Nadene Goldfoot
Temple Mount on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, place where our first and second Temple had stood, then destroyed by Romans in 70 CE who built a Roman Temple over the site. The Muslims then built a mosque over the Roman Temple. Moshe Dayan looked around saw several mosques here, and gave Jordan the responsibility to care for the site. So now Jews cannot pray here, but only at the Western wall (wailing wall). I found my cousin, Stanley Goldfoot on Dor v'Dor Street in Jerusalem and we visited. Tel Aviv's sea front has been developed as a major tourist area. 
Haifa, I lived at the Mercaz ha Klitta for new immigrants, arriving September 1980.
Safed, where I lived and taught English at the junior high from 1981 to November 20, 1985 after living in Haifa for my first 10 months. Are you aware that Israel, now only 74 years of age, is a senior
citizen—older than 2/3 of all the world’s nations! (Yet it's the only
country whose legitimacy is attacked!)
This is its 2nd birthing!
- King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin with David of the tribe of Judah, his armor-bearer and musician, soothing him with his harp-playing.
The 1st state of Israel that became an empire was by King Saul
over 3,000 years ago that lasted until King Solomon died in 920
BCE causing a civil war under his son, Rehoboam, who continued
ruling the southern portion that was the largest of Judah until the
Assyrians attacked and conquered the northern section, Israel, in
721 BCE.
The extent of the Promised Land reached the Pelusium arm of the Nile Delta River, the Gulf of Elath, and the Euphrates River opposite the city of Aleppo in the East. It included most of Syria and altogether covered about 58,000 square miles. This entire area was ocupied by the Israelites under David and Solomon as told in (I Kings 5:4).
The Jewish National Home under the British Mandate covered only the area West of the Jordan River excluding part of the Upper Galilee North of the ladder of Tyre which was given to Lebanon.
The southern Negev beyond the Rafiah-Gulf of Elath line had been handed over by the Turkish government to Egypt for administration in 1906.
The UN resolution of November 29, 1947 recommended the establishment of a Jewish state in the larger part of the mandated area of Western Palestine, although still with a complex frontier.
The armistice agreements of 1949 left Israel with 8,000 sq. miles---a larger area than envisioned, although still with complicated borders.
After the 1967 Six Day War Israel was in occupation of all of Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai up to the Suez Canal.
Kings of the early period were Saul, David, Solomon. The people had wanted a king. Before Saul, they were ruled by Judges, like a head chieftain in the many areas.
From then on, Israel was ruled by Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim who was Solomon's superintendent of forced labor; Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri and or Omri; Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram,, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam, Zecharia, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, and finally Hoshea in 730-721 BCE.
From then on, Judah was ruled by Rehoboam-Solomon's son; Asbijam,, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Aathaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jothan, Ahaz, Hezekia; Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and finally Zedekiah from 597 to 586 BCE.
Judah had carried on until it was attacked by the Babylonians in 597 BCE and 586 BCE, but most returned by 538 BCE to carry on.
Judah carried on until it was occupied and destroyed by Rome in 70 CE by burning down Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple of Solomon.
We Jews of the world come from the tribe of
Judah, and some of Benjamin and Simeon who had clung
This 2nd birth of Israel was after WWI in 1918 where Jews attended many meetings with the heads of state in the world at the League of Nations Conferences, where they voted that they again become a state. This took place for their birthday on May 14, 1948. At the time, Israel was freed from the 30 year mandate that Great Britain held from the aftermath of WWII. Israel had to wait for 1,848 years to regain their own land.
People were praying 3 times a day for 1,848 years for this to happen. The land was held from 70 CE on by many empires. First, of course, were the Romans, then the Sasanian Empire (Persians); Rashiduns (Muslims in 637; Umayyads of 660, Abbasids of 747, Fatimids of 969, Seljuks (Turks of 1971, Crusaders by 1095, Crusaders/Ayyubids; Mamluks of 1291; and the Ottoman Empire by 1517. Hitler starting WWII is meeting with the Arab Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti who has been leading his followers against Emir Feisal, who will later become King of Syria and Iraq. The Grand Mufti wanted Hitler's help in getting rid of the Jews. The irony of this story is that Great Britain's Jewish representative, Sir Herbert Louis Samuels, Britain's first High Commissioner for Palestine, had selected Husseini for this position. Emir Feisal (1885- 1933) became king of Iraq from 1921 and was the eldest son of Hussein, sherif of Mecca. He is the one who led the Arab "rising" against Turkey (1916-18) of the Ottoman Empire and was designated king of Syria. Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal at a meeting
Feisal was at first sympathetic to Zionism from which he hoped to receive aid in building his future kingdom. He reached an agreement on mutual aid with Dr. Weizmann in Transjordan in 1918 and Paris in 1919, conditional on the implementation of British promises to the Arabs. When he was expulsed by France from Syria in 1920 along with the Arab leaders, he became hostile towards Zionism. What changed his mind most likely were the threats of Husseini.
World War I put an end to the Ottomans who were on the Axis (German) side of the war and they lost. The Germans lost WWII as well.
Here is a sampling of states born after Israel:
Forty-Nine (49) of the new states are from Africa.
Libya's birthday is December 24, 1951 when it was freed from France and UK
Madagascar's birthday is October 14, 1958 when it was freed from France.
South Africa's birthday is May 3, 1961 when it was also freed from UK
Algeria's birthday is July 3, 1962 and is freed from France.
Angola's birthday is November 11, 1975 when it was freed from Portugal.
From Americas:
Jamaica's birthday is August 6, 1962 when it was freed from UK
Bahamas's birthday is January 7, 1964 when it was also able to govern itself, waited till July 10, 1973 to be free of UK
Belize's birthday is September 21, 1981 when it was also freed from UK
From Asia
Syria's birthday is September 28, 1961 when it was freed from French mandate.
Bangledash's birthday is March 26, 1971 when it was freed from Pakistan, which was born just before Israel.
Bahrain's birthday is August 15, 1971 when it was freed from UK
United Arab Emirates's birthday is December 2, 1971 when it was freed from UK
Iran's birthday is February 11, 1979, used to be Persia
China's birthday is December 4, 1982, from ancient days
Armenia's birthday is September 21, 1991, 2nd revival when it was freed from Soviet UnionGolda Meir and others announced Israel's birth on May 14, 1948; accepted by League of Nations and United Nations. A few minutes after the announcement, Jews were attacked and into war, their War of Independence that actually started on November 29, 1947 when Arabs responded with violence to the UN Resolution on Palestine, and lasted until the signing of the Armistice Agreements in 1949. By the end of 1948, Israel had 872,000 Jews and non-Jews for a population. Jews made up 758,702 of the total.
From Europe
Germany's birthday is May 23, 1949, 3rd revival from Rhineland days, after starting WWI & WWII. After all, Germany had entered Poland on September 1, 1939 as the start of WWII. It ended on September 2, 1945; a Six Year War. This was their 2nd beginning. Werner on right holding his 2nd girl; they had 5 girls eventually. He got out of Germany on May 4,1939, perhaps last Jew out. It seemed like forever to me; my whole childhood, from the time I was 5 till I was 11; kindergarten till the 6th grade, and I was safe in the USA. My Uncle Werner married my Aunt Hammie on September 1, 1939. He had left Germany in May of that year and my great uncle Max sponsored him. I was the flower girl at their wedding in our synagogue.
I remember our 2 newspapers and all they ever wrote about was the war, and I remember cutting out jokes from the Saturday Evening Post magazine and making joke books for the soldiers; the army songs, army movies, and the big thing of collecting newspapers for the paper drive when we brought stacks of newspapers to school and weighed them. There was a prize for those who brought the most. Our parents bought savings bonds and they had food rations books. I remember almost not getting a bicycle as they were so scarce. As a child, we were so well protected from the horrors of this war, but now I know. We had a WWII, and Israel was created by the League of Nations and the United Nations by May 14, 1948.
From Australia/Oceania
Fiji's birthday is October 10, 1970 when it was freed from United Kingdom
Marshall Islands's birthday is May 1, 1979 with free association with USA.
From Transcontinental States
Cyprus's birthday is August 16, 1960 when it was freed from UK.
The proof of Israel's existence and history are found not only in the bible but in the digs going on by archaeologists in the area and the rest of the Middle East. One is verifying the other. This is something that Iranian Ayatollas need to read since they deny Israel's existence.
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