Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How Dumb The WEST Can Be By 2024?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

      Hamas Terrorists:  The preferred heroes of so many Western Countries Today, the preferred idols against the Jews of Israel. Yikes! What are these countries using as a measuring stick?   

I am appalled at the idiocy of our Western Cultured people by this time!  Half of the USA are for Trump of the Republicans  and half are for Biden of the Democrats.  Half of Israel want Netanyahu out and half want him to stay out his term.  We're all so divided!  We're TEAM oriented; not Human Being oriented.  One is for a team, not a person.  How can people view something as okay while others  see the harm in it so vividly and make these judgement calls so often meaning life or death for others?  We've had at least the last 7,000 years hanging on the tree of life to ripen and grow.  We're not getting any smarter, except for a few of us like Einstein who were born that way.  

Homo Sapiens (humans) have been around for a long long time (between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago. The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago.    What's wrong with us?  What got in the way?                                   

I can just imagine the first people eating grapes and marveling at the new feeling they had from eating the older ones which gave them a high.  This was the start or creating wine, which is known to be Carbon dating confirming the wine was from sometime between 5400-5000 B.C.E, or about 7,400 years ago.   Although wine dating any earlier than this has yet to be found, it is thought the art of wine making started shortly after 6000 B.C.E. when humans created the first permanent settlements via the domestication of animals and plants.  Wine has been used as good and bad purposes, depending on the people.                                  

Along came Moses, a descendent of Abraham, that lived about 5,000 years ago,  who gave us steps to follow to have a good life called the 10 Commandments and only the people who benefitted from them are trying to follow them to this date. Of Course, Moses actually gave his people 613  steps called laws, and most people moaned and groaned that the first 10 was too much, and went their merry ways.

The Greeks came along with   Plato b: 428 -427 BCE), from late antiquity through the Enlightenment,  worrying about the same problem as Moses did.  He was also appalled at the idiocy of his people.  He could have taken his teachings from Jewish sources, which is what the Greeks thought, or was a disciple of Moses, and was considered a Greek philosopher.  

Aristotle's (b:  384-322 BCE) surviving writings were incredibly influential. In Arabic philosophy, he was known simply as “The First Teacher.” In the West, he was “The Philosopher”  was said to have met a Jew in Asia Minor that was profitable.  Jewish philosophers of his were Abraham Ibn Daud, Maimonides, Levi Ben Gershon, Hillel ben Samuel (Hillel ben Samuel (c. 1220 – Forlì, c. 1295) was an Italian physician, philosopher, and Talmudist. He was the grandson of the Talmudic scholar Eliezer ben Samuel of Verona.), etc. They in turn introduced the concept of science into their teachings showing NATURE as the as he essence of organic growth.  Aristotle's concept of G-d  as the pure act of self-thinking was generally adopted.  This is where he lost a lot of Jewish followers, which was followed up with the concept of KABALLAH.  By the 16th century CE, they had lost all Jewish followers which left others.  

All the Greek philosophers wanted to have students and improve their thinking abilities.  I see that today, people are not using any method at all in too many cases, like LOGIC.                                             

                        Hitler viewing his army;  like robots

The Western world has suffered from the many wars they have created in greed; the powerful needing more land to satisfy their desires.  Moses covered this long ago with:   "The tenth commandment of the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:17, covers greed, or coveting, by stating, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's".

                             Charles Manson-

Killing each other has become commonly known as murder.  In 2022, the United States reported 21,156 cases of murder or non-negligent manslaughter, which is a decrease from 2021. This number has also decreased from 1991, when there were 24,700 reported cases. However, the number of homicides in the United States has fluctuated in recent years, and tended to increase from 2003 to 2022The sixth commandment forbids direct and intentional killing as gravely sinful. The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

I became a mother in 1953 which was followed up with the rise in DRUGS giving people the high they sought.  Evidently wine was passe.                                       

Ancient Egyptians had used  Lotus flowers. ( Though the plant contains a quinolizidine alkaloid, nupharin, and related chemicals, either described according to sources as poisonousintoxicating or without effects, it seems to have been consumed since antiquity. The effects of the alkaloids could be those of a psychedelic aphrodisiac, though these effects are more those encountered in Nymphaea caerulea, the blue Egyptian water lily.

Beer was invented in Egypt as well.  Indeed, the earliest information available from the Near East and the Middle East indicates that humans knew how to make bread and beer by 6000 bce. Classical Greek writers credited the Egyptians with having invented beer (an assertion with which modern Assyriologists would contend, and justly so),  Evidence for the production and use of beer in Egypt extending back to the Predynastic era (5500–3100 bce) has long been known.  That means about 7,000 years ago, beer was invented in Egypt.  Look at how Europe went for it.  They couldn't drink their own water.                                

 Native Americans had used special pipe smoking, like the peace pipe.  Europeans had developed strong spirits like, whiskey, scotch, rum, etc.  Food was never enough.  Water had even become known to be dangerous to drink.   Creator: IURII KRASILNIKOV edit: Getty Images/iStockphoto Want to know where this information comes from? Learn moreImages may be subject to copyright. Learn More below            

Now Middle Easterners have the water pipe to get high with.  

So here we are in the year 5,784 by the Jewish Calendar, and the end of days;  of the world or time is or is about to happen, depending on who you talk to.  Some Jews, Christians and Muslims believe this is so.  Others do not.  And I thought that we had at least till the year 6,000.  

The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,of%20victims%20were%20African%20American.,domestication%20of%20animals%20and%20plants.,)%2C%20with%20Strabo%20(c.

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