Monday, August 7, 2023

How FEAR Has Controlled The World

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

What do people do when they are fearful?  Usually pray. 
 It comes about when people do not understand the cause of something, so education is important in dealing with fears.  Since the beginning of time, man has had to face the unknown.  Mankind faced earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, pandemics, floods, droughts and animals and other men attacking them, even UFOs.                                                 

I remember as a child listening to Orson Welles on the radio on October 30, 1938 when his program announced that men from Mars had landed-War of the Worlds on CBS.  My Goodness!  At the time my family had joined more of our family at a dinner, and everyone was ready to Head Out For The Hills of Portland!  The adults were all so fearful!  The program was so real! The fact that it was happening on October 30, just before Halloween, didn't occur to them.  Martians!  Eeeeeek! When the crashed cylinder opens, the Martians start killing anything that moves with a "heat ray" weapon.  I guess they were fearful of us, too!.  Everything's reaction to fear seems to kill first, ask questions afterwards. 

The McMinnville UFO photographs, also known as the Trent UFO photos, were taken by a farming couple, Paul and Evelyn Trent near McMinnville, Oregon, United States on May 11, 1950.     That's an oval something up there.  

And now we have our own jet pilots making reports of UFPs being  cited, and they are fearful!  They are not lying but simply reporting to a dull-eared audience of Americans. Well, we are not about to get hysterical about it until they attack, but they have become engaging with the pilots, it seems.  UFP is the present name of UFOs, covering more, I suppose.      

 Fear is a highly developed emotion we have had to learn to deal with.  To live without fear for even an hour must have felt like a blessing.  No wonder early man has been found to have had a short life span.  

Just what is fear?  What does it do to our body?  It's a thing:  an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. "he is prey to irrational fears"

It's also an action:  be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening."farmers fear that they will lose business. "

As soon as you recognize fear, your amygdala (small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work. It alerts your nervous system, which sets your body's fear response into motion. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released. Your blood pressure and heart rate increase.  You are experiencing fear.  You feel afraid. 

Fear of the elements must have brought about the idea of gods in outer space that control everything.  Then came the idea of not making the gods angry and taking out their anger on humans, so they learned to appease the gods in many ways, but usually with sacrifice of some sort, and thus, human sacrifice was invented.  That eventually turned into animal sacrifice, and then sacrifice of doing things that they loved;  

Phobias can develop from an original fear of something, helped along by DNA and the amygdala and how it is working plus your nervous system.  How cortisol and adrenaline are released is all under this group of bodily functions that can cause new behaviors in a person in reaction to fear.  

The Little Albert Experiment is well-known to researchers.  After observing children in the field, Watson hypothesized that the fearful response of children to loud noises is an innate unconditioned response. He wanted to test the notion that by following the principles of the procedure now known as "classical conditioning", he could use this unconditioned response to condition a child to fear a distinctive stimulus that normally would not be feared by a child (in this case, furry objects). However, he admitted in his research article that the fear he generated was neither strong nor lasting.  Albert was 9 months.  Watson followed the procedures which Ivan Pavlov had used in his experiments with

  He used a white rat.  The experiment was mishandled but Albert did become fearful of it, even of his teddy bear of fur.   This shows that fear can be 
brought about by conditioning .  It's showing up in reactions of groups of people in certain countries and how they have responded. The Nazis used it on the Germansto cause fear of Jews-then bringing about hate of that cause- the Jews. 

"Fear is our survival response, Zachary Sikora, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist said.   You start breathing faster. Even your blood flow changes — blood actually flows away from your heart and into your limbs, making it easier for you to start throwing punches, or run for your life. Your body is preparing for fight-or-flight.". 

 That surely helped Cave Man to survive.  We've kept that response, some blessed with more than others according to inheriting certain DNA genes.                              

A Khorramshahr 4 missile is launched at an undisclosed location in Iran. Photo: Iranian defence ministry via AP

If Israelis had to rate the things they are afraid of, I think Iran's A bomb on rockets would be at the top of the list, before UFPs or anything else.

 Oy, he needs a good New York style bagel !                                 

 I'm hoping the first thing a UFO that landed would ask where to get bagels.  



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