Nadene Goldfoot
November 2, 1917: The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” there.
Israel's right to exist is being denied this very minute in college campuses by students with professors who help push such an outlandish statement. Israel became a legal, legitiment state when I was 14 years old in 1948 and here I am at age 90 still defending her rights with a growing trend of a population in these dark ages.
- The Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed the new state at midnight on May 14, 1948. David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, made the proclamation.The United States was the first country to recognize Israel as an independent state on May 14, 1948. President Harry S. Truman issued a statement of recognition on the same day. The Declaration of the Establishment of Israel was signed on May 14, 1948 by members of the National Council. The declaration stated that the state would be based on liberty, justice, and peace. Minutes later it was attacked by Palestinian Arabs. They had regained their homeland by themost legal of means through the most available legal channels of the UN a;nd now had tofight for their life.
- Israel became a state when Saul became its king about 3,054 years ago. This was back in the 11th century BCE. He was from the tribe of Benjamin, son of Kish when the Philistines and Ammonites were fighting his people. There were 12 tribes then.
- It remained a state until 70 CE, from 1030 to 1010 when David becameKing, and then Solomon was king by 920 BCE and on till the Romans burned down Jerusalem in 70 CE. Israel had lasted for 918 years ! It now will be 76 years old. So far, the USA is only 248 years old by comparison to time.
- World War One gave hope to Jews to again claim Eretz Yisrael as their state when it was obvious that the Allies were winning the War. In the
Balfour Declaration of 1917 , the British promised Zionists they would establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour’s promise” in Arabic) was a public pledge by Britain in 1917 declaring its aim to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.The statement came in the form of a letter from Britain’s then-foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community.
- They did not keep to their word, even though it was written on paper, In an older agreement of the Sykes-Picot Agreement on May 16, 1916, however, the British and French promised that land in the Middle East to themselves. During World War I, the foreign ministries of France, Russia, Britain and Italy assigned a group of selected diplomats to hold talks that would determine each country’s share of the inheritance of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) , which at that stage was dubbed “The Sick Man”.
Between November 1915 and May 1916, secret negotiations and memos of understanding were exchanged among the foreign ministries of those countries, mainly represented by Britain’s Sykes and France’s Picot.
- The deal was secretly signed between Sykes and Picot, and approved Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov. The first entity extended from Baghdad to the south to include Kuwait, reaching to the Gulf coast. This entity was under direct control of the British. The possibility of the land holding oil was seeping out to these leaders.
- Husseini, selected as Sherif of Jerusalem by a Jewish Britisher, became the fly in the ointment. He was also titled as the Grand Mufti.
Amin al-Husseini (born c. 1895–97, Jerusalem, Palestine, Ottoman Empire—died July 4, 1974, Beirut, Lebanon) was the grand mufti of Jerusalem and an Arab nationalist figure who played a major role in Arab resistance to Zionist political ambitions in Palestine. It was he who organized riots and fights against the Jews of Palestine of which both people were called Palestinians.Columbia University professors dressed in commencement regalia and other supporters protest against the university’s recent actions against a pro-Palestinian students’ camp on campus, on the steps of Low Memorial Library in New YorkPhotograph: Sarah Yenesel/EPA
- Today, professors at Columbia U, a college that many Jewish students of all ages have attended, finally got their minds together and are defending Israel. Saudi Arabia and other Arab state have been giving a lot of money to our American colleges, so have swayed their beliefs.
- Palestinian Arabs had no state. The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) did control a huge mass of land at different times from about 1326 , holding Palestine from 1517 onwards. They made the mistake of joining the Axis of Germany in WWI and losing all their holdings except Turkey itself.
- Turks and Arabs were a different people. A 2021 study which looked at whole genomes and whole-exomes of 3,362 Turkish people found that the most common Y chromosome haplogroups were J2a, R1b, and R1a (18.4%, 14.9%, and 12.1% respectively). I;t is also prevalent in Mediterranean, Caucasian, and West Asian populations.
- The most common Y haplogroup among Arab men is J1 (J-M267), particularly the subclade J1-P58, which is considered the "Arabian haplogroup" and is found at high frequencies in many Arab populations across the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula.
- The most common Y haplogroup in Israeli Jewish men is haplogroup J, specifically subclades like J1 and J2, which are strongly associated with Middle Eastern populations.
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