Things concerning Jews in Portland and everywhere that happen here and in Israel coming from an American-Israeli.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Biden Warns of Armageddon At Nuclear Level
Nadene Goldfoot
Ukraine after Russian missile strikes
It has been Israel who has first warned about Iran having nuclear weaponry very soon. Iran and Russia work closely together.
Israeli technician checks an air force fighter jet during the bi-annual multi-national aerial exercise, The blue Flag, atOvda airbase in Israel on October 24, 2021. They saw thewriting on the wall.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Friday that Israel was prepared to use it's "right to self defense" to stop Iran's nuclear program.
The comments came after IAEA chief Rafael Grossi met Bennett Friday morning during a whirlwind visit.
Bennett's warning is a reiteration of Israeli vows to do whatever it takes to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. It comes with tensions rising over stalled efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers aimed at preventing Iran from developing such a weapon.
Biden calls the ‘prospect of Armageddon’ the highest since the Cuban missile crisis of October 16, 1962 – October 29, 1962. That was a 35 day crisis confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, which escalated into an international crisis when American deployments of missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of similar ballistic missiles in Cuba.
CIA reference photograph of a Soviet medium-range ballistic missile in Red Square, Moscow
Despite the short time frame, the Cuban Missile Crisis remains a defining moment in US national security and nuclear war preparation. The confrontation is often considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war. Now Biden felt obligated to warn us all that we are facing a similar situation with Russia once again.
Russian leader Vladimir Putin was spotted in
official photos seated at one end of a ridiculously huge table, along with the heads of state of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and
Russia is in the hands of Putin who has changed for the worst, attacking and entering Ukraine, an independent country from Russia. Putin has glorified Russia's history in his mind and wants to be remembered as the man who brought all the pieces together again as the USSR. He has started with Ukraine. He has nuclear weapons. As an undependable, crazed Czar, he is a very dangerous man. No wonder that Biden is warning us.
Many young Russians are leaving in a massive exit for any nearby country that will take them for they are against the attack on Ukraine as well. It looks like the older population remain duped or too old to leave. Those under Putin that have raised their voices in protest wound up murdered. The remaining are shaking in fear of Putin's put-down voice, like children in the principal's office fearing a whipping.
Putin wants the rights that Hitler though he should also have, that of taking what he wanted. With today's NATO, such countries will be stopped. Putin feels the crunch against him now. Out comes his last straw; nuclear weapons against one and all. ....
Putin has threatened a nuclear war. He feels its up to the West, like NATO, to deter their disaster, not him.
He has annexed Crimea and thinks such an act is legal for him to do. It's not.
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