Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Morning : Houthis Launch Ballistic Missile at Tel Aviv

Nadene Goldfoot                                            

                            Ballistic missile, a rocket-propelled self-guided strategic-weapons system that follows a ballistic trajectory to deliver a payload from its launch site to a predetermined target. Ballistic missiles can carry conventional high explosives as well as chemicalbiological, or nuclear munitions. They can be launched from aircraft, ships, and submarines in addition to land-based silos and mobile platforms 

First off, sirens in the upper Galilee of  Northern Israel:  I had lived in Tzfat (Safed).   People there might have also heard them.  

Iran-backed Yemen Houthis  launched a ballistic surface to surface missile from  at first thought from Lebanon, but then found to come from Yemen,  at Tel Aviv located in Central Israel.  This turned out to become massive rocket barrages.  It broke apart in  mid-air before shrapnel fell into Mod'in.  

According to the Israel Defense Forces, at 6:21 on Sunday morning, the missile was launched from Yemen towards Israeli territory, and it likely fragmented mid-air, according to preliminary findings.

      Iran Has 3,000 Ballistic Missiles Ready for War

In 2022, U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command, assessed that the Iranian military and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps could field more than 3,000 ballistic missiles of all types. 

Northern Israel was bombarded with 40 rockets.  This happened while southern Lebanon was warned by the IDF air force with dropped leaflets to evacuate because of impending attacks.  

Hamas praised the Houthi hit, of course. 

                      An Iranian Ballistic Missile Storm Is On Ukraine's Horizon 

The distance between Beirut (Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport) and Tel Aviv (Ben Gurion Airport) is 130 miles / 208 kilometers / 113 nautical miles. The driving distance from Beirut (BEY) to Tel Aviv (TLV) is 260 miles / 418 kilometers, and travel time by car is about 5 hours 9 minutes.  Therefore, the rockets only traveled about 130 miles and were shot from Lebanon, probably the short-ranged ballistic  missiles.  

Can this be the start of the major war ?  

edited on 9/16/24

Who Is Neta Golan, Israeli Jew, International Solidarity Activist, Turned Palestinian Arab?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

Neta Golan speaking to a reality tour group led by Sabeel and Maurine and Bob Tobin, March 2006.  She was born, possibly around 1980 when I moved to Israel and attended a center in Haifa for 10 months first to become certified as a teacher.  
                                       Neta Golan up a tree without a paddle  in the summer of 2002  "Up a tree without a paddle" is a phrase that means there is always a professional who can help, and in this instance, I suggest schooling such as a university on our Jewish history.  . 

Neta is also a writer.  I found this description of her as a bio on May 28, 2012, 12 years ago.   "I am a Jewish Israeli woman who was born in Tel Aviv and has been living in Ramallah and Nablus in the occupied Palestinian territories for the last 12 years. (started living there in 2000?)  When Israelis, or people who have spent a lot of time with Israelis, hear where I live they often ask me “aren’t you scared?” And I tell them the truth. Yes, I am sometimes scared of Israeli soldiers and even more of Israeli settlers. But other than that I feel more at home than I do anywhere else in the world.

She explains:  Neta Golan  Neta Golan is an Israeli Activist and cofounder of the International Solidarity Movement, Israelis Against Apartheid, and Return Solidarity.  

I, Nadene Goldfoot,  am telling you that Israel is not an apartheid state which we know that South Africa has been.  This woman is against Jews returning to Eretz Yisrael, their ancient homeland that was never left "devoid of Jews."  Some Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE have always remained there.  She either knows nothing or at least  is  in denial of our Jewish history, or has changed completely upon her marrying an Arab.  By the way, both Jews and Arabs in Palestine were called Palestinians until 1948 when Israel was declared a state by the United Nations.  Also, it took about 20 years from WWI to then to do all the meetings and paperwork for this re-birth to take place.  The Jewish leaders did it as legally as possible so such a day would never take place. 

By the summer of 2002, she wrote or said this this to Tricycle, a magazine:  "Neta Golan, a thirty-year-old Israeli peace activist and Buddhist, lives with her Palestinian husband in Ramallah, in the West Bank. Last year she cofounded the International Solidarity Movement, an organization committed to nonviolent resistance to Israel’s occupation of lands captured during the 1967 Arab/Israeli war. On several occasions, from mid-February through early April, Tricycle spoke to Golan by telephone."

"How does your Buddhist practice inform your activism?

Without practice I doubt I’d be an effective activist. Buddhism is not what motivates me, but it’s what gives me the tools to stay sane. Living here with any kind of awareness opens you to a lot of suffering. Being active is my way of dealing. Being engaged makes it bearable. 

To me, I feel that Neta has allowed herself to hear only one side of a large problem.  That's why this Jewish Israeli woman has turned 180 degrees and defends the very people who have said at the African Khartoum meeting in 1967 that their goal is to destroy and take over Israel.  The 1967 Arab League summit was held in Khartoum, Sudan from August 29 to September 1, 1967. "The summit took place after the Arab defeat in the Six-Day War in June 1967. The summit's outcome influenced Israeli foreign policy for decades. "

"Neta herself is a fascinating story. Born and raised most of her early years in Israel, in or near Tel Aviv, but for 5 years in Canada, from 4 - 9 years old, then again, "draft dodging" as she put it, from the Israeli army for 2 years from about 17 - 19, and now living in Palestine for the past 6 years, married to a Palestinian, living until recently in Nablus

How does your Jewishness fit in? I inquired.

--Our family was secular but I went to Jewish school and learned the scriptures and the rituals, but we never really practiced at home. I remember one class that really turned me off from Judaism. The teacher, the rabbi--who I thought at the time was a supremely holy man, not to be challenged--spoke of Adam as " all Jews. No one else, no Muslims, no Christians, no gentiles, just Jews! And this emphasis on the superiority supposedly implied by the chosenenss of Jews bothered me greatly, and still does.

(How can she think this, since Christianity was created by followers of Jesus who died in  about the year 37, and Islam didn't come along until the year 632 when Mohammad died?  The rabbi was stressing how old, how ancient Judaism had been.  It's our history).  (I've heard rabbis stressing that being chosen meant accepting the responsibility of passing on the laws of Moses, not that we were a special people, superior to others.)

Neta continued:  "I have great respect for Judaism and Jews, I think it is inspiring that they remembered Jerusalem during those 2000 years in exile, and came back and rekindled the ancient language".

--Do you know what the ritual of breaking the cup at a wedding means? she asked.

"I answered --I thought it was meant to remind us that while today might be gay, tomorrow might be sad. That we are celebrating but soon might be suffering.

--No, it is accompanied by words to the effect of "Should I forget Jerusalem, may I forget my right arm, may my tongue stick to my pallet." At the end of the Pesach Seder, we say, "Next year in Jerusalem". Many Native Americans and Tibetans feel inspired by the fact that the Jewish people got their land back and revived a language that was "dead." Many Jews believe that we have a right to biblical Israel, all of it, at least from the Mediterranean sea to the Jordan river, if not to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. But it is unfortunate that we formed a state, and in the process, dispossessed the native inhabitants and now seek to militarily and economically control the entire region. Many Jews believe this claim is documented in scripture, the covenant between God and the Jews. I have to challenge that sense of entitlement, a belief leading to the dispossession of others."

"Now, this is my reconstruction of the conversation, not a word-by-word precise transcription. I hope to convey the gist of Neta's thoughts".

Having 2 daughters proves a huge challenge to her. If not for her husband, she said, she'd not be able to continue this work. He shoulders the larger share of childcare, and the 2 girls, ages 2 and 3, are in day care. 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dual American-Turkish Citizen Aysenur Eygi In Nablus Protest Shot Dead

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                   

Palestinian activists lift a banner and portraits of slain Turkish-American International Solidarity Movement activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi during a funeral procession in the West Bank city of Nablus, September 9, 2024. (Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP)  Eygi, a 26-year-old from Seattle who held U.S. and Turkish citizenships, was buried in her hometown in the town of Didim on the Aegean Sea. 

Aysenur Eygi
Dual Turkish-American national Aysenur Eygi, 26, was shot dead Friday, September 13, in Samaria  while taking part in a protest against Israeli settlement activity at Beita Junction, near Nablus in the northern West Bank (Samaria).   Her friends want an investigation but not by IDF.
 I'm starting with Aysenur Eygi herself.  Why was she, a recent graduate in the States in journalism, at a protest in the West   Bank?  Why a Turkish woman in Judea-Samaria with Palestinian protesters?   To get a  story?   That's pretty obvious.  Most people realize that such a protest will get more serious and might start shooting, which is  what happened.  
                        Major Populated Arab towns near Jerusalem 
Aysenur was in Nablus.  "Nablus is a Palestinian city in the West Bank, located approximately 49 kilometres (30 mi) north of Jerusalem, with a population of 156,906. Located between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim,  home to An-Najah National University, one of the largest Palestinian institutions of higher learning, and the Palestine Stock Exchange. Nablus is under the administration of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) known to us as (PA) Palestinian Authority.
Yet, she was an International Solidarity Movement activist.  It was founded in 2001 by Ghassan Andoni, a Palestinian activist; Neta Golan, a third generation Israeli activist; Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American; and George N. Rishmawi, a Palestinian activist.

The organization calls on civilians from around the world to participate in acts of non-violent protests against the Israeli military in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It has been criticized for working alongside other groups to pressure Palestinian artists to boycott the One Voice Peace Summit and for helping to undermine the Summit by creating a competing event. ISM and affiliated groups critical of the Summit say that One Voice fails to fully support Palestinian rights guaranteed under international law. which is questionable.  

The ISM's website describes the organization as a "Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles". The land of Eretz Yisrael or Israel was changed in the year 135 by the Romans who had burned down Jerusalem in the year 70.  They re-named the land for the Jews' worst enemy, the Philistines because they had rebelled with leader Bar Kokhba  that year taking back the land .  It not only embarrassed the Romans, but they were furious.  

It emphasizes international volunteers are not there to "teach nonviolent resistance" but to support resistance through nonviolent direct action, emergency mobilization and documentation.  

Israel is at war.  War is known to be hell; hell for all involved.  It isn't like a videogame.  Eygi was in the middle of a protest gone wild with bullets flying.  She shouldhave known better.  She was accidently hit by a flying bullet.  

The documentation groups  are those with the spotlight on the "evil" Jewish IDF. 

 Anything they do isexpected to mar the IDF reputation.  They expect it to happen, and help it along.  

The protest was against the continued expansion of Israeli settlements and had attracted violence prior to the incident. Witnesses (Palestinians)  reported that IDF forces had confronted the activists and shot at them with tear gas and live ammunition to force them to disperse. About thirty minutes after the confrontation, protestors reported that two IDF snipers on a roof about 200 yards away opened fire, killing Eygi and wounding a Palestinian teenager in the leg.

Blinken said the U.S. deplores this tragic loss and that the U.S. is focused on gathering the facts of the shooting.

“First things first, let’s find out exactly what happened, and we will draw the necessary conclusions and consequences from that,” Blinken said.

“As you have heard me say many times before, I have no higher priority than the safety and protection of American citizens around the world, wherever they are. It's something I take with the utmost seriousness. When we have more info, we’ll share it, make it available and if necessary, we will act on it.”

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savett also issued a statement.“We are deeply disturbed by the tragic death of an American citizen, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, today in the West Bank and our hearts go out to her family and loved ones,” the statement said. “We have reached out to the government of Israel to ask for more information and request an investigation into the incident.”

Israel Defense Forces released a statement regarding the incident on its X and Telegram social media accounts, saying: “Today, during Israeli security forces activity adjacent to the area of Beita, the forces responded with fire toward a main instigator of violent activity who hurled rocks at the forces and posed a threat to them.”  It's quite possible that was Eygi throwing rocks and such, sometimes things worse than rocks, like broken blocks of cement.

“The IDF is looking into reports that a foreign national was killed as a result of shots fired in the area. The details of the incident and the circumstances in which she was hit are under review,” the statement said.  The IDF has apologized.  

Smoke rises after an explosion during an Israeli military operation in the West Bank's Jenin refugee camp, August 31, 2024; Inset: Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, who was killed amid the fighting in Jenin. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed; Courtesy)

The incident comes as the Israeli military pulled out of the city of Jenin and its three refugee camps early Friday following a 10-day operation in the occupied West Bank. Fighting in Jenin accounts for the deaths of 21 of 39 Palestinians who local health officials say were killed during the Israeli operation. The military says most have been militants.According to an initial IDF probe, troops carrying out a raid in Jenin encountered two gunmen, considered to be prominent members of the Hamas terror group. The soldiers exchange fire with the two terror operatives from close range, killing both of them.  Four soldiers were hit by the gunmen, including Navon who later died. One of the wounded troops, an officer, was listed in serious condition.

In 2017, Jenin had a population of approximately 50,000 people, whilst the Jenin refugee camp had a population of about 10,000, housing Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes during the 1948 Palestine War. The camp has since become a stronghold of Palestinian militants against British colonialism and Israeli occupation, being the location of several incidents relating to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Resource: , day of war 344.  

Friday, September 13, 2024

Archaeological Findings Proving History Correct From Old Testament (Tanakh)

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                           

      Eilat Mazar places her hand into the impression created by a large pithos pottery vessel in 1986. ESTATE OF DR. EILAT MAZAR 

Not only are many rabbinical families' professions an inherited interest and vocation; archaeology is also.  I see that Dr. Eilat Mazar is the young archaeologist who followed in her grandfather's footsteps in discovery while working on King Solomon.From the September-October 2022 Let the Stones Speak Magazine Issue


hough Dr. Eilat Mazar is best known for her work in the City of

 David, she spent most of her career excavating the Ophel, part of ancient

Jerusalem from the time of the Kings; first mentioned by Micah (4:8)

and Isaiah(32:14) according to II Chronicles.  (27:3) Jothan "built much

on the wall of Ophel."

It was on the Ophel, south of the southern Temple Mount wall, where Eilat developed a  passion for archaeology as a young child, helping on her grandfather’s “Big Dig,” Temple Mount excavations that spanned from

1968 to 1978.  Today, the name, Ophel, has been extended to mean the 

whole area of the city of David South of the Temple Mount. 

Her grandfather was  Binyamin (Maisler) Mazar (born in 1906-an Israel

 scholar, born in Russia and was Jewish, settling in Palestine in 1929.  He

Joined the staff at Hebrew University  in 1943, and became professor of 

biblical history  in 1950.  Then he became president of the University 

from 1953-1963. 

 He has excavated at Ramat Rachel, En Gedi, Tel el Kasile, Bet Shearim,


 After 1968, he excavated the Southern and Western walls of the Temple Compound in the Old City of Jerusalem. His major works include a 

history of Palestine up to the period of the monarchy and a historical  

atlas of the country.  

Geneaology:    from Geni                                   

Binyamin Zeev Mazar (Maisler), Prof.

Hebrew: בנימין מזר (מייזלר), פרופ׳
Birthplace:Ciechanowiec, Wysokie Mazowieckie County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland
Death:August 09, 1995 (89)
Jerusalem, Israel 
Immediate Family:

Son of Chaim Maisler and Rebecca Maisler
Husband of Dina Mazar
Father of Ori Mazar
Brother of רחל פינקלשטייןFishel MaislerMalka Peles and Hanoch Mazar

From the September-October 2022 Let the Stones Speak Magazine IssueWhen Jerusalem archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar died on May 
25, 2021 at age 64, the world lost a truly extraordinary person. 
Dr. Eilat Mazar excavated Jerusalem for over 50 years. Born in 
Jerusalem in 1956, Eilat began her archaeological career at age 11, when
 she worked alongside her grandfather, the late Prof. Benjamin Mazar, on
 his Temple Mount excavations.

Benjamin Mazar was a founding father of the modern Jewish state. He

 was central to the establishment of Hebrew University and the Israel 

Exploration Society, as well as numerous other intellectual and public

 institutions in Israel. 

Eilat Mazar, a nonreligious archaeologist, stated by a Christian outlet but not knowing that she was Jewish  who embraced the unfashionable idea of digging with a shovel in one hand and a Bible in the other, died Tuesday at 64 (1956-2021).

In her five decades excavating Eretz Yisrael, Mazar discovered the remains of a palace believed to belong to King David, a gate identified with King Solomon, a wall thought to have been built by Nehemiah, two clay seals that name the captors of the prophet Jeremiah, seals that name King Hezekiah, and a seal that may have belonged to the prophet Isaiah.

Once called the “queen of Jerusalem archaeology,” Mazar took the Bible seriously as a historical text and quarreled with scholars who thought it was unscientific to pay too much attention to Scripture.  Since all her soources were from the Old Testament, one realizes that "The Bible" meant just that. our Tanakh-Hebrew for "Bible."  I claim her back as being very Jewish.  



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Standing For Israel's Right To Self Protection As Long As Only A Few Deaths To Palestinians

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

    PA (Palestinian Authority  chief Mahmoud Abbas speaks during the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters), Sept. 21, 2023. Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images. 

An armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place in the Gaza Strip and Israel since 7 October 2023. The fifth war of the Gaza–Israel conflict since 2008, it is the deadliest war for Palestinians ever fought in the history of the entire Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the most significant military engagement in the region since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 ;when Israel was again attacked on their holiest day when the population attended their synagogues.  

The Palestinian Authority  had been created to exert partial civil control in the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) enclaves and in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip  is de jure under the Palestinian Authority and de facto under the administration of the Hamas government since 2007.    It is normal for each country to be responsible for their citizens' safety.  

Israel builds bomb shelters for its people.  Palestinians terrorists use their people as a sacrifice to their cause by hiding behind them.  

Hamas is responsible for all the deaths.  They have had many chances to have a cease fire but refuse, and they were the aggressors in the first place.  

Joe Biden, President and Kamala Harris, his Vice and now the Democratic runner for President, have both said that they are for Israel's right to protect its people, but always add that they are taking too many Palestinians'  lives in doing so.  Such words harm Israel more than help them in their position of being the most hated in the world for killing Palestinians.  

How in the world do they expect Israel to fight for all the Israeli lives with this expectation and survive?  Do they not realize that this is the fight of all fights where Israel is fighting for absolute survival in the most unbelievable war any army has been in?  This is it, folks, the fight for Israel's life; and they are fighting on 7 fronts.  

This war has been dreamed up by Iran who supplies all the antagonists fighting against Israel;  Hamas, Hezbollah Iraq, JordanIran, and Houthis of Yemen, The Houthis says they consider any Israel-linked ship as a target, including US and UK warships, but they have also indiscriminately attacked the ships of many nations. From October 2023 to March 2024, the Houthis attacked more than 60 vessels in the Red Sea.  

Israel cannot afford to lose anymore soldiers as they've lost over 1,000 so far, searching for hostages as they move.  

Hamas are   a fundamentalist Sunni Muslim terrorist organization founded in Gaza in 1987 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. known as “Islamic Resistance Movement”. Hamas is one of the Palestinian territories’ two major political parties, with the other being Fatah. It has governed more than two million Palestinians in Gaza since a 2007 military coup in which Fatah party bodyguards were murdered and the homes of political opponents in Gaza were razed.  It came about when Obama encouraged "voting" by the Gazan Palestinians.  They voted in the military arm of Fatah.  

Supported by Iran, Hamas has been responsible for multiple terror attacks against Israel including suicide bombings and thousands of rocket attacks, the construction of terror tunnels, and the orchestration of the violent “March of Return” riots. The Council on Foreign Relations has estimated that Hamas has killed more than 500 people in at least 350 separate terrorist attacks between 1993 and 2012. In the 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing, 15 civilians were killed, including 7 children and a pregnant woman, and 130 wounded.

In 2021 alone, Hamas and other militant groups located in the Gaza Strip fired more than 4,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israel. They unsuccessfully attempted to penetrate the Gaza border with Israel via cross-border attack tunnels. It has also developed weapons systems—with an estimated arsenal of more than 13,000 rockets together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terrorist group—and continues to research drones and unmanned underwater vehicles and engage in cyber warfare. 

One fact must be understood.  Hamas has never been truthful about how many Palestinians have been killed.  Usually they double the number.  It's one of the many ways they are fighting against Israel;  by lying, and by hiding their soldiers among their own civilians in unbelievable places like mosques,, hospitals,  schools, homes of civilians, anywhere they have had to congregate.  

Egypt signed a peace pact with Israel, but has been blind to the aid and abetting going on of its people in bringing in weapons through tunnels the terrorists have created.  A lot of backsheesh payments have been going on, no doubt and Egyptians getting rich.  Egypt is in denial, of course.  

One  of first tunnels discovered dug by Palestinians to receive weapons

    6 hostages found dead in tunnel, below.  Also, a video:                                                                            
Rendering of a tunnel where six hostages were held captive in Gaza since October 7, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces).  This was a most dangerous tunnel for the IDF to enter.  

Hezbollah situated in Lebanon. Formed in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Hizballah (the “Party of God”), a Lebanon-based Shia terrorist group, advocates Shia empowerment globally.  Hizballah has been involved in numerous anti-US terrorist attacks, including the suicide truck bombings of the US Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, and the US Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984, as well as the hijacking of TWA 847 in 1985 and the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

Hizballah has participated in the Lebanese Government since 1992. With the 2004 passage of UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which called for the disarmament of all armed militias in Lebanon, Hizballah has focused on justifying its retention of arms by casting itself as the defender of Lebanon against Israeli aggression. On 12 July 2006, Hizballah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, sparking the 2006 war in which Hizballah claimed victory by virtue of its survival. It has since sought to use the conflict to justify its need to retain its arms as a Lebanese resistance force. In May 2008, Hizballah militants seized parts of Beirut in response to calls by the government to restrict Hizballah’s secure communications and arms. In negotiations to end the violence, Hizballah gained veto power in the government and retained its arms and secure communications.

Israel has technical skills to pinpoint their target and that's what they do.  They've tried to take out the terrorist leaders; but there they are among civilians.  

Their attitude towards dying is in opposition to Israelis as well.  While Israel believes in LIFE; they seek death to receive their reward for fighting against Jews.  Men look forward to the gift of 72 virgin women. Being the USA, called the big Satan, hated as much as Israel is, is a friend of Israel, they  consider Israel as the little Satan.  

The Oslo Accords of dividing Judea and Samaria in A, B, and C  brought on some changes.  The remainder of the territories, including Israeli towns and cities, the Jordan Valley region and bypass roads between Palestinian communities, were to remain under Israeli control ("Area C"). East Jerusalem was excluded from the Accords. Negotiations with several Israeli governments had resulted in the Palestinian Authority gaining further control of some areas, but control was then lost in some areas when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retook several strategic positions during the Second ("Al-Aqsa") Intifada

In 2005, after the Second Intifada, Israel withdrew unilaterally from its settlements in the Gaza Strip, thereby expanding Palestinian Authority control to the entire Gaza strip while Israel continued to control the crossing points, airspace, and the waters of the Gaza Strip's coast.

As of December 2023, Israel's population is estimated to be around 9,842,000 people. The population is made up of: