Nadene Goldfoot
Evening dress of Flappers on May 30, 1923Good times were here; the days of the Flappers. 1929 came along with the Wall Street crash of 1929, also known as the Great Crash, that was a major stock market crash in the United States which began in late October 1929 with a sharp decline in prices on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and ended in mid-November. People committed suicide of they owned stocks which crashed.
Jews came together and spoke with the English, the side of the Allies who wrote the Balfour Doctrine, a paper promising to help create the Jewish Homeland which was due after over 2,000 years of waiting. Then English were given the 30 year mandate to police Palestine; and wound up keeping Jews out while allowing Arabs in at a time when Jews were rounded up by Nazis and murdered by gas and by bullets. At the end when the mandate was up and English left, the new state of Israel was pronounced to the world. The English did not keep their word, either.
Zelensky has had his taste of broken promises as well with Russia, so knowing and studying history, realized he had better have a dependable contract to show his people with the USA. No doubt he had been warned by his people.
The Paris Peace Conference was a set of formal and informal diplomatic meetings in 1919 and 1920 after the end of World War I, in which the victorious Allies set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. Dominated by the leaders of Britain, France, the United States and Italy, the conference resulted in five treaties that rearranged the maps of Europe and parts of Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands, and also imposed financial penalties. Notice at the time who the leading countries of power were; Britain, France and the USA. Italy had taken sides with the Axis and had been a loser in WWII. Actually, The five great powers at that time, France, Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States, controlled the Conference.
The "Big Four" leaders were French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, US President Woodrow Wilson, and Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Emanuele Orlando. Together with teams of diplomats and jurists, they met informally 145 times and agreed upon all major decisions before they were ratified.
Red teardrop is Ukraine, evidentlyLithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Latvia, Slovakia: all in danger.
It is life or death for Ukraine and those neighbors nearby when a monster is trying to gobble up the largest one, Ukraine first. Poland will be next, etc. Russia is trying its hardest to become like the USSR again and have control over all those rights of peoples' mineral deposits, water rights, and financial bank accounts, not to mention taking away their peoples' freedoms. To be a "slave" to Russia is not a cheerful thought.
Trump's first 'Peace Conference" taped for TV, pleased him with all the yelling at Zelensky that was plainly shown. As it is, it showed all of us viewers just how it came about with Vance butting in out of the blue with no connection to what Trump was saying that Zelensky was trying to correct.
Sadly, Trump's team never thought about the fact that Zelensky, who must have practiced his English even more for this meeting across the ocean on his plane was at a handicap being a native Ukranian speaker, not an English speaker. He did have a translator standing by in tense moments, though.