Saturday, October 5, 2024

Maronite Gemayel Christian Leaders Assassinated In Lebanon; and Why?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

     The father:         Pierre Gemayel (6 November 1905- August 29, 1984) who saw his son assassinated.....

  Pierre Amine Gemayel, also spelled JmayyelJemayyel or al-Jumayyil  6 November 1905 – 29 August 1984), was a Lebanese political leader. A Maronite Catholic, he is remembered as the founder of the Kataeb Party (also known as the Phalangist Party), as a parliamentary powerbroker, and as the father of Bachir Gemayel and Amine Gemayel, both of whom were elected to the presidency of the republic in his lifetime.    He opposed the French Mandate over Lebanon in the late 1930s and early 1940s, and advocated an independent state, free from foreign control.  Pierre Gemayel was born on 6 November 1905 in Bikfaya, Lebanon into a Maronite family. His father Amine Bachir Gemayel, known as Abou Ali, and his uncle were forced to flee to Egypt after being sentenced to death in 1914 for opposing Ottoman rule, returning to Lebanon only at the end of World War I.

Gemayel was educated at Jesuit school. He went on to study pharmacyat the French faculty of medicine in Beirut, where he later opened a pharmacy. He owned a pharmacy in Haifa, Palestine. The pharmacy was located in Sahat Al Hanatir (Carriage Square).   On his return to Lebanon from Europe, in 1936 Gemayel founded Al Kataeb Al Loubnaniyyah party (Kataeb Party)with a few others.                                                               

Beirut 1982: Bachir Gemayel with Ariel Sharon & Raful

President from August 23,1982-September 14, 1982: 22 days.   

I moved to Israel in 1980, so was there in 1982 living in Tzfat (Safed) in the Galilee.  I was teaching English at the junior high.  I had been a 22 year teacher in 4th grade in Oregon when my husband and I got very worried about the skinheads from Idaho who had moved into our favorite meeting place, a restaurant in Ontario, Oregon.  They were most anti-Semitic!   Bachir on left, Sharon is large man in middle.                                                       

Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982. Defense Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, met with Bachir Gemayel months earlier, telling him that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) were planning an invasion to uproot the PLO threat to Israel and to move them out of Lebanon. While Gemayel did not control Israel's actions in Lebanon, the support Israel gave the Lebanese Forces, militarily and politically, angered many Lebanese leftists. 

              Beirut 1982: Bachir Gemayel with Ariel Sharon & Raful

Gemayel had planned to use the IDF to push the Syrian Army out of Lebanon and then use his relations with the Americans to pressure the Israelis into withdrawing from Lebanese territory.

 On 23 August 1982, being the only one to declare candidacy, Gemayel was elected president in an election boycotted by Muslim MPs, as he prevailed over the National Movement.

 Israel had relied on Gemayel and his forces as a counterbalance to the PLO, and as a result, ties between Israel and Maronite groups, from which hailed many of the supporters of the Lebanese Forces, had grown stronger.

Bachir Pierre Gemayel 10 November 1947 – 14 September 1982) was a Lebanese militia commander who led the Lebanese Forces, the military wing of the Kataeb Party, in the Lebanese Civil War and was elected President of Lebanon in 1982.  His death was called a homocide caused by an explosive device.  He was murdered by Habib Shartouni, and then buried on Mount Lebanon.  

He founded and later became the supreme commander of the Lebanese Forces, uniting major Christian militias by force under the slogan of "Uniting the Christian Rifle".

Lebanon:  On 14 September 1982, a bomb was detonated during a meeting of the right-wing Christian Kataeb Party (also known as the Phalanges) in the Beirut neighborhood of Achrafieh. Militia commander and Lebanese president-elect Bachir Gemayel and 23 other Kataeb Party politicians were killed in the blast. It was an assassination !

The attack was carried out by Habib Shartouni and allegedly planned by Nabil Alam, both members of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). Both men were believed to have acted on instructions of the Syrian government led by president Hafez al-Assad.

Israel:  The next day, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) moved to occupy the city, allowing members of the Lebanese Forces militia under the command of Elie Hobeika to enter the centrally located Sabra neighborhood and adjoining Shatila refugee camp. Militia members then massacred between 1,300 and 3,500 civilians, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shia Muslims, causing an international uproar.

Following the news of Gemayel's assassination, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, and Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan agreed that the Israeli army should invade West Beirut. The public reason given was to be that they were there to prevent chaos. In a separate conversation, Sharon and Eitan agreed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) should not enter the Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, but that the Phalange should be used instead.

                                                Amine Pierre Gemayel in 2012

Amine Pierre Gemayel  born 22 January 1942) is a Lebanese politician who served as President of Lebanon from September 23, 1982 to September 22, 1988: 5 years and 365 days.    On 23 September 1982, his brother, Bachir,  was elected to presidency, but was assassinated before taking office. Endorsed by the United States and Israel, he was elected on 23 September as the eighth president. At the age of 40 years, he was the youngest president to take office.

Amine Pierre Gemayel, born in Bikfaya, his father was Pierre Gemayel, the founder of the Christian Kataeb Party (Also known as the "Phalanges"). He worked as a lawyer, then was elected as a deputy for Northern Metn in 1970 by-election, following the death of his uncle, Maurice Gemayeland once again in the 1972 general election. At the start of the Lebanese Civil War, the Phalanges were a member of the Lebanese Front, allied with Syria against the leftist National MovementHowever, Syria became their enemy, while they started receiving the support of Israel,  This phase saw the rise of his brother, Bachir, who had disputes with Amine about the military leadership, such as uniting the Christian militias by force.

               Pierre Amine Gemayel (23 September 1972-21 November 2006

The Kataeb Party, officially the Kataeb Party – Lebanese Social Democratic Party  also known as the Phalanges, is a right-wing Christian political party in Lebanon founded by Pierre Gemayel in 1936.  Pierre Amine Gemayel  commonly known as Pierre Gemayel Jr., or simply Pierre Gemayel; 23 September 1972 – 21 November 2006) was a Lebanese politician in the Kataeb Party, also known as the Phalange Party in English.

Pierre Amine Gemayel was born in Beirut on 24 September 1972 to a Maronite Christian family that has long been involved in Lebanese politics. Gemayel was the eldest son of former President Amine Gemayel and grandson of Pierre Gemayel, founder of the Kataeb Party. 

He was also the nephew of former president-elect Bachir Gemayel, who was assassinated in Beirut in 1982.

November 2006, the day before Lebanese Independence Day, at least three to four gunmen opened fire at close range on Gemayel with five different types of suppressed automatic weapons, all using 9 mm bullets, after ramming his car from the front in the Jdeideh suburb north of Beirut with a Honda CRV with tinted windows that they were driving. 

Gemayel was the fifth prominent anti-Syrian figure to be assassinated in Lebanon in two years.

Gemayel was visiting his electoral district of Metn, in Jdeideh that day. The method by which Gemayel was assassinated is much more brazen than that used in the past – gunmen killing in broad daylight, rather than anonymous car bombs detonated remotely. He was rushed by his driver, who escaped the attack unhurt, to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was declared dead. His bodyguard, Sameer Chartouni, was also killed in the attack.


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