Tuesday, December 3, 2024

United Nations Security Council: Determined to Make Jews Insecure, Part III

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

     The Six Day War of 1967 , imagine;  a war over in 6 days!  Israelis danced for the first time in Jerusalem where they had been kept out by Jordan.  
   UN Security Council

The UN discussed the problems with Israel over the Six-Day War of June 1967 until November when a resolution was passed calling on the Arabs to end their state of belligerency with Israel and for Israel to withdraw its troops.  During the following years, Israel-Arab relations were constantly before the UN Security Council with Israel having little faith in that body where an anti-Israel bloc of votes was a sure thing.  

Arafat, Hillary's daughter and Hillary Clinton

The Arabs were able to have extreme anti-Israel resolutions automatically  passed in the General Assembly and in 1974, Yasser Arafat, chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was invited to address that body.  

By 1975, an anti-Israel motion was put through describing Zionism as a form of racism.  This was annulled in 1991.  The definition is:  Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement with the goal of the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Jews were known as wanderers, without a home.  They yearned for their own again, especially when treated as 2nd class citizens wherever they went.  They were suffering from Pogroms, anti-Semitism at its height, hated for being Jews !  How dare people say they were practicing racism !!!  Peoples were practicing racism on Jews !!!!! 

     Here are a few Ashkenazi Jews;  taken to Germany by the Romans after 70 CE.  

And no, being Jewish is not like a race such as being Chinese, but it started with a particular family so most all share a few genes.  It's a belief that they share about G-d, a religion.  Jews have been found in all corners of the world and come in all colors; black, white, tan, brown, etc.  They can have all colors of hair and eyes.  There are varieties, and minds that are individual.  

The Jerusalem question was repeatedly debated in the UN.  The 1947 Partition Resolution had proposed the establishment of an international regime for Jerusalem, to be administered by the UN Trusteeship Council.  The General Assembly's resolution on this subject in December 1948, and  again, later, were rejected by Israel.  The question was raised frequently since 1967.   Incidentally, King David built up Jerusalem.                

The Arab refugee question was also frequently debated in the General Assembly.  The Arab states wanted full rights of repatriation while Israel insisted that the bulk of the refugees be resettled in the neighboring Arab states.  If passed, Israel would be no more; flooded with Arabs who came from neighboring countries, used as pawns by their leaders in their effort to destroy Israel.  They had come to Israel originally for their own needs of job-hunting.  

Israel's cooperation in  UN regional projects was impeded by the Arab states' refusal to sit together with Israelis.                               

Apart from the Israel question, Jews, particularly in the Western Hemisphere, Western Europe, and Israel were concerned with the UN's activities in other fields, especially relating to the safeguarding and promoting of human rights.  

They expressed their views on issues in these fields through membership in both national and international nongovernmental organizations.  Several Jewish international organizations have been granted consultative status, including the Agudat Israel World Organization, the Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations, the Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations, the World Jewish Congress, the World Union of Progressive Judaism, and the World Union of Jewish Students.  Jewish organizations accredited to the UN organization meeting at San Francisco in 1945, urged successfully the inclusion of human rights clauses in the UN Charter.  Later, they made suggestions concerning the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Thereafter, they carried on a program intended to publicize and interpret the Declaration and the Genocide Convention, adopted by the UN Assembly in December 1949.  They have supported also the adoption of conventions on the rights of refugees and on the reduction and elimination of statelessness.                                                 

The World Jewish Congress was responsible for the The Kindertransport (German for 'Children Transport') that was a months-long secret mission to rescue Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Europe. The first group of children arrived in Harwich, England #OTD on December 2, 1938 (pictured).

Describing the situation in Gaza as “appalling and apocalyptic” the UN Deputy Secretary-General on Monday called on world leaders to act decisively to alleviate suffering and prevent the further devastation of the enclave says December 2024 news. "The nightmare in Gaza must stop," urges UN Deputy Chief. 

A family photo hangs on the wall inside a burned-out house in Kibbutz Be'eri in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 assault by Palestinian armed groups on southern Israel, October 14, 2023. © 2023 Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times

 It started with the Arab attack on young adult dancers living along the Gaza-Israel border on the last day of Sukkot, October 7, 2023.  They took over 200 hostages, with over 100 more still being held, most likely most of the number deceased by now.  They refuse to give the hostages up without wanting all of Israel in return.  Those slaughtered by the Arabs died in horrific ways, worse than any historic pogrom, images we can't ever forget, including ISIS type beheadings, marring of tiny children, etc.  horrific!  

Now Israel is fighting in 7 fronts.  What good is the UN?  People steal the food from trucks that Israel brought in, sell it to their people at high prices.   The Palestinians and Hezbollah dig tunnels to hide in or travel in, bringing in ammunition.  UN's International Criminal Court  simply puts out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant.  accusing THEM of war crimes !  Biden hasn't delivered the weaponry Israel was promised and needs to end the war.  Everyone is waiting to see how Trump will handle the problems.  


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

Great Britain's 30 Year Mandate Over Palestine and Their Great Give-Away of land Intended to Become the Jewish Homeland, Part II on UN

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                     

           Naive   Herbert Louis Samuel, Viscount of Britain chosen to be the High Commissioner,  who chose the wrong Arab 104 years ago  in their mandate over Palestine. A decade and a half after that decision, in late 1936, London appointed a Palestine Royal Commission to probe the Arab revolt that had erupted that spring, and which — Zionist leaders and many British officials believed — was being stoked above all by Husseini himself. Chaired by Lord William Peel, the panel heard 60 witnesses in public sessions. But nearly the same number testified in briefings so secret that even the witness list was hidden.  Samuel led a long, accomplished life. Born shortly after the American Civil War, he nearly lived to see the moon landing. He served in the British Cabinet seven times and ultimately rose to the head of his own Liberal Party. Yet his testimony in front of the commission was possibly the only known instance that he was ever made to defend his elevation of Husseini, who in the words of Samuel’s own son, “turned out to be an implacable enemy not only of Zionism but also of Britain,” culminating in his notorious alliance with Hitler’s Germany in World War II.  He stated that "Jews can be extremely irritating people."                                             
                                                    Arthur Balfour (1848-1930)

 WWI was over and the British Campaign of 1917-1918 led to the termination of Turkish rule of their Ottoman Empire.  The administration  of Palestine was entrusted by the League of Nations (1st attempt of what would become the United Nations) in order to implement  The Balfour Declaration of November 2,  1917.  The British foreign secretary, Arthur James Balfour, declared that the British government favored the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and would use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.  This came in the form of a letter to the Jews;  the result of long negotiations initiated by Chaim Weizmann and others shortly after the outbreak of WWI with the support of Herbert Samuel and others.  

Herbert Samuel met in Jerusalem with the Military Governor of Palestine, Major General Louis Bols, on June 30, 1920, the day he arrived in Jaffa. Bols wrote out a receipt, which Samuel signed. “Received from Major General Sir Louis Bols, one Palestine, complete.” (Hebrew Union College Klau Library)

It was known that Great Britain held the 30 year mandate of Palestine and had complete control till the day they pulled out and the Jewish Palestinians could declare themselves a State named Israel.    By 1922, Winston Churchill, the British colonial secretary, did the detaching of Transjordan from the historic Palestine and set it up as a separate emirate that kept out Jews.     As for entering Palestine to create the Jewish Homeland, the British restricted Jewish political rights and sometimes favored if not fostered Arab objections.  Immigration and expansion were arbitrarily limited.   The Jews that could come in  after 1918 were restricted, created new towns, drained swamps, planted forests and built Tel Aviv.  By 1933, Nazi persecution started against Jews.  Jewish immigration increased in Palestine, legally or illegally.  Brits kept Jews out of Palestine.  Jews were suffering in Germany terribly from 1933 to 1939 when Germany went into Poland.  Jews needed Palestine desperately,  but were turned away by the Brits.  

 Ships such as Exodus 1947,  took 4,515 Jewish migrants from France to Mandatory Palestine. Most were Holocaust survivors who had no legal immigration certificates for Palestine. The Royal Navy boarded her in international waters and took her to Haifa, where ships were waiting to return the migrants to refugee camps in Europe.  There they were most likely gassed.                            

                                                       1929:  Amin al-Husseini 

Herbert Louis Samuel, Viscount (1870-1963) was Jewish and a British statesman and philosopher, the 1st Jew to be a member of a liberal British cabinet (from 1909) who had chosen a Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who happened to be  Hajj Mohammed Amin el Husseini (1893-1974) , who hated the Jews.  That made him head of the supreme Moslem Council.  In 1936 he organized the Palestine disturbances but was sentenced to exile in 1937.  he fled to Lebanon, and during WWII, was involved in a coup in Iraq before running off to Europe where he met up with Hitler and was largely responsible for the liquidation of the Jes in the Moslem areas of Bosnia.  He then escaped to Egypt.  After 1948 he set up a Palestine Government in Gaza that didn't last long, and later in Cairo.  

On April 1947, at the request of the United Kingdom (UK), which acknowledged its inability to possibly implement the mandate, the General Assembly of the UN established a Special Committee on Palestine called UNSCOP, formed to look into the question and submit recommendations.                          

 That was a new line to the world;  England saying they couldn't handle the mandate anymore.  The truth is that England met Saudi's prince Abdullah, who needed land and people to reign over.  The English then gave him 80% of the land east of the Jordan River which was mostly Palestine, reserved for the Jewish Homeland.  Britain gave the land east of the Jordan River to Abdullah in 1921, when they established the Emirate of Transjordan under his rule at the Cairo Conference, effectively separating this territory from the rest of the British Mandate of Palestine;.

England had discovered that there was oil in "them there sand".  From there on, England did everything to keep Jews out of Palestine and allowed Arabs in.  They went against the reason  of the mandate;  responsibility of assisting Jews in creating the Jewish Homeland.  

The UNSCOP's report formed the basis for the Assembly's Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947.  They in turn recommended the establishment, in Palestine, of both a Jewish and an Arab state.   They were trying to appease both sides.  Arabs and Jews each had aided Britain in winning WWI.  The Brits had made promises to each.                            

  If you read the Bible,  it was a well-known fact that Israel, formed in biblical days of King Saul, David and Solomon, was well over 1,000 years old when the Romans destroyed its capital, Jerusalem in 70 CE by fire, burning the city and Temple.  The Romans named the land "Palestine" out of anger  for the Jewish enemy, the Philistines, when Bar Kokhba, a Jewish descendant had led an army and took Jerusalem back in 132, fighting for it till 135 when he was killed.  There never was a State of Palestine;  only the land was named as such for maps.  There had been the state of Judah where Jerusalem was, and from that we get our name, Jews. Our Ancient Homeland was what came to be known as Judea and Samaria.  

     Proclaiming Israel, the new state :  Golda Meier settled in Palestine in 1921,  would go on to become the Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, serving during the Yom Kippur War.  Golda retired in 1974.                                      

Israel was proclaimed by the Palestine Jewish authorities on May 14, 1948, on the eve of the day Great Britain gave up their control.  

Arab armies immediately invaded Israel, and NO CONCRETE HELP came to their aid by the UN in implementing its resolution, but UN mediators negotiated the following cease-fire and armistice agreements supervised by a TRUCE SUPERVISION ORGANIZATION  using Jerusalem for their headquarters.  

Israel's application for admission to the UN was approved by the General Assembly on May 11, 1949, about a year after its birth.  Israel became a member of the many UN agencies in the following months. 

 Her problems came from her relations with the Arab states---and have been on the agendas of the UN's main organs repeatedly.  Israel-Arab relations.  reached a climax in the fall of 1956 with the SINAI OPERATION.   On March 1, 1957, Israel---under pressure, announced its intention to withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip and Sharm-e-Sheikh with the reservation that it would exercise its right of self-defense under the UN Charter if its ships were again interfered with in the Gulf of Akaba.  We won't forget what happened in May 1967 when an Egyptian demand to withdraw UNEF troops was immediately obeyed.  


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-reveals-herbert-samuels-secret-1937-testimony-on-the-infamous-mufti-of-jerusalem/    *****





Monday, December 2, 2024

When Did UN Start Singling Out ONLY Israel For Reprimands and Condemnations?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                   

The Senate approved the UN Charter on July 28, 1945, by a vote of 89 to 2. The United Nations came into existence on October 24, 1945 in San Francisco, California after 29 nations had ratified the Charter.  Saudi Arabia came on June 26, 1945 and ratified on October 18, 1945; Syria Arab Republic came on June 26, ratified on October 19, 1945, and Turkey came on June 26, 1945 and ratified on September 28, 1945.  

Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, China, Colombia, France, India, Iran, Iraq, and the United Kingdom joined on October 24, 1945;   Iceland joined on November 19, 1946, and Hungary joined on December 14, 1955;  Indonesia joined on September 28, 1950, and Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Chad joined on September 20, 1960;  Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania joined on September 17, 1991, and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan joined on March 2, 1992;  Uganda joined on October 25, 1962, and the United Arab Emirates joined on December 9, 1971

Born from the League of Nations that was a failure, (The League of Nations was formally disbanded on April 19, 1946:)by January 1, 1942, representatives of 26 nations at war with the Axis powers met in Washington to sign the Declaration of the United Nations endorsing the Atlantic Charter, pledging to use their full resources against the Axis and agreeing not to make a separate peace. ; This happened in  the middle of World War II.  

As World War II was about to end in 1945, nations were in ruins, and the world wanted peace. Representatives of 50 countries gathered at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, California from 25 April to 26 June 1945. For the next two months, they proceeded to draft and then sign the UN Charter, which created a new international organization, the United Nations, which, it was hoped, would prevent another world war like the one they had just lived through.

My family and friends safe in USA -- Grandfather Nathan having moved here, from Lithuania;   me in back, the tall one, on my birthday.  

WWII was the cause of 6 million Jews dying, murdered by the Nazis by shooting whole crowds along pits they were forced to dig, or in gassed filled rooms, etc; anyway they could.  Nazis had thought they would have a better society without Jews.  The allies won of which the USA was one of them who had entered the fight later than the Europeans who were first involved.  The United States officially entered World War II against Hitler on December 11, 1941 when they declared war on Germany, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941effectively bringing the US into the war against the Axis powers including Germany.  This happened 83 years ago.  I was 7 years old then.  

 Since its founding in 1948, the United Nations Security Council, has adopted 79 resolutions directly related to the Arab–Israeli conflict as of January 2010.

Issues relating to the State of Israel and aspects of the Arab–Israeli conflict, and more recently the Iran–Israel conflict, occupy repeated annual debate times, resolutions and resources at the United Nations, while turning a blind eye on other countries who actually did show reason for debate. What had changed at the UN?

The adoption on 29 November 1947, by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of a plan of partition of Mandatory Palestine was one of the earliest acts of the United Nations. This followed the report of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. Since then, it has maintained a central role in this region, including the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People. The UN has sponsored several peace negotiations between the parties, the latest being the 2002 Road map for peace.  Of course it was a failure.  

UNSCOP  ( United Nations Special Committee on Palestine)  was "to prepare for consideration at the next regular session of the Assembly a report on the question of Palestine." UNSCOP consisted of representatives of eleven members: AustraliaCanadaCzechoslovakiaGuatemalaIndia, IranNetherlandsPeruSwedenUruguay and Yugoslavia. In the final report of 3 September 1947, seven members of the Committee in Chapter VI "Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, India, Iran, and Netherlandsexpressed themselves, by recorded vote, in favour of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union" (reproduced in the Report). The Plan proposed "an independent Arab State, an independent Jewish State, and the City of Jerusalem". The Palestinian Arabs and members of the Arab League had rejected any partition of Palestine. They intended to have it all and not allow Jews any land at all, even though they had bought land from landowners as part of their return to their land of Eretz Yisrael.

From the very beginning, Israel has been criticized for issues surrounding its establishment when most of Mandatory Palestine's Arab population fled or were expelled in 1948, for Israel's birth was on May 14, 1948.   

The conduct of its armed forces in the Arab–Israeli conflict, establishment and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, its treatment of Palestinians, and the blockade of the Gaza Strip, with its impact on the economy of the Palestinian territories, the country's nuclear weapons program, and its targeted killings program. 

Other criticized long-standing issues include: the refusal to allow post-war Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, and the prolonged occupation of territories gained in war and the construction of settlements therein. Israel's status as a representative democracy has also been questioned because Israeli residents of the occupied territories are allowed to vote in Israel's elections while Palestinian residents are not, leading to accusations of apartheid

Since 2003, the UN has issued 232 resolutions with respect to Israel, 40% of all resolutions issued by the UN over the period and more than six times that of the second placed country, Sudan                                    

So Israel is the most breaker of UN ideals by getting 40% of all criticism and Sudan is runner up getting a little.  May I remark that Moses had given this group of people long ago laws of behavior and Jews did their best to abide by them, 613 laws with the first 10 most important ones , that were designed to help people to get along fairly with each other.  The Jews were singled out to be the example for others.  They have followed this, regardless of any temptations that came along, including death, and this is what the result it.  The UN and their declarations against them, as if the Holocaust wasn't enough of a burden to their souls.  

Counter-criticisms include the assertion that some critics and their criticisms are aimed at delegitimizing Israel's right to exist, which has led some to debate over the point at which criticism of Israel crosses the line into antisemitism. The term "new antisemitism" refers to criticisms deemed to have crossed this threshold.  It could be because so many Arab countries have since joined the UN.  

The dot (Israel) with 140 resolutions against her while the whole world judged with only 69 resolutions!  There are 195 countries in the world, according to the United Nations: Member states: 193 countries are member states of the United Nations Non-member observer states: Two countries are non-member observer states: the Holy See (Vatican City) and the State of Palestine  or the ratio of    3: 140 ;not even taking into consideration of size and population count..  Jews of which make up 80% of Israel, are 0.02% of the world population.  We're a small group,  like the white rhinoceros.  We have about 14 million Jews in this whole world with about 6 million in Israel and 6 million in the USA with others scattered about.  

Judy Kupferman  of Tel Aviv, Israel asked, "Does the UN support Israel or Palestine?  The answer is:  From 2015–2022, the UN passed 140 resolutions against Israel and 69 against ALL OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. Countries that jail women for wearing their head covering wrong. Countries that imprison and execute journalists. Countries that forbid women to leave the house without a man. Countries that draft eight year olds to the army. Countries that jail and murder gays.                                                           

                                  Israel depicted as a convict judged by UN

And Israel, a secular multicultural society where huge demonstrations against the government are held freely, a society where one fifth of the citizens are Muslim Arabs with the same rights as anybody else, a society where gays can embrace in the street and have children and raise families, Israel that has given the world ground breaking medical and technological inventions and a disproportionate number of Nobel Prizes, according to the UN, is twice as bad as all those countries put together!?!!!


Chaim Weizmann (born Nov. 27, 1874, Motol, Pol., Russian Empire [now in Belarus]—died Nov. 9, 1952, Reḥovot, Israel) was the first president of the new nation of Israel (1949–52), who was for decades the guiding spirit behind the World Zionist Organization.

Why is it that "Palestine" was so terribly important to this group?  The Allies would never had won WWII had it not been for Chaim Weizmann, a Jew.   He discovered a way to produce acetone from corn, which was crucial for the production of cordite, a vital component of British ammunition during World War I.  One answer that comes to mind is that the Arabs didn't want a Jewish state in their midst, for no good reason.  I think it is seen to them as competition they didn't want, bringing in the Western culture, as many were Ashkenazis (German Jews), even though they admired Hitler during this period, Hitler didn't want competition either.  Nazis presented themselves as the perfect people.  

The United Nations Security Council has five permanent members: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The General Assembly elects ten non-permanent members for two-year terms. 


Large parts of Gaza have been reduced to rubble amid the ongoing conflict, due to Hama terrorists attacking the  Jews of Israel, the most horrendous attack being October 7, 2023.  Remember your 3 NOs, Hamas leaders?  You do not want peace with Israel, only the whole piece of land called Israel.  Israel has offered you peace, land, life, but you have refused, holding out for all.  You are responsible for this pile of rubble, for the deaths of your own people.  

The UN-backed International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence minister Yoav Gallant, together with a former Hamas commander, citing allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.







