Tuesday, May 9, 2023

One Reason Why Nazism Is Growing: The Gene Causing Us To Copy Others

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

     Copying stance, attitude of parent, friend, teacher

I was teaching a small group of 1st graders when one purposely fell out of his chair and onto the floor.  The others laughed and thought that funny.  Then they all copied the act and fell out of their seats on purpose.  It reminded me that Chimps learn in this way.  The fact is that almost all (99.9%) nucleotide bases of DNA are exactly the same in all people;  and 97% are the same as the chimpanzee's.  Young ones learn by what they see. There seems to be an impulse in people to copy what they see.  That's why food advertisements are working.  We see people eating pizza for dinner and we get the idea, too, to have pizza for dinner.  It looks so yummy.   Exercising, boating, hiking, skiing, swimming, watch it and we want to do it, too---or not.                              

Yet our children are not chimps.  Their learning includes analyzing the good from bad behaviors so as not to copy the bad ones.  Those who have grown up hating groups for no reason other than some group they have associated with,  does so which is not the outcome of an intelligent person;  just more-like a chimp.  

Anti-Semitism is growing alarmingly fast these days, reaching the boiling point that was reached in Germany in the late 1930's.  It's frightening as to how many hate-filled groups have included anti-Semitism in their mission.  Whatever it is that they hate-they include Jews;  people most have never known personally, so it's all they hear about from family, friends and groups they belong to.  Monkey see-monkey do.                   

Another name for copying is the Chameleon Affect.  The chameleon effect is an unknowing mimic of other people’s behaviors, and it’s perfectly normal. If you live or interact with another person or people for long enough, you are bound to pick up some of their behaviors, mannerisms, facial expressions, and gestures. You might particularly notice the chameleon effect in couples who have been together for a long time, or best friends. The chameleon effect has been shown to have a positive impact on human social interactions. According to Tanya L. Chartrand and John A. Bargh, two psychologists who were the first to explore the phenomenon, very empathetic people are more likely to imitate others than people who aren’t.  

However, when people who aren’t very empathetic attempt to mimic someone else, the gesture can ring false and have the opposite effect of the social advantages one typically gets because of the chameleon effect.

It's been 78 years since WWII ended in 1945, and yet we see anti-Semitism growing wildly again after the horrors of the Holocaust.  You'd think that after such a horrifying period, it would never copy the Nazis again with such an attitude towards Jews or others just because they are different in some area.  

Hungary has become a hateful country towards Jews, ironically the last country to haul away their Jewish citizens in WWII.  After Hungary's 1989 transition from communism to democracy and the introduction of free speech and a free press, nostalgia for the Miklós Horthy era and the writings of Albert Wass appeared and antisemitism re-emerged. Whether economic and social changes fed the sudden increase in antisemitism or covert hostility toward Jews surfaced as a consequence of new civil liberties is debated.

In the years 1994–2006, between 10% and 15% of the Hungarian adult population were found to be strongly antisemitic. Anti-Jewish sentiment responded to political campaigns: antisemitism increased in election years and then fell back to its previous level. This trend altered after 2006, and the surveys indicate an increase in prejudice since 2009.  The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims and deceive the German and international public. They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence against innocent civilians.

Hungary is an ally in coalition operations, including NATO missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Balkans. The United States established diplomatic relations with Hungary in 1921 following the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy at the end of World War I.  It was WWII that Jews were taken away by the Nazis and killed last in the War.  

              Orban in 2022 at age 59, instilling anti-Semitism in his people.  

It seems that large elements of the American Right have Fallen in love with Hungary.  Some U.S. conservatives are taking a cue from Prime Minister Viktor Orban  on how to use the power of the state to win the culture wars.

Viktor Mihly Orban (Hungarian:  born 31 May 1963) is a Hungarian politician who has served as prime minister of Hungary  since 2010, previously holding the office from 1998 to 2002.  He has presided over Fidesz since 1993, with a brief break between 2000 and 2003.  he is highly anti-Semitic

May 2, 2019 — U.S. President Donald Trump will host Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for talks on May 13, Hungary's foreign minister said Thursday. That was in 2019.   

A bipartisan group in Congress this year of 2023  is drafting US sanctions that would target leading Hungarian political figures tied to the Orbán government, as the relationship between the two countries continues to spiral downwards.  The sanctions bill would name former officials and government supporters, mostly affiliated with the Fidesz party of the prime minister, Viktor Orbán.  The legislation has been in preparation since last year and is expected to go before Congress as soon as next month where it is likely to draw broad support, according to officials familiar with the drafting process.

In a speech delivered to the 31st Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp in July 2022, Orbán expressed views that were later described as "a pure Nazi text" that was "worthy of Goebbels" by one of his senior advisers, Zsuzsa Hegedus, in her letter of resignation. In the speech, Orbán stated that "Migration has split Europe in two – or I could say that it has split the West in two. One half is a world where European and non-European peoples live together. These countries are no longer nations: they are nothing more than a conglomeration of peoples" and "we are willing to mix with one another, but we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race". The speech drew condemnation from both the Romanian foreign ministry and other European leaders. Two days latter, in Wien, Orbán made it clear, he was talking about cultures and not genetics. Zsuzsa Hegedüs later, in a letter to Orbán expressed that she is proud of him, and he can count on her like he could in the past 20 years.

Later that month, he touched on this criticism in a speech at the CPAC opening in Dallas, saying that "a Christian politician cannot be racist" and calling his critics "simply idiots". He also attacked billionaire George Soros, of Jewish Hungarian birth, former United States President Barack Obama, "globalists," and the United States' Democratic Party.  Watch the opening of CPAC in Hungary 2023 with Matt Schlapp, Chairman of the Conservative Political Action Coalition, and Miklós Szánthó, Director of the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Copying others has its normal reaction, but note that those who are not apathetic to others and copy do not have the same affect on their behaviors or thoughts.  It's most important to develop that feeling of being empathetic towards others, and starts with pets and having empathy towards animals as well as with people.

From what we're seeing with anti-Semitism, some people are more prone to copy others without any realization of why other than others also are anti-Semitic.  They are the follow-the -crowd type of people other than having leadership qualities.  It's a pretty sad state of affairs when whole cities or states tend to be like this like what happened with Germany.  When the few woke up to the fact, they found they were also in peril;  that they had waited too long.  

This copying tendency has extremely dangerous results;  a community made up of hatred towards others with the others part expanding into other areas as well.  

Nicholas Joseph Fuentes (born August 18, 1998) is an American white supremacist political commentator and live streamer. A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy. He is known for holding antisemitic views and denying the Holocaust. Fuentes identifies as a member of the incel movement, as a supporter of authoritarian government, and as a Catholic integralist and Christian nationalist.

The issue came into focus in the last week after former President Donald Trump welcomed to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida for dinner the well-known white power leader and antisemite Nicholas Fuentes, an organizer and speaker at many “Stop the Steal” protests after the 2020 presidential election.    

Here Trump backed Israel due to his son-in-laws' influence,

and then he turns around and welcomes a known influencial anti-Semite to dinner which is like giving him the stamp of approval.  Why?                        

Protestors at the 2017 Unite the Right rally, which was promoted by the alt-right. One man carries the logo of Vanguard America, and another has a T-shirt depicting German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
Patrick with grandiose plans of taking over GOP.  

Collaborating with Patrick Casey, a former leader of the neo-Nazi organization Identity Evropa in 2019, Fuentes' followers, known as Groypers, began to heckle Turning Point's Culture War Tour, including a speaking event for Donald Trump Jr. In 2020, seeking to establish a white supremacist conference to rival CPAC, Fuentes began holding the annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC). Fuentes attended the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, and he later was an attendee and speaker at events preceding the 2021 United States Capitol attack. He has encouraged the use of jokes and irony among white nationalist groups, stating that it "is so important for giving a lot of cover and plausible deniability for our views".

Alt-Right:  The Alternative Right, commonly known as the "alt-right," is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.  The anti-Semites have a seat in this group.  

          Hitler with another copycat;  Mussolini of Italy

In late November 2022, Fuentes, along with Kanye West, met with former President Donald Trump for a private dinner. The meeting received significant comment from domestic and international political figures, with the debate surrounding the dinner being called "the most discomfiting moment in U.S. history in a half-century or more" for American Jews.

Fuentes nd West take their lead from Hitler himself, again, what monkeysee, monkey do.  




DNA & Genealogy by Colleen Fitzpatrick & Andrew Yeiser, p.8.






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