Nadene Goldfoot
Geneticists tell us that Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens began in Africa and began to leave there between 90,000 and 120,000 years ago, but a new discovery in a cave in Israel pushes that date back by 50,000 years. An upper jawbone was found to be between 177,000 and 194,000 years old with 7 teeth and one broken incisor. What is interesting is that the jawbone they discovered and tested makes them think he was part of a previously unknown group of Homo sapiens that left Africa and then died off.
The cave was on the western slopes of Mt. Carmel in Israel. Discoveries were made in 2002, Other similar findings show the discovery was more Homo sapien than Neanderthal and probably the oldest ever found out of Africa. The 2010 discovery was of 400,000 year old teeth in the jawbone.
Pharaohs have been known about since 3,100BCE. That's only 5,118 years ago.
Cush was the son of Ham and brother of Mizraim (Egypt), Put (Libya and Morocco) and Canaan (Israel). Cushites were therefore known to be from Africa. As I understand the development of man, the Egyptian model would be understandable for the Cushites. Moses had married a Cushite woman (Numbers 12:1) , though Chabad points out that she was the Midianite, Zipporah. Could he have not taken another wife? These brothers were the patriarchs of their individual tribes found in Africa and Southern Arabia. Nimrod is identified by scholars with the Cosseans or with the city of Cush, which, in Babiylonian tradition, was one of the first cities built after the Great Flood in which Noah saved his family and all the animals on the ark.
"Ham was the lowest and least important of Noah's three sons. Nimrod came from a line which was cursed by Noah: "Cursed be Canaan, a slave of slaves shall he be unto his brothers."
We must remember that Cushites were not Israelites and the word could have been used as a slur by Mirium and Aaron in Numbers. That Moses thought to marry someone not of his own people was being discussed between the two siblings about Moses, their baby brother.
"In his book, Antiquity of Jews, Book 2, Chapter 10, Josephus wrote that while Moses lived in Egypt, he commanded the Egyptian army in a war against Ethiopia and that he married an Ethiopian woman. The following are a few excerpts from Josephus’s narrative about Moses in Ethiopia:" Ethiopia would be considered as a part of Cush. Josephus Flavius (Yoseph ben Mattityahu ha-Cohen) had been a General for Israel from a priestly (J1 Y haplogroup) family born c38 CE and died 100 CE who wrote for the Romans who had overcome him in the overtaking of the Temple in 70 CE.
The region of Cush was therefore south of Egypt which was Nubia and Ethiopia according to Hebrew scriptures and other ancient languages. It extended South from Elephantine and Syene which turns out to be the modern Assouan. "Aswan, a city on the Nile River, has been southern Egypt’s strategic and commercial gateway since antiquity. It contains significant archaeological sites like the Philae temple complex, on Agilkia Island near the landmark Aswan Dam. Philae’s ruins include the columned Temple of Isis, dating to the 4th century B.C. Downriver, Elephantine Island holds the Temple of Khnum, from the Third Dynasty."
Nimrod was believed to be a mighty hunter and strong ruler whose kingdom was made up of Babylon, Erech, Accad and other ancient sites. For instance, Assyria was known as "the land of Nimrod." Historically, he was one of the ancient Babylonian kings. He's been connected to the Gilgamesh Epic and with the Assyrian war-god, Ninurata. (He was the first to be a mighty man on earth.) I Chronicles
According to the Sages, Nimrod was the primary force behind building the Tower of Babel which was a rebellion religiously. In the Midrashim is the explanation of Nimrod's sinister motive of doing this. He wanted to build a tower reaching Heaven and from it, wage war against G-d.
In the Tanach (Bible) and now from our genes we learn that mankind came out of Africa. The first known civilizations there were in Northern Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
In conclusion, Dr. Hershkovitz explained that hominins had been coming in and out of Africa for at least the last 1/2 million years.It must have been that some modern humans migrated from Africa far earlier than we had thought and that they may have interbred with Neanderthals in Eurasia as far back as 220,000 years ago.
"Evidence of this type of Homo sapien does not mean that this person contributed to the DNA of anyone living today. It could have belonged to a previously unknown population of Homo sapiens that departed Africa and then died off."
Couldn't that mean that they died off in the Flood? It's food for thought. Genesis 6 relates that because of their evil ways. G-d was determined to annihilate the human race through the flood. Noah was the only exception and therefore was commanded to build the Ark for himself, his family and the animals of the earth. He died at age 950, and the first people to repopulate the earth were his sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth from which 70 people who were the first from whom humanity was derived. Not only the Torah has this story in the beginning in Genesis but it is also found in the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic that has a parallel flood story called Utnapishtim. Many midrashic tales were woven around the story of Noah.
Gilgamesh, the ancient Babylonian creation explanation, was written in 2100 BCE in Mesopotamia in the Sumerian language on clay tablets. "The most likely assumption we can make is that both Genesis and Gilgamesh drew their material from a common tradition about the flood that existed in Mesopotamia. These stories then diverged in the retelling." Ziusudra, Utnapishtim and Noah are the respective heroes of the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical flood legends of the ancient Near East.
Babylon was also known as the land of Shinar or of the Kasdim (Chaldees). Here is the scene of the Tower of Babel and the Flood. Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldeans but had migrated where he later fought Amraphel, king of Shinar. It was known to prophets as the symbol of insolent pagan tyranny. So the Flood actually, as we of today know, that evil was not drowned in the Flood as expected, but models of Homo sapiens were destroyed, yet may still live in genes of today's mankind.
Today, Family Tree DNA can show the subscriber their page of ancient origins. " There were three major groups of people that have had a lasting effect on present day peoples of European descent: Hunter-Gatherers, Early Farmers, and Metal Age Invaders. As for me, I'm carrying 22% of my genes from Hunter-Gatherers, 50% from Early Farmers and 28% from Metal Age invaders. Hunter-Gatherers are from the " climate during the Pleistocene Epoch (2.6 mill – 11,700 YA). I'm glad I most likely am not carrying genes from those early Homo sapiens who have died off. Chances are that they'd be pretty ugly to our eyes of today.
Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
Geneticists tell us that Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens began in Africa and began to leave there between 90,000 and 120,000 years ago, but a new discovery in a cave in Israel pushes that date back by 50,000 years. An upper jawbone was found to be between 177,000 and 194,000 years old with 7 teeth and one broken incisor. What is interesting is that the jawbone they discovered and tested makes them think he was part of a previously unknown group of Homo sapiens that left Africa and then died off.
The cave was on the western slopes of Mt. Carmel in Israel. Discoveries were made in 2002, Other similar findings show the discovery was more Homo sapien than Neanderthal and probably the oldest ever found out of Africa. The 2010 discovery was of 400,000 year old teeth in the jawbone.
Pharaohs have been known about since 3,100BCE. That's only 5,118 years ago.
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Nimrod was an ancient Biblical king of Cushite origin. |
"Ham was the lowest and least important of Noah's three sons. Nimrod came from a line which was cursed by Noah: "Cursed be Canaan, a slave of slaves shall he be unto his brothers."
We must remember that Cushites were not Israelites and the word could have been used as a slur by Mirium and Aaron in Numbers. That Moses thought to marry someone not of his own people was being discussed between the two siblings about Moses, their baby brother.
Homo sapiens Idaltu (Elder or first born) found in Ethiopia Herto Man is the name given to a number of hominin fossils found in 1997 in Herto Bouri, Ethiopia. They date to around 160,000 years ago. |
The region of Cush was therefore south of Egypt which was Nubia and Ethiopia according to Hebrew scriptures and other ancient languages. It extended South from Elephantine and Syene which turns out to be the modern Assouan. "Aswan, a city on the Nile River, has been southern Egypt’s strategic and commercial gateway since antiquity. It contains significant archaeological sites like the Philae temple complex, on Agilkia Island near the landmark Aswan Dam. Philae’s ruins include the columned Temple of Isis, dating to the 4th century B.C. Downriver, Elephantine Island holds the Temple of Khnum, from the Third Dynasty."
Nimrod was believed to be a mighty hunter and strong ruler whose kingdom was made up of Babylon, Erech, Accad and other ancient sites. For instance, Assyria was known as "the land of Nimrod." Historically, he was one of the ancient Babylonian kings. He's been connected to the Gilgamesh Epic and with the Assyrian war-god, Ninurata. (He was the first to be a mighty man on earth.) I Chronicles
According to the Sages, Nimrod was the primary force behind building the Tower of Babel which was a rebellion religiously. In the Midrashim is the explanation of Nimrod's sinister motive of doing this. He wanted to build a tower reaching Heaven and from it, wage war against G-d.
In the Tanach (Bible) and now from our genes we learn that mankind came out of Africa. The first known civilizations there were in Northern Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
In conclusion, Dr. Hershkovitz explained that hominins had been coming in and out of Africa for at least the last 1/2 million years.It must have been that some modern humans migrated from Africa far earlier than we had thought and that they may have interbred with Neanderthals in Eurasia as far back as 220,000 years ago.
"Evidence of this type of Homo sapien does not mean that this person contributed to the DNA of anyone living today. It could have belonged to a previously unknown population of Homo sapiens that departed Africa and then died off."
Couldn't that mean that they died off in the Flood? It's food for thought. Genesis 6 relates that because of their evil ways. G-d was determined to annihilate the human race through the flood. Noah was the only exception and therefore was commanded to build the Ark for himself, his family and the animals of the earth. He died at age 950, and the first people to repopulate the earth were his sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth from which 70 people who were the first from whom humanity was derived. Not only the Torah has this story in the beginning in Genesis but it is also found in the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic that has a parallel flood story called Utnapishtim. Many midrashic tales were woven around the story of Noah.
Gilgamesh, the ancient Babylonian creation explanation, was written in 2100 BCE in Mesopotamia in the Sumerian language on clay tablets. "The most likely assumption we can make is that both Genesis and Gilgamesh drew their material from a common tradition about the flood that existed in Mesopotamia. These stories then diverged in the retelling." Ziusudra, Utnapishtim and Noah are the respective heroes of the Sumerian, Akkadian and biblical flood legends of the ancient Near East.
Babylon was also known as the land of Shinar or of the Kasdim (Chaldees). Here is the scene of the Tower of Babel and the Flood. Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldeans but had migrated where he later fought Amraphel, king of Shinar. It was known to prophets as the symbol of insolent pagan tyranny. So the Flood actually, as we of today know, that evil was not drowned in the Flood as expected, but models of Homo sapiens were destroyed, yet may still live in genes of today's mankind.
Today, Family Tree DNA can show the subscriber their page of ancient origins. " There were three major groups of people that have had a lasting effect on present day peoples of European descent: Hunter-Gatherers, Early Farmers, and Metal Age Invaders. As for me, I'm carrying 22% of my genes from Hunter-Gatherers, 50% from Early Farmers and 28% from Metal Age invaders. Hunter-Gatherers are from the " climate during the Pleistocene Epoch (2.6 mill – 11,700 YA). I'm glad I most likely am not carrying genes from those early Homo sapiens who have died off. Chances are that they'd be pretty ugly to our eyes of today.
Genesis 11 Tower of Babel