Monday, September 23, 2024

Hezbollah Leader, Hassan Nazrallah, Declares War Against Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

Hassan Nasrallah  born 31 August 1960) is a Lebanese cleric and the secretary-general of Hezbollah, a Shia Islamist political party and militant group.

He said that the device attacks are ae declaration of War and that Israel crossed all red lines.  (They themselves were caught recently plotting another October 7th on Israel."  Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has called the fatal device attacks in Lebanon as "war crimes or at least a declaration of war".  Hassan Nasrallah now Declares War  against Israel. He's taken over Lebanon.  

There hasn't been a day that has gone by that Israel hasn't been hit by terrorist artillery of rockets, drones missiles or some sort or other.  Has Bid ever told the terrorists to bug out?  To stop with the attacks?  Then to do something about it?  Probably not, but he constantly is telling Netanyahu that it's okay to defend yourself but not to take out too many of the enemy, not caring that they hid behind their people that the do not mind wasting like pawns in a chess game !  It's not like Israel hasn't tried to keep death of the civilians to a minimum, but they are part of the deceit!  

    Rockets stacked up in Syria. This picture in my file is years old.   Did someone use these rockets already-like Lebanon?  Syria?  Iraq?  They go back years to the 80's lying in wait to hit Israel.  The May 2018 Israel–Iran clashes were a series of short military confrontations between Israeli and Iranian forces in Syria. On 10 May 2018 the Israeli military stated that Iranian forces in Syria launched 20 rockets against Israeli army positions on Western Golan Heights. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the attack occurred after Baath, a town in the demilitarised zone, was bombarded by Israeli forces. According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) some missiles were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome system, while some fell short in Syrian territory.                                      

         Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad (August 2005 to August 2013,) couldn't wait.  Outside of Iran, he was criticized for his hostility towards countries including Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the United States and other Western and Arab states.
           Ayatolah Ali Khamenei, who looks like Nasrallah.  

I remember when Lebanon had working presidents where Christian  and then Islamic leaders took turning governing back from 1980-1985.  The Terrorist had the upper lead finally, and it was Lebanese Major Haddad, b: c 1937 of the Christian Militia who guarded the border of Israel for the Israelis.  He was a great friend.  In return, his family has sought refuge in Israel and lived there safely when he died.  Haddad was born to a Greek Catholic family in Marjayoun. He received part of his training at Fort Benning in the United States.  Maj. Saad Haddad, a former Lebanese Army officer who for years ran his own militia force in southern Lebanon with Israeli support, died at his home yesterday (in paper from January 15, 1984)  at the age of 47, Israeli officials in Tel Aviv reported. His family had said he was ill with cancer.

           Iranian FAJR 5 Rocket Threats: after Netanyahu

The Fajr-5 (rarely Fadjr-5,  is an Iranian 333 mm long-range multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). The Fajr-5 was developed during the 1990s and has since been exported to various armed actors in the Middle East.The shelf life of a two stage Fajr-5 rocket is 15 years.

During the 1970s, there was a cyclical pattern of guerrilla attacks carried out by Palestinian militants on Israel and by the Israel Defense Forces on Palestinian targets in Lebanon. After the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War, Lebanese-generated security concerns grew for Israel. At the same time, the breakdown of Lebanon's central government provided opportunities for Israel to act. Around 1975, Israel sponsored the creation of a surrogate force, Lebanese Christian (MelkiteMajor Saad Haddad was the first officer to defect from the Lebanese Army to ally himself with Israel, a defection which led to the formation of the pro-Israel Free Lebanon Army, based in a corridor, the "Security Zone" along Lebanon's southern border from 1982 after Israel's being forced to enter Lebanon.                         


Hezbollah started launching rocket and drone attacks on Israel as soon as Israel launched its war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip in response to that group's Oct. 7 terrorist attack. Both Hezbollah and Hamas are backed by Israel's long-time arch rival Iran, and both have long been designated as terrorist groups by both the Israeli and U.S. governments. Hezbollah fires rockets deep into northern Israel,hitting Tel Aviv and Haifa,  as tensions flare.  Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria have already targeted U.S. forces in the region with deadly drone fire during the Gaza war. Iran only respects force, not talk or appeasement.                     

Hezbollah hits hard, then Israel does the same.  Iran is peeved and surprised by Israel taking out an enemy leader who was in Iran at the time!  That tells Iran that Israel can pin-point targets, too!  The booby-trapped exploding devices was another shock to their pride.  Israel is now also threatening more and more surprises for Hezbollah if necessary.  Hezbollah acts as if they are as innocent as lambs when it is they who has instigated and carried out all the aggressive attacks on Israel, determined to put an end to Jews there.  Biden's warnings not to start a war has to be ignored this time since Israel is embroiled in constant attacks by a very strong Hezbollah terrorist army who only respects strength from an enemy.  Israel is "in the zone," busy staying a step ahead of the enemy who wishes to end all the lives of Israelis, and then others who do not please them.  This certainly comes at such a bad time as the USA elections, of course, voting for Harris (Biden ticket) or (meshugana Trump).  Lebanese were once faced with a similar problem;  Christian or Sunni ticket.  

"After parliamentary elections, the President of Lebanon calls for binding consultations with all 128 members of parliament. During these consultations, MPs nominate candidates for the Prime Minister position, specifically a Sunni candidate, as per Lebanon's confessional political system. The candidate who receives the majority of votes becomes the Prime Minister-designate. This process operates on a first-past-the-post basis, meaning the candidate needs only to secure more votes than any other nominee, not an absolute majority of 65 votes. Once the Prime Minister-designate is selected, they meet with the President to discuss the composition of the new government. This stage involves negotiations among political parties regarding ministerial positions in which it must be split between Muslims and Christians and a share for the president, parliamentary majority and opposition."  Somehow, Christians were run out.    


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