Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Palestinian State Is Fatal For Israel


Nadene Goldfoot                                            

US Senate endorses Palestinian statehood in spending plan

Massive omnibus spending package approved by Congress includes commitment to support two-state solution.

The American Senate has made the decision to continue to promote a Palestinian State.  They have kept to the same stand they took years ago and have not made any changes, though the so called Palestinians, Arabs who lived in the renamed Palestinia by the Romans,  along with the Jews, have been determined to destroy the state of Israel ever since its inception on May 14, 1948.  "When approving the budget, the US Senate decided to link the promotion of the Abraham Accords to the American administration's support for promoting partition of the land and establishment of a Palestinian state".                                  

Bar Kokhba fighting the Romans, holding Jerusalem for 3 years...

There has never been a state of Palestine. In 135 AD, the Greek "Syria Palaestina" was used in naming a new Roman province from the merger of Roman Syria and Roman Judaea after the Roman authorities crushed the Bar Kokhba Revolt of 3 years, shaming the Romans for not being able to re-occupy it quicker.  

 Arabs entered the Jewish-settled lands of Palestine following the Jews who were building cities after their entrance in 1880. There were some Arabs living in the occupied Ottoman Empire, and a few had even turned to farming, flabergasted by the taxes wanted by the Ottomans.  Most were only completely happy to sell their land at high unbelievable prices to the crazy Jews who valued the land so much.                                     

                 King David fighting the Ammonites who attacked from Transjordan.  David annexed their kingdom but they kept attacking, even attacking after the the Jews returned from Babylon.  Finally they were defeated by Judah the Maccabee in 163 BCE.  The Ammonites were worshipers of fertility gods, and its chief was called Milkom. David is still avidly remembered by the Jewish people.     

There had been an Israel, established by King Saul, then King David and then his son, King Solomon who died in 920 BCE, followed by many of his descendants. The nation divided into Israel and Judah, which was the largest tribe's home and ancestors of today's Jews.   Judah continued on till 70CE when the Romans, the fiercest army of the world at the time, occupied and then destroyed their statehood.  For the next 2,000 years, Jews everywhere have prayed and dreamed of the time that Judah/Israel would be restored to them and that they wouldn't have to be the 2nd class citizens of every country.    

There has always been Jews living in Palestine, living in centers unknown to the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.  However, most Jews of Jerusalem and nearby centers were either killed or taken prisoner by the Romans, with many fleeing before the indefensible destruction of the city and Temple.  

Many of the descendants of Jews who had fled for their lives returned in 1880 because of anti-Semitism resulting in pogroms in eastern Europe, the last bastion of Jewish religion and culture along with attacks on Sephardis.   The Sephardic Jews also suffered from anti-Semitism  in areas they had fled to from the time of 1355 when 12,000 Jews were massacred by the mob in Toledo, Spain, to the Spanish Inquisition of 1492, to the expulsion of Jews from Sicily, Sardinia and Portugal, 1541 when the kingdom of Naples expelled their Jews.                               

These eastern European Jews who returned were from Russian centers with ancestors who were expelled in 1727 and 1747. By 1871 to 1921, Jews suffered from anti-Jewish pogroms in towns of Russia.   They tried to find places to live, and by 1882 to 1890, the 750,000 Jews living in Russia again were forced to re-settle in the "Pale of Settlement."  Jews remaining in Moscow and St. Petersburg were expelled in 1891. It wasn't until the end of the 1st world war that Jews were accepted as citizens like everyone else in certain countries, though the anti-Semitic attitudes continued to exist from the people.

The Palestinian Arabs had no intentions of ever holding their own state being they had come from none to begin with.  This has been a political ploy of the leaders of Arab neighbors who were just that much anti-Semitic since they all held the land as Muslims till the end of WWI when Turkey of the Ottoman Empire lost the battle along with Germany and so lost all their lands to the Allies (England, France, USA, etc.)  The Allies gave the English a 30 year contract called a Mandate to rule over Palestine, and then give the land to the Jews, who had pled their case in their League of Nations Court such as Zelinsky has done to countries asking for more help against Russia.

For the past 74 years, Palestinians have been attacking Israel and Israel has been holding them off.  Most of all the money the USA has granted Israel has gone into defensive warfare as the Palestinians have been given these same weapons from the Arab countries.  

Since 1967, when Israel won the largest war ever against the whole community of Arabs in their united attack, and Israel won this war in 6 days, an outright miracle, the Arabs have been stewing and plotting their revenge.  Even now, Iran is in the mix, ready with nuclear weapons for sure, the way the talks in Vienna are going, to wipe out Israel and become the leader of all the Arabs, kicking Saudi Arabia out of this position they have held.  

But even the Arabs have been altering their position over these past 74 years, and in this last year, have been a part of the new Abraham Accords, where some have made peace with Israel.  They have accepted valid facts and figures, and the fact that both have had to realize is that we are very long distant cousins since the days of Abraham, who were all involved in G-d's promise that the descendants were to live in the Middle East, and that included the    descendants of Jacob as well, who were the Jews. 

Can't the Americans realize that the Palestinians, who not involved in the Abraham Accords, are not ready to do anything but destroy Israel? They had divided interests and had split into Fatah and Hamas, an active terrorist group. Arafat was president (1996–2004) of the Palestinian Authority (PA), chairman (1969–2004) of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and leader of Fatah, the largest of the constituent PLO groups. In 1993 he led the PLO to a peace agreement with the Israeli government. Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres of Israel were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1994.  

Israel, years ago, gave Gaza to the Palestinians, lock, stock an barrel.  They kicked out their own people and they even left all their businesses for them, the buildings, everything.  With Obama's insistence, they were allowed to vote for a leader, and never having had the luxury of the vote before, allowed themselves to be taken in by the biggest terrorist group. 

 President Mahmoud Abbas agreed to stay on until the next election, but he is recognized as president only in the West Bank and not by Hamas in Gaza. 

Ismail Haniya has been reelected again by Hamas.  He has controlled the group's political activities in Gaza, the Israeli-occupied West Bank and the diaspora largely from outside Gaza, splitting his time between Turkey and Qatar for the past two years [Aziz Taher/Reuters]   Ismail and Mahmoud have rarely agreed on anything, so the two groups are different entities.  I'm asking, how can there ever be a Palestine nation in the first place with their proposed land not united?  Is there to be a Palestine and a Falesatine?  They both live separately and have been for the past 74 years, each with their own leader.  

Israel has been in the same position that Ukraine finds themselves in with an invasion, though Israel was invaded by Palestinians 5 minutes after they had become a state! Israel  had no army, navy, marines, just a people accepting the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, some still wearing their ragged clothing from there who had to pick up a gun and help this population to survive.  The Palestinian Arabs haven't stopped attacking since then.  

Left to right: Faisal of Saudi ArabiaNasser of EgyptSallal of YemenSabah of Kuwait and Arif of Iraq

What would a Palestine State gain from their present position?  Doesn't the USA realize that since 1967, the Palestinians swore to the 3 No's?   No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel I don't see this changing after a Palestinian State is created by 2 leaders in 2 different states. Shouldn't the Palestinians tear this up before a state is even spoken about?                        

             Naftali Bennett: Israel’s new Prime Minister

Israel is a united Democratic state made up of people of Judaism at 80% and of Islam at 20%. Among the global Jewish population, the number of Jews in Israel is close to 6.9 million (compared to 6.8 million in 5781), while about 8.3 million live outside Israel (including around 6 million in the United States). 

Their Jews hold varied positions from the extreme left to the extreme right.  With the 7 million people, there must be 7 million positions, but the majority ARE UNITED IN NOT WANTING TO SEE A PALESTINE NEXT DOOR.  In fact, they'd love to see the present attacks end.  You, USA, are asking them to accept their continual enemies become neighbors as another state.  That's like trading Canada for Russia and and Mexico for China.  How'd you like that?  

If I could have my way, every Senator would be required to read the book, From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters, then have a lecture on it and discussion groups.  I feel they've voted on something they know nothing about; going with the flow of the strongest tide.  Israel has to hold the line and not be bent into going along with the impossible.  Stiff-necked has been our description.  Let it be so in not accepting killers to become a state.  

 If anything happens like it has with Ukraine, they will be responsible.  


From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters

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