Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Hamas Lovers Don't Know About Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

Israel in 1970s compared to a small state in USA

The Bible lists the size of Israel by name.  Here's the size.  It had a total surface of 17,500 sq. m. of which about 45%  is in Transjordan.  The Promised Land reached the Pelusium arm of the Nile Delta, the Gulf of Elath, and the Euphrates opposite Aleppo in  the East.  It included most of Syria and altogether covered about 58,000sqe. m.  This entire area was occupied by the Israelites under King David (ruled from 1010 BCE to 970 BCE) and his son, King Solomon (ruled from 961 BCE to 920 BCE)as told in (I Kings 5:4). That land, started with King Saul, existed  through the Exodus with Moses leading  with their ancestors from about 1579 BCE-which happened about 3,603 years ago.  We Jews have a very long history of living in Judea and Samaria and Israel of today! 

West Side:   Mediterranean Sea

East Side:  Syrian Desert

South Side:  Brook of Egypt (Wadi Elk-Arish) to Kadesh Barnea then to the Brook of Zin as far as the Valley of Zoar South of the Dead Sea

Transjordan:  From the River Arnon to Mt. Hermon, and to the Valley of Iyon. 

Skipping many centuries to the years of 1918 and end of World War I;  The Jewish National Home was created under the British Mandate by April 24, 1920.  It's borders were only: 

1.  The borders West of Jordan excluding part of the Upper Galilee North of the ladder of Tyre which was  given to Lebanon. 

 2. The South Negev beyond the Rafiah-Gulf of Elath line had been handed over by the Turkish government to Egypt for administration in 1906.  

The UN Resolution recommended  the establishment of a Jewish state in the larger part of the mandated area of Western Palestine, although still with a complex frontier.  The Armistice Agreement  of 1949 left Israel with 8,000 sq. m---a larger area than envisioned although still with complicated borders to work out later.  

In 1967, a big turning point, all Arab states attacked this small speck of land, but Israel really must have had help from the almighty besides our friend, the USA with a deal to get a few weapons.  Israel won!!!! Israel found herself with more land because she won.  She was in occupation  of all of Judea and Samaria, their own original land.  She also became the possessor of the Golan Heights and the Sinai up to the Suez Canal, but she returned it to Egypt in the early 1980s.  

Israelites and now Jews have faced anti-Semitism, jealous people who have tried to change their belief system to theirs since the beginning of time.  Christianity came out of this mother religion and so did Islam, only the original religion, Judaism as we call it today, is only now beginning to be respected with the Abraham Accords that have recently developed.  Judaism does not try to change people's religions and wants to be also respected.  Because of this, Hellenism tried, almost succeeded with Bethlehem becoming quite Hellenized,  while Iran, formerly Persia and with a Shah friendly to Israel, has power goals instead of religion, as it is led now by Ayatollahs under the guise of religion as we know it, while only being a power play.  Jews have one place  to live in and that's Israel.  They will fight with their lives on the line to keep it.  We haven't lasted all these years for nothing.  


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