Monday, May 20, 2024

A Jew's Morality

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

                                        Time and again, Netanyahu  has defended Israel

As a Jew, I have chosen to follow our laws of kashrut;  that is;  to follow our law of eating kosher foods.

They were created to remind us of keeping our morals.  We do not eat meat and milk products together like a hamburger and a milkshake..  The idea of a cow giving us milk and then having to see her child eaten to give us meat is repulsive. This teaches us to understand that animals have feelings,, which is transferred to knowing that people have feelings.   Such thoughts come from Moses through a special way, a belief in a higher power, G-d, that came to him, 4,000 years ago at least.  If we practice a way of believing that animals have emotional feelings, we certainly consider our fellow man, even in battle.  Until October 8, most countries have recognized the steps Israel takes to continue strict laws of humanity towards our enemy.  

So let's take Netanyahu, a man following such dietary laws all his life.  Hamas does not have any morality with evidence of their practice on October 8th.  And the world's judges have come to say that their morality is the same as Israel's?  Israel is the country with 613 laws, and plenty of lawyers,  who begged the civilians to get out of the way of their counter-punches with phone calls, notices raining down on the people. 

I note that Christianity dropped such 613 laws as being too much!   Israelis  were themselves so threatened with their survival that they made the decision not to sacrifice their own people but to protect them. Arrest Netanyahu?  Arrest people in favor of such a thing.  

From Israel Pundit:  

T. Belman. I decided to repost this important article because the title was right then and is right now.  The UNGA recently recognized the State of Palestine contrary to the Montevideo Convention which sets out the legal requirements for statehood:

The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

At a minimum, “Palestine” does not have a “defined territory.”

Another example of the UN ignoring the law. The UN backed Oslo Accords clearly gives Israel full control of Area C.  Nevertheless the UN and its member states are financing Arab construction in Area C in total disregard of the Oslo Accords. 

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