Friday, September 27, 2024

Watch Out-Them's My Holocaust Family Members

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

                                      Jews in Central Europe-Galicia-Pre-Poland in 1722

I lost family members up to oodles of 5th cousins in the Holocaust.  I lost 6 million cousins and other relatives!                              

     Lithuanian Jews walking to their ultimate deaths 1939-1945

 We're so closely related, that I'm finding all these facts through DNA matches. Even in the beginning, Abraham was the Uncle of Sarah, his wife.  Jacob, whose name changed to Israel,  was the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and Isaac was the the son of Abraham and Sarah.  Abraham's family members tended to marry into their own family;  mainly because they didn't know or trust the OTHERS surrounding them.  Abraham had brought his theory of ONE GOD, and OTHERS were polytheistic. Being polytheistic meant that they could be practicing human sacrifices to their many gods, and who wants a spouse that might get mad at you and offer you on the fire of the awaiting sacrifice?  

Yet, some of Abraham's children by Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah, who had Ishmael when Abraham thought Sarah was barren,  did turn about and marry into the OTHERS.  In that act, they left this clan of Abraham.  That's how we see the separation between Isaac and his twin sons, Jacob and Esau .  Esau was born first, so by their law, was deserving of his fathers blessings, but Jacob managed to outwit him with his mother's help,  and received it instead.  They haven't gotten along ever since.  

             American Jews 

We've been scattered throughout the world, but those alive are the following:  6 million live in the USA;  6 million live in Israel, and about 2 million are in smaller groupings around the world like England, France, etc.  In fact, many have already left from these countries to make aliyah to Israel because of anti-Semitism.  We're from the tribe of Judah, with a few Benjaminites and Simeonites who were living with them at the time.  

         Pashtuns found from  India to Afghanistan, seem to have  some of the same values as  Jews, thought to be our long lost 10 Tribes.  The Pashtuns are an ethnic group of people who live in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and are also known as Pakhtuns, Pushtans, or Pathans:  The majority of Pashtuns live in the eastern and southern regions of Afghanistan, and in the northwest region of Pakistan. There is also a significant Pashtun diaspora in neighboring countries, such as Iran and India. Pashtuns speak Pashto, an Iranian dialect that has been an official language of Afghanistan since 1936. They also speak Pakhto, another Iranian dialect, and often use Farsi for trade.
Light Green in 871 BCE   Dark Green was the Assyrian  Empire in 824 BCE; Opens in new tab
The 10 other tribes were taken away when the Assyrians attacked Israel.  It was King Hosea of Israel in 726 BCE tried to throw off the Assyrian hold which led to Shalmaneser V's siege of Samaria (as in Judea-Samaria)  who captured the land and people by 721 BCE who deported 27,290 Israelites to Assyria and Media, and replaced them with Syrian and Babylonian prisoners.  So, we see that many Middle Eastern males have the Y haplogroup that Jews do, which is J1 and J2.  They are our very distant cousins.  

Authorities name 715 soldiers, 66 police officers killed in Gaza war:  Five colonels among the dead, the most senior officers killed in combat in recent memory; 346 IDF troops killed in ground offensive. 

Now, when someone is killed in Israel, I realize it's a family member.  We've been living together for all these reasons and because we've also been forced to live together as in ghettos, sometimes even locked up in ghettos.  

The Middle East's Sea of Islam's Time Before Mohammad and Judaism

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

Jacob, 3rd of the Jewish Patriarchs; and the younger of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah, who bought brother Esau's birthright for him for a mess of pottage, gained father's blessing.  He lived before the Exodus. He married 2 sisters, Leah and Rachel and then their 2 handmaidens.  He had 12 sons and 1 daughter.  The 12 tribes come from him.  It so happens that Jacob's name turned into Israel.  Thus, the 12 Israelite tribes.  

First of all, King David of Israel lived from 1010 to 970 BCE, with Judaism's beginning coming from Moses and his teachings found in the 5 Books of Moses-first part of Tanakh/Old Testament. Judaism comes from their 12th state of Judah, where they were from, with a few from Benjamin and a few from Simeon.   Judaism survives.  

1. Judaism:  Before Moses, born in Egypt to an Israelite, became an adopted son of the Princess, the religion in Egypt was polytheistic, meaning the Egyptians worshipped many gods and goddesses. Some of the major gods included: Re (also Ra): The sun-god, and Osiris: The god of the underworld and the dead . The Egyptians believed that gods and goddesses were present and in control of the world. They depicted these gods and goddesses in many forms, including human, animal, and hybrid.  Then there were the the pharaohs who were believed to be divine rulers who could communicate with the gods and maintain cosmic order.  The Egyptians believed that each person had a soul, or ka, that might continue into the afterlife. After death, the Egyptians believed that a person's heart would be weighed against a feather to determine their fate. If the heart was lighter than the feather, the person would go to Osiris in the afterlife. If the heart was heavier, it would be eaten by Ammit, a demon part crocodile, part lion, and part hippopotamus.                                                 


 In the broader sense, the historical region of Mesopotamia also includes parts of present-day Iran, Turkey, Syria and Kuwait

2. Before the arrival of Islam, the primary religion of Persia-Iran was ZoroastrianismZoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion that believes in one God, Ahura Mazda, who is the creator of the universe:

Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, and was established over 3,000 years ago. The prophet Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, is considered the founder of the religion.  The Avesta, the Zoroastrian holy book, was written between 600 and 1000 BCE, but the traditions it is based on are even older.  That was when King David of Israel (1010-970 BCE) lived and reigned.  Could the Avesta  had borrowed from Judaism the idea of one G-d?                                   

  3. Saudi Arabia the people of Mecca where Mohammad was born  believed in a mixture of religious ideas. " Until about the fourth century CE/AD, almost all inhabitants of Arabia practiced polytheistic religions at which point pre-Islamic Arabian monotheism had begun to spread. From the fourth to sixth centuries, JewishChristian, and other monotheistic populations developed. Until recent decades, it was believed that polytheism remained the dominant belief system in pre-Islamic Arabia, but recent trends suggest that henotheism or monotheism was dominant from the fourth century onwards."  Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca around the year 570 CE. Orphaned before he had reached the age of six, he was raised under the protection of his uncle Abu Talib.

4. Syria:  "Prior to the Muslim conquest of the Levant in 634 CE/AD, Syria was a center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the state religion of the Byzantine empire. Christianity entered their land after Jesus died, in about  the 1st century CE/AD,  and it replaced the traditional ancient Mesopotamian religion of the Aramaic-speaking indigenous communities. Christianity became the dominant faith in Syria before Islam arrived in the seventh century (600s-699s CE/AD)" .   Hmmm.  Jews went from speaking Hebrew to speaking Aramaic, so some Jewish thoughts could have entered their new Christianity.  Western Aramaic is still spoken by the Christian and Muslim Arameans (Syriacs) in the towns of Maaloula and nearby Jubb'adin in Syria. 

5.  Iraq-Formerly, Mesopotamia In the broader sense, the historical region of Mesopotamia also includes parts of present-day Iran, Turkey, Syria and Kuwait

Pretty much all of Mesopatamia spoke Aramaic, so you had to know Aramaic if you were Jewish.  Mesopotamia is a historical region of West Asia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. Today, Mesopotamia is known as present-day   Before Islam became the dominant religion in Iraq around 634 C.E., the majority of the population was ChristianOther religions practiced in the area included  Zoroastrianism which was a dominant religion in Northern Mesopotamia before Islam. It is currently an officially recognized religion in Iraqi Kurdistan and Iran.  The Sumerian religion which was One of the earliest recorded religions, practiced in what is now central Iraq. The Sumerians are credited with inventing civilization, including the first cities, farming, the wheel, writing, mathematics, and the 60-minute hour.  Mandaeism was a Gnostic sect that some scholars believe originated in the first three centuries CE/A.D. Mandaeans believe that God delegated the creation of the world to deputies, and that salvation is the transition to the world of light after death.

6. Turkey: Before Islam, Turkey was home to a variety of religions, including: Tengrism: The old Turkic religion, which was practiced by most Turkic peoples and involved the worship of the sky god Tengri . Manichaeism: A religion practiced by some Turkic peoples .Nestorian Christianity: A religion practiced by some Turkic peoples .Buddhism: A religion practiced in Turkey before Islam . Islam in Turkey dates back to the 8th century (700s), when Turkic tribes fought alongside Arab Muslims against Chinese forces at the Battle of Talas in 751 A.D. Spurred by the influence of ruling dynasties, many people converted to Islam over the next few centuries. Islam began to establish itself in the region that is now Turkey in the late 11th century when the Seljuks expanded into eastern Anatolia. The Turks converted to Islam after being conquered by the Muslim Empire from modern-day Iran. The influx of Islam also introduced many of Turkey’s stunning cultural practices. The most famous of these is the whirling dervishes performing their ancient Sufi dance.Even with the growing popularity of Islam, Turkey still maintained an incredible level of religious toleranceIslam arrived in the region that is now Turkey in the 7th century (600's)For instance, the Jewish communities with roots in Anatolia and those that immigrated from Spain and Portugal were autonomous in their domestic affairs. The same applied to the Christian communities, which consisted of Roman Catholics, the Assyrian Orthodox church, and small groups of protestants. This tolerance resulted in large thriving communities of non-Muslim Turkish citizens in the country.  In the 19th century, this relatively peaceful coexistence was put under threat with the coming of ethnic-religious nationalism.  Therefore, many non-Muslim Turkish citizens emigrated to Bulgaria, Israel, Greece, and Armenia: leaving small minorities in Turkey.   The influence of ruling dynasties led to many people converting to Islam over the following centuries. 

7. Kuwait:  Before the arrival of Islam, the religion practiced in Arabia was polytheism, with most people worshipping tribal deities. The Kaaba, a sanctuary in Mecca, housed around 360 idols, including the chief god Hubal, the Syrian god of the moon, and his three daughters, Allāt, Al-'Uzzá, and Manāt. The history of Kuwait is thought to have begun in the early 18th century when the Al Aniza tribe migrated from Najd to the northern Gulf shore. The Al Sabah clan eventually became the dominant clan and were established as rulers in 1756. 

ReferenceOpens in new tab


Israel's Neighbors and Enemies

 Nadene Goldfoot


                                                    SHI 'A  IRANIAN SOLDIERS Islam

"Islam is the most widely followed religion in the Middle East. About 20% of the world's Muslims live in the Middle East, and about 85 percent of people in the Middle East are Muslim. Islam is a monotheistic religion, teaching belief in one God (Allah) and is based on the Quranwhich borrows much from the Jews' Bible.

Muslims believe that Muhammad is the final prophet of God in a long chain of prophets, from Adam on down to John the Baptist, Jesus, and finally Muhammad."  Interesting how the author of this article found on     skipped Moses who brought the Israelites out of Egypt.  

 "The majority of the Muslims are Sunni, followed by Shi'a" of which Iran basically follows.. Smaller sects include the Ahmadiyya of India. However, Ahmadis are considered by the majority of Muslims as heretical.  "For Ahmadi Muslims, the third article in Islam is concerned with the belief in all the divine scriptures as revealed by God to his Prophets. This includes the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, the scrolls of Abraham, and the Quran."  "Estimates of the number of Ahmadiyya Muslims range from 10 to 20 million people worldwide, which is less than 2% of the total Muslim population. The Ahmadiyya community is a minority Muslim sect in almost every country, and is concentrated in South Asia, West Africa, East Africa, and Indonesia."

A major source of conflict in the Muslim Middle East is the divisive nature between the two main sects of Islam: Sunni and Shi'a. Although these two sects agree on the fundamentals of Islam and the teachings of the Quran, they are in conflict about who would lead the Muslim community after Muhammad's death.

       Hezbollah Terrorists, based in Lebanon, took over the country 

"After a brief period of religious studies in Iran, Hassan Nasrallah returned to Lebanon and became Hezbollah's leader after his predecessor was assassinated by an Israeli airstrike in 1992.
Hezbollah in Lebanese Politics Hezbollah has participated in Lebanese elections since 1992 and draws popular support from its vast network of schools, clinics, youth programs, and other social services. The group entered the cabinet for the first time in 2005 and has held one to three seats in each Lebanese government formed since then. Hezbollah has at times sought to block cabinet decisions, twice prompting the collapse of the government by withdrawing from the cabinet alongside its political allies. The group is part of the March 8 political coalition, which also includes the Free Patriotic Movement (Christian) and the Amal Movement (Shia). Hezbollah holds two seats in Lebanon’s caretaker government.

Some of Lebanon had had a Christian population, with Major Hadad leading his force.  Christians and Muslims shared the political positions of presidency, etc.  "In the 19th century, the Maronite Christians and the Druze established a governing and social system known as the "Maronite-Druze dualism" in the Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate."

Iran is the major enemy of Israel with their co-enemies being from Lebanon, and now Syria and Iraq getting in the battle, creating a direct land line from Iran.  The is a total of:

 81,871,500 Iranians

+ 6,093,509 Lebanese

87,365,009  Total Enemies fighting         

        IDF of the Northern part of Israel

Israel's army is called the ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCE (IDF) c.120,000 total as of 2016., with 169,500 ready to serve.    That's about 170,000/ 80,000,000.  This means the ratio is 170 thousand to 80 million in Iran's favor.  Israel is out-numbered and must use the brains over the enemy's brawn.  

Notice that females are also in the army as Israel's total population today is made up of about 6 million Jews and 3 million of other religions, mostly Islam who are not conscripted. 

                             Israel's IDF

Military age17
Conscription24–34 months
Available for
military service
1,554,186 males, age 17–49 (2016),
1,514,063 females, age 17–49 (2016)
Fit for
military service
1,499,998 males, age 17–49 (2016),
1,392,319 females, age 17–49 (2016)
Reaching military
age annually
60,000 males (2016),
60,000 females (2016)
Active personnel169,500[1]
Reserve personnel465,000[1]
                         Population of Muslim Countries

CountryTotal PopulationMuslim PercentageMuslim Population
 Palestine ???4,780,97893.0%[17]4,446,309
 Saudi Arabia33,413,66093.0%31,000,000
 United Arab Emirates9,992,08376%[21]7,593,983
Middle East419,425,728


Flash: 10:00am                                 

BEIRUT — The Israeli military said Friday it carried out an airstrike on the central headquarters of Hezbollah in Beirut, where a massive explosion leveled buildings in a southern district, sending clouds of orange and black smoke billowing in the skies.

The strike in the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh came shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.N., vowing that Israel's campaign against Hezbollah would continue. Not long before the explosion, thousands were massed in the suburb for the funeral of three Hezbollah members, including a senior commander, killed in earlier strikes.

There was no immediate word on casualties in the strike. The Israeli army spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said it targeted the main Hezbollah headquarters, located beneath residential buildings. Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV said four buildings were reduced to rubble in the blast, so powerful it rattled windows and shook houses some 30 kilometers north of Beirut. Ambulances were seen headed to the scene of the explosions, sirens wailing.

It is possible that the head Hezbollah leader was killed.  

Resource: Edited 9:42am on Friday, 9/27/24