Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Trump's Vision Of The Gaza Strip

 Nadene Goldfoot          

       The Gaza Strip, the ancient home of the Philistines that Israel gave to the Palestinians promoting PEACE,  is 41 kilometres (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 (141 sq mi).  It is highly overcrowded with 2.1 million Palestinians, people who still practice the right of men to have 4 wives and many children.  It has a high proportion of youth, with 43.5% being children 14 or younger and 50% under age of 18.                                  

Donald Trump shares AI-generated video of Gaza vision. What was Donald thinking when he pressed the SHARE BUTTON?  

When US President Donald Trump announced his plan for America to take over the Gaza Strip, everyone was stunned. That includes the man standing next to him, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Trump says everyone he’s spoken to loves the idea. But who has he spoken to?

In his first term as president, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner led efforts to broker peace in the region, and his approach makes this latest announcement make a lot more sense.

Donald Trump, our President of the United States of America, has had an ad made that he likes very much.  It's how Gaza is going to change in his hands.  It is to glitter like gold.  Everything seen like his image glitters with gold.  Las Vagas will have to do an update to keep up with Gaza to off all that Trump wants to see. 

 Donald Trump has shared a bizarre AI-generated video on his Truth Social platform showcasing what appears to be a vision of Gaza under his proposed plan. The footage, which the 78-year-old (79 on June 14, 2025) shared without comment, shows the war-ravaged territory before a caption appears: "Gaza 2025... What's Next?" It then goes on to show the area transformed into a Middle Eastern paradise with exotic beaches, Dubai-style skyscrapers, luxury yachts and people partying.

Evidently Jared, a modern Orthodox Jew, hasn't told Trump the values that Judaism stand for or has ever allowed in the past and of course is a Jewish state with the same ancient values. Everything that Trump has planned go against Judaism and is shocking. Gaza is not considered as a land of Israel, now or even in the past, but we did have Jews living there at one time. We don't know what Netanyahu and his government has planned for Gaza once Hamas, which the Israelis still have to deal with, are out of the picture. The Egyptian occupation of the Gaza Strip was briefly subsumed by Israel during the 1956 Suez Crisis and ended entirely during the 1967 Six-Day War, after which the territory became occupied by Israel with the establishment of the Israeli Military Governorate.

1994: Gaza under Palestinian AuthorityIn May 1994, following the Palestinian-Israeli agreements known as the Oslo Accords, a phased transfer of governmental authority to the Palestinians took place. Immediately, they started shooting at Israel.  Israel has been attacked and has had to defend her land for the past 31 years because of this "good will" move that will not be repeated again.  

Remember the Golden Calf that Moses saw when he returned from Mt. Sinai that Aaron couldn't stop the Israelites from making or dancing around?  What do you all think of when you read that?  Our ancestors must be turning in their graves at  that idea of Trump.  

“No more tunnels, no more fear,” the voice in the video sings. “Trump Gaza is finally here. Trump Gaza shining bright, golden future, brand new light.” The video also features children holding gold balloons also made to look like Trump and a renovated beachfront with luxury hotels and money flying in the air. It also shows a shot of a “Trump Gaza” building and toward the end, the U.S. president and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seem to be enjoying drinks in the sun, shirtless.

Oh yes, either all of the Gaza Strip or just Gaza City is to be called "Trump Gaza.", with his golden statue everywhere, as far as I can see in the clip. Israel is to have this in their back yard.  It's a change from an October 7th attack, all right, but its values are just all wrong!  It would be worse than living next door to Las Vegas. This vision of Trump's sure shows up the difference in what Israel's values and his are about LIFE.  Judaism emphasizes values such as justice, peace, love, and repairing the world.  Trump's idea of repairing Gaza is WILD!!!!! 


Updated: 2/28/2025 6:30pm  Trump Gaza had disappeared .

Updated: 3/1/2025  6:06am, values and his are  ; last paragraph,of%20the%20Israeli%20Military%20Governorate.

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