Tuesday, November 8, 2022

17 More Years and What Is In Store For The World?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

We now have a building in the shape of a UFO.  
from ruddy media in Netherlands featured in Architecture & Interiors; Evoluon, Eindoven, Netherlands, published on February 24, 2019.  After a long day walking around Eindhoven (NL) the photographer had to take some pictures of the Evoluon.  

We are living in the Past's Future.  We're just people surviving each day but we are in unusual times where we have already traveled to the moon and back and are planning further excursions into the universe. It's hard to accept that we are living in the Past's spoken of Messianic Times, but it's a huge possibility.

One thing we're still trying to accept is that of Unidentified Flying Objects that have been seen throughout time are turning out to have a great possibility of being transportation from other planets.  The idea of other planets in other star systems sounds so fictional, but our scientists confirm this fact, and there seems to be those planets that are older and wiser than we are.  

We living on earth in the Western world  count our time by the Past's  Julian Calendar which was created in 45 BCE.  It's a  revision of the Roman Republican calendar, in use in the Roman empire and the Christian Middle Ages, and remains in use as the liturgical calendar of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. It is a solar (sun) calendar and I am writing this in the year of 2022. 

The Gregorian Calendar, created in 1926-1930 is the World Calendar we all use.  It's a Perpetual calendar with 1–2 off-week days, preferred and almost adopted by the United Nations in 1950s, a solar calendar .  

Our Sun, known as the G2V star, is a middle-aged star, as it is around 5 billion years old. It is the largest Sun in our solar system, but this title is not difficult to achieve, as it is the only one, as far as we know, and the same applies to the Moon.

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) claims that there is an infinite number of stars, so naturally, some will be bigger, and some smaller than ours. While our Sun is an average-sized star, it is still ridiculously large. Our star’s brightness does not vary by much and that may be one factor key to the evolution of life on Earth. 

Our earth is 4.543 billion years old  plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date.  Our calendar is based on our sun, a star.    

A lunar calendar has 354 days while a solar calendar has 365 days.  Jews altered their calendar to get the agricultural festivals celebrated in the proper season so they also have 12 months on their calendars

   In 1,000 BCE, which was about 3022 years ago, when King David of Israel ruled (1010-970 BCE) Israel/Canaan used the lunar Gezer Calendar:  years are divided into monthly or bi-monthly periods and attributes to each a duty such as harvest, planting, or tending specific crops. It was in use throughout the Mesopotamian world. This is the oldest reckoning of time I've found.   

Jews for purposes of knowing dates of holidays use the Hebrew calendar  that was recorded by Maimonides or Rambam (1135-1204), as philosopher, halakhist and medical writer who at 13 went to Palestine from Cordova, Spain with his family escaping the Almohade persecutions and wrote a treatise on the Jewish calendar called Sepher ha-Ibbur on intercalation in 1158  in the Mishneh Torah, resulting from various reforms and traditions developing since Late Antiquity.  The [Anno Mundi era] gradually replaced the [Seleucid era] in Rabbinical literature in the 11th century. It is a lunisolar calendar or "bound lunar type"calculated according to the moon, depending on the moon as well as the sun used by the Babylonian/Seleucid derived of the 11th and 12th centuries.  This is the year 5783

 For religious purposes, the years are divided into 3 two-thousand year segments, and we are close to the year of 5800 which is deemed as a very messianic age and is very close to the western world's year of 2039---which will be the present in 17 more years.    

 The Chinese used the first Chinese calendar to use the true moon motion created in 619,  Wuyin origin.  It's also lunisolar. For them, January 25, 2020 was the Chinese year 4718:  the year of the rat. The Chinese calendar does not use a continuous year count! They used a 60 year cycle and a system of regional years (starting with each emperor). Before the 1911 revolution, Sun Yat-sen wanted to establish a republican alternative to the imperial reign cycles. According to Chinese tradition, the first year of the Yellow Emperor was 2698 B.C.E., so he introduced a counting system based on this. Under this system, 2000 is year 4698. An alternative system is to start with the first historical record of the 60-day cycle from March 8, 2637 B.C.E. Based on this system, 2000 is year 4637. Years of the Rat in Chinese zodiac are 2032, 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936...The Rat is the first zodiac sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc.  also use a calendar based on the observational lunisolar calendars used in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Remains in use for religious purposes in the Islamic world.  This started in 632 and is a lunar calendar. As of 30 July 2022 CE, the current Islamic year is 1444 AH. In the Gregorian calendar reckoning, 1444 AH runs from approximately 30 July 2022 to 18 July 2023. 

Where will the world be in 17 more years?  We are still putting up with countries that are invaders, wanting others' property.  Iran wants Israel to be extinquished, Russia wants its old USSR back, meaning Ukraine is to be under their rule,  and then there's the Palestinians.  Will they become peaceful?  What about earth's water situation?  Oil?  heating homes?  Hunger?  Clean air?  Can all these problems be solved in 17 more years?  What a heavy responsibility this is on our high school graduates of 2022.  They will be 35 years old and they will have to do most of the solving of these problems.  



Book: Destiny by Ken Spiro



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