Sunday, July 9, 2023

How Anti-Semitism Has Spread and Why Little Is Done to Prevent It

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

  The accusation---you're a Jew, bad people, treating Palestinians badly;  convert, you must die.......

Groups such as Human Rights Watch accuse Israel of all sorts of terrible things against Palestinians.  Jews have their history full of such lies against them even before the Romans in their meetings in 300s.  There were at least two expulsions of Jews from Rome before the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius. In 139 BCE the Jews were expelled after being accused of missionary efforts. Then in AD 19 Tiberius once again expelled Jews from the city for similar reasons.  Emperor Constantine held  Council of Nicea (A.D. 325) with others following that attacked Jews.  There has been the Spanish Inquisition, pogroms, and then the Holocaust.

Corpses found when US troops liberated the Gusen camp, a subcamp of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Austria, after May 12, 1945.

You have no idea how the Holocaust has affected all Jews on this planet, then and even now.  The horrors they endured by the Nazis are unbearable.  To be a people that others want to squash and kill off like too much to understand by the living.  Lozowick in his book, RIGHT TO EXIST,, tells it shockingly on page 261. Nailing Jews to crosses;   Nailing people by their ears to fences;  ramming heated metal rods into live bodies;  cutting open abdomens or, preferably, wombs;  throwing infants into the air and catching them on bayonets;  slaughtering families;  freezing to death or boiling----enough?  Oh, let us not forget Dr. Mengela and his experiments on Jews..

Josef Mengele, German physician and SS captain.  He was the most prominent of a group of Nazi doctors who conducted medical experiments that often caused great harm or death to the prisoners.  In November 1943 Mengele became "Chief Camp Physician" of Auschwitz II (Birkenau).  Many of those subjected to Mengele's experiments died as a result or were murdered in order to facilitate post-mortem examination. 

Such things in our past has affected all of us Jews.  We've been a people without a country, wandering for over 2,000 years, who, despite the hatred and putdown of people such as the Muslim countries making us 2nd class citizens or Dhimmis, have held our heads in awe of our beliefs from Moses and Abraham, trying to live up to those expectations.  We know the truth, and have held out high hopes.

We are a family, a religion and were a nation once, a mighty one who took on the Assyrians, Babylonians, and the Greeks and Romans but could not continue on.  Our energy went into the morality of the world, and not the technical forces of making war.  Now we're a nation again, and will not lose that Israel again though the world seems to be colluding to bring about our destruction.  

Israel waited over 2,000 years to continue onwards.  How long have the Palestinians wanted a state?  Only since they were prodded to do so by their leaders when the Jews showed signs of remaining in 1948.  There has never been a Palestine.  

There was once an Israel, who was whittled down by the Assyrians to the remaining 12th county or land of Judah, called Judaea by the Romans who overpowered Judah.  Israel lasted a very long time; from it's creation in Canaan to King Saul in about 1190 BCE to David's rule (1010-970 BCE turning it into an empire of the day, to Solomon961-920 BCE , to 70 CE when the Romans destroyed its capital, Jerusalem.  All of this is denied by the Palestinians for it ruins their flimsy story of ownership which is a group who came in looking for jobs from the Jews and stayed as squatters.  Read FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL by Joan Peters.  

Jews' thrust in religion is not what happens when they die and being saved from a hell.  Theirs is different, so different.  They worry about their morality while alive and have 613 laws dictated by Moses to back this up.  They figure only G-d knows about us at death.  How we live during our lives determines everything.  So morality is a must, and being we are human like everyone else, takes work and energy.  The thing women, and I must admit, before our generations, were drawn to in a man was his brilliance in the synagogue.  The ability to read and understand Hebrew, and discuss our teachings, was the draw.  Again, they wanted a very moral husband.

I and others such as Lozowick do not see Palestinians accepting Jews in the Middle East which means they will continue to fight against peace and acceptance.  A creation of such a state is a stamp of disapproval of Israel, signing its death warrant if done under the present conditions.  Only if a miracle happens and they turn into people such as the UAE or Egypt or Jordan in signing peace treaties can such happen. Just giving them their Palestine isn't going to change them into peaceful people.  It will only prove them right in their fight.   The emphasis should be in changing their attitude, not aid and abetting it which is what all seem to be doing, even Human Rights Watch in accusing Israel of Apartheid behavior towards them.  I'm blue in the face attempting with my writings to show how wrong that accusation is.  

It galls me because it looks like the world backs the losers, and that had never happened for the Jews.  They were the losers, and did not start fights.  They used their G-d given gifts of intelligence to be invited to live in others' countries to manage the arithmetic needed for trade, etc, that they were unable to do.  Then, used up, they were kicked out.  It happened over and over.  Religion was against the Jews.  They were spotted as killing that country's god.  

We know better than anyone alive on this earth what constitutes behavior towards others is all about and our core beliefs are to treat others with respect and kindness such as we would expect from others.  How dare anyone continue to accuse such lies.  Israel will continue to defend itself in the more humane way a country can accomplish.  They can do nothing less.  They are held back by their own beliefs.  The duty of the world is to end their enemies hatred and attacks of terrorism.  That they haven't even tried.  Like Golda Meir once said,  

Golda Meir

“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

Do people understand?  Comments, such as from the Human Rights Watch, so anti-Semitic, wrong in content, only spreads anti-Semitism.  What is done to prevent it?  Nothing. Freedom of speech keeps it going.   What is feeding anti-Semitism is the creation of a Palestine, being a reward for their constant 75 year terrorism against the Jewish state.  They don't even want to meet since they have no intention of a cease in their attacks or giving the Jews the green light of acceptance.  


Book: RIGHT TO EXIST, by Yaacov Lozowick's%20213%2Dpage%20report,of%20the%20International%20Criminal%20Court. a condition on Jews

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