Monday, June 3, 2024

Netanyahu's Actual Plan of What It Takes for Ending the War

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

      The war in Gaza will not end until Hamas is defeated, Israel said Saturday, contradicting terms for a cease-fire endorsed Friday by President Joe Biden and cautiously welcomed by Hamas. (stated June 1, 2024).  

Netanyahu's statement said that “Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed: 

1. the destruction of Hamas' military and governing capabilities, 

2. the freeing of all hostages and 

3. ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.                                

Scenes from Hamas’ surprise attack on a music festival, farming communities and army outposts in southern Israel are seared into the national psyche. The bloodied bodies of young men and women lying on a highway where they were gunned down. An older woman squeezed between two gunmen on a motorcycle while she is being taken to the Gaza Strip as a hostage.

Some 1,200 people were killed that day, Israel’s worst single loss of civilian lives. About 250 others were abducted. Some, mostly women and children, were eventually released or traded for Palestinian prisoners. Some were killed in captivity.

Israelis hope to rescue their hostages.  Another body was found today that had died during the first attack of a 30 some year old medic, identified by DNA.'s%20statement%20said%20that%20%E2%80%9CIsrael's,poses%20a%20threat%20to%20Israel.

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