Sunday, October 13, 2024

United Nations (UN) Against Israel Since When?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

I thought the UN was such a fantastic idea when I was young.  There would never be any more war in the world.   It never took place.  Still, more than 167 countries are found to be violating Human Rights  but only Israel is on the docket for their scathing meetings about it, it seems to me since I can remember.         

Since Human Rights Council came into being in 2006, it has been on the rag complaining about Israel, created in 1948.  Attacks actually started by Arab countries in 1947.  

  • UN Human Rights Council: From its creation in June 2006 through June 2016, the UN Human Rights Council over one decade adopted 135 resolutions criticizing countries; 68 out of those 135 resolutions have been against Israel (more than 50%) They have not stopped.  
  • UN Nations General Assembly: From 2012 through 2015, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted 97 resolutions criticizing countries; 83 out of those 97 have been against Israel (86%)
  • World Health Organization: For one week every year, the UN World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), meets to formulate global health policy. Resolutions are adopted to address global health issues. There is one exception: the annual resolution entitled “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan,” which singles out Israel for condemnation; no other country in the world is condemned by the WHO. (See new attack on Israel below.)
  • ILO: The International Labour Organization (ILO) was established to improve conditions of labor, regulate work hours, fight unemployment, assure adequate living wages, and protect workers worldwide. At its annual conference, however, the ILO produces a single country-specific report castigating IsraelThe ILO issued a deeply flawed, misleading and misrepresentative report on the Palestinian territories.
    Last month, at the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN agency dealing with labor issues, presented their 2014 report on “The situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories.” The report, however, is deeply flawed, misleading and misrepresentative of realities on the ground.

1. Israel on Friday slammed a UN probe which concluded it was deliberately seeking to destroy healthcare in the Gaza Strip and abusing Palestinian detainees, branding the findings "outrageous".  "This report shamelessly portrays Israel's operations in terror-infested health facilities in Gaza as a matter of policy against Gaza's health system, while entirely dismissing overwhelming evidence that medical facilities in Gaza have been systematically used by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad for terrorist activities," it said.

2. Now, "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday (Oct 13) told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to withdraw the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) soldiers from the combat areas in the southern region of the country. Addressing the UN chief in a Hebrew message, Netanyahu said the UNIFIL soldiers were being used as human shields by the Hezbollah militants. "It is time for you to withdraw UNIFIL from Hezbollah strongholds and from the areas of combat. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) has repeatedly asked for this, and has been met with repeated refusals, all aimed at providing a human shield to Hezbollah terrorists,” said Netanyahu. 

The adoption on 29 November 1947, by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of a plan of partition of Mandatory Palestine was one of the earliest acts of the United Nations. This followed the report of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. Since then, it has maintained a central role in this region, including the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People. The UN has sponsored several peace negotiations between the parties, the latest being the 2002 Road map for peace.

Within a few days of the passing of the Partition Plan (Resolution 181), full scale Jewish–Arab fighting broke out in Palestine. It also led to anti-Jewish violence in Arab countries, and to a Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries. In an attempt to mediate the continuing Jewish–Arab fighting in Palestine, UN General Assembly by Resolution 186 of 14 May 1948 called for the appointment of "United Nations Mediator in Palestine".

The Arab League became part of the UN.  This was when Israel was ALWAYS in the wrong with them and held in contempt, while all others were given a pass, even though they had committed an abundancy of wrongs.  The Arab League (LAS) and the United Nations (UN) have a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in 1989. The UN opened a Liaison Office in Cairo in 2019, the first such office to be funded through the UN's regular budget. The two organizations also regularly hold meetings and exchange staff. The LAS was founded in 1945 in Cairo to promote the interests of its member countries. The LAS and the UN share a mission to promote peace, security, and stability, they say, but as I see it, to gang up and attack Israel constant through the UN.  They promote Arab interests only.   

Admission to Israel's membership was conditional on Israel's acceptance and implementation of Resolutions 181 (the Partition Plan) and 194 (besides other things, on status of Jerusalem and the return of Palestinian refugees). On 11 May 1949, the General Assembly by the requisite two-thirds majority approved the application to admit Israel to the UN by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 273. The vote in the General Assembly was 37 to 12, with 9 abstentions. Those that voted for were: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Byelorussia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Ukraine, South Africa, Soviet Union, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. Those that voted against were 6 of the then 7 members of the Arab League (Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen) as well as Afghanistan, Burma, Ethiopia, India, Iran and Pakistan. Those abstaining were: Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, El Salvador, Greece, Siam, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom.  Many of the countries that voted in favour or had abstained had already recognised Israel before the UN vote, at least on a de facto basis.

It is so obvious that the UN never finds favor with Israel, but only finds fault.  One could hope that the Abraham Accords would cause a little let-up in this, but it hasn't happened yet.  Israel is now fighting on 7 fronts in order to exist.  Iran's power has backed Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorism as well as Gaza's Hamas terrorists.  Iran has involved themselves now with ballistic missiles shot from there into Israel.  How much do you want to bet that these attackers will be praised in the UN and that Israel will be criticized for defending itself? 

The leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union who participated in the negotiations that led to the United Nations in 1945 were:
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt: President of the United States
  • Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of Britain
  • Joseph Stalin: Premier of the Soviet Union

These leaders met at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 to discuss the future of the United Nations. The conference was held in Yalta, Ukraine, a Russian resort town. The leaders and their foreign ministers and chiefs of staff agreed to call a United Nations conference in San Francisco on April 25, 1945 to prepare the charter for the organization. 

I. The United States was admitted to the United Nations (UN) on October 24, 1945, when it ratified the UN Charter: The United States signed the UN Charter on June 26, 1945, at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco.  The United States Senate ratified the UN Charter on July 28, 1945, by a vote of 89–2. The UN officially came into existence when the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union, and China) and a majority of the other signatories ratified the Charter. The first meetings of the UN General Assembly and Security Council took place in London in January 1946.

II. The Lebanese Republic is one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations when it signed the United Nations Conference on International Organization in 1945.

III. The State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as its 59th member on 11 May 1949. Since then, it has participated in a wide range of UN operations and has endeavored to make its full contribution to UN organizations dealing with health, labor, food and agriculture, education and science.


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