Friday, September 27, 2024

Watch Out-Them's My Holocaust Family Members

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

                                      Jews in Central Europe-Galicia-Pre-Poland in 1722

I lost family members up to oodles of 5th cousins in the Holocaust.  I lost 6 million cousins and other relatives!                              

     Lithuanian Jews walking to their ultimate deaths 1939-1945

 We're so closely related, that I'm finding all these facts through DNA matches. Even in the beginning, Abraham was the Uncle of Sarah, his wife.  Jacob, whose name changed to Israel,  was the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and Isaac was the the son of Abraham and Sarah.  Abraham's family members tended to marry into their own family;  mainly because they didn't know or trust the OTHERS surrounding them.  Abraham had brought his theory of ONE GOD, and OTHERS were polytheistic. Being polytheistic meant that they could be practicing human sacrifices to their many gods, and who wants a spouse that might get mad at you and offer you on the fire of the awaiting sacrifice?  

Yet, some of Abraham's children by Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah, who had Ishmael when Abraham thought Sarah was barren,  did turn about and marry into the OTHERS.  In that act, they left this clan of Abraham.  That's how we see the separation between Isaac and his twin sons, Jacob and Esau .  Esau was born first, so by their law, was deserving of his fathers blessings, but Jacob managed to outwit him with his mother's help,  and received it instead.  They haven't gotten along ever since.  

             American Jews 

We've been scattered throughout the world, but those alive are the following:  6 million live in the USA;  6 million live in Israel, and about 2 million are in smaller groupings around the world like England, France, etc.  In fact, many have already left from these countries to make aliyah to Israel because of anti-Semitism.  We're from the tribe of Judah, with a few Benjaminites and Simeonites who were living with them at the time.  

         Pashtuns found from  India to Afghanistan, seem to have  some of the same values as  Jews, thought to be our long lost 10 Tribes.  The Pashtuns are an ethnic group of people who live in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and are also known as Pakhtuns, Pushtans, or Pathans:  The majority of Pashtuns live in the eastern and southern regions of Afghanistan, and in the northwest region of Pakistan. There is also a significant Pashtun diaspora in neighboring countries, such as Iran and India. Pashtuns speak Pashto, an Iranian dialect that has been an official language of Afghanistan since 1936. They also speak Pakhto, another Iranian dialect, and often use Farsi for trade.
Light Green in 871 BCE   Dark Green was the Assyrian  Empire in 824 BCE; Opens in new tab
The 10 other tribes were taken away when the Assyrians attacked Israel.  It was King Hosea of Israel in 726 BCE tried to throw off the Assyrian hold which led to Shalmaneser V's siege of Samaria (as in Judea-Samaria)  who captured the land and people by 721 BCE who deported 27,290 Israelites to Assyria and Media, and replaced them with Syrian and Babylonian prisoners.  So, we see that many Middle Eastern males have the Y haplogroup that Jews do, which is J1 and J2.  They are our very distant cousins.  

Authorities name 715 soldiers, 66 police officers killed in Gaza war:  Five colonels among the dead, the most senior officers killed in combat in recent memory; 346 IDF troops killed in ground offensive. 

Now, when someone is killed in Israel, I realize it's a family member.  We've been living together for all these reasons and because we've also been forced to live together as in ghettos, sometimes even locked up in ghettos.  

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