Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Israel At War: Day 235 onLine

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

                                            Hamas (Terrorist Organization) in Uniform

An honest review of what just happened in Rafah causing this terrible fire and loss of life is on ISRAEL AT WAR, DAY 235 from i24.  I get it on you-tube.  This is what Netanyahu described as a tragic error.

It was explained that their rocket meant to hit (in error) a site devoid of civilians which had (not known to Israel) included some sort of Hamas weaponry that caught fire, causing this huge fire. Terrorists had been shooting from this site.   The weapons were stashed, not showing up by eyesight or radar  The drop by Israel had been delayed by checking the area to make sure no civilians were there.   It's being investigated right now.

Like Israel said, the war is against the terrorists, Hamas; not their civilians.  Try to get this video.



tbn.org/israel    excellent coverage

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