Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ashkelon's Near-by Neighbor, Nitzan, Needs Bomb Shelters

Nadene Goldfoot
Nitzan, a village in the sand dunes  north of Ashkelon established in 1949, has been under attack along with all the southern Israeli towns and cities.  They need two bomb shelters for their 2 kindergartens.  The village has 610 people living in it.  It is only 53 km or 32.9 miles from Jerusalem.

The people of Nitzan were among the 10,000 Jews that had been living in Gaza.  In 2005 Israel disengaged from Gaza, moving all the Jews out for the Palestinians in order to have peace that was promised.  Instead what happened was that now the Gazan-Hamas Arabs can shoot rockets constantly into Israel.

Zitzan's immigrants from Gaza had been from Gush Katif in Gaza, and now live in temporary plaster homes for their 600 families.  They get a 15 second warning siren to find shelter.  The parents of these young children cannot work unless the kindergartens can remain open and they cannot be open without bomb shelters.  Otherwise, the residents there were Holocaust survivors and established this kibbutz in 1943 on 400 acres that were bought and paid for.  Then Polish and Romanian Holocaust survivors joined them.

 Nitzan is part of the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council.  which  is  community of 3,000 as of 2007 with 10% to 20% made up of Bnei Menashe or Jewish people of Indian-Myanmar border of India.  

Gush Katif was a block of 17 Israeli settlements in Gaza who had a thriving industrious business of green-housing and selling produce outside the country to the tune of $23 billion dollars per year that Israel gave up in order to bring about peace.  It was also thought of as a good line of defense from attack by Yitzhak Rabin.  

They are asking for donations.  Please read the website listed below.


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