Monday, June 10, 2024

When You Vote For Terrorists to Lead You

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

                  The latest 4 hostages freed by IDF who lost the life of one of their soldiers in the act.                                                                    
                      Obama said to Egyptians:  " The Egyptian people have made it clear that there is no going back to the way things were: Egypt has changed, and its future is in the hands of the people. "Obama brought in voting for a people who never had it before in Egypt.  Hamas now had free reign in Palestine.  

When Palestinians voted in Hamas, as terrorist group as their President and leadership, they knew they were asking for trouble, and didn't care.  The reason for that was they had been brainwashed since birth to hate Jews and kill them on site.

What a civilization the Jewish people had selected to return to as commanded in the Torah by God through Moses.  However, it wasn't much worse than what they were finally leaving at the time, countries imbued with anti-Semitism as it was;  pogroms, burnings, you name it.  Strangely, the only place safer than Europe was the Middle East with Turkey as the head of the Ottoman Empire.  They erred in siding with Europe's Allies during WWI and lost their holdings, all except Turkey, that is.  Not that they or other Middle Eastern country had been perfect, but they only kept Jews as 2nd class citizens and some fared better than others.

So now, after giving the land of Gaza without any financing or voting, they've managed to use is as a shooting stand towards Israel.  That was land Israel gave to them in the name of PEACE.

There hasn't been a day without them shooting something; rockets, mortars, missiles, and lately ---drones, flying kites on fire, etc, and popping up from tunnels they have dug so as to kidnap our people, and who has raised their eyebrows in alarm or in shock?  No one but the Israelis, of course.  They celebrate with every Jewish death by passing out candy.  (Israelis remember when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and the Egyptian soldiers were swallowed up and drowned in it who were chasing them, how G-d said not to cheer as they were children of Ha Shem (G-d) as well) .  Israelis don't cheer or celebrate when hearing of these deaths of Palestinians, especially the women and children.  They most likely cry.  

Now, after Hamas has executed the most vile of all acts against a people who thought their up to date warning alarms would work, for the first time were brutally attacked with more than 200 happy  young souls murdered on site who were dancing during a music festival, the Palestinians think they are not complicit.  

"My cousins did nothing!  They are innocent!"   I heard one say, on the news.

"On 7 October 2023, the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas initiated a surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. As part of the attack, 364 civilians were killed and many more wounded by Hamas at the Supernova Sukkot Gathering, an open-air music festival during the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret near kibbutz Re'im This mass killing had the largest number of casualties out of a number of massacres targeting Israeli civilians in villages adjacent to the Gaza Strip, that occurred as part of the 7 October attack, alongside those at the moshavim of Netiv HaAsaraBe'eriKfar AzaNir Oz and Holit."

Oriya Brodetz jumps onto his father, Avihai Brodetz, shortly after they were reunited in Israel. Oriya, siblings Yuval and Ofri, and their mother, Hagar, had been held hostage by Hamas. (Schneider Children's Medical Center/Reuters)

It took weeks of secret work to find any hostages held by Hamas, when 4 were just found by brave Israeli IDF during daylight and rescued after 246 days of being held.  "Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, were rescued by the Israeli military, intelligence and special forces from two separate locations in Nuseirat, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday. All four were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7."

We are just learning what life was like for them;  unbelievable !!!  Rape, brain washing that Israel would never rescue them, treated as slaves; which could be as 3 were in one building and the 4th in another in personal apartments.  They were the lucky ones found alive among  "the Israeli government estimates that 253 hostages were taken in the cross-border Oct. 7 Hamas attack that killed 1,200 people in Israel, although numbers have shifted over the course of the war. According to the latest figures as of 6/8/24 , 75 hostages are believed to still be alive and in captivity in the Gaza Strip, but Israel has not given the full basis for its estimates."

Since the attack, 116 hostages held in Gaza have been freed is one number.  Israel's reason for fighting has been in rescuing the hostages.  This is no secret.  Hamas knows Israel will do anything to get their people back and alive.  Life is what Israelis are all about.  That's why all schools have bomb shelters; and so do all apartment houses and homes have at least a safe room which didn't turn out to be safe on October 7th, unfortunately.  Those in charge in the government have already resigned. 

Screenshot/Piers Morgan Uncensored (see picture below)

TV host Bassem Youssef (right) calls out asymmetry in media coverage during an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, holding a piece of paper showing the death tolls in Israel (left) and Palestine (right) over the last 15 years. 

TV hosts are moaning and groaning over the loss of life of the Palestinians, but it is their own people who are to blame.  They have been aiding and abetting the terrorists in every which way to fight and kill Jews.  This is war.  Hamas started it.  The only Hamas sympathizers  that are victims are babes in arms. Israel always tries to protect civilians, but it is hard to do when they are set up to protect the terrorists. 

On the other hand, Hamas puts their people in danger;  hiding weapons in schools, mosques, children's beds, etc, and do not mind losing lives.  Then they can put the blame on the Jews.  One can see the difference in cultures;  as different as night and day.  If ever two people should stay apart and not become neighbor states, it is the Palestinians and the Israelis.

6/11/24:  JLMinute-excellent explanation on TV of how "civilians" are complicit with Hamas;  they are Hamas.  

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