Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The New Phase In Israel's War

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

     Dancing at an outdoor music festival, one of many occasions in 2023.  

There were many music festivals in Europe in 2023, including: Sziget FestivalOne of Europe's largest music festivals, Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary, offered over 1,000 productions on 60 stages across six days. Primavera Sound:  This annual festival in Barcelona, Spain, featured an eclectic lineup of international acts from various genres, including rock, pop, hip-hop, and electronic music. Tomorrowland This EDM destination in Belgium featured a One World Radio station with a live broadcast program, and a new RISE stage that united emerging artists and nature. 

354 days ago on October 8, 2023,  11 days short of being a year;  Israel was also attacked by Hezbollah from Lebanon by one of the tentacles of Iran.  Israel had been attacked suddenly at the end of a holy Jewish holiday during the music celebration of Israelis living along the Gaza border on October 7th, the day before by Hamas; both citizens who had worked in their houses and their militia.  The attack was the worst ever seen since the barbaric days long, long ago upon innocent happy youthful people in a field-their dance arena.  

     On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked the Nova Music Festival, a trance festival held in Israel’s Negev Desert, killing more than 360 people and abducting dozens more. It would become the deadliest concert in history. Around 3,000 attendees had flocked to the area — about three miles from the Gaza border — for the event that was set to feature 16 DJs performing through the night. Sukkot 2024 begins at sunset on October 16, 2024 and ends at nightfall on October 23, 2024.

In one of the sukkahs during Sukkot:  Sukkot is a holiday when hosting is paramount. It’s customary for cooks to welcome friends and families to enjoy meals in their sukkahs.  They are welcoming autumn with their chosen foods. In Israel, schools are closed, on holiday.  Everyone builds a sukkah and eats in it.  

This came at the end of Sukkot, the Jewish holiday.  Sukkot, also known as the "Feast of Tabernacles" or the "Festival of Booths", is one of Judaism's three central pilgrimage festivals, along with Passover and Shavuot. Shemini Atzeret is the eighth day of Sukkot, and is considered a separate holiday but is often thought of as part of the festival. The day is marked by an annual prayer for rain and Yizkor services to commemorate those who have died in the past year . Then it was the majority of these attendees who wound up horribly murdered. 

Israel is no longer fighting the Gaza War, but the Gaza-Lebanon War, a 2nd phase in their fight to remain a state.  The fighting,  under the auspices of Iran,  remains the same with a few differences.  The enemy arsenal is also being  hidden  in trees and the homes of their citizens as well, like on rooftops, behind boulders and such.  

This war is so different from any other fought by allies of the world.  In this war, the plans of the war are broadcast all over the internet in advance; in the planning stages and up to the moment.  Such moves were always kept secret.  Israel has done more than any other country to keep civilians safe, from pre-warnings of all kinds, even feeding them, taking them into their own hospitals and emergency on the spot campsites.  What country has done this?  

Israel did not start this war or any of the wars fought against them since its inception, but has had to fight to survive, defensively, and the USA had joined them as friends and allies since Truman was president of the USA.  Now, Biden has been stating publicly his distain that Israel is killing too many of the enemy.  Being Israel is made up of only about 9 million people with 6 million of them Jews of  the world, how many does Biden allow them to kill those who wish to wipe them and their country out?  Speaking publicly like this only adds to the numbers of people cursing Israel, then doing something to show their distain. 

 Israel is the only Jewish country in the world, a refuge for Jews were the intentions once upon a time who have suffered such things as 6 million killed in the Holocaust, a million  from the Crusades, etc. Israel's involvement in the first place is a defensive act.  

The USA might be a little overwhelmed right now.  How many people realize that Sudan, a country that is a member of the Abraham Accords, is involved in a Civil War at this time?  Also, Ukraine is on the offensive with their War with Russia.  Russia is getting help from China by sharing visuals taken of Ukraine, so that they know just where to pinpoint their bombing of Ukraine?  Ukraine wants some of the USA's intercontinental missiles today.  

Biden will speak at the UN in the next few days, and so might Netanyahu.  With so many organizations finding fault with Israel, I would just stay at home, if I were Israel's Prime Minister.  Anti-Israeli people  don't want to take off their rosy sun-glasses and look at the facts.  They just want to pretend that nothing will ever hurt them.   They've done it before. 

But Israel has 80,000 people who have not been able to live in their homes since October 7, 2023, that they need to move back.  It's time they did, and Israel has to find ways to do this.

Edited 12:46pm 9/24  


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