That day of rest set aside for G-d's day, Shabbat, or the Sabbath for
Jews falls on Saturday, and Sunday for Christians. Muslims chose Friday. It's a nice arrangement in Israel, and everyone can feel free to use this day as it was chosen to be.
Now Hamas, that extension of the PLO's hit men who rule Gaza, have a political bureau member, Fathi Hammad, who used their special day of Friday to attend a rally, a "March of Return" and make a speech. It aired over Al- Aqsa TV saying that Israel had until Friday, July 19th, to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and cowtow to Hamas. If Israel didn't do what Hamas wanted (implement its understandings with Hamas) the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and ALL OVER THE WORLD will use the MANY METHODS AND MEANS that are up their sleeves to powerfully explode in Israel's face.
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Jabalia, home to Palestinians: Jabalia also Jabalya is a Palestinian city located 4 kilometers north of Gaza City. It is under the jurisdiction of the North Gaza Governorate, in the Gaza Strip.Jabalia had a population of 82,877 in mid‑2006. The Jabalia refugee camp is adjacent to the city to the north. The nearby town of Nazla is a part of the Jabalia municipality. The city is currently ruled by a Hamas administration. |
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Qaradawi of Egypt, now living in Qatar, broadcasts killing of Jews-a Fatwa and has been for years. He's been buddies with the leaders of Qatar. |
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Fathi Hammad Fathi Ahmad Hamad is a political leader of Hamas, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, In April 2009, he was appointed Interior Minister in the Hamas administered Gaza Strip, replacing Said Seyam who had been killed by during 208-209 Gaza War with Israel. "Seyam was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Jabalia. Speaking like an ISIS leader, said that if Gazans, who are not rational people like Israel thinks, die, they will do so while cutting off the heads of Jews and kill them with explosive belts. He let it be known that Hamas has been actively manufacturing these belt weapons. He called on the millions of Palestinians abroad who have been warming up and preparing for such a moment. Enough warming up, he stated in the march. "WE MUST ATTACK EVERY JEW ON PLANET EARTH AND SLAUGHTER AND KILL THEM."
He also encouraged the West Bank Palestinians to buy knives in order TO CUT THE NECKS OF JEWS AS THE KNIVES ONLY COST 5 SHEKELS."
Below are marchers who had been doing this for the past 6 months.
So it's a call like other similar calls by religious Muslim leaders for Palestinians to kill Jews, Jews, not Israelis. All of us Jews are at risk and hope that our Palestinian immigrants in our land will realize they'd better not follow such deadly advice.
The Peace talks commence with US spokesman, who is President Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner, and stays on the course of offering the old 2 state solution. Having the Palestinians as neighbors in Gaza, a piece of land that Israelis left for the sake of having peace, has not brought peace but constant bombardment so bad that the nearby hospital, who takes in all injured parties regardless of race, creed or color, had to go to the basement to safely save lives.
In 1948, when Arabs had to decide to remain in their homes or leave, there were 126,000 Palestinians living in Israel. By 1972, when they attacked again in the Yom Kippur War, they had multiplied to 458,000. They went from a culture without electricity to where 92% had electricity, but their leaders never paid their electricity bills to Israel. Today their Great March has turned into weekly protests.
"The number of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has risen from 2,895,683 in 1997 to 4,780,978 in 2017, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday." Their culture is based on having more than one wife at a time. PCBS President Ola Awad, who announced the preliminary results of the census during a press conference in Ramallah, said that the total number of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip was 1,899,291 with 435,000 in East Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority considers several villages and neighborhoods located outside the Jerusalem municipal boundaries in Area B as being part of its “Jerusalem District.”
Hamas has also been trying to pose as Israeli soldiers and contact troops through using WhatsApp in order to give sensitive information. The IDF is aware of this. This year marks the anniversary of "Operation Heartbreaker" where IDF exposed Hamas activity against their IDF soldiers on social media. Now they are trying the same trick, only masquerading as women. Hundred of reports of suspicious individuals attempting to make contact with Israeli soldiers have been made.
The Jewish Press, Friday, July 19, 2019, page 40-Senior Hamas Figure calls on Palestinians worldwide to kill Jews
facts about Israel: Division of information, ministry for foreign affairs, Jerusalem