Friday, September 30, 2022

The Shocking History of the Jews of England

 Nadene Goldfoot                                  

                                 William the Conqueror:  Though he spoke a dialect of French and grew up in Normandy, a fiefdom loyal to the French kingdom, William and other Normans descended from Scandinavian invaders. William’s great-great-great-grandfather, Rollo, pillaged northern France with fellow Viking raiders in the late ninth and early 10th centuries, eventually accepting his own territory (Normandy, named for the Norsemen who controlled it) in exchange for peace.  Every English monarch who followed William, including Queen Elizabeth II, is considered a descendant of the Norman-born king. According to some genealogists, more than 25 percent of the English population is also distantly related to him, as are countless Americans with British ancestry.

The impact of the conquest on the lower levels of English society is difficult to assess. The major change was the elimination of slavery in England, which had disappeared by the middle of the 12th century. There were about 28,000 slaves listed in Domesday Book in 1086, fewer than had been enumerated for 1066. In some places, such as Essex, the decline in slaves was 20 per cent for the 20 years. The main reasons for the decline in slaveholding appear to have been the disapproval of the Church and the cost of supporting slaves who, unlike serfs, had to be maintained entirely by their owners. The practice of slavery was not outlawed, and the Leges Henrici Primi from the reign of King Henry I continue to mention slaveholding as legal. (Henry I (c. 1068 – 1 December 1135), also known as Henry Beauclerc, was King of England from 1100 to his death in 1135. He was the fourth son of William the Conqueror and was educated in Latin and the liberal arts).

The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought the first Jews into England.  The Norman Conquest (or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army made up of thousands of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and others including   Jews who were a handful of Jewish financiers who had followed William the Conqueror from the Continent.  Many Jews lived in Normandy, a French province, in the Middle Ages.  evidenced by the number of rabbinical scholars as well as streets in some localities named after the Jewish population. 

 They were expelled in 1394, after the English Jews were expelled, but by the early 17th century there was an important Marrano settlement at Rouen.  The number of Jews grew in the 19th century, and there were communities at Rouen, Le Havre and Elbeuf.  

During the course of the next generation, communities were established by Jews in London, York, Bristol, Canterbury, etc.   They traded, lent money to the baronage, and advanced funds for current needs on the security of the revenue to the Crown, which therefore protected them.                       

They were not molested at the time of the 1st two Crusades, though in 1144, the first recorded Ritual Murder accusation was brought against them in Norwich.  The natives knew nothing about Jews and showed it with such accusations of Jews needing human blood in the making of their matzos, etc.  Jews are not allowed by the Mosaic Laws that they follow to eat any kind of blood at all!!! To accuse them of such a thing shows their lack of knowledge about the people they had been taught from childhood on to fear and hate.  Jews have been the scapegoats of cultures since the beginning of religion-the people that were not Christians, so must be guilty.  

In 1063, William VIII of Aquitaine led a combined force of French, Aragonese and Catalan knights to take the city of Barbastro that had been in Muslim hands since the year 711.

The First Crusade (1096–1099) was the first of a series of religious wars, or Crusades, initiated, supported and at times directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The objective was the recovery of the Holy Land from Islamic rule. While Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule for hundreds of years, by the 11th century the Seljuk takeover of the region threatened local Christian populations, pilgrimages from the West, and the Byzantine Empire itself. The earliest initiative for the First Crusade began in 1095 when Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos requested military support from the Council of Piacenza in the empire's conflict with the Seljuk-led Turks. This was followed later in the year by the Council of Clermont, during which Pope Urban II supported the Byzantine request for military assistance and also urged faithful Christians to undertake an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

At a local level, the preaching of the First Crusade ignited the Rhineland massacres perpetrated against Jews. At the end of 1095 and beginning of 1096, months before the departure of the official crusade in August, there were attacks on Jewish communities in France and Germany. In May 1096Emicho of Flonheim (sometimes incorrectly known as Emicho of Leiningen) attacked the Jews at Speyer and Worms.

At the time of the 3rd Crusade of 1189-1190, there were riots all over the country accompanied by much bloodshed, especially in London and York where their business bonds were burned.  (The Crusaders killed Jews as they rode through Europe on their way to Jerusalem.  When they got to the Middle East, they could not tell the Jews from the Arabs, so aimed at them all in their killing spree).  There were 5 Crusades altogether.  

To avoid the recurrence of this and the consequent loss to the Exchequer, a system of registration of Jewish debts was set  in 1194,  with Archae or chirograph chests in all the principal cities under the control of a central Exchequer of the Jews.  This made possible the systematic exploitation of Jewish resources by merciless taxation during the reigns of John in 1199-1216;  and Henry III of 1216-1277. 

 The enforced sternness of Jewish creditors in exacting their dues now resulted in growing unpopularity evidenced in the Ritual Murder case of Hugh of Lincoln in 1255 and the  attacks made on them during the Barons' Wars of 1263 to 1265.  The competition of the Italian bankers was by now making their services superfluous.  Their rights were progressively restricted from 1269 onward and in 1290, they were expelled from the country.

This expulsion was to last from 1290 to 1655, a total of 365 years;  the same number of days that make up a year. 

There is much information  on the activities of the medieval English Jewry whose members probably never exceeded 5,000.  In the "Middle Period" of English Jewish history from 1290 to 1655, no Jews lived officially in the country, though by the 16th century, there was a Marrano colony which was broken up in 1609.  Marranos were Spanish and Portuguese Jews that had to go through baptism and pretend to be Catholics; not Jews.  They then were forced to leave anyway, to maintain their sanity. 

 Manasseh Ben Israel went to negotiate with the British Cromwell for the readmission of the Jews. He had only a partial success, but the presence of the new Marrano group was connived at and received official recognition in 1664. 

The original Sephardi community (Marranos) was reinforced by Ashkenazi  immigrants from Germany and Central Europe who established their 1st synagogue in London in 1690 and then spread to the rest of the country.  There were no important restrictions on the Jews, and no ghetto system was enforced that Jews had found in Venice, Italy.  By now, violence against Jews was virtually unknown, even the Jew Bill controversy of 1753 that led to serious molestation. 

Finally, by the 19th century, with the activity of Sir Moses Montefiore,  English Jews took a leading part in Jewish philanthropy.                         

Disabilities, not very irksome, were removed slowly from 1829 onward, culminating in the admission of Lionel de Rothschild to parliament in 1858.  From 1881, the older community was strongly reinforced by an immigration of Jewish refugees from Russian persecutions.  They soon adapted themselves to the English Jewish way of life under the Chief Rabbi, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and in London, the United synagogue.  

New Jewish communities of importance existed in Leeds, Glasgow, Manchester, etc.  A further influx, arriving from Germany in 1933 to 1939 helped to stimulate a weak and short-lived organized anti-Semitic movement.  England was the only important European country to escape the Nazi persecutions, but the air bombardment of the principal cities and consequent scattering  of the Jewish population changed and to some extent, weakened the traditional Jewish life.  

The Jewish population of Great Britain (with Northern Ireland) is estimated in 1990 at 330,000.   This year of 2022 shows 292,000 in all of the UK.  Some emigrated for the USA and others for Israel.

 I myself had found my own grandfather, Nathan Abraham Goldfoot, to have changed his name of Goldfus in England and anglicized it  to Goldfoot, and had gone from Telsiai, Lithuania to England and then to Dublin,  where he married his 1st wife;  a very short-lived married to a Lena Goldberg. then left Ireland at Londonderry.     Somehow he finally got to the West Coast of the USA.  Many Lithuanian and other Jews had been living in Ireland.  His relative had gone in another direction;  to South Africa where I found more relatives with the help of DNA testing.  

   Hitler starting WWII is meeting with the Arab Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti who has been leading his followers against Emir Feisal, who will later become King of Syria and Iraq.  The Grand Mufti wanted Hitler's help in getting rid of the Jews. 

The irony of this story is that Great Britain's Jewish representative, Sir Herbert Louis Samuels, Britain's first High Commissioner for Palestine,  had selected Husseini for this position.  Husseini became one of the founding fathers of Arab nationalism.  He was a distant cousin of Yasser Arafat, head terrorist.  

Amin’s father, mufti   Mohammed Tahir al-Husseini, was one of the early vocal opponents of Zionism. His efforts in 1897 convinced the local representative of Constantinople to put a stop to land sales to Jews for several years. That same year, he proposed that new Jewish immigrants should be “terrorized prior to the expulsion of all foreign Jews established in Palestine since 1891.”

Following in his father’s footsteps, around the age of 20, Amin al-Husseini became involved in Arab resistance to Zionism. After the British took control of Palestine following the end of World War I, he organized rallies against the Balfour Declaration. One of his speeches, on April 4, 1920, fanned the flames of anti-Jewish sentiment, resulting in violent riots. When the dust settled after four days, five Jews and four Arabs were dead. Another 211 Jews and 33 Arabs were left wounded.

Samuels was even a Viscount, a British statesman and philosopher.  He was a member of a British cabinet from 1909, and held office in  the Liberal government of 1905-1916, and in the national government of 1931 to 1932.  His memorandum to the Cabinet in 1914  concerning a British trust for the Jewish Home influenced the Balfour Declaration.  In 1920 to 1925, he was the 1st High Commissioner for Palestine.  He also held leadership for the Coal Industry in 1925, leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons from 1931 to 1935, and in the House of Lords from 1944 to 1955.  From 1936 he served as president of the Council for German Jewry and in 1939, founded the Children's Movement to bring unaccompanied refugee children from Germany to Britain. 

All this doesn't negate the error in choosing Husseini as a leader as he probably added the icing to the cake of Hitler's resolve to kill all Jews in the world.  Didn't he see how he was leading riots of Arabs against Jews?  It seems that people in those days lived in their own little bubble of the world and dared not step outside of it for fear of losing face or their own finances or safety. 


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,hands%20since%20the%20year%20711.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Proving Israel's Legitimacy to the World Over and Over

 Nadene Goldfoot                                    

     Temple Mount on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem,  place where our first and second Temple had stood, then destroyed by Romans in 70 CE who built a Roman Temple over the site.  The Muslims then built a mosque over the Roman  Temple.  Moshe Dayan looked around saw several mosques here, and gave Jordan the responsibility to care for the site.  So now Jews cannot pray here, but only at the Western wall (wailing wall).  I found my cousin, Stanley Goldfoot on Dor v'Dor Street in Jerusalem and we visited.                       
       Tel Aviv's sea front has been developed as a major tourist area.

   Haifa, I lived at the Mercaz ha Klitta for new immigrants, arriving September 1980.  

            Safed, where I lived  and taught English at the junior high from 1981 to November 20, 1985 after living in Haifa for my first 10 months.                           

  • Are you aware that Israel, now only 74 years of age, is a senior 

  • citizen—older than 2/3 of all the world’s nations! (Yet it's the only 

  • country whose legitimacy is attacked!)  

  • This is its 2nd  birthing!                                           

  • King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin with David of the tribe of Judah,  his armor-bearer and musician, soothing him with his harp-playing.  

  • The 1st state of Israel that became an empire was by King Saul 

  • over 3,000 years ago that lasted until King Solomon died in 920 

  • BCE causing a civil war under his son, Rehoboam, who continued 

  • ruling the southern portion that was the largest of Judah until the 

  • Assyrians attacked and conquered the northern section,  Israel,  in 

  • 721 BCE.  

The extent of the Promised Land reached the Pelusium arm of the Nile Delta River, the Gulf of Elath, and the Euphrates River opposite the city of Aleppo in the East.  It included most of Syria and altogether covered about 58,000 square miles.  This entire area was ocupied by the Israelites under David and Solomon as told in (I Kings 5:4).                                                        

The Jewish National Home under the British Mandate covered only the area West of the Jordan River excluding part of the Upper Galilee North of the ladder of Tyre which was given to Lebanon. 

The southern Negev beyond the Rafiah-Gulf of Elath line had been handed over by the Turkish government to Egypt for administration in 1906.  

The UN resolution of November 29, 1947 recommended the establishment of a Jewish state in the larger part of the mandated area of Western Palestine, although still with a complex frontier.  

The armistice agreements of 1949 left Israel with 8,000 sq. miles---a larger area than envisioned, although still with complicated borders.

After the 1967 Six Day War Israel  was in occupation of all of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai up to the Suez Canal.  
  • Kings of the early period were Saul, David, Solomon.  The people had wanted a king.  Before Saul, they were ruled by Judges, like a head chieftain  in the many areas.  

  • From then on, Israel was ruled by Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim who was Solomon's superintendent of forced labor;  Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri and or Omri;  Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram,, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam, Zecharia, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, and finally Hoshea in 730-721 BCE.  

  • From then on, Judah was ruled by Rehoboam-Solomon's son; Asbijam,, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Aathaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jothan, Ahaz, Hezekia; Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and finally Zedekiah from 597 to 586 BCE.  

  • Judah had carried on until it was attacked by the Babylonians in 597 BCE and 586 BCE, but most returned by 538 BCE to carry on.

  • Judah carried on  until it was occupied and destroyed by Rome in 70 CE by burning down Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple of Solomon. 

  •  We Jews of the world come from the tribe of 

  • Judah, and some of Benjamin and Simeon who had clung 

  • together.  

This 2nd birth of Israel  was after WWI in 1918 where Jews attended many meetings with the heads of state in the world at the League of Nations Conferences, where they voted that they again become a state.  This took place for their birthday on May 14, 1948. At the time, Israel was freed from the 30 year mandate that Great Britain held from the aftermath of WWII.  Israel had to wait for 1,848 years to regain their own land.   

People were praying 3 times a day for 1,848 years for this to happen.  The land was held from 70 CE on by many empires.  First, of course, were the Romans, then the Sasanian Empire (Persians);  Rashiduns (Muslims in 637;   Umayyads of 660, Abbasids of 747, Fatimids of 969, Seljuks (Turks of 1971, Crusaders by 1095, Crusaders/Ayyubids; Mamluks of 1291;  and the Ottoman Empire by 1517.                                          
   Hitler starting WWII is meeting with the Arab Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti who has been leading his followers against Emir Feisal, who will later become King of Syria and Iraq.  The Grand Mufti wanted Hitler's help in getting rid of the Jews.  The irony of this story is that Great Britain's Jewish representative, Sir Herbert Louis Samuels, Britain's first High Commissioner for Palestine,  had selected Husseini for this position.  Emir Feisal (1885- 1933) became king of Iraq from 1921 and was the eldest son of Hussein, sherif of Mecca.  He is the one who led the Arab "rising" against Turkey (1916-18) of the Ottoman Empire and was designated king of Syria. 
               Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal at a meeting

 Feisal was at first sympathetic to Zionism from which he hoped to receive aid in building his future kingdom.  He reached an agreement on mutual aid with Dr. Weizmann in Transjordan in 1918 and Paris in 1919, conditional on the implementation of British promises to the Arabs.  When he was expulsed by France from Syria in 1920 along with the Arab leaders, he became hostile towards Zionism. What changed his mind most likely were the threats of Husseini.   

World War I put an end to the Ottomans who were on the Axis (German) side of the war and they lost. The Germans lost WWII as well.   

Here is a sampling of states born after Israel:  

Forty-Nine (49) of the  new states are from Africa. 

Libya's birthday is December 24, 1951 when it was freed from France and UK
Madagascar's birthday is October 14, 1958 when it was freed from France.  
South Africa's birthday is May 3, 1961 when it was also freed from UK
Algeria's birthday is July 3, 1962 and is freed from France.
Angola's birthday is November 11, 1975 when it was freed from Portugal.    

From Americas:

Jamaica's birthday is August 6, 1962 when it was freed from UK
Bahamas's birthday is January 7, 1964 when it was also able to govern itself, waited till July 10, 1973 to be free of UK
Belize's birthday is September 21, 1981 when it was also freed from UK

From Asia

Syria's birthday is September 28, 1961 when it was freed from French mandate.  
Bangledash's birthday is March 26, 1971 when it was freed from Pakistan, which was born just before Israel. 

Bahrain's birthday is August 15, 1971 when it was freed from UK
United Arab Emirates's birthday is December 2, 1971 when it was freed from UK
Iran's birthday is February 11, 1979, used to be Persia
China's birthday is December 4, 1982, from ancient days 
Armenia's birthday is September 21, 1991, 2nd revival when it was freed from  Soviet Union
Golda Meir and  others announced Israel's birth on May 14, 1948;  accepted by League of Nations and United Nations.  A few minutes after the announcement, Jews were attacked and into war, their War of Independence that actually started on November 29, 1947 when Arabs responded with violence to the UN Resolution on Palestine, and lasted until the signing of the Armistice Agreements in 1949.  By the end of 1948, Israel had 872,000 Jews and non-Jews for a population.  Jews made up 758,702 of the total.  

From Europe

Germany's birthday is May 23, 1949, 3rd revival from Rhineland days, after starting WWI & WWII.  After all, Germany had entered Poland on September 1, 1939 as the start of WWII.  It ended on September 2, 1945;  a Six Year War. This was their 2nd beginning.
                      Werner on right holding his 2nd girl;  they had 5 girls eventually.  He got out of Germany on May 4,1939, perhaps last Jew out.  
 It seemed like forever to me; my whole childhood, from the time I was 5 till I was 11;  kindergarten till  the 6th grade, and I was safe in the USA. My Uncle Werner married my Aunt Hammie on September 1, 1939.  He had left Germany in May of that year and my great uncle Max sponsored him.  I was the flower girl at their wedding in our synagogue.   

I remember our 2 newspapers and all they ever wrote about was the war, and I remember cutting out jokes from the Saturday Evening Post magazine and making joke books for the soldiers; the army songs, army movies, and the big thing of collecting newspapers for the paper drive when we brought stacks of newspapers to school and weighed them. There was a prize for those who brought the most. Our parents bought savings bonds and they had food rations books.   I remember almost not getting a bicycle as they were so scarce.  As a child, we were so well protected from the horrors of this war, but now I know. We had a WWII, and Israel was created by the League of Nations and the United Nations by May 14, 1948.  

From Australia/Oceania

Fiji's birthday is October 10, 1970 when it was freed from United Kingdom
Marshall Islands's birthday is May 1, 1979 with free association with USA.  

From Transcontinental States

Cyprus's birthday is August 16, 1960 when it was freed from UK.  
The proof of Israel's existence and  history are found not only in the bible  but in the digs going on by archaeologists in the area and the rest of the Middle East.  One is verifying the other.  This is something that Iranian Ayatollas need to read since they deny Israel's existence.  


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Nutrition of Abraham and Sarah on The Way To Canaan

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

Speaking of threshing floors used in the baking of bread;  we only have to walk or drive down to the bakery and buy a loaf of bread. What kind of food did Abraham and Sarah eat 3,000 years ago,  especially on their trek from Ur on the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia to Canaan?  

From Ur, Abraham traveled 700 miles to the borders of present-day Iraq, another 700 miles into Syria, another 800 down to Egypt by the inland road, and then back into Canaan - which is now Israel.  It is a journey that today's pilgrim, for reasons of international polity, cannot easily replicate. But even though much of the route is difficult of access, and although many of the cities Abraham knew are now only ruins, there are nonetheless rewards for today's traveler, spiritual monuments to the man and his faith. Begin, then, in the Ur of history and imagination, and end at Hebron, where, under Israeli protection, the faiths, however briefly, meet.

They might have traveled by camels.  It's a very long trek.  That would have made carrying food much easier.  

When Abraham strode upon the stage at Ur, he was by Semitic reckoning already a man of 75. And Ur was then a capital city of more than 100,000 inhabitants, a place of beauty, graced with towers, palaces, temples, law courts, market squares, statues, shrines, gardens, mosaics, friezes, reliefs and monuments. 

Abraham is one of the early homo sapiens that we know about, making an entrance of our history after Adam and Eve of the year 5783 BCE Jewish time. Abraham was born in about  1948 BCE.   They were the updated models after Neandertals, the homo sapiens who have been around for a long time, now.   I went back 9 generations starting with Abraham's father, Terah, to get to Shem, one of Noah's sons. 4 more generations back and one arrives at Enoch.                                 

Our babies can nurse their mothers for the first 2 years of their lives.  Then mothers found food for themselves in nature, such as berries and nuts, fruit on trees such as dates, apples, and seeds and grasses to munch on.  They would chew it, and then spit it into the mouths of their babies.    It looked rather like baby food our babies are fed from cans and bottles created by Gerbers.    

The human lineage going way back was of Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.  It took thousands of years being at each stage to develop the mind and body which happened by genes mutating to go along with adapting to their environment. 

The question is, when did homo sapiens start eating animals?  The answer is 2.6 million years ago.  The first major evolutionary change in the human diet was the incorporation of meat and marrow from large animals, which occurred by at least 2.6 million years ago.  That was way before Abraham's day.                                    

I bet they would have loved to come upon a hamburger stand when on their trek, but none existed back then  Abraham and Sarah lived during the 2nd millennium or was born about the year 1948 BCE, only about 4,000 years ago.  Ur, connected to Babylon, was like the New York City of that day.  3,000 more years and they would see lots of hamburger stands in the year 1948 after World War II.  

He left it for the hinterland of Canaan to start a new life out in less populated countryside. They may have had dried meat in their backpacks, and some form of pita or even matzo made from wheat.  They walked near the river so may have eaten fish along the way to Haran.  They needed to walk even if they came with camels as walking is good for the heart, and they must have walked a lot more than today's humans.    

One wonders how that came to be that humans started eating animals.    Could it have happened that they came upon a carcass of one hit by lightning so there was one cooked, so to speak, and they smelled it and tasted it as it made them salivate and become hungrier and they were then sated?  That would have opened their eyes to a new source of food.                  

  Also, they might have studied other animals in their purview and saw that they ate other animals, so besides staying out of the limelight of being the next meal, thought of their own tummy growling and what might they include in their own diet.   

Those who became meat eaters found they were stronger than others.  I know a boxer who ate a good beef dinner before a boxing match and found he had more energy so won his bouts.  These meat eaters would have become a more dominant group, multiplying.   

Animal-based foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy foods) tend to be good sources of complete protein, while plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds) often lack one or more essential amino acid.

Today, vegans are the thing.  More and more people are turning to a vegan diet.  Well, we do have 7.98 billion people on planet earth and its getting harder and harder to feed and water that many.  Here, Russians are leaving their country, worried about not having the necessities of life under this regime by being forced into serving the army in an unwanted war.  Other Europeans worry about keeping warm during the winter and needing fuel.  

No such worries for Abraham.  He just worried about producing more of his own children and had to work on that.  Those were the days of very low population of the world.  


The Threshing Floor That Started Solomon's Temple

 Nadene Goldfoot                                      

Artist Balage Balogh has provided us a beautiful illustration of the threshing floor of Araunah on what we later know to be Mount Moriah.  Araunah was gracious in his offer to allow David to take any of his property needed — the oxen, the threshing sledge, and the yokes of the oxen for the wood. He said, “All this, O king, Araunah gives to the king.”
Below;  wind used to separate the chaff from the grain of wheat.

David’s reply is one of those memorable statements of Scripture. But the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. (2 Samuel 24:24 ESV).

 As the temple in Jerusalem was built over a threshing floor, Victor Hurowitz observes, “This site was chosen because it was outside the city and was elevated.

 In ancient Israel threshing floors were located at places where the wind would blow freely to facilitate winnowing.” (Isaiah10:2).  The threshing floors of the Bible were outdoor stone floors, usually circular in fashion, used by farmers to process the grain of their crops. For the larger community, like watermills of the recent past, they could be gathering places bustling with commercial and communal activity. 

     Men threshing wheat by hand                               

It was already a cleared large area, a good place to begin the building of Solomon's Temple.  David (1010 to  910 BCE.  His son, Solomon by Bathsheba, then ruled from 961 to 920 BCE.

 As mentioned in 2 Chronicles 3:1, Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to his father David. It was on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. This temple would play a pivotal role in the social and economic life of the Jewish people. (song)

Jebusites were a people in Canaan already settled in Eretz Yisrael prior to the Israelite conquest.  They lived in the hill region around Jerusalem which their people had called Jebus.  Josua defeated a Jebusite-led coalition, but Jerusalem was occupied only in the reign of David (II Sam.5:6-7).  The last Jebusite king was apparently Araunah (II Sam.24:15).  The Jebusites remained in the city under David and became tributary under Solomon.  They seem to have been assimilated into the population.

Spike morphology and threshing characteristics of (A) Bread wheat, complete spike (upper), threshed spike (middle) and rachis (highlighted red colour square) (B) Spelt complete spike (upper), threshed spike (middle) and Rachis (highlighted red colour square) and (C) Spelt hullness 1772–14308 (PI 191617) around 99% hullness (upper), Rojo (PI 191100) around 40% hullness (middle), Tomarense (PI 608792) free threshing (lower)                                       
            Today's view of Mt. Moriah of Jerusalem 

Going back further, the reason the Israelites needed this spot was for another reason, too.  "Way back in the time of Moses, God told the people of Israel that he had already chosen a place for his dwelling place in the Promised Land, long before they’d even got there:

“You are to seek only the place Adonai your God chooses from all your tribes to put His Name to dwell—there you will come.” (Deuteronomy 12:5)  Jerusalem includes Mt. Moriah, a place chosen for them. 

The location is not specified at that point, but God had decided where it would be way before the Israelites got to Canaan. With hindsight, we can see God had put his prophetic mark on his spot back in Genesis 22: it was the place where God told Abraham he was to sacrifice Isaac – Mount Moriah.  "Please take your son, your only one, whom you love--Isaac---and go to the land of Moriah;  bring him up there as an offering upon one of the mountains which I shall tell you.  ...On the 3rd day, Abraham raised his eyes and perceived the place from afar...They arrived at the place of which G-d had spoken to him;  Abraham built the altar there..."

We're thankful to read that Abraham was stopped from sacrificing Isaac and told that was was the end of human sacrifice.  Abraham showed that he was at the point of giving up his most cherished, Isaac, for G-d's direction, and that was enough.  The fear of events such as earthquakes, floods, etc, was enough to cause all people of the earth into human sacrifice in those days for their own hoped for protection.  It's hard to accept that it was once an accepted act.  

Mount Moriah was a hill in Jerusalem  where Abraham prepared to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to G-d.  David had bought this land so he could build an altar here.  Later, it became the site for the Temple that Solomon was to build.  The original hill was enlarged in the course of time by embanking it.  


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia