Sunday, August 21, 2022

CNN Exposed Growing Anti-semitism in America

Nadene Goldfoot                                     

                         American and Israeli Jews in a parade

Incidents reported in all 50 states, including a dramatic spike during Hamas-Israel conflict; Attacks against synagogues and JCCs increased 61 percent in New York, NY, April 26, 2022 

Antisemitic incidents reached an all-time high in the United States in 2021, with a total of 2,717 incidents of assault, harassment and vandalism reported to ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) Hardest hit in 2021 was New York-416 incidents; New Jersey-370, California-367, Florida 190; Texas-112 .  Oregon had 24.  This represents the highest number of incidents on record since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents in 1979 – an average of more than seven incidents per day and a 34 percent increase year over year.

It could have even been worse had Covid not kept many Jews out of their synagogues.  Anti-Semites would have broken in, as some did anyway, and kill or injure much of a whole congregation.                      

                        Orthodox Jews in New York

Jews are being blamed for everyone's problems and fears today, even being blamed for causing COVID !  Logic does not enter the picture.  The public wants someone to blame and it has always been the Jews.  So often the minority Jew has ignored the slings and arrows of anti-Semitism, but that only causes it to grow as more people take advantage.  Education is one avenue of fighting anti-Semitism.

Israeli police with shields for protection on Temple Mount

Today, the Palestinian and politics enters into much of the anti-Semitic feelings in the public.  The history of the land is unknown to most Americans so only feelings enter the picture with so many people. By 2016, attacks grew immensely.  The past 5 years have been filled with anti-Semitic attacks and hatred. What we learned tonight is that we cannot ignore that family member who is anti-Semitic and just say, "oh well."   Ignoring the antisemite just allows him to continue festering and most likely spread his hatred onto others. He or she needs to learn the true facts to get rid of that hatred.  Hey, we're good people, not bad people.  

I'll never forget my experience in my high school cafeteria.  The kids were talking about those nasty Jews, and I, being ash blonde, looked like everyone else, so I piped up, "I'm Jewish."  They were pretty shocked.  That was a stopper of that conversation. 

“Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America,” is hosted by Dana Bash, the CNN anchor and political correspondent who is herself Jewish.   Her 10-year-old son’s request for a Jewish star necklace and the concerns it awakened in her to the fact that she was Jewish and what that meant today..“We got the Jewish star and a chain to go with it,” Bash wrote. “What I did not say – what I was ashamed to even admit to myself – was that my young son showing the world that he is Jewish made me nervous.

Tonight, CNN's 9pm program east coast, Rising Hate:  Antisemitism in America, was about exposing the growing anti-Semitism in the USA.  Though Jews only amount to 2% of the American population, they are getting 60% of all the hate attacks. CNN did an excellent job, which was something we all need to learn about.  Though the Holocaust is a unit studied in most schools, Jews are the brunt of everyone's problems, and thus the anti-Semitic attacks that have even caused deaths of some Jews.  

Deborah Esther Lipstadt (born March 18, 1947) 75 Years old,  is an American historian, best known as author of the books Denying the Holocaust (1993), History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier (2005), The Eichmann Trial (2011), and Antisemitism: Here and Now (2019). She has served as the United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism since May 3, 2022. Since 1993 she has been the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in AtlantaGeorgia, United States.

Dr. Deborah Lipstadt has been chosen to serve as special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism by our government.  The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Held Hearing Today for the Highly Qualified Nominee to Lead U.S. Foreign Policy on Combating Antisemitism. US Senator Jacky Rosen-Backed Bipartisan Legislation to Elevate the Special Envoy to Rank of Ambassador was Signed Into Law in January 2021. Lipstadt was nominated by President Biden in July.

Dr. Lipstadt has devoted her life to fighting back against antisemitism and Holocaust denial. She is a renowned scholar of Holocaust studies at Emory University, who has published multiple books on antisemitism and Holocaust denialism, and who famously defeated a libel suit brought against her by Holocaust denier David Irving.


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