Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A Look At the Gazan Civilians Through Arafat

 Nadene Goldfoot                                    

As I look at the Hamas terrorists, I remember that they have parents.  These terrorists probably range from ages 17 to 25, a good fighting age.  Their parents' ages must range from 39 to 59.  As children, how were they raised to believe?  What was going on with their education? That would have happened in the years from 1964 to 1984 .  I'm a teacher and am fully aware of the fact that we parents have a lot to do with our children's outlook on life via DNA and environment.  Jewish people aren't the only ones on the block that look forward to their children bringing them noches (pleasure, satisfaction, delight, pride) as, "my son the Doctor...) .  He gives me great noches.  To an Arab of Gaza, their idea of noches have been very different from that of Jews everywhere.   

                           Yasser Arafat (1929-2004) born in Cairo, Egypt, half  Egyptian, half Palestinian.  He organized terrorists into Fatah organization in 1959.Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, popularly known as Yasser Arafat or by his kunya Abu Ammar, was a Palestinian political leader. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1969 to 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority from 1994 to 2004.

 His parents were Abdel Raouf al Qudwa al Husseini and Zahwa Abdul Saud.  Upon seeing his father's surname, I wonder if he was related to the terrible Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Sherif of Jerusalem, known as the Grand Mufti, who led the Arabs into riots and attacks against Jews in the 1920s and later on?  Wikipedia has the answer.  Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. Mohammed Abdel Rahman was his first name, Abdel Raouf was his father's name and Arafat his grandfather's. Al-Qudwa was the name of his tribe and al-Husseini was that of the clan to which the al-Qudwas belonged. The al-Husseini clan was based in Gaza and is not related to the well-known al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem.

Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt. His father, Abdel Raouf al-Qudwa al-Husseini, was a Palestinian from Gaza City, whose mother, Yasser's paternal grandmother, was Egyptian. Arafat's father battled in the Egyptian courts for 25 years to claim family land in Egypt as part of his inheritance but was unsuccessful. He worked as a textile merchant in Cairo's religiously mixed Sakakini District

Arafat was the second-youngest of seven children and was, along with his younger brother Fathi, the only offspring born in Cairo. Jerusalem was the family home of his mother, Zahwa Abul Saud, who died from a kidney ailment in 1933, when Arafat was four years of age.  

    Fatah and Hamas leaders-can smile for camera but usually don't agree

 After 1967 Arafat with Fatah went worldwide with terror activities aimed at Israeli, Zionist and Jewish targets.  They were then expelled by Jordan by King Hussein in 1970, Lebanon in 1982, Israel during 1991 Gulf War because he supported Saddam Hussein.  By 1988 the PLO proclaimed a Palestinian state with Arafat as president.  After all this, did the UN say anything to the contrary?  Their position has been to attack Israel and load the UN with enemies of Israel so they always can verbally attack Israel at any meeting.  The original goals of a UN has been altered to fit the axis of civilization.  

Arafat led Fatah then against Israel.  In the latter part of the 1950s, Arafat co-founded Fatah, a paramilitary organization seeking the removal of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian state. Fatah operated within several Arab countries, from where it launched attacks on Israeli targets. In the latter part of the 1960s Arafat's profile grew; in 1967 he joined the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and in 1969 was elected chair of the Palestinian National Council (PNC). Fatah's growing presence in Jordan resulted in military clashes with King Hussein's Jordanian government and in the early 1970s it relocated to Lebanon. There, Fatah assisted the Lebanese National Movement during the Lebanese Civil War and continued its attacks on Israel, resulting in the organization becoming a major target of Israeli invasions during the 1978 South Lebanon conflict and 1982 Lebanon War.  Today it is Hezblollah,   planted in Lebanon,  shelling Israel.                

      Hamas rally burning Israeli and American flags

Fatah, who would be the citizens of Gaza,  dedicated itself to the liberation of Palestine by an armed struggle carried out by Palestinians themselves. This differed from other Palestinian political and guerrilla organizations, most of which firmly believed in a united Arab response. Arafat's organization never embraced the ideologies of the major Arab governments of the time, in contrast to other Palestinian factions, which often became satellites of nations such as Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria and others.

Because of Lebanon's weak central government, the PLO  (Palestine Liberation Organization founded in 1964, the Yasser Arafat from 1969 to 2004) was able to operate virtually as an independent state. During this time in the 1970s, numerous leftist PLO groups took up arms against Israel, carrying out attacks against civilians as well as military targets within Israel and outside of it.

The PLO's ideology was to have an armed struggle to liberate Palestine for the Arabs. They ignored the ruling of the League of Nations which grew into the United Nations and their decision to award the land to the Jews who had been without a home, and praying for their ancient home to become their homes today under better circumstances.  The PLO believe that the partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of the State of Israel were entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time. 

 Hamas "citizens" in Judea/Samaria (West Bank) acting out against Jews, another area that needs watching

It was found that the UN schools were teaching hatred for Israel.  They were even called to murder Jews. Palestinian children are being systematically taught to hate Jewish Israelis and violently resist a Jewish presence in Israel, a comprehensive review of Palestinian school textbooks has found.  The study, by Dr. Arnon Gross of the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, in conjunction with David Bedein of the Center for Near East Policy Research, looked at nearly 400 school text books published between 2013 and 2020, and more than one hundred teachers’ guides, mostly published in 2018, for a greater insight into how the material was being taught.

I just have to mention that David Bedein knew my husband and I (Danny Eskow) in Safed.  He helped us organize our skit on being immigrants to Israel and play in different Israeli hotels.  He was a great social worker then and friend of ours.  We were Jewish teachers from Oregon new to Israel. Dan had been in Little Theater in Florida; born in Brooklyn.  He wrote the skit.  it was funny.  

  The  destroyed kibbutz be'eri of October 7th 

So I'm saying that these parents of the insane Hamas terrorists may have grown up on hatred for Jews at their mother's breast while nursing.  They in turn, had also had a similar childhood. Each generation it has continued since 1948.


    Mother of terrorist Milad Al-Ra’i: “Be well, Milad… May Allah have mercy on him… My son is a Martyr, praise Allah. My son wanted Martyrdom and achieved it, praise Allah. My son wanted this, praise Allah. My son is a groom today. This is my son’s wedding. Look at my son, this is what he wanted… Praise Allah for everything… May Allah be satisfied with him.”

[Shehab news agency, Telegram channel, Sept. 10, 2023]


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