Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How Does Trump Compare To King Cyrus?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                      

King Cyrus II of Persia (today's Iran)  died in 529 BCE.  He was known for his many conquests and had overrun the Babylonian Empire, which at the time, included Eretz Yisrael, that later after 139 CE was called Palestine.  

Cyrus is the grandson of King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther.  Cambyses, Cyrus' father dies when he is 12 years old.  His grandparents (King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther) summon him and his mother (Mandane) to come live with them at the palace.  Cyrus is taught by Esther and the King about the laws of God and the prophecies written 150 years before by God through the prophets about him (Cyrus).  

When the time comes Cyrus king of Persia issues the edict for the Jews to return to Israel:   "Isa 44:28  That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid."   Below is the Genealogy of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia and Darius King of the Medes complete with notes and references. Genealogy of Cyrus the Great and Darius King of the Medes


Jair  Abihail1
Mordecai   Esther2 

(Astyages) King Ahasuerus3 Esther  
   Cyaxares (Darius the Mede)6  

Cambyses Mandane
 4Cyrus King of Persia 

 Cyaxares (Darius the Mede)  Wife unknown  
  Daughter of Cyaxares (Darius the Mede)  

  Daughter of Cyaxares
(Darius the Mede) 
 marries Cyrus King of Persia

Unites the  Kingdoms of Mede and Persia with the Tribe of Benjamin
1Abihail  Brother to Jair (Uncle to Mordecai)  (Died in destruction 
of Jerusalem)
2Raised by her uncle Mordecai
3King Ahasuerus (Astyages) King of Persia  (See additional notes below)
7Darius is the son of Ahasuerus & Esther and Cyrus is the 
grandson of Ahasuerus & Esther Book of Esther, Summary & Facts, Britannica

Though he was king, he pursued an enlightened policy towards his subject peoples and by 538 BCE, 9 years after becoming king, had granted permission to the exiles of Judah in Babylon  to return to their homeland of Judah and rebuild the Temple.  (Ezra 1:1-44); II Chronicles 36:22-3)                                                        

For the next 2 centuries, both the mass of Jews in Exile in Mesopotamia and in the homeland in Eretz Yisrael were under Persian rule.  Eretz Yisrael or Judah continued to be a Persian Province with some degree of local autonomy.  This Persian rule made inevitable considerable movements of population from one part of this area to another.  

The Jewish exiles regarded Cyrus as a Divine agent (Is.44:-28;  45:1).  "Like Cyrus 2,500 years ago, Trump is now seen as an instrument of God. And the plan: to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mountwhere the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently stands.  

The Al-Aqsa Mosque is also known as the Qibli Mosque or Qibli Chapel. The name Qibli comes from the fact that the mosque is closest to the Qiblah. 
The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the main congregational prayer hall in the Al-Aqsa compound, which is also known as the Haram al-Sharif. The compound is a religious sanctuary in Jerusalem that covers the entire Temple Mount area. 
The Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of two holy places in the Al-Aqsa compound, along with the Dome of the Rock. Muslims consider the Al-Aqsa compound to be the third holiest place in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. 

                     Minaret of the Mosque next to the courtyard of the Christians' Church of the Holy Sepulchre

During the seige of Jerusalem in 70 CE during the Roman War, Solomon's Temple served as a center of military activity, and was destroyed by the conquering Romans.  A Roman temple was later built on the site, and since the Moslem Period, a mosque has stood there;  the Mosque of Omar.   The Ayyubid Mosque of Omar (Arabicمسجد عمر بن الخطاب) is an Islamic place of worship inside the Old City of Jerusalem. It is located opposite the southern courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in the Muristan area of the Christian Quarter. The mosque is not open to tourists, and can be accessed only for praying.

In the background is the Dome of the Rock (Al-Aqsa) Mosque

But the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is a mosque in Jerusalem, located in the Old City at the terminal point of the Prophet Muhammad’s Isrāʾ journey. 

According to Islamic sources, the Qurʾān (17:1) indicates that Muhammad was miraculously transported one night from Mecca (al-masjid al-ḥaram, or “the sacred place of worship”) to this site in Jerusalem (al-masjid al-aqṣā, “the farther place of worship”).

 On that spot he led AbrahamMosesJesus, and other messengers (rusul) of God in ritual prayer (ṣalāt). That same night he was taken up to heaven from the site of the Dome of the Rock for an encounter with God (see Miʿrāj). The term Al-Aqsa Mosque is often extended to denote the entirety of the plaza on which the mosque and the Dome of the Rock stand, although the plaza is known formally as Al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf (“the Noble Sanctuary”).

               The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa) in the Old City of Jerusalem

Its initial construction was undertaken by the Umayyad Caliphate on the orders of Abd al-Malik during the Second Fitna in 691–692 CE, and it has since been situated on top of the site of the Second Jewish Temple (built in c. 516 BCE to replace the destroyed Solomon's Temple and rebuilt by Herod the Great), which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022–23.

Rabbi Kessin believes that Trump is a reincarnation of Cyrus.  Rabbi Mendel Kessin is an internationally renowned lecturer and educator and has spoken extensively around the world including in the United States, Europe, South Africa, Canada and Israel on topics of Hashkafa, Learning Methodology and Shmiras Haloshon (proper speech) with emphasis on the writings of R’ Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal). Rabbi Kessin received S’michah from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and held a close relationship with Rav Chaim Friedlander Zatza”l, and helped with the publication of his Sifrei Haramchal (green collection). He has a PhD in Psychology from Fordham University in NY and runs a private practice in Brooklyn and Lakewood.

Rabbi Lawrence Haijeff agrees with him.  Lawrence Hajioff is a British-American rabbi, educator, and writer. He is on the Judaic studies faculty of the Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University and is also the Assistant Director of Admissions. Hajioff served as the official rabbi for Birthright Israel in Manhattan, New York. Hajioff is also the author of three books: Jew Got Questions? (2014), Will Jew Marry Me?: A Guide to Dating, Relationships, Love and Marriage (2016), and The Future: A Guide to the Jewish Messiah, Israel, and The End of Days (2018).

In my opinion, it was Trump's son-in-law, Jered Kushner (b: January 10, 1981), who was responsible for any dealings Trump accepted about Israel.  Jered is an orthodox Jew, and of course, Trump is a Christian that many are following.  

Kushner was the primary Trump administration participant for the Middle East Peace Process, authoring the Trump peace plan and facilitating the talks that led to the signing of the Abraham Accords and other normalization agreements between Israel and various Arab states in 2020. For his efforts in the Middle East, Kushner has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Years later, Kushner was invited to address a forum at the Harvard Kennedy School to talk about Middle East issues. Tarek Masoud, the school's director of Middle East Initiatives, said he chose Kushner since he was the architect of the Abraham Accords.  In the interview, Kushner referred to the valuable potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should move civilians from Gaza to the Negev desert in southern Israel.

Though Jered has all the knowledge that Trump doesn't about the Jewish people, Trump is getting the praise.  I believe that King Cyrus, being part of the family himself of Queen Esther, worked directly in helping the Israelites, not through a 2nd party.  Let's give Jered the reincarnation.  


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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