also connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Her cover was in marrying the nuttiest Jewish guy that Hillary had introduced her to. Both HIllary and Obama will not use certain words describing Muslim extreme terrorism.
Being Jewish and having seen our history of being treated badly, even in the USA, I'm also sensitive to doing the same thing to Muslims, or the Japanese of the 2nd WW. However, it isn't
Christians who have been attacking Israel constantly 5 minutes after declaring themselves a state. It is a religous war as much as any war. It's that Israelis are Jews and these violent Muslims have been brainwashed by Nazi elements to hate Jews. One favorite book in the Arab world is Mein Kampf.
So are we going to have 4 more years of the same old, same old with Hillary and Tim? Obama has set the tone. They will follow suit and do more to embrace it.
Reference: ACT for America Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties, Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project
And I thought Hillary said that Tim Kaine, her selection for Vice President, was without blemish. For her interests, that's probably true, but not for my interest that is dear to my heart: Israel's existence.
Act for America has just disclosed that Virginia's Senator, Tim Kaine, has a HISTORY of embracing Islamists. He's not much different than Hillary. No wonder she picked him.
What has he done to prove this?
1. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission.
2. He spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect.
3. He has received donations from well-known questionable Islamist groups, and people don't put money into Senators without expecting something in return.
Here are the facts:
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Dr. Esam Orneish, a surgeon, born in Libya on December 19, 1967 , immigrated at 15. His hometown is in Falls Church, Virginia. |
It depends on who does the vetting and what they are considering that concludes the process. If I were vetting, I would have spotted these facts that Act for America did. The good doctor had to hand in his resignation from the Virginia Commission on Immigration due to a jihad controversy. Orneish was the former President of the Muslim American Society and the 2009 State Assemblyman's primary election candidate in the 35th District of the Virginia House of Delegates. When he was president of MAS in 2005, he was at a news conference and announced an anti-terrorism campaign that was being launched by a coalition of US-based Muslim groups. That sounded good.
He's a former Vice President and current board member of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church and has consistently worked against extremist elements within Muslim community. He has said that the mainstream Islamic community needs to protect itself from extremist ideology and violent action. 2000 Esam was among those who recommended the hiring of Anwar al-Awlaki as the mosque's imam. This American-born cleric was espousing moderate Muslim view and seemed to be able to bridge the American and Muslim cultures.
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Anwar al Awalaki, PhD b: 1971 Las Cruces, New Mexico, d: 2011 in Yemen, Salafist Imam. |
Dr. Esam Orneish wrote that the reason his group, MAS, drew inspiration from the Muslim Brotherhood was "in order to espouse the values of human dialogue, tolerance, and moderation. " I know that this is a bunch of poppycock. I've read their goals in life and it is to destroy Israel and kill Jews. The Muslim Brotherhood is bad news. Even Egypt's General Sisi saw that and led the ousting of the newly "elected" Morsi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Orneish was kidding himself and others.
Sderot, Israel, town closest to Gaza which has received constant hits of rockets by Hamas Gazans. |
On August 12, 2006, Dr. Omeish was filmed at a rally in Washington near the White House and he was denouncing Israel's invasion of Lebanon that year and the "Israeli war machine." Never mind that Israel been attacked by the Gazan Arabs constantly and wouldn't stop, causing this. He accused Israel of genocide and massacres against Palestinians, and said the "Israeli agenda" controlled Congress." I notice the Arabs who attack Israel use events that have happened to Jews, such as "genocide. " Israel put their own soldiers in harm's way in trying to prevent deaths of Palestinians with all sorts of warnings. Orneish saw no problem in killing Jews, only complained when his people got it back. He should have learned the Golden Rule of not doing to others what you don't want done to you.
This didn't phase Kaine, however. He most likely agreed with Orneish because, of what he did next. In 2007, Dr. Orneish received the "Outstanding Physician of the Year" award. That year Tim Kaine appointed him to the commission on immigration that had to evaluate issues related to illegal immigration.
Now Dr. Orneish started criticizing Israel again in several videos and show the USA government encouraging Jihad. In one video, Orneish said to Washington-area Muslims; "You have learned the way, that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land." In another, he praised Palestinians for giving up their lives for Allah. In a 3rd video, he addressed a crowd, and said, "We must prosecute those who are responsible for this war. Impeach Bush today! Let us cleanse our State Department, our Congress, our Pentagon of those who have driven America into this colossal mistake."
Kaine therefore asked for Omeish's resignation from the commission on September 27, 2007, and he did. when Kaine did this, he also said, "Omeish is a respected physician and community leader, yet I have been made aware of certain statements he has made which concern me." Then Kaine concluded, saying that background checks of commission nominees would be more thorough in the future.
That wasn't the end of Omeish, though. He had the chutspah to run for State Assemblyman in the Democratic Party primary election in 2009 in Virginia and raised $143,7334 for his campaigning which included $52,000 of his own money. His 3rd highest contributor was the International Institute of Islamic Thought. " A source told the FBI that IIIT leaders speak of a six-stage plan to 'institute the Islamic Revolution in the United States.' The leaders 'indicated that in this phase their organization needs to peacefully get inside the United States government and also American universities.'" Take a good look. American Universities have turned on the whole completely against Israel these days. He came in 3rd. Whew!
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Obama was all for Morsi, head of Muslim Brotherhood |
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In Arafat's early days, Hillary was very fond of him. It was an admiration that lasted. |
Being available now still in June 2009, Hillary Clinton invited him to join about 150 others to a conference billed as a forum where they would discuss how to bridge the divide between the USA and the Muslim community. Of course Orneish supported Obama and was encouraging other Muslims to get more involved in politics. He wanted LIbya to be more like Malaysia or Indonesia . He told his listeners that to achieve a unified Libya that was still divided by regional identities of Cyrenacians, Misuratans and Tripolitanians, they had to rein in the armed groups before violence destroyed the nation of Libya.
Hillary Clinton AND Tim Kaine have a lot in common, and that is their view of the world. Their ties to Arab Muslims are people who do not share the same viewpoints, or do they. That's something to ponder about.
Finally in 2008, federal prosecutors filed in court accusing MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America! Confirming this was an investigation by the Chicago Tribune done in 2004. They agreed that MAS use of deceptive semantics appeared to be moderate. Abdurrahman Alamoudi, a Muslim Brotherhood member who has been found to be a convicted terrorist, testified in 2012, and he said, "Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood." Evidently everyone except Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine!
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Hamas Terrorist |
Dr. Omeish had a website being he was president of the National Muslim Students Association. He served for 2 years on the national board of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) which the Justice Department called a US Muslim Brotherhood entity. They were the unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-financing trial. His website said that he was the vice President of Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center. This is found to be a radical mosque and is known for its history of terror ties including having future Al-Qaeda operative, Anwar al-Awlaki as its imam.
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Nidal Hasan b: September 8, 1970 in Arlington County, Virginia |
This website was frequented by 2 of the 9/11 hijackers and Nidal Hasan, the man who perpetrated the Fort Hood shooting. "Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim, is an American Psychiatrist convicted of fatally shooting 13 people and injuring more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009. Hasan was a doctor who needed psychiatric help himself; the type that can undo brainwashing, perhaps. We're beginning to see this more and more. Dr. Omeish remains a board member of this group. He was also a member of the board of Islamic American University. This school had a Hamas financier and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader and a man I have written about many times, Yousef al-Qaradawi, who was chairman of its board until at least 2006.
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Yousef al-Qaradawi |
This certainly makes me nervous. Qaradawi, from Egypt, was kicked out and found sanctuary in Qatar with its leader where he held weekly TV programs against Israel and Jews. He said he would like to kill Jews with his bare hands, and probably would if he could catch one of us. He's old now and in a wheelchair, but that hasn't softened his attitude one bit. He's an evil man.
Ornish somewhere along the way was convinced of following the severe form of Islam. Fooling people is not uncommon. Russian spies in the USA used the same methods, seeing to be ordinary Americans. Our President and Vice President have to be people aware of things like this. Hillary also has this type of history, being fond of Arafat, the people of Qatar and such. Her right hand woman when Secretary of State, Huma Abedin, is said to have parents also connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Her cover was in marrying the nuttiest Jewish guy that Hillary had introduced her to. Both HIllary and Obama will not use certain words describing Muslim extreme terrorism.
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Haj Amin al-Husseini visiting Hitler and conspiring to do away with Jews |
Being Jewish and having seen our history of being treated badly, even in the USA, I'm also sensitive to doing the same thing to Muslims, or the Japanese of the 2nd WW. However, it isn't
Christians who have been attacking Israel constantly 5 minutes after declaring themselves a state. It is a religous war as much as any war. It's that Israelis are Jews and these violent Muslims have been brainwashed by Nazi elements to hate Jews. One favorite book in the Arab world is Mein Kampf.
So are we going to have 4 more years of the same old, same old with Hillary and Tim? Obama has set the tone. They will follow suit and do more to embrace it.
Reference: ACT for America Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties, Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project
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