Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Standing For Israel's Right To Self Protection As Long As Only A Few Deaths To Palestinians

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

    PA (Palestinian Authority  chief Mahmoud Abbas speaks during the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters), Sept. 21, 2023. Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images. 

An armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place in the Gaza Strip and Israel since 7 October 2023. The fifth war of the Gaza–Israel conflict since 2008, it is the deadliest war for Palestinians ever fought in the history of the entire Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the most significant military engagement in the region since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 ;when Israel was again attacked on their holiest day when the population attended their synagogues.  

The Palestinian Authority  had been created to exert partial civil control in the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) enclaves and in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip  is de jure under the Palestinian Authority and de facto under the administration of the Hamas government since 2007.    It is normal for each country to be responsible for their citizens' safety.  

Israel builds bomb shelters for its people.  Palestinians terrorists use their people as a sacrifice to their cause by hiding behind them.  

Hamas is responsible for all the deaths.  They have had many chances to have a cease fire but refuse, and they were the aggressors in the first place.  

Joe Biden, President and Kamala Harris, his Vice and now the Democratic runner for President, have both said that they are for Israel's right to protect its people, but always add that they are taking too many Palestinians'  lives in doing so.  Such words harm Israel more than help them in their position of being the most hated in the world for killing Palestinians.  

How in the world do they expect Israel to fight for all the Israeli lives with this expectation and survive?  Do they not realize that this is the fight of all fights where Israel is fighting for absolute survival in the most unbelievable war any army has been in?  This is it, folks, the fight for Israel's life; and they are fighting on 7 fronts.  

This war has been dreamed up by Iran who supplies all the antagonists fighting against Israel;  Hamas, Hezbollah Iraq, JordanIran, and Houthis of Yemen, The Houthis says they consider any Israel-linked ship as a target, including US and UK warships, but they have also indiscriminately attacked the ships of many nations. From October 2023 to March 2024, the Houthis attacked more than 60 vessels in the Red Sea.  

Israel cannot afford to lose anymore soldiers as they've lost over 1,000 so far, searching for hostages as they move.  

Hamas are   a fundamentalist Sunni Muslim terrorist organization founded in Gaza in 1987 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. known as “Islamic Resistance Movement”. Hamas is one of the Palestinian territories’ two major political parties, with the other being Fatah. It has governed more than two million Palestinians in Gaza since a 2007 military coup in which Fatah party bodyguards were murdered and the homes of political opponents in Gaza were razed.  It came about when Obama encouraged "voting" by the Gazan Palestinians.  They voted in the military arm of Fatah.  

Supported by Iran, Hamas has been responsible for multiple terror attacks against Israel including suicide bombings and thousands of rocket attacks, the construction of terror tunnels, and the orchestration of the violent “March of Return” riots. The Council on Foreign Relations has estimated that Hamas has killed more than 500 people in at least 350 separate terrorist attacks between 1993 and 2012. In the 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing, 15 civilians were killed, including 7 children and a pregnant woman, and 130 wounded.

In 2021 alone, Hamas and other militant groups located in the Gaza Strip fired more than 4,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israel. They unsuccessfully attempted to penetrate the Gaza border with Israel via cross-border attack tunnels. It has also developed weapons systems—with an estimated arsenal of more than 13,000 rockets together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terrorist group—and continues to research drones and unmanned underwater vehicles and engage in cyber warfare. 

One fact must be understood.  Hamas has never been truthful about how many Palestinians have been killed.  Usually they double the number.  It's one of the many ways they are fighting against Israel;  by lying, and by hiding their soldiers among their own civilians in unbelievable places like mosques,, hospitals,  schools, homes of civilians, anywhere they have had to congregate.  

Egypt signed a peace pact with Israel, but has been blind to the aid and abetting going on of its people in bringing in weapons through tunnels the terrorists have created.  A lot of backsheesh payments have been going on, no doubt and Egyptians getting rich.  Egypt is in denial, of course.  

One  of first tunnels discovered dug by Palestinians to receive weapons

    6 hostages found dead in tunnel, below.  Also, a video:                                                                            
Rendering of a tunnel where six hostages were held captive in Gaza since October 7, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces).  This was a most dangerous tunnel for the IDF to enter.  

Hezbollah situated in Lebanon. Formed in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Hizballah (the “Party of God”), a Lebanon-based Shia terrorist group, advocates Shia empowerment globally.  Hizballah has been involved in numerous anti-US terrorist attacks, including the suicide truck bombings of the US Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, and the US Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984, as well as the hijacking of TWA 847 in 1985 and the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

Hizballah has participated in the Lebanese Government since 1992. With the 2004 passage of UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which called for the disarmament of all armed militias in Lebanon, Hizballah has focused on justifying its retention of arms by casting itself as the defender of Lebanon against Israeli aggression. On 12 July 2006, Hizballah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, sparking the 2006 war in which Hizballah claimed victory by virtue of its survival. It has since sought to use the conflict to justify its need to retain its arms as a Lebanese resistance force. In May 2008, Hizballah militants seized parts of Beirut in response to calls by the government to restrict Hizballah’s secure communications and arms. In negotiations to end the violence, Hizballah gained veto power in the government and retained its arms and secure communications.

Israel has technical skills to pinpoint their target and that's what they do.  They've tried to take out the terrorist leaders; but there they are among civilians.  

Their attitude towards dying is in opposition to Israelis as well.  While Israel believes in LIFE; they seek death to receive their reward for fighting against Jews.  Men look forward to the gift of 72 virgin women. Being the USA, called the big Satan, hated as much as Israel is, is a friend of Israel, they  consider Israel as the little Satan.  

The Oslo Accords of dividing Judea and Samaria in A, B, and C  brought on some changes.  The remainder of the territories, including Israeli towns and cities, the Jordan Valley region and bypass roads between Palestinian communities, were to remain under Israeli control ("Area C"). East Jerusalem was excluded from the Accords. Negotiations with several Israeli governments had resulted in the Palestinian Authority gaining further control of some areas, but control was then lost in some areas when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retook several strategic positions during the Second ("Al-Aqsa") Intifada

In 2005, after the Second Intifada, Israel withdrew unilaterally from its settlements in the Gaza Strip, thereby expanding Palestinian Authority control to the entire Gaza strip while Israel continued to control the crossing points, airspace, and the waters of the Gaza Strip's coast.

As of December 2023, Israel's population is estimated to be around 9,842,000 people. The population is made up of:

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