Monday, May 2, 2022

Entering Atomic Age of War: Dark Times Ahead

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

The chatter on the news is not good.  It's all about Putin and his threats of a new style of war that has never occurred, that of a nuclear War.  He has threatened everyone, especially NATO countries, if they are helping Ukraine resist his Russian advances.  The more he threatens, the more the US has taken rightful liberties in helping Ukraine.  

There was such a fear back in the 60's, around 1962 to be exact.  Kennedy had a run-in with Nikita Khrushchev

Reagan with a run-in with Mikhail Gorbachev.

At both times, they both backed off, realizing how close they had come to a nuclear war.

At the time of the 60s, my family lived in Eugene, Oregon, and we had a bomb shelter in our basement that came with the house.  It became a useless thing, and was turned into a windowless bedroom.  I've thought nothing of it, never taking a nuclear war seriously.  I only remembered the book read to us in the 8th grade in 1946 called Hiroshima.  That told me all I needed to know about atomic warfare.  I was glad when the idea of an atomic war was put to bed, or so I believed.

2022 and I accidently turned onto a Youtube program, a re-run of the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and I got more than I bargained for.  The panel discussion was called, "Will the invasion of Ukraine Lead to Nuclear War?  What can we do about it?  It was actually aired on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, and I saw it today, May 2, 2022.  Good grief!  Where have I been?  

The possibilities of a nuclear War is very real and could happen at any time, the way things are going.  Putin has warned everyone with his abstract wording on February 24th and February 27th which has been discussed by top officials as to his exact meaning.  All we need is something like the cow kicking over the lantern that started the fire; and that would be a clash between the 2 countries of the USA and Russia.  It could start from the US and Russian planes that are dodging about in the air above Poland and for one to go down, and there you have it;  a clash that could start the war.  As much as we don't want it to happen, it's a possibility, more so than ever before.  

On top of this, the fact is that Putin evidently has cancer.  He has been judged to be looking pretty bad lately as it is.  He's even planning on having the man who told him that Ukraine was full of Nazis in charge while he's under the scalpel.  That's a fearful thought, full of many outcomes.  He wants to postpone the surgery until Russia's Celebration Day of 1945's ending of WWII.  It's a big day of bragging about their military in Russia.  That's on May 9th.  It's called Victory Day which is the holiday that commemorates the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.  Guesses have been coming in that he has  cancer, Parkinson's and 'schizophrenic symptoms':  

Vladimir Putin 'will undergo cancer operation in the near future' and is set to 'hand over power to hardline ex KGB chief while he is incapacitated', insider claims. Power over Ukraine war will transfer to ally and Security Council chief Patrushev who is a hardline Security Council head and ex-FSB chief, full name is Nikolai Patrushev.  He is to take control of the invasion while Putin is in surgery.  

At  the same time, Israel has been under the heavy hand of Iran's threats against them and the threat of their attacking Israel.  Iran, being a Muslim state, has the reputation called for by Islam to warn their enemy before striking, so they have doing doing just that.  Iran has been working on nuclear warfare and it's thought that it could be attached to their long-distance missiles.  Netanyahu did his best to warn the UN.  
The only suggestion the Watson Institute panel came up with was to  put an end to nuclear weaponry, get them all to sign a promise.  I'm afraid it's too late.  The die is cast.  Russia has the power and NATO and the USA need equal protection and power.  Might meets right.  

Ukraine was not attacking Russia, and look what has happened so far to them.  They were not a threat, not even a NATO member.  Russia had already developed the terrible reputation of being a bully, and has proved it in spades.  Their own people have been deprived of News as it is.  They don't have to worry about getting fake news.  They've had that, and now all news has been shut down except what's coming from the company store.  

Yes, we've now entered a new age, more important than the bronze age or the iron age.  It's the atomic age and we're working with stone-aged brains, here.  

The thing is, back in almost the stone age, the Torah age of our Jewish religion of our prophets who foretold this, and the Christians and Muslims are all in agreement on this one, that we have entered the age of the END OF TIMES, when the Messiah is to enter the picture.  How did our prophets know?  That may be a bigger mystery than what is happening to Putin or how far he will go.  It's a period of facing danger from many corners of the earth besides Putin as it is.  There's North Korea and China, the fight over Taiwan.  There' the update of modern warfare that's almost as good as a blast of nuclear bombs, making Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like small potatoes in comparison.  

We've come close to dark times before and came out of it, not really realizing how close we were.  All we can do is have good thoughts right now, and continue planning for our future. It's time  to start doing some good deeds.  It couldn't hurt.  Be nice to people.   Perhaps what this is to do is to make us realize how wonderful a day without war can be, and count each one as a blessing.  We've taken life for granted, and must be appreciative.  This is a wake-up call as to what can happen in this era of easy technical gifts.  We've  been living in a rose garden and have just discovered the thorns that go with it.  We have come to the apex of our genius.  We'll correct it.  


YouTube:  Watson Institute
Book:  Hiroshima by John Hershey 

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