Sunday, September 30, 2018

After 3,000 Years; the 12 Tribes of Israel Meeting Each Other Again

Nadene Goldfoot                            

Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan Visit Jerusalem
a revered City of David, King of Israel (1010-970 BCE) son of Jesse of
the tribe of Judah.
It was some 200 years later when the ancestors of Pashtuns were taken away
by the Assyrians in 722-721 BCE.  The 1st king they knew was Saul, Israel's
first king, son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin
They lived in Israel with King Solomon (961-920 BCE) who was
David's son.  The Pashtuns were the 10 Northern Tribes comprising
Jacob's descendants of his 12 sons as we understand today.   

How big do you think Israel is?  President Bush was shocked that it was so small, saying it could fit into a part of his Texas ranch. 

"Prairie Chapel Ranch is a 1,583-acre (6.4 km²) ranch in unincorporated McLennan County, Texas, located 7 miles (11 km) northwest of Crawford (about 25 miles(40 km) from Waco). The property was acquired by George W. Bush in 1999 and was known as the Western White House during his presidency."   Actually, the ranch is as big as 2.473438 sq miles big, 1/4 the size of Israel.  The state of Texas is made of 268,597 sq miles.  
Afghanistan is made of 252,072 sq miles.
Pakistan is made of 307,374 sq miles.  
USA is made of 3.797 million sq miles.  

The USA has gained Alaska and Hawaii, making 50 United States.  The lower 48 is shown above.  

It was slightly smaller than the American state of New Jersey ( shown on the map as a piece of the coastline to the east of Pennsylvania-the yellow state), but with its territories gained back since 1967's ultimate attack by all the surrounding Arab nations it now has 10,762 sq. miles.

Their population in 2006 was 7,026,000.  According to the CIA of the USA, Israel's population was 6,353,117 including 187,000 new residents in Judea-Samaria (West Bank) and 20,000 in the Golan Heights and then the 177,000 in East Jerusalem which would be an Arab population.  Of these Jews, 76.4% were Israeli born Jews
22.6% European-born Jews
5.9% African-born Jews
4.7% Asian born Jews
23.6% non-Jews (Gentiles) which again would be the Arab population (mixed Christian, Muslims)

When Israel was created on May 14, 1948, they had 600,000 Jews, the very same number that Moses had brought to the Promised Land he had brought his Jews of the Exodus to live.  Ironically, Jews lost 6,000,000 (million) Jews in the WWII's Holocaust.  

As of on September 22, 2018, Israel's population was 8,485,501 and the area covers 20,770 sq km or 8,019 sq miles; 8 thousand sq miles is not very big.  

Compare this population with Mexico City which had 8,720,916 that same year in the inner part of their city proper.  Actually Greater Mexico City had the population of 19.2 million people.  The total area of Israel was 20,770 sq km which includes 440 sq m of water, or 8,000 some sq miles that makes up Israel, almost divided in half.  
Moses and the 10 Commandments

Why must Jews live in their ancient of Israel today?  Why there?  Because their blood-line is from the Middle East, not from Bush's ranch in the USA.  Their original ancestors came from the area around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and had moved Westward in an Exodus to Ur, of today's Iraq as the group that Terah and his son, Abram had belonged to.  From Ur and Abram we get the command through Moses from G-d that we were to return to Canaan and live there, a place Jacob, Abram's grandson, had been living.  Jacob is the one who, after wrestling with an angel, was named ISRAEL.  
The Bible is our compass, the Tanakh, that is, comprised of the 5 Books of Moses and the prophets, the Old Testament to Christians.  This is our story and our destiny.  Moses is our teacher.  With him, our ancestors traveled for 40 years learning about themselves and what their job was to do.  It included teaching their descendants, and here we are, a pared-down group of descendants of which less than half, 6 million,  are now living in Israel with another 6 million in the USA and 2 million still scattered in other parts of the world.  Jews as a group kept their faith, their belief in one G-d, even after losing 6 million people to those who hated them for being different.  
Husseini with the Nazis, plotting against Jews in Palestine

At this time of finally, through blood and tears and much fighting, we have gained back our ancient land-enough to claim it to be Israel, and still we are now in the in-gathering stage of finding our lost 10 tribes, lost to us in 720 BCE by the Assyrian attacks.  The ugly head of anti-Semitism still exists, driving some of those not yet into Israel heading that way and wondering where they could live in this tiny space.  
Fatah of Judea-Samaria and Hamas of Gaza,
leaders who can't get along with each other,
vying for power.

Now the nations that are leaders on this planet, including Trump's very recent decision,  are planning on the 2 STATE SOLUTION, something the Arabs really do not want as they view their own solution; taking over all the land for themselves their goal.                      

Out of this some 10,000 sq miles making up Israel today, where on earth are they plotting to cut land to make a Palestinian state?  There are many possibilities online, and this shows how impossible it is.  Remember, the Arabs are not willing partners of peace.  They swore to destroy Israel in 1967 at the Kartoum Conference.  Continued Peace has always been Israel's goal.  There are talks about land swaps.   

Some rabbis and our prophecy says that we will never see the Moshiach (Messiah) until we are united again with out lost 10 tribes.  This is a vastly huge group of Pashtuns, mostly living in Pakistan and Afghanistan,  who are very happy living where they are, of course.  Pashtuns are thought to number 50 million.  They have about 13,750,117 in Afghanistan and 30,699,037 in Pakistan.  

As it stands right now, 801,000 people live in Jerusalem, the coveted city that the Arabs want to make over as theirs but which is the capital of Israel; from David's time onto today.
West Jerusalem, populated by Jews, has 400,000.  

The fact that the Palestinian Arabs have no history in this land other than riding through on their camels or at one time owning some land that they gladly sold at extremely high prices to incoming Jews, makes no difference, it seems.  They have no ancient claims like the Jews do.  There was never a country of Palestine.  1.7 million Arabs are already full citizens of tiny Israel, so the ratio is 1.7 million to 6 million, and must be kept at this ratio to keep Israel's claim of ownership.  
Muslims in the world 

Israel is the only scrap of land in the world that is a Jewish country. You can barely visualize it on the map above.   There are 44 Muslim states with 1 billion people in an area 672 times the size of Israel.  22  of the 44 are sovereign Arab states right in the Middle East including oil rich Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, who steadfastly refuse to absorb the so-called "Palestinian refugees, preferring to keep them as political pawns in order to blame Israel for their plight.  The Arab world boasts at least 21 states with an area greater than that of the USA.  None of these states are a democracy, except now, possibly Iraq can become one, but that won't happen if ISIS has their way.  All these Muslim countries outnumber Israel, yet Israel had to win all the wars thrust upon her since 1948, no matter if the odds were ridiculous.  
This is a Druze IDF soldier. Druze consider themselves to be Arabs in Syria and Lebanon, but not in Israel, except for a part of the Golan Heights Druze, who consider themselves to be Arabs.  They are wonderful
citizens of Israel, a population of 130,600.  They decided on their own
to serve in Israel's army.  Arabs are not expected to do this.  

Note that Israel has taken its Arabs who remained there in 1948 as full citizens along with the Jews, now totaling 1.7 million.  

Resource: My speech of June 15, 2006,+pictures&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5-vezvOPdAhUM8IMKHTiVCPIQ7Al6BAgFEBs&biw=1687&bih=872#imgrc=C19M8CJp9C6Q6M:  Bush Ranch Victor Sharpe article on 2 state solution-use Jordan.  

Friday, September 28, 2018

1982: For Kavanaugh and for Israel: Their Shared Woes; The Year That Was


1982 for Brett Michael  Kavanaugh, a Judge of the USA's 2nd highest court system in Washington DC, ( United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit). born in this special city, a shining 10 carat diamond among others, outstanding since grade school, attending his Catholic Jesuit high school with A's, entering Yale Law School, outstanding all the way.  He's already written so much for our law system and is known to the present judges sitting on the Supreme Court.  In other words, his fate, laid out, is to join this special group and is made to be their 9th and last member.
A woman in distress, Dr. Christine Blase Ford,  has stepped up at the very last minute of his confirmation with accusations of his attempted rape act on him when she was 15 and he 17.  She wanted her story to be confidential and asked Senator Feinstein to keep it that way.  As I understand her testimony, she herself notified a newspaper, trying to share but being anonymous, but it didn't work.  The next thing she knew, reporters were at her door.  Half of this United States, most all Democrats, seem to agree with her accusation the moment she opened her mouth.  This was a savior act of keeping this Republican from the bench.  How wonderful that such an accusation came about to save them all from a judge that followed such rulings.  Their biggest fear was upsetting the Roe and Wade decision made in a period where Democratic leftists were in a better position.  They all clamored that he would find a way to throw it out and show it wasn't Democratic after all.
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, scolding the Democrats and Republicans who might
turn against Kavanaugh with a profound speech.  
The problem is that this country is based on the fact that we are all innocent of any crime until we are proven by facts of being guilty.  Accusers cannot just accuse.  Facts are paramount in a court case, and in life in general.  Otherwise, we are running into gossip; talking about people and saying things without having proof.  Believing an accuser without evidence is old school, going back to the dark ages.  Choosing a qualified judge has now shown itself to be Partisan, not done by their capabilities.

Jews have suffered from this terribly.  We have been said to have horns on our heads, and people in the Dark Ages would become peeping Toms, looking into our windows trying to see them.  People accused us of using Christian blood in the making of matzos during Passover.  If a Christian child was missing from a neighborhood, the Jews took him for just such blood drawing.  Crazy ways of proving innocence in past days were things like throwing the accused in a river or lake.  If they drowned, they were guilty.  They may have even been tied up.
It hurt me terribly to hear the Hawaiian lady Senator calling out that she believed Kavanaugh's accuser before she heard his side.  She was joined by too many other women with this same old thinking; believe the female accuser; all men are guilty!!!  Women can lie just like men, you know.  The only type of person that cannot physically tell lies that I know of are Down Syndrome children.  The only difference is that we've just realized how many women have been attacked sexually and have been raped.  It's a fact that has been kept in Pandora's box, and now that the lid has been opened, a madly wild geni has been let out, out to get even.  It makes me realize that my own Jewish historical practices of women dressing modestly has value as well as the Muslim's extreme measures taken to dress modestly in this world we share with men.
Whatever mechanics in the brain controls this nasty ability to lie is missing in the Down Syndrome.  That's not to say that Blase Ford wasn't telling her truth, either.  Her experience came to her through some memory of being raped with his name emblazoned in her mind.  It's a mystery, but looking through Kavanaugh's year book shows his picture and his activities, and of course, the names of his best friends.  She was not a part of this special Catholic social click and had attended another private school that wasn't a religious school.  Yet, some of his friends had heard of her name, possibly known through her diving abilities in swimming.  Athletes do become known in young people's clicks.  She swam at her country club.  She may have been known of through this social group, or even known of through surnames.
1982 and Kavenaugh was a star student in the small classes of a very elite school system and a star athlete as well.  He led a well rounded life including lots of friends, and he enjoyed when 18, drinking beer.  Born on February 12, 1965 and sharing Abraham Lincoln's birthday, he would not have been 18, the legal age of beer drinking, until February 12, 1983.  With a mother who became a lawyer, and being as judgmental with himself as he is, I'm sure he didn't break this law.  Raised in a Catholic school and being very religious, he had remained friends with other Catholic students in this system of boys' schools and girls' schools.  He was also one who remained virginal.

By the time he could drink beer, something quite possibly done happily by his father, he was in college.  Star students, and I have a son and a brother who was one of them,  seem to have high standards for themselves, especially in keeping their grades up.

Brett followed in his father's footsteps of keeping a very involved calendar and presented the Senate committee with it showing what he had done and with who through the summer of 1982.  His education without a break was at Georgetown Preparatory School, Ezra Stiles College, Yale University, Yale Law School, and Mater Dei School.  He kept himself as a virgin until sometime later, perhaps by Law School age.  A man like this is not likely to drink until having blackouts.  By then they couldn't handle much in any school as well as he did.  All his friends protest, saying he cared for them, being a leader in their group.  He did not have the reputation of a blackout drinker or a rapist or even as a sexy guy!  

Here, one drink equals 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor (40% alcohol), 12 ounces of beer (4.5% alcohol), or 5 ounces of wine (12% alcohol). Under current law, everything in red (.08 BAC and higher) is legally intoxicated.

In fact, he had many many female friends that are friends with him today--plain honest friendship.  It answers the question, "Can man be friends with women and just remain friends without sex being involved?"  The answer is, yes, it's possible. 
Ronald Reagan was President in 1982.  I remember how disappointed
I was, glad to be in Israel , being a stanch Democrat then.  I changed with
Obama running, NOT because he was half black but because of his
history towards Jews as shown in his church and by his minister that he
had attended for 22 years.  That was enough to scare me!  It was something
I pored over very carefully, as leaving the Democratic Party was not an easy change. 
My mother was happy, though.  She had voted for Reagan and had previously
voted for Eisenhower.  Her father was a Republican.   You can tell, she voted
for a strong man to be president.    
Democrats are demanding that the FBI do the investigating to find information about the accusations.  The FBI has come out saying this is not their their job.  The situation is different from years ago with another similar case.  An FBI investigation would delay the position till after USA voting that takes place in November and will color people's minds in their voting.  The timing would benefit the Democrats.  Finding this accuser at the last hour was seen as saving them. The 21 Senators on this special committee have already done investigating with answers from the known witnesses saying they were not witnesses to her accusation.  Their statements, if false, could send them to prison.  4 Democrats walked out in an act of protest of their meeting today.
In my bottom floor apartment in Safed on David Eleazar Street
across the street from my jr high school where I would teach 7th, 8th and 9th graders
with bars on the living room window to keep out impending terrorists;
the apartment comes with such bars.  We had just moved in,
just received out lift and had a few things out.  We had spent the previous
ten months studying Hebrew and history to get our teaching credentials. I was
a teacher from Oregon of 22 years experience. 
1982 for Israel was a time when I lived in Safed, northern Israel in the Galilee.  I had moved there in September of 1980, first living for 10 months in Haifa.  I also kept a calendar of sorts; letters to my mother every week telling of my activities and thoughts.  I'm much older than Brett, born in 1934.  On June 7, 1982, a Sunday,  I had traveled to the Army Hospital in Haifa from Safed, alone on a bus, to check on my arm that I had broken in a fall.  I had a lot of metal screws in there holding my elbow together and was told they could come out next summer.  The doctors couldn't help me that day as they were a little busy.  The Lebanon War had started.  I found out that's why I saw so many army vehicles going up the street we had come down from.  Being an army hospital-the only one open when I had fallen, they knew they'd be very busy shortly.  That day was memorable for me.
Ma'alot, nearby town where our students were slaughtered, buried at home in Safed, my city.  As a teacher, I quickly saw the danger I could be facing.  This happened only 7 years before I taught in Safed. 

The Ma'alot massacre was a Palestinian terrorist attack that occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 Israeli people which ended in the murders of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son. From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. 
June 15, 1982  Ned, my 29 year old American friend and co-teacher in the school I taught in, was called into the army last week at 1:00 am in the morning.  We both taught English in the junior high in Safed.  Andy, another English teacher was also home and had been called into his IDF uniform to do his milueem service.  Even our veterinarian for our German shepherd that we brought with us from Oregon was called into service to do his milueem.  He's serving as a medic in the army.
My husband and I drove to Hatzor for another American teacher's birthday, Avraham.  We saw soldiers hitchhiking, the way they got to their posts when called.  This was a special time and all able men were called into the army and some women.  When soldiers were given a 24 hour pass, the only way they could get from the battlefield to home was by hitchhiking.  We picked up a nice kid who had a brother in the 10th grade at my husband's high school.  My husband, Danny taught English there.  This young soldier was so glad and appreciative to be picked up so he could get home to Safed and peace and quiet.
My city of Safed (Tzefad) (Tzfat) took a direct hit
in a residential apartment building in 2006.  
My students were wild during this defensive move.  Northern Israel had been under attack far too long by the Palestinians then.  This was the end of the school term, just like the USA, thank goodness.  Students, during the worst part of the alert, had their radios on all the time.  Some children were extremely worried and exhausted, having family members that were soldiers.  Others just went wild and were out of control from the pressure.  And and Ned were IDF leaving Margolite, a Russian immigrant who taught English in Russia and I were handling everyone's English classes.  I came in on my day off, knowing the school was short handed as ALL the men were gone, leaving us women.  Even the principal was gone, and the vice took over, a woman during this frightening time.  I felt like I had been in a war at the end of each day.
Safed, built on top of a mountain, almost the same
height as Jerusalem

I baked cakes when I wasn't teaching.  These were donated to kiosks where soldiers could get coffee and cake to eat while they were hiking to report to their posts.  Our friend, Elitta, a South African also teaching English, had her husband and son serving in the IDF.  Her son was a young paratrooper.  I wrote, "I don't know how she can continue to teach.  It must be very hard on her."
My apartment in Safed is in one of these buildings.  See the road?  I had this road in
the back of our apartment; the road the moving van crept along to our address.  
Israel has been facing false accusations since she was created on May 14, 1948.  People called us the scapegoats of the world.  Whatever wrong there was, it was the Jews' fault.  From poisoning the wells to blood in matzo to doing the Palestinians wrong by cheating them out of their land; we've heard it all.  I've studied this and have seen how quickly our enemies believe such dreck as I call it in Yiddish, such lies, such twisting of truth.
Syrians injured but rescued by Israel, find Safed a safe haven
Our high schoolers were facing the bagrut; a huge English test that determined if they could go onto a college level being that was taught so much in English.  Even with goals involving the service, students needed a high level of English.  In high school, they could all be receiving training.  I served on a volunteer group who would drive through our neighborhood in Haifa when there and be on patrol.  I had gone through training of shooting an M1 rifle.  The group probably really wanted by German shepherd with them but had to take me, too.  They all spoke Hebrew only, I think.  The person issuing each of us our rifle at the armory was a 16 year old girl in her pajamas and robe.  High schoolers served in various ways, and Danny was told not to be surprised if they sometimes fell asleep in class.  They had been busy the previous night.  They all had my respect; young adults missing a lot of fun and innocence in their life.  My jr high students, too, helped out.  My 9th graders acted as interpreters at the famous hospital across our street.  During the 1982 Lebanon fight, they were there interpreting for Arab enemies picked up and taken to our hospital.  I had Arabs in that class, and they told me about doing it.  The injuries they saw shook them up.
Result of Britain giving away
80% of supposed Jewish
Center of Judea and Samaria
Original Palestine to be
Jewish Homeland

What makes this situation of the Palestinian hating the Israelis for so long and not signing any peace accord with them?  It's because they BELIEVE ALLEGATIONS AND NOT FACTS!  I predict that there will never be a peaceful Palestine laying next to Israel until the day they face up to their history and the stand their ancestors had taken towards Israelis.  Israel has been force in an untenable situation for the past 70 years because   of this.
Judge Kavanaugh's parents, Ed, Martha, wife Ashey and Brett in 2006
in Capital Hill proceedings.  
So I feel for Judge Kavenaugh.  It's interesting that such a man, the most revered in the field of judging people, is himself judged so wrongly.  If there is fairness in this crazy world, he will eventually be nominated and will be sitting on the bench.  I know that this man now knows what it's like to be judged unfairly by people who are quick to believe untruths without even questioning their validity.  It should make him a far wiser man, giving him an education not given out at Yale.  However, this was a terrible trauma for Kavenaugh and his wife, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, 2 young daughters and his parents and even his friends.  It's traumatic even for me to see this country go for the jugular to attain their own wants and desires by believing an unfounded accusation and forgetting that this country was founded on INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Update:  9/28/18 2:32pm

Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Was a Maryland Judge Who Had Ruled Favorably Toward Christine Blasey Ford’s Parents in a 1996 Foreclosure Case

Resource:  Book:  Letters From Israel by Nadene Goldfoot

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

America Caring About Israel

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Army vs Navy football game in Baltimore, Maryland 2014
Americans enjoy freedom and love their football games.
This is competition and fighting that has taken the place of chess games,
outwitting the enemy players.  At the end they should shake hands.  
Americans haven't had to worry about war on their soil since 1776 at their birth of their nation, a war with the British.  They've been able to grow from 13 colonies to 50 states during this time; all free of meddling from the outside world.  Our government makes their own decisions, and the government is a product of our voting.  Except for the Civil War, a war between the North and South that was most deadly, their soil has been peaceful-for all that is except for the native Americans first living here, that is.  
Not Israel, the only Democratic state in the Middle East.  I'm proud to say I'm also an Israeli and am most confident of today's government in making the most wisest of decisions.  Established once again after 3,000 years, through the League of Nations, a product of World War I, and then again by the United Nations, a product of World War II, Israel was established as a nation on May 14, 1948 under fire from the Palestinians who had entered the land after many Jews had returned to find refuge from an intolerant world who could not abide having Jews among themselves.  War has been in their families since then, with their first War of Independence 1947-1949; The Sinai War 1956; The Six-Day War 1967, The War of Attrition 1968-1970; The Yom Kippur War of 1972; The Lebanon War of 1982 and so on with many Operations, fighting and entering Gaza to stop attacks  that keep on coming without end against Israel.  
Today, the most important factor in an Israeli's life is having defensible borders.  These 6 million Jews and 1.7 million Arabs who are Israelis  want to be able to sleep through the night without being attacked.  
Honey, just ignore the radical Hamas's loaded rocket.  He's perfectly harmless.  Have a great first day of school!  Yeah, sure...
This is why schools near Gaza all have bomb shelters.  Usually people
are given about from 15 to 30 seconds to get there safely.  This
lady lives in Sderot, Israel, situated less than a mile from the border:   In 2017 it had a population of 25,138. Sderot is located less than a mile from Gaza (the closest point is 840 m), and is notable for having been a major target of Qassam rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.

 Between 2001 and 2008, rocket attacks on Sderot killed 13 people, wounded dozens, caused millions of dollars in damage and profoundly disrupted daily life. Although rocket fire subsided after the Gaza War, the city has come under rocket attack on occasion since that time. Notable for its many bomb shelters, some of which are built in the form of children's play areas in school playgrounds, Sderot is infamously referred to as the "Bomb Shelter Capital of the World."                                          

See Israel on the map as a little pink-orange spot?  To Israel's EAST, Palestinian Authority leaders-the old PLO group of Arafat, continue to refuse Israel's open invitation to unconditional peace talks even as unrest simmers in the area caused by Gaza's leadership of Hamas terrorists.  This is because of the Khartoum Conference Arabs held after Israel won against the 1967 Six Day War.  It's when they met to decide on their next step which turned out to be their 3 NOs.  So it's NO to peace with Israel and they haven't changed their minds. 

 The PA is living in Israel's original land, the land West of the Jordan River.  On the other side is Jordan, land that had also been allocated as being Israel by the British who held the mandate from the  League of Nations and UN for a 30 year period, up on May 14, 1948.
Hezbollah Terrorists
Syrian missiles-ready for years-now may be used any day

To Israel's NORTH, just miles across the border in Syria, Hezbollah terrorists have built an arsenal of more than 150,000 rockets callously hidden behind human shields.  Almost all Jews have been rescued and taken out of Syria, but I know of one who remains.  His mother had been one living on Jew Street, a confined ghetto where Jews could not leave.  Her father was a Jeweler.  Judith Feld Carr rescued all, she thought, from prisons where they were confined and from homes without any amenities such as phones.  The USA is in the fight here today, where Russia is also fighting and different Syrian rebel groups and the Syrian army as well. Even the Iranians are here.   Assad is once again using gas to kill off his citizen enemy of rebels, so Damascus is about the only livable area in Syria today.  All the rest have been suffering from war.  
Rouhani, today's president of Iran
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he had no plans to meet with his Iranian counterpart despite “requests” to do so, although he indicated a willingness to meet with President Hassan Rouhani sometime in the future.
It's really the Ayatollas who rule over Iran, anyway.  
Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and his constant slams
 and threats against Israel replaced with Rouhani. 

And for the first time, Israel now must also confront the threat of direct Iranian  military action right from Syria besides the threat of bombs from Iran itself.  
This is the threat of missiles from Iran itself which will be carrying
atomic bombs if they can get away with it.
Now established in Syria, the distance is a step away.

Iranian forces in Syria recently fired some 20 rockets at Israel in a brazen attack on the Jewish State, probably bought with the money released to them from $25 billion to $50 billion by the USA during Obama's term.  Iran has reportedly established at least 5 known Iranian military bases across Syria, some just miles from Israel's closest citizens.  
To the SOUTH, Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza, have ramped up calls for the Jewish state's destruction, their original goal,  and are executing a dangerous new tactic to create chaos and attack Israel by orchestrating massive riots at the Gaza-Israel border.  Hamas has put thousands of Palestinians in harm's way, using them as cover for terrorists to swarm the border in an attempt to infiltrate Israeli towns.  They have, while on their side of the border fence, sailed over kites with fire that land in Israeli fields of crops, forests, etc, causing much damage this year.   
Americans who haven't been servicemen cannot imagine what it's like to be parents and have children in the service of Israel, but we do have Americans living in Israel.  I lived there from September 1980 to November 26, 1985, through the Lebanon War when I baked cakes for soldiers heading for their posts on foot who could stop at kiosks set up in the streets with coffee and cakes.  That's where I learned how important AIPAC is, Americans who back Israel and explain things to the Senators who have to make decisions about this tiny country and what they can or cannot do about it.  I know it was hard for my mother and grown children, who had remained in the US,  to imagine the fear of knowing that terror could strike at any time; by land, sea, air or even below ground.  I barely recognized that fear myself, too busy coping with the problems I faced being a teacher and protecting jr high students.  
Trump's daughter Ivanka and son in law Jared Kushner, grandchildren
I think he'll find working with Palestinians harder than
making real-estate deals in the USA.  

While Americans may not be able to comprehend dealing with the threats Israel still faces today, you are not powerless to help.  You can help Israel to keep its citizens safe by advocating for a strong US-Israel relationship like we have today for the 1st time in 8 years.  Obama was not the best of all our American presidents, and we have had several negative ones in the past.  What I find unforgivable is Obama not defending Israel on his last day in office by not backing them in a UN vote.  He and Netanyahu had their problems throughout his term in understanding the need for defensive borders once attained through the blood and guts of being attacked in one of their many wars.  For every one of the wars Israel has had to fight have been defensive ones.  That's why I find it so easy to defend my 2nd country being I have dual citizenship now; something the USA allows.  England doesn't.  
Trump and Netanyahu, good friends
Donald Trump’s victory seems to be a dream come true for the Israeli prime minister. The president-elect has repeatedly vowed to unconditionally back the Jewish state in any possible way: he promised not to try to force a solution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; slammed the Iranian nuclear deal; pledged to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and removed the two-state solution from the Republican party platform.
 Removing the 2-state solution is a relief to me, as it has been a failed goal for all for the past 70 years.  Isn't insanity when you keep trying for the same goal in the same way and it remains unobtainable?  For instance, quit trying to become a doctor unless you graduate from a medical school first.  They won't let you in.  The goal also in the case between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs must promise safety for both, and both must have the need for peace.  Are you understanding the problems involved?  I hope so.  


Trump, one of our first presidents whose background is in business and not in politics, has empathy for Israel and is standing by her, even at his dismay of finding that the majority of Jews are Democrats and not standing with him in his decisions about Israel.  He's not winning voters with his stand, though he's got mine.  His decision is from his own feelings, like Truman had felt.  I bless Truman for voting FOR Israel's creation without hesitation though his office was against the idea.  As an Israeli, myself, I am overjoyed at Trump moving the USA embassy to Jerusalem!  I understand what this means.   I am overjoyed at his, or should I say his son in law, Jared Kushner's decision not to reward the PA with the usual financial check of $221 million since they refuse to discuss peace with Jared.  Trump is not a politician but thinks outside their box of tools, as he has his own.  So far, he's doing an excellent job in my opinion.  It's time we came to such a place in our history.  He has his own compass of right and wrong shaped by his own experiences, as we all do.  We're all first individuals, not sheep, though many certainly act like it. 

Update:  9/26/18 Trump backs 2-state solution. 
Netanyahu's statement of "

"We living in the Middle East who are subject to this Iranian behavior" support Trump's Iran policies, Netanyahu said. Trump pulled out of a nuclear deal with Iran in May that was supported by the rest of the UN Security Council and the European Union." explains the difference of how Israel sees Iran compared to how John Kerry saw the problem when he made this fatal deal. 
Reference:  AIPAC information letter
Book:'derot%20population&f=false by Victor Sharpe-Politicide, new PDF version
Book:  Letters From Israel by Nadene Goldfoot