Friday, February 28, 2025

So This Was A Peace Meeting?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                         

Get ready, debaters;  this is what you should not do.  Just watch CNN's presentation of Trump, Vance and Zelensky in their meeting seen today, Friday, the last day of February, the 28th!!!  This is how one of the viewers saw the three men discuss the dire situation Zelensky is in with Russia; with a President who trusts the word of Russia only because he hasn't blown that trust YET with Trump.  Zelensky was telling how how many times that trust was broken with himself.  

It was down to Zelensky explaining how Putin's Russia had been taking over Ukraine, including his explanation of dates and places, and all of a sudden Vance interrupted and quickly berating Zelensky for not saying THANK YOU to Trump for all of the USA's help.  

Zelensky could not get a word in.  Trump yelled and yelled along with Vance at Zelensky.

It all happened very fast.  This is my memory of something just a few minutes ago of my 90 1/2 year old mind.  Oy Vey!  

Further, already others have commented.  
Mr. Vance told Mr. Zelensky that it was “disrespectful” for him to come to the Oval Office and make his case in front of the news media, while Mr. Trump told the Ukrainian leader, “You’re not really in a good position right now.” Mr. Trump added, “You’re gambling with World War III.”

PS: "Forward mentioned this:  So was this about performative acts of gratitude, or something else? A week ago, remember, the Trump administration demanded that Israel vote against a U.N. resolution holding Russia responsible for the war. Israel complied, joining the dubious company of North Korea, Belarus, Hungary and Russia. The spectacle of a Jewish nation being forced into a kind of historical revisionism — as Jews around the world fight a constant battle against the forces of Holocaust denial — made the episode even more painful."  My comment is that I am shocked!  We all know that Russia invaded, and no one has good reason in invading another's country. That's no peaceful discussion about any situation!!! 

Update:  Whatever happened to lunch?  Was Zelensky kicked out without the promised meal?  

Resource:  Excellent with written wording of each.

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