Saturday, February 26, 2022

Russia's Jews : The Big Picture

 Nadene Goldfoot                                 

At a Jewish demonstration in Moscow in 1988, participants wear large yellow stars to draw attention on the situation of the Jewish people in the Soviet Union. Photograph: Vitaly Armand/AFP/Getty Images

Jews have lived in Russia longer than they had lived in the Pale of Settlement.  In 986, Jews participated in a disputation on the occasion of Duke Vladimir's conversion to Christianity.  

Volodymyr the Great portrait on obverse of ₴1 bill circa 2006

Originally a follower of Slavic paganism, Vladimir converted to Christianity in 988 and Christianized the Kievan Rus'. He is thus also known as Saint Vladimir.  So Kiev  and the great swatch of Ukraine under their domain was claimed to be Christian since 988.

The Primary Chronicle reports that in the year 987, after consultation with his boyars, Vladimir the Great sent envoys to study the religions of the various neighboring nations whose representatives had been urging him to embrace their respective faiths. The result is described by the chronicler Nestor

Of the Muslim Bulgarians of the Volga the envoys reported there is no gladness among them, only sorrow and a great stench. He also reported that Islam was undesirable due to its prohibition of alcoholic beverages and porkVladimir remarked on the occasion: "Drinking is the joy of all Rus'. We cannot exist without that pleasure."

 Ukrainian and Russian sources also describe Vladimir consulting with Jewish envoys and questioning them about their religion, but ultimately rejecting it as well, saying that their loss of Jerusalem was evidence that they had been abandoned by God.

However, a Jewish gate is mentioned in the 12th century at Kiev, and the Jewish quarter there was looted by 1113.  During this period, Russian Jews attended western yeshivot and addressed queries to the German rabbis.                   

The Baptism of Kievans, a painting by Klavdiy Lebedev

In the late 15th century, Jewish traders from Lithuania disseminated a Judaizing sect in Novgorod and Moscow and this precipitated a drastic reaction. In 1563, 300 Jews were drowned in  Polensk and Vitebsk on refusing to accept baptism (into Christianity).  

By 1667, the Jews were expelled from Eastern Ukraine upon its annexation to Russia.  Clauses prohibiting Jews from visiting the country were inserted in treaties signed by Russia with foreign powers in 1550 and 1678, while expulsion orders were issued in 1727, 1738 and 1742.  

In 1753, 35,000  Jews were driven out of Russia.  In 1762, Catherine II permitted all aliens to live in Russia except Jews.


By the partitions of Poland in 1772, 1793, and especially 1795, the great Jewish masses of White Russia, the Ukraine, Lithuania and Courland became Russian subjects, and for more than a century, the great majority of the world's Jews were under the reactionary rule of the Czars.  In 1786, their residence was restricted to towns, thereby laying the foundation for the PALE OF SETTLEMENT.  Only the Karaites received equality of  rights with the Christians by 1795.  

On the authority of the Derzhavin report on White Russia, a Council for Jewish Affairs was established in 1802.  2 years later, it defined the Pale, restricted Jews in the villages by 1807-1808, and limited the activities of the Kahal (Jewish Congregation-organized Jewish community having autonomous rights; responsible for taxation) in the spheres of religion and charity, and prohibited the traditional Jewish costume.  On the other hand, it tried to make farmers out of these artisans and traders by taking measures to promote agriculture. 

 The Jews remained loyal in Russia during Napoleon's 1812 invasion.  Alexander I (1801-1825) was at first benevolent.  Later, however, he turned reactionary and some 20,000 were expelled from the provinces of Vitebsk and Mohilev in 1824, and those remaining were forbidden to live near the frontier.  

About 600 oppressive enactments regarding the Jews were published during the reign  of Nicholas I who regarded them as an injurious element.                              

In 1827, military service was brutally imposed on Jews, taking their male teen-agers and turning them into Cantonists.  This is when many Jewish sons were taken away from their families with the implicit intent of converting them to Christianity. The Jewish community was forced to supply a certain number  of recruits from ages 12 or even 8 and 25.  Service lasted 25 years and was not reckoned until the recruit had passed the normal conscription age of 18.  They were educated at special  institutions ouside the Pale of Settlement and then sent to distant places, like the eastern provinces, Siberia.  Thousands were converted and assimilated, while many died of hardship.  Most of the Cantonists were children of poor families, as the wealthy bought out their children.  

The brutal police functions of the Russians imposed on the Jewish communal authorities in the selection (known as "kidnapping", of recruits led to widespread corruption and deep resentment on the part of the poorer Jews. i've heard of mothers cutting a finger off her son to keep him from being taken.    

The frontiers of the Pale of Settlement were restricted in 1835 and remained effective until 1915.  A censorship was imposed on Jewish books in 1836, and in 1844, the Kahal was abolished.  Alexander II (reigned from 1855 to 1881)  tried to Russify the Jews by education and the gradual relaxation of restriction, which the judicial law of 1864 contained no anti-Jewish discrimination.  At this time, 65,000 Russian Jews were engaged in agriculture.  Jews became prominent  in economics, culture, and left-wing politics.   Social anti-Semitism now began to replace or reinforce the former religious prejudices.  This seemed to encourage emancipatory elements in Russian Jewry.  However, toward the close of this reign, an anti-Semitic tendency paralleled the general reaction.  

The intensive reaction which followed the assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881 made the Jews its chief victim. On 13 March , 1881, Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia, was assassinated in Saint Petersburg, Russia while returning to the Winter Palace from Mikhailovsky Manège in a closed carriage. The assassination was planned by the Executive Committee of Narodnaya Volya, chiefly by Andrei Zhelyabov (People's Will) a revolutionary terrorist organization. He was not Jewish.

 The appalling Pogroms of the early 1880s influenced the official view regarding the Jews as a foreign element to be kept apart from the village population which was expressed in the MAY LAWS of 1891.  Jews were expelled from Moscow and a NUMERUS CLAUSUS was introduced into high schools and secondary schools.  Jews then turned increasingly to Zionism and Socialism.  

By 1897, Jews founded the BUND   and a revolutionary movement had begun.   The Bund sought to unite all Jewish workers in the Russian Empire into a united socialist party, and also to ally itself with the wider Russian social democratic movement to achieve a democratic and socialist Russia.  An organizaion advocating equal rights was founded in 1905 and the following year, 12 jewish deputies were elected to the Duma, most of them representing the Liberal Party.  A law proposed by the premier Stolypin alleviating the Jewish legal position was vetoed by Nicholas II and conditions steadily deteriorated.  Official anti-Semitism reached a peak with the BEILIS case, the most notorious of a long series of Blood Libels.  

The vast emigration, especially to the US, which been in the 1880s, barely offset the natural increase among Russian Jewry.  Russian Jewry in the 19th century comprised perhaps the most vital elements of the Jewish people.  The Pale of Settlement was, with Poland, the world's great center of Talmudic study.  Southern Russia, particularly Odessa, was the focus of the Hebrew literary revival and the place of origin of many remarkable individuals in Zionist and contemporary Jewish history revival,  while Lithuania was famous for its  yeshivote and well-known rabbis.  

At the outbreak of WWI, 5,600,,000 Jews lived in the empire of the Czars including almost 2 million in Poland.  Those residing near war zones were deported en masse, and despite the 300,000 Jews in the Russian army, the community was made the scapegoat for the Russian defeats (expulsion of Jews from Kovno, Grodno, and Courland:  prohibition of Hebrew and Yiddish printing.  

Immediately after the Russian Revolution, the provisional government abrogated all anti-Jewish decrees on April 2, 1917, and Jews were prominent both in the Kerensky regime and later in the Bolshevik Revolution (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Sverd-lov), from 1918, Jewish departments existed in the Commisarian of National Affairs and of education.


In April 1919, the Soviet government abolished the non-communist Jewish institutions.  The civil war was accompanied by a wave of pogroms, and the Soviet government proclaimed anti-Semitism a criminal offense.  The policy of the Soviets rapidly changed the basis of the life of the petty traders, who had formerly constituted the great mass of Russian Jewry.  Their traditional economic distinctiveness rapidly disappeared.  A great number were in due course absorbed by heavy industry.  There remained, however, a tendency to concentrate in the administrative and distributive branches of the new system. 

 The anti-religious policy of the Soviet government, the prohibition of public religious teaching, and the economic revolution, which made traditional observances difficult, had an immediate effect on the religious life of Russian Jewry.  Although a minority, mostly of the older generation, tenaciously clung to the traditional Jewish way of life, it was abandoned by the vast majority with prodigious rapidity even in the 1st generation.  On the other hand, the Soviet government, not recognizing the Jews as a nationality, discouraged Hebrew and persecuted Zionism.  In the 1921-1929 period, the Jewish economic position improved.  To encourage agriculture among the Jews, the government set up a  committee for settling Jews on the land which furnished territory in the Ukraine, Crimea, and Biro Bidjan;  the means for settlement were supplied by the American Jewish Agricultural Corporation,, but the Jewish part in agriculture remained small.  

From 1930, increasing efforts were made to discourage Jewish practices, and many prominent Jews were removed in the purges of the 1930's.  The annexation early in WWII of W White Russia, W Volhynia, E Galicia, N Bukovina, Bessarabia, Lithuania, and Latvia led to the mass deportation of Jews, especially the intelligentsia, from these regions.  

The Nazis, who invaded Russia in 1941, aimed at exterminating the Jewish population.  Of the 500,000 Jews in White Russia, only half escaped to the interior and up to 200,000 were slaughtered.  The Soviet government established the Anti-Fascist Committee to appeal to World Jewry in 1941, but immediately the Nazi peril had passed, an anti-Jewish trend asserted itself;  many outstanding Jews "disappeared" including most of the exponents of Yiddish culture.  The charge brought in 1932 against Jewish physicians of plotting against the state served to presage a systematic anti-Jewish campaign but after Stalin's death in 1933, all who survived were released.  The government, however, maintained a policy of anti-Jewish discrimination and restricting Jewish cultural expression.  The large-scale evacuation and flight from the fighting area during the War, reinforcing the Soviet policy of creating new industrial centers of the Ural region, etc., resulted in a vast redistribution of the Jewish population, now spread more evenly throughout the country.  Contacts with the outside Jewish world were slight and seldom spontaneous.  Yet, notwithstanding the waiting of traditional Jewish life, among Jewish settlement persisted among a great part of the population.                        

In 1947, Russia supported the creation of the state of Israel but---disappointed by the almost complete failure of pro-Soviet elements there--adopted a strong pro-Arab and anti-Israel policy, intensified from 1955 and especially from the period of the 1967 Six Day War when the USSSR broke off relations with Israel and came out in unqualified support unilateral and political of the Arabs, especially Egypt.  The number of Jews in Russia according to the 1959 census was 2,268, 000.  

After 1967, many Russian Jews demanded the right to emigrate to Israel and this was achieved in the early 1970's.  In the 1970 census, some 250,000 Jews left Russia.  At first, 150,000 went to Israel but from the mid-1970s the main destination was the US.  At the same time, there was a growing self-awareness among Soviet Jewry expressed in open demonstrations of their Jewishness, in publications, Hebrew classes  and seminars in Jewish subjects and the activities of the REFUSENIKS.  Refusenik (Russian: отказник, otkaznik, from "отказ", otkaz "refusal") was an unofficial term for individuals—typically, but not exclusively, Soviet Jews—who were denied permission to emigrate, primarily to Israel, by the authorities of the Soviet Union and other countries of the Eastern bloc.

In the 1980s, the doors of emigration were said to be again virtually closed but the Jewish ferment continued inside the country.  I made aliyah from the US in September1980 and was among a sea of Russian Jews, so I think that door was kept quite open. I could always return to the USA if I wanted to, but the Russians could not.  israel gave them special help.   In the last years of the 1980s, President Gorbachev again allowed widespread emigration.  His liberating policies had not only led to free Jewish expression but also to  free expression of anti-Semitic groups such as Pamyat, previously suppressed.  The open anti-Jewish manifestations intensified the desire of Russian Jews to leave and they streamed out in large numbers.  

As the US had severely limited its intake of Soviet Jews, the main goal was again Israel which received almost 200,000 Soviet immigrants in 1990 alone and the stream continued in 1991.  The official 1989 census put the Jewish population at 1,449,167 but it was thought that the real figure was considerably higher.  Diplomatic relations with Israel were re-established in 1991, shortly before the liquidation of the USSR.



Book:  Letters From Israel, by Nadene Goldfoot

The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,a%20democratic%20and%20socialist%20Russia.


 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

                   Moses and the burning bush that wasn't burning up but voiced a message to him

Jacob and his  two wives, Leah and Rachel, sisters that were his 1st cousins, , and their two Egyptian handmaidens, Bilhah and Zilpah,  lived about 4,000 years ago in a day when G-d spoke to man and man heard him and reacted.  Moses, b: in 1391 BCE-d:1271 BCE,  heard his voice from a strange burning bush.  Islam has Mohammad, b: 570 CE-d:620 CE,  hearing an angel and reacting.  Christianity's emphasis is not the obeying of the voice of G-d but of Jesus b: 5 BCE-d: 29 CE, believing him to be the son of G-d. " In John 10:27, Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Every single believer knows the voice of God, it's just whether or not they actually attribute it to God. For most of my life I've heard the voice of God very clearly, but it wasn't until a few years ago that I knew it was Him."

Solomon's Temple destroyed by Babylonians in 586 BCE

Rabbinical ruling was that prophecy had ended with Ezra and Nehemiah; that is to say, at the end of the Biblical period of the 5th century BCE..  That period ended along with the Prophets who listened to the voice of G-d.  They were the last 12;  Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.   

Today man speaks of his conscience telling him what to do or not to do, but this is never really a common conscience shared by all, as we have rulers who have been mad, bloodthirsty beasts such as Caligula and Nero, and their voice couldn't be my voice that we hear.   With the anti-Semite, it's what they've been taught to hate; and that was the Jews.   It's those that hear voices in their heads telling them to do bad things when we have to contact a psychologist or psychiatrist. Luckily most of us do have that inner voice or conscience that tells them to do something good. 

Throughout history, Jews have been the scapegoats of other nations, as UN history shows that they continually blame Israel for their ills, so Jews are  blamed for all their problems.  Because of this, anti-Semitism has been keeping them apart from the rest of society.  They are the only people that have lasted as a people for over 3,000 years despite being kept apart during certain eras like after 70 CE.  If we were to have planned this at the beginning of time, to keep a people together for 3,000 years, there is no way we could have done it.  It's one of the mysteries of life as to how it has happened.

Judaism came to Abraham in belief in one G-d, though not by name but by creed, and this belief and way of behaving was passed down to his wife, Sarah and their son, Isaac, who passed it down to his son, Jacob, who passed it down to his 12 sons, who were the fathers of 12 tribes.    They  became a clan who was family and religion.  They developed their own social customs and this finally reached a descendant, David who was born in about 1185 BCE, who became King of Israel from 1010 to 970 BCE, and whose son, Solomon inherited the Empire.                                     

By 70 CE, their nation had been cut in half by the Assyrians, attacked by the Greeks and then later the Romans occupied and destroyed it, causing them to be Jews without a country. In fleeing from Jerusalem, some went to Spain and became the Sephardic Jews, speaking Hebrew-Spanish called Ladino; and some stayed in the area becoming the Mizrachi Jews, and some were in Rome and then in Germany, speaking Hebrew-German called Yiddish and were the Ashkenazi Jews.    Jews suddenly found themselves hated for their religion by this era, with the Romans backing the new religious fever of Christianity and Emperor Constantine becoming part of it.  This caused great harm to Jews, disliked as Christianity reached the shores of newly found countries that Jews tried to live in, for this new religion was not kind to Jews. 

              Celebrating Passover with the man from Bethlehem

The irony is that Christianity centers on Jesus, who was said to be a Jew, son of Mary and Joseph of Bethlehem. Aspects of Christianity is borrowed from Judaism.  David's Psalms is a good example.  Islam also borrowed from Judaism many of its creeds as Mohammad came in contact with many Jewish tribes living in Arabia after 70 CE.  They would be reading aloud outside their tent, and he heard their stories. The politics of those days turned people against the Jews who brought them these aspects of their religion. 

Jews lived in Poland for 800 years but they were never regarded as "Poles."  Even today, Lech Walcsa calls them the "Jewish nation" living side by side with the "Polish nation."   Jews were never part of the German "Volk";  they were never quite British, nor Ukrainian, nor Russian.  
Ghetto in Venice where Jews had to live, 500 years old

Jews were kept together, sometimes forcefully, as in ghettos, marrying each other through the generations.  As they had developed their beliefs, they had no desire to marry outside of their religion anymore than Others wanted to marry with them. At first they had skills others didn't have, causing them to be welcomed in new struggling countries as they could read and write and do math and knew about trading.  Then, as people learned these things,  they were always the 2nd class citizen or less, such as becoming homeless without any rights.  The rights they had been first given caused friction with the Others who were competing with them.  

As the 1700s approached and people were moving into the new land of America, where all were immigrants except for the native population, Jews felt equal.  They faced anti-Semitism but of a different kind. This USA had no established church, no official religion.                                 

Judaism, therefore, is not merely tolerated, it has equal status--at least in theory according to American law,  but not in practice, for Jews from Dutch Brazil,  when they first tried to enter New York in 1621 in a small boat, were at first refused because they were Jews. It was Peter Stuyvesant who refused them entrance, and chances are that he had never known a Jew.   Anti- Semitism still exists here as well, growing worse as time has marched on.  Where countries have had official religions, Jews have become 2nd class citizens because of not being  a member of the state's official church.  

 By the 1930, a few Jews were beginning to marry outside their faith.  For this entire period, they had been marrying only people of their own faith, and this was decided at first if their fathers were Jewish, they were Jewish, but this later changed to the rule that if their mothers were Jewish, they were considered Jewish.  Conversion did go on, from the time they were in Italy not too long after 70 CE throughout the ages, but never on a big scale.  The Romans had seen to that with laws they had passed since the 3rd century CE..

Therefore, Jews today have made it here with ancestors dating back to before 70 CE in Israel which is a miracle in itself as people that lived through that epoch in time were lucky to get out of the burning city of Jerusalem and escape with their lives.  

       Found: Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, the Pashtuns

Now we have the period of coming together again with Israel's re-birth on May 14, 1948.  Jews are returning from the 4 corners of the earth to live in tiny Israel.  Even the Lost 10 tribes have been found of which it's believed that the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of India are those sought-for people.  Some have already visited in Jerusalem.                           

            Pashtuns visiting in Jerusalem, our very distant cousins 

"The Bible mentions the Assyrians settling the Lost Tribes in Gozan, which is one of the names of the Amu Darya, a major Afghan river, identified as such by Rav Sa’adia Gaon. Medieval writings by Jewish travelers to Afghanistan mentions the Israelite origins of the Pashtuns. In more recent times, the connection between Pashtuns and Israel has been documented and discussed in documentaries by Simcha Jacobovici, as well as books by Rabbi Eliahu Avichail and Israeli president Yitzhak Ben- Zvi. Recently, the Internet has given us the ability to contact Pashtuns directly and do extensive research, which has confirmed the sources above."

Even this is a miracle.  Could one expect to find the cousins of today's Jews being in such a distant place and of a different religion?  They were able to maintain certain customs of their Jewish/Israelite days which led such PhDs as Shalva Weil of Israel  to find out all she could about them.  .

The problem with Hamas will keep the Pashtuns from Israel.  The Hamas Covenant, published in 1988, characterizes the Arab-Israel conflict as an irreconcilable one between Muslims and Jews and between Islam and Judaism.  It quotes the following Islamic prophecy:  "The time will not come until Muslims fight the Jew and the rocks and the trees cry, "Oh, Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me.  come and kill him."  Perhaps the countries of the Abrahamic Accord can change the Hamas minds.  

Anti-Semitism kept us all together till we could gain our state of Israel back again. It's cost us millions of lives through the ages.  When I think of all the bottlenecks (a genealogy term)  we've gone through with so many of the Jews almost wiped out, and then growing again from a few, I realize that Jews who are here today are but a handful of the families that started on the Exodus with so many lost to us.  The Holocaust did the biggest number where 6 million were slaughtered. Of those left, the male Y haplogroup shows that there are but a few that are of the Jewish males such as the Cohen gene, J1, E, Q, etc.  I'm counting all the losses due to anti-Semitism.   

Aliyah as a core value of the State of Israel can be seen in its national anthemHatikvah, "The Hope", which was adapted from a poem by the 19th century Jewish poet, Naftali Herz Imber.

As long as in the heart, within, A Jewish soul still yearns, And onward, towards the ends of the east, an eye still gazes toward Zion;

Our hope is not yet lost, The hope two thousand years old, To be a free nation in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Kol od ba’le’vav p’nima,Nefesh yehudi ho’miyah.

U’lefa-atei  kadimah,

Ayin le’Tziyyon tzofiyah.

Od lo avda tikva-teinu,

Ha’tikvah bat sh’not al-payim

Lih-yot am chofshi b’ar-tzeinu

Eretz Tziyyon v’Yerushalayim. 



 The Vanishing American Jew, Alan Dershowitz

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Russia's Two Catherines AND "Little Russia", Today's Ukraine

 Nadene Goldfoot                                          

                              Catherine I Empresses of Russia 1725-1727

Russia had 2 infamous Catherines who were empresses and who did much to put fear into the hearts of Jews.  The 1st Catherine ruled from 1725 at age 41 till 1727 when she died,  and had expelled all the Jews living in "Little Russia.Up to the very end of the 19th century, Little Russia was the prevailing term for much of the modern territory of Ukraine controlled by the Russian Empire, as well as for its people and their language. This can be seen from its usage in numerous scholarly, literary and artistic works. When she died, this order was countermanded.

She was the second wife and Empress consort of Peter the Great, and Empress Regnant of Russia..  Said to have been born on 15 April 1684,  she was originally named Marta Helena Skowrońska which is a Polish spelling. Marta was the daughter of Samuel Skowroński , a Roman Catholic farmer from the eastern parts of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth,                 

Peter the Great b: 9 June 1672 d: 8 Feb 1725, reigned from  1682 to 1725

Peter the Great had two wives, with whom he had fourteen children, three of whom survived to adulthood. Peter's mother selected his first wife, Eudoxia Lopukhina, with the advice of other nobles in 1689.He took Marta Helena Skowrońska, a Polish-Lithuanian peasant, as a mistress some time between 1702 and 1704. Marta converted to the Russian Orthodox Church and took the name Catherine. Though no record exists, Catherine and Peter are described as having married secretly between 23 Oct and 1 December 1707 in St. Petersburg. Peter valued Catherine and married her again (this time officially) at Saint Isaac's Cathedral in Saint Petersburg on 19 February 1712. He was very religious.  

Catherine was the first woman to rule Imperial Russia, opening the legal path for a century almost entirely dominated by women, including her daughter Elizabeth and granddaughter-in-law Catherine the Great, all of whom continued Peter the Great's policies in modernizing Russia. At the time of Peter's death the Russian Army, composed of 130,000 men and supplemented by another 100,000 Cossacks, was easily the largest in Europe. However, the expense of the military was proving ruinous to the Russian economy, consuming some 65% of the government's annual revenue. Since the nation was at peace, Catherine was determined to reduce military expenditure. For most of her reign, Catherine I was controlled by her advisers. However, on this single issue, the reduction of military expenses, Catherine was able to have her way. The resulting tax relief on the peasantry led to the reputation of Catherine I with them as a just and fair ruler. Yet she was extremely anti-semitic having removed Jews from "Little Russia."  

Life for The Jews of Little Russia  at times  flourished, at other times the Jewish community faced periods of persecution and antisemitic discrimination. In the Ukrainian People's RepublicYiddish was a state language along with Ukrainian and Russian. At that time, the Jewish National Union was created and the community was granted an autonomous status. Yiddish was used on Ukrainian currency between 1917 and 1920. Before World War II, a little under one-third of Ukraine's urban population consisted of Jews, who were the largest national minority in Ukraine. Ukrainian Jews consist of a number of sub-groups, including Ashkenazi JewsMountain JewsBukharan JewsCrimean KaraitesKrymchak Jews, and Georgian Jews.

 During the Khmelnytsky Uprising between 1648 and 1657, an army of Cossacks and Crimean Tatars massacred and took into captivity large numbers of Jews, Roman Catholics and Uniate Christians. Recent estimates range from 15,000 to 30,000 Jews killed or taken captive, and 300 Jewish communities completely destroyed. So anti-Semitism prevailed before Catherine II reigned. 

Catherine the Great ruled from 1762 to 1796,34 years,  and her Jewish policy was marked by a combination of liberation and coercion.  On the one hand, Jews were allowed to register in the merchant and other classes in 1780, but permission was restricted to White Russia (Belarus) in 1786.  

She is responsible for moving all Jews out of Russia proper into the Pale of Settlement in 1791 which was land made up of 25 Provinces of Czarist Russia:  Poland, Lithuania, White Russia (Belarus), Ukraine, Bessarabia (1st Romania, then also Moldova and Ukrania)  and Crimea, where Jews were permitted permanent residence. of, and by 1795 excluded Jews from living in rural areas inside the Pale.  

Permission to live outside its confines was granted only to certain people, members of the liberal professions with a high school diploma, big businesses, skilled artisans, and as Cantonists(teen conscriipts for the army).  One found that borders were restricted from time to time by the oppressive "statute" that came out concerning the Jews of 1835 to May 3, 1882 under the May Laws  which said that Jews could only live in the Pale. (Temporary regulations regarding the Jews (also known as May Laws) were proposed by the minister of internal affairs Nikolay Pavlovich Ignatyev and enacted on 15 May ,1882, by Tsar Alexander III of Russia. Originally, regulations of May 1882 were intended only as temporary measures until a future revision of the laws concerning the Jews but remained in effect for more than thirty years.)   This hampered Jewish economic development.  The Pale was kept in effect until August 1915, and legally in March 1917 at the end of WWI.  All names in the Pale were referred to as "Russia" on census of Jews in USA  during this period.  .    

The phrase White Russia is the literal translation of the word

 Belarus . In earlier times the countries belonging to the Rus were

 given many epithets or qualifying adjectives. For example, the

 different regions were called Red Rus, Galician Rus, Black Rus,

 White Rus, Great Rus or Little Rus. White Rus proved to be the

 most viable name and over the centuries this became the name of

 the sovereign state. In textbooks and reference books it is generally

 stated that the origin of the term is not finally explained. However,

 there are five possible versions which are most commonly cited.

According to the first, the territory which was not overcome by the Mongolian khans in the 13th century was called white.


 Genghis   Khan and his descendants conquered the territory from China to  the Volga between 1237 and 1242 and controlled this until 1480.

 However, the princes of Polotsk and their neighbours resisted

 successfully and remained independent. So in this case, white

 meant independent, free.  According to the second alternative, the

 name comes from the white hair or colour of the clothing worn by

 the indigenous peoples in the respective area.

The woman whom history would remember as Catherine the

 Great, Russia’s longest-ruling female leader, was actually the

 eldest daughter of an impoverished Prussian prince. Born in

 1729, Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst enjoyed numerous marital

 prospects due to her mother’s well-regarded bloodlines.

In 1744, 15-year-old Sophie was invited to Russia by

 Czarina Elizabeth, a daughter of Peter the Great who had

 assumed the Russian throne in a coup just three years

 earlier. The unmarried and childless Elizabeth had chosen

 her nephew Peter as heir and was now in search of his

 bride. Sophie, well trained by her ambitious mother and

 eager to please, made an immediate impact on Elizabeth,

 if not her intended husband. The marriage took place on

 August 21, 1745, with the bride (a new convert to

 Orthodox Christianity) now bearing the name Ekaterina,

 or Catherine.

The Pale of Settlement included the following areas, mostly concerning Ukraine.


The ukase of Catherine the Great of December 23, 1791 limited the Pale to:

  • Western Krai-name of the westernmost parts of the Russian Empire, excluding the territory of Congress Poland.:
    • Mogilev Governorate-- was a governorate of the Russian Empire in the territory of the present day Belarus. Its capital was in Mogilev, referred to as Mogilev-on-the-Dnieper, or Mogilev Gubernskiy.
    • Polotsk Governorate (later reorganized into Vitebsk Governorate)-- was an administrative unit of the Russian Empire, with the seat of governorship in Vitebsk. It was established in 1802 by splitting the Byelorussia Governorate and existed until 1924.
  • Little Russia (Ukraine):
    • Kiev Governorate-- was an administrative division of the Russian Empire from 1796 to 1919 and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1919 to 1925.

    • Political subdivisions: uyezds: 12
      Today part of: Ukraine
    • Chernigov Governorate--was a guberniya in the historical Left-bank Ukraine region of the Russian Empire, which was officially created in 1802 from the Malorossiya Governorate with an administrative centre of Chernihiv.
    • Novgorod-Seversky Viceroyalty (later became Poltava Governorate)--was a guberniya in the historical Left-bank Ukraine region of the Russian Empire
  • Novorossiya Governorate-- also referred to as the Union of People's Republics, was a proposed confederation of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic in eastern Ukraine, both of which are under the control of pro-Russian separatists.  .
    • Yekaterinoslav Viceroyalty--The Ekaterinoslav Viceroyalty of the Russian Empire was created on 26 March 1783 by merging the Novorossiya Governorate and Azov Governorate. On 31 December 1796, it was incorporated into the re-established Novorossiya Governorate.
    • Taurida Oblast (Crimea)

  • Fiddler on the Roof musical, later adapted into a film, located in the Pale of 1905 in the fictional town of Anatevka, Ukraine
  • Yentl musical, later adapted into a film located in the Pale of 1873 Poland
  • The novels of Isaac Bashevis Singer

Jews living in the Ukrainian SSR underwent Sovietization, together with the rest of the population of the Soviet Union.

The Ukrainian Jews were targeted and murdered during the Holocaust when the Nazis occupied Ukraine. During the war, a total of 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews were killed, leaving only 40% of the Jewish population prior to the war. In 1939, when Western Ukraine was taken over by Germany, the Jews were put into ghettos and later sent to death camps where they were murdered. Additionally, the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing units, was responsible for the mass murder of up to a million Ukrainian Jews. Following the atrocities of World War II, there was a lot of antisemitic violence in Ukraine. However, after the period known as Glasnost, the view of Jews became more positive as they realized a need for change. The number of Jews in Ukraine has drastically decreased since the late 20th century. The 2001 census showed that 380,000 Jews left Ukraine since 1989, which was 34 of the entire Jewish population.


Update: 2/24/22

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