Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What Happened to the Arab Refugees from 1948?

Nadene Goldfoot                                             

May 14, 1948 and the British who had held a mandate from the League of Nations of 30 years left Palestine and the Jews pronounced the their creation of Israel.  In less than 24 hours, they were attacked by the Arabs.  However, 160,000 Arabs who lived within Israel's borders accepted her invitation to choose peace and become Israeli citizens.

Post Script (PS) My 3rd cousin was the Chief of Intelligence for the Stern "Gang" as the Brits called it, but they called it the Stern Group.  The Jewish National Home promised by the League of Nations became 80% smaller with the Brits holding the mandate as they gave that much to a prince of Saudi Arabia who wanted a place to rule, Abdullah, and it became TransJordan, then Jordan.  I don't know how at the end of 1949, Israel could have been 5,000km larger.  The Arab refugees' descendants
whose  ancestors had left  are located in much of Judea-Samaria and Gaza.  Remember, most are of the 4th generation now.
Three Israeli-Arabs were elected to the 1st Knesset.  There were postwar problems to solve and they were resolved.  At this point the Arab citizens became freer, then more educated and more prosperous than any average citizens living in all other Arab countries.  By 2010 the Israeli-Arabs number over 1,250,000 and continue to elect representatives to the Knesset.
1948:  Returning to village after leaving
A number of Arabs had left when the Arabs armies attacked because they were told that it would be a matter of hours and they would overcome the Jews and then they could have their homes.  The number is anywhere from  a possible 472,000 to the exaggerated 750,000 reported.

1. Fighting had started which Jews did not start or want and most Arabs fled to escape it.
2. Rich Arabs fled the war zone which was Israel.  They were leaders, and without them, the Palestinian civil society fell apart, causing more fights.  They went to Damascus or Paris.
3. The Political and radical leadership encouraged the general Arab public to get out of the way of the oncoming Arab armies.
4. Arab propaganda was backfiring.  They scared their people with lies about Jewish atrocities against Arabs.  Arabs then fled.
5. In a few cases, Israeli troops routed Arab residents from their homes in certain zones they considered vital to forming their new state.


So, Palestinian refugee camps were set up in the Territories and neighboring Arab countries following the 1949 Arab-Israeli War.  By 2010 the condition of the camps found them to be run-down towns that the Arab leadership never improved.  The people and their descendants are still considered refugees after 70 years.  Most Arab countries still refuse to integrate them.  They use the people as pawns in the propaganda war against Israel.  Many are nothing but a town of tents.
Arabs taken to the front lines to fight Jews of Israel
Whereas Arab leadership created the refugee problem, they then promised these refugees that they could go back to their homes located in Israel now, not Palestine.  These Arab leaders openly stated that their goal was to dismantle the Jewish state demographically by flooding it with Palestinian Arabs.  That would be easy to do, too, with their Sharia law allowing 4 wives and no birth control.
They called it the Arab RIGHT OF RETURN.  Clever Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt in 1961, exclaimed:  "If Arabs return to Israel---Israel will cease to exist."
Assad Abd Al Rahman, Palestinian Authority Minister of Refugee Affairs, in 1999 also agreed with:
"The demand for the return of the Palestinian tantamount to the destruction of Israel."  

The UN, top-heavy with ruling Muslims,  has given special treatment to Palestinian refugees.  
1. 1949: Set up UNRWA, an agency just for Palestinian refugees.  They are serving the 4th generation as 25 years is a generation.  By 2025 they will be aiding and abetting the 5th generation.  
2. 1994:  PA was formed and governed 38% of the Palestinian refugees but did not use its billions of foreign-aid dollars to improve their living conditions or opportunities.  Conditions did not change.  
3. 2005:  UNRWA was serving 4.3 million Palestinians. 
4. 2010-2011  UNRWA budget for year was $1.23 billion dollars.  
5. 2014 estimate of:  4.43 million Palestinians in Judea-         Samaria and Gaza 
      with 1.7 million living in the Gaza Strip  
      2.8 million in the Judea-Samaria. 
USA calls for investigation of terror ties in UNRWA camps

"UNRWA has been criticized by the Israeli government and politicians for alleged involvement with Palestinian militant groups, such as Hamas. Israel has stated that Peter Hansen, UNRWA's former Commissioner-General (1996–2005) "consistently adopted a trenchant anti-Israel line" which resulted in biased and exaggerated reports against Israel."
Hamas tunnel found under UNRWA school in Gaza

"In June 2017, UNRWA employees discovered a tunnel running underneath the Maghazi Elementary Boys A&B School and the Maghazi Preparatory Boys School. According to UNRWA's spokesperson, the tunnel had no entry points in the school premise, but runs underneath the school. UNRWA stated it intended to seal the tunnel, and that is protested to Hamas. Hamas denied it was involved, and requested clarifications from other armed factions that denied involvement as well.
Following the tunnel discovery, Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that UNRWA should be dismantled and reincorporated in other UN agencies. In response UNRWA's spokesperson said only the United Nations General Assembly could change UNRWA's mandate, and further stated in Hebrew on Israeli radio that if "UNRWA is gone" from Gaza that "two million people will turn into IS (Islamic State) supporters"  Is this a threat or a fear?  Today, Gaza is bombing Israel with rockets and mortars non-stop, putting all of southern Israel into bomb shelters.  Hamas has been leading the acts of the past weeks at the fence.  

Resource:  Israel 101 Magazine produced by StandWithUs.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How the Arabs Had Treated Jewish Refugees

Nadene Goldfoot

More than 10,000 Jews became refugees from areas of the Palestine Mandate where Arab armies prevailed. 

There were Jews living in Arab countries before the creation of the modern state of Israel.  They had lived there for centuries, probably since 70 CE when the Romans occupying Judah had decided to burn down the Temple and Jerusalem to take it over completely.  They thought they had ended Jews living there, but there were those that existed in higher elevation and out of way places from the Romans

Jews not yet enslaved by the Romans escaped to nearby Arab lands which would become Muslim much later between 590-620 CE.  Then they would be constrained as 2nd class people called Dhimmis as per Sha'ria law." Non-Muslims living in an Islamic state with legal protection.  The word literally means "protected person".  Dhimmis had their rights fully protected in their communities, but as citizens in the Islamic state, had certain restrictions, and it was obligatory for them to pay the jizya tax, which complemented the zakat, or alms, paid by the Muslim subjects. Dhimmis were exempt from certain duties assigned specifically to Muslims, and did not enjoy certain political rights reserved for Muslims, but were otherwise equal under the laws of property,contract and obligation.    

Some states treated Jews better than others. Historically, dhimmi status was originally applied to JewsChristians, and Sabians.  María Rosa Menocal, argues that the Jewish dhimmis living under the caliphate, while allowed fewer rights than Muslims, were still better off than in the Christian parts of Europe. Jews from other parts of Europe made their way to al-Andalus, where in parallel to Christian sects regarded as heretical by Catholic Europe, they were not just tolerated, but where opportunities to practice faith and trade were open without restriction save for the prohibitions on proselytization.

With the declaration of the Jewish state of Israel, suddenly Jews were no longer welcome in Arab countries and they were forced to become refugees.
West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza had Arab armies which razed Jewish communities and killed or expelled all Jews.  
After the 1948 war, NO JEWS were allowed to live in Arab-occupied zones. 
Jordan took control of Judea-Samaria and refused to protect any Jewish holy sites. 

In East Jerusalem alone, 57 synagogues, libraries and houses of learning, many being centuries old, were desecrated and destroyed, their stones later used  to build sidewalks, roads and to build urinals.

1948-1949's War of Independence resulted in over 850,000 Jews to be either expelled from Arab and other Muslim lands or to flee from rising persecution.  Between 1949 and 1954, Jews became homeless though some of their communities were over 2,000 years old. 

Between 1948 and 2000, the Jewish population in Middle Eastern and North African countries dropped from around 900,000 to less than 50,000. 
Jewish Population (Mizrachi Jews) that Declined in Arab Lands
                   1948                         2000
Algeria       140,000                      100
Egypt           75,000                      200
Iran            100,000                  12,000 to 40,000 (a relative had to sneak out when a teen on a camel)
Iraq            150,000                      100
Lebanon      20,000                      100
Libya          38,000                          0
Morocco   265,000                    5,800
Syria           30,000                       200
Tunisia     105,000                    1,500
Yemen        55,000                       200

New York Times, May 16, 1948900,000 Jews in Africa and Asia face wrath of their foes.

May 14, 1948 was the birth of Israel.  As new as it was, barely recovering from the destruction of the 1948 war, struggle to bring in and house both the now homeless Jews from Arab lands or Mizrachim and the 300,000 European or Ashkenazi Jewish refugees of World War II's Holocaust.  6,000,000,000 Jews had been slaughtered in Europe of which many had been kept out of Palestine-the League of Nations' promised  Jewish Homeland, by the Brits between 1920 to 1948.  

The population of Israel in 1948 was 650,000, the same number that had entered Canaan with Joshua at the end of the Exodus.  This population more than doubled in just 3 years.  
It's mission was to be the refuge for persecuted Jews and that's why it was created in the first place.  Now they had more than they had realized existed.  Historian Howard Sachar had commented, "No influx like it had been witnessed in modern times.  It was an 'open door' from which older and vastly wealthier nations would have recoiled in dismay."  Temporary refugee camps called "ma"abarot" were set up in ISrael during the state's early years to absorb the Jewish refugees.  

Of the Jewish refugees, 2/3 of them settled in the newly formed Israel while the other 1/3 resettled in other nations. Those wanting to enter the USA had to have an American sponsor.   Today, these refugees from the Middle East and their descendants make up over half of Israel's Jewish population.  Gaza's recent Jewish population, who had to move out in the name of peace to allow Arabs to live there, are the last refugees to find a place to live-again.  

Resource:  Israel 101, by StandWithUs, 2010, p. 14, Aftermath of Wars.

Monday, May 28, 2018

TIMELINE of Attacks on Israel by its Arab Neighbors

Nadene Goldfoot                                             
Yizhak Rabin, General and Prime Minister 2 Times from the Left's Labor Party
b: March 1, 1922, Assassinated November 4, 1995
Prime Minister 1974-1977 and 1992-1995
Yizhak Rabin, 1993, said, " We have come from a people...that has not known a single year--not a single month--in which mothers have not wept for their sons."

1920-1921  Arab Riots and terrorism in the early Mandate Period.  Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader, fomented riots against Jews.  In the 1920 riots, 6 Jews were killed and 200 wounded,   In 1921,   43 Jews were killed and 147 wounded.  First fighters, later to be the Haganah, formed by Jews for defense-later to be the IDF (Israel Defense Force).

1929 Massacres instigated again by Haj Amin al-Husseini.  Arab mobs attacked Jews living in Safed, Jaffa and Kfar Darom, the kibbutz near the Gaza Strip.  Hebron, a Jewish community centuries old was destroyed, 67 Jews slaughtered.  Rape, torture, beheadings of babies and mutilation of Jews happened.  British High Commissioner John Chancellor write that it was the worst horror happened in a few hundred years.  135 Jews killed, 350 maimed or wounded.

1936-1939  Great Arab Revolt.  Nazi Germany supported Haj Amin al-Husseini and this led to a 3 year rebellion against the British who held a 30 year mandate from the end of WWI over Palestine.  The revolt of course was also against the Jews (to receive their Jewish Homeland out of Palestine in 30 years) Arabs wanted to end Jewish immigration and land purchases.  415 Jews killed, 200 Brits and 5,000 Arabs in attacks from the Arabs.

1948-1949  Israel's WAR OF INDEPENDENCE  May 14, 1948, British Mandate ended and State of Israel was legally established through UN from League of Nations previous decisions.  Less then 24 hours later Israel was invaded by armies of 5 Arab nations:  EGYPT, SYRIA, TRANSJORDAN, LEBANON AND IRAQ.  The new IDF, just formed, defeated the invasion in 15 months but 6,000 Jews died in the invasion.  That was 1% of the total population.  600,000 Jews were in the new state at the time.

1949-1956  The Fedayeen Raids:  Arab terrorists supported by Egypt constantly attacked Jewish civilians from Lebanon, Gaza and Jordan.  1,300 Jews were killed or wounded in terrorist attacks.  Nasser of Egypt was instigator.

1956  THE SINAI/SUEZ WAR  Egypt increased terrorist attacks, stopped Israeli shipping through the Suez Canal, blockaded Israeli port of Eilat which was violating international law, threatened Israel's economic survival in doing so.  This time France and Britain backed Israel and Israel took the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza.  Israel withdrew 6 months later with Egypt's promised Israel unimpeded navigation and safety.

1959  Al Fatah Raids,  YASSER ARAFAT formed Fatah in 1959 for guerrilla warfare operations against Israel.  He thought repeated attacks would force Israel to become aggressive against Arab states hosting his fighters and would escalate animosity between Israel and her Arab neighbors.  The beginning of PROPAGANDA:  hatred for Israel by the world.

1964:  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) formed:  Egypt supported PLO backed by Arab League for anti-Israel militant groups.  1968 sees Arafat's Fatah joining the PLO and then took it over.  PLO carried out thousands of attacks against Israelis and other Jews around the world, including the 1st airplane hijackings.  Example:  Jewish home damaged by Syrian regular shelling in the Galilee before 1967.

1967:  THE SIX-DAY WAR.  4 Arab countries and Egypt involved:  SYRIA, EGYPT, JORDAN, IRAQ attacked with terrorists, Egypt again blocked Israel to international waters, Egypt expelled UN peace-keeping forces easily.  Arab countries had over 250,000 troops armed with Soviet-supplied tanks and aircraft on Israel's borders-ready for full scale invasion.  Iraq ordered to strike civilian settlements, turn them into dust and pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews.  So Israel then pre-empted them in a war of defense position and captured the West Bank (Judea-Samaria) original Jewish Homeland given away by Britain to Jordan King Abdullah, , Israel took Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria.

1967-1970:  THE WAR OF ATTRITION,  Nasser of Egypt attacked Israel in the Sinai right after ceasefire, had conflict for 3 years.  1,424 Israeli soldiers died and over 100 Israeli civilians were killed.

1972:  THE MUNICH MASSACRE  Following 1967 war, Israelis  worldwide were being found and killed.  The group, BLACK SEPTEMBER, kidnapped and murdered  11 of Israeli Olympic Team at the Munich Olympics.  Yasser Arafat's Fatah of PLO was the leader.

1973 THE YOM KIPPUR WAR, by Egypt and Syria with a surpise attack on Israel's most holy day of the year when all were in the synagogue fasting and asking forgiveness for sins against G-d and sins against man.  IDF fended off assault, cut off Egyptian forces across the Suez Canal and pushed Syrian troops back from the Golan Heights.  Lives lost were the worst with 2,688 Israeli soldiers killed in 3 weeks of fighting.  Egypt felt they restored their honor as they had success in first 48 hours.

1982-1985  THE LEBANON WAR, and I was there.  I was in a bus riding down the mountain from Safed to the army hospital in Haifa when we saw our trucks going up the hill.  At the hospital I was told they would be too busy to see me and I was to go back to Safed immediately.  What happened was that the PLO was kicked out of Jordan in 1970 and so they had gone into Lebanon and had been attacking Israel from there.  Israel went into Lebanon finally to stop them after our people were trapped in a bomb shelter in Kiriat Shimona .  The PLO moved to Tunis in 1985, and then Israel moved to a security Zone 4 miles wide along the border, staying until 2000.  By 1982, 95,000 people had died in the bitter Lebanese Civil War when Lebanese Christian Phalangists entered Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla and massacred about 460 to 700 fighters including 200 PLO fighters.  No Israeli participated in massacre, not knowing what was taking place as the Christians were our friends.  However, Israeli General Ariel Sharon was responsible according to Israeli court because he did not stop Lebanese Christians' entry into the camps.

1987-1991  FIRST INTIFADA  PLO started attacks after hearing fake news of rumors of Israeli atrocities committed.  Palestinians called it a nonviolent uprising, but it quickly turned into violence with 27 Jews killed and more than 1,400 Israeli civilians and 1,700 Israeli soldiers injured.   Almost half (1,000) of the Palestinian casualties were caused by other Palestinians in the Intifada which was internal fighting between themselves-different factions.

1991  PERSIAN GULF WAR  US led coalition fought to get Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and Hussein tried to draw Israel into the war and fired 39 Scud missiles into Israel.  Israel did not retaliate so as not to disrupt the US led coalition.

1994  FIRST SUICIDE BOMBING IN ISRAEL  8 civilians were killed in a suicide bombing on a bus in central Israel.  This would be followed by more of the same acts by radical Islamic terrorist factions all over the world.

2000-2006  SECOND "AL AQSA INTIFADA  A campaign of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks began September 29, 2000.  In 5 years more than 1,068 Israelis were killed and over 7,000 injured of which 69% were civilians.  About 3,000 Palestinians were killed in this conflict.

2006-2008  "ACTS OF WAR" against Israel.  Israel citizens and soldiers withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and then Hamas and other terrorists attacked Israel with rockets every day into Israel.  Israeli town of Sderot is 1 mile from Gaza border and was hit by over 360 Qassam rockets in 6 months after Israel's withdrawal.  In June 2006 terrorists from Gaza tunneled into Israel and killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped 1.  2 weeks later, Hezbollah supported by Iran and Syria, attacked Israel across the internationally known border between Israel and Lebanon.  They killed 8 soldiers and kidnapped 2, then launched barrage of rockets against civilian towns in northern Israel.  Israel responded with a military operation of 34 days.

2008-2009  GAZA WAR-OPERATION CAST LEAD   From December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, a week week battle in Gaza to end the rocket attack on Israel. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH ALREADY.  ISRAEL HAD TO PUT AN END TO THE ATTACKS.   "The conflict resulted in between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths (4 from friendly fire)" A time where Israel did everything and more to warn Palestinian civilians that they were coming to stop the rockets, but that rockets were in schools, hospitals, and terrorists hid behind civilians, as they found out later.  

2010  Large Flotilla and Turkey's  Mari Marmara Incident on May 31, 2010:  The 9th attempt to break the blockade created by Egypt and Israel against terrorists getting through their blockade of sea route to Gaza, as they were bringing in weapons by sea to use on Israel.  Upon boarding the 6th ship, Israeli commandos, there to search for cache of weapons for Gaza,  were fired on and they fired back, killing 9 activists.  9 activists killed, 30 wounded.  

2011  Hamas fires barrage of rockets into Israel on March  19, 2011.  Hamas signs agreement with Fatah to unite.  Marriage is short-lived with power fight.  Obama calls for Palestinian state to be formed going by pre-1967 borders only, leaving Israel exposed to terrorism.  
Using Iron Dome for Defense

2012  Attack from Gaza by Hamas of 60 rockets into Israel on October 24th. .  
OPERATION PILLER OF DEFENSE, going to stop Hamas in Gaza by November 14th.  

2014 Rockets from Gaza started June 13th, so bad that by July 8th, Israel had Operation Protective Edge to stop the barrage.  

2015-2016  "An increase of violence occurred in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict starting early September 2015 and lasting into the first half of 2016, known as the "Wave of Terror"or "Intifada of the Individuals" by Israelis or the "Knife Intifada" or "Stabbing Intifada" by international media because of the preponderance of stabbing attacks, or "Habba." (an outburst) by Palestinian,."  Stabbings going on Temple Mount and throughout Jerusalem  against Jews,  Cars used to attack walkers, people crossing street by Arabs against Jews.  All this is caused by Hamas and Fatah, known terrorist groups.  Their charter calls for destruction of Israel.  

2018  Million Man March of Hamas and Fatah at Gaza Fence during festivities of Israel's 70th anniversary, which also had the US moving their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in same month.  Gazans of 35,000 to 40,000 lined up at fence, told not to touch it or try to break through, though that was their aim.  Gazans used flaming kites that went over and burned fields of crops, trees, land, were violent, held back by IDF. Hamas urged violence, used for vicious propaganda against Israel as attacking innocent (my eye) Gazans.  Had audacity to claim they were held against their will in Gaza.   

May 29, 2018:  rocket and mortar attack worse than in 2014 put all of Southern Israel near Gaza in bomb shelters after 8 weeks of fence demonstrations that tried to break through.  At same time, Israeli jets hit ammunition dumps in Syria who have missiles aimed at Israel.  Iran's Hezbollah in Syria with Hamas-against Israel.  

Resource: Israel 101 magazine issue in 2010, p. 12-13, Published by StandWithUs

Friday, May 25, 2018

Facts About Israel That You May Not Have Known But Should in Today's World

Nadene Goldfoot                                 
Israel is made up of only 8,019 square miles having lost 80% of land promised to them from the League of Nations and the United Nations.  Like former President Bush has said, it could fit into his ranch's driveway.

It's smaller than El Salvador which is 8,123 sq. miles
                          New Jersey which is 8,729 sq. miles
                          Taiwan        which is 13,731 sq miles
                          United Kingdom   is 94,525 sq miles
                          California   which is 158,302 sq miles
                          France        which is 211,209 sq miles

And the Middle East:

Israel's land mass is about  1/625th (1/6 of 1% of the size of the Arab World .)  Israel has 6 million Jews and 1.7 million Arabs as citizens.  7.7 million total.
The Arab League is made up of 22 countries:  Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, Yemen, and Wikipedia includes the Palestinian Authority which is not an actual state, but Palestine is a member of the Arab League.
Speaking of the Muslim majority World, that is made up of 48 countries, trying to add Palestine on as the 49th.  Countries belonging to it are-from biggest to smallest:

Indonesia, Pakistan,Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaysia,Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Syria, Kazakhstan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Tunisia, Guinea, Soalia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Sierra Leone, Libya, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Chad, Lebanon, Kuwait, Albania, Mauaritania, Oman, Kosovo, The Gambia, Bahrain, Comoros, Qatar, Djibouti, Brunei, Maldives, and the 48th is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

In the world there were in 2010 300 million Middle Eastern Arabs and Muslims
There are today, 6 million Jews living in Israel, 6 million Jews in the USA and 2 million scattered, 14 million altogether.

Lebanon used to be ruled by the minority Christians, with Major Hadad as Israel's friend helping to patrol  her borders.   Israel is the only Middle East country today where the Christian population is thriving instead of disappearing like the Lebanese Christians.   Between 1948 and 1998, Israel's Christians grew 4 times over.  from 34,000 to 130,000.

That's pretty amazing since Christianity in the world numbers to 2 billion people.
Islam.............................................................................................. 1.3 billion
Hinduism:                                                                                   900 million people
Buddhism                                                                                    360 million people
Judaism..........................................................................................14 million people

Religious majority in countries around the world are:

1 Jewish state:  ISRAEL
4 Hindu states:
12 Eastern Orthodox states
20 Protestant states
49 Roman Catholic states
56 Islamic states

Israel was occupied by the Romans who finally destroyed their Temple and Jerusalem in 70 CE.  They've been without their own home till May 14, 1948 CE.  However, there was always a continuous Jewish presence living in Israel for the past 3,000 years.  It's a part of Judaism, written in the Tanakh (Old Testament) that this was their land.
What the League of Nations had promised to be the Jewish Homeland
Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire for past 400 years.
The Turks lost it because they sided with the Germans in WWI
The Allies had won against the Axis.  
In 1899, Yusuf diya al-Khalidi, Arab mayor of Jerusalem  was for the rebirth of Israel.  But then Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious Sherif of Jerusalem AKA the Grand Mufti, was against the development of Israel.He was thinking of his infamous position there and didn't intend to lose it to the Jews.  The odd thing is that he received this position from an English Jew, part of those holding the 30 year mandate, a responsibility of governing awarded to them by the League of Nations before turning the land over to the Jews.

"Emir Faisal, a leader of the Arab world in 1919 said, "It is manifestly right that the scattered Jews should have a national center and a national home and be reunited, and where else but in Palestine, with which for 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated."  This is why he was a leader.  He was honest, well educated and not anti-Semitic.  These were the days when all things were possible.  It was the days when the Jews planned on an Israel of a Utopia for themselves and Arabs living with them.  No one counted on the nastiness that the Grand Mufti could create, or the change in Islamic beliefs that seemed to occur.  Jews had lived in Arab counties not as citizens but as 2nd class people; as dminnis  with restrictions, some worse in different countries.  They'd never been totally sought after to be killed outright.


An aside:  I had not realized that the original size of Israel had included Jordan and 80% of the Jewish Homeland had been lopped off to satisfy the Saudi Arabian Prince who got it and renamed it Trans-Jordan.  I found out through my good Muslim friend, a Syrian.  I do have a few Muslim friends that are as aware of the Middle East situation and are rooting for Israel's rights to exist and I bless them everyday for their friendship.  May G-d also keep bless them and keep them safe.  They are helping to open the eyes of their compatriots.

HEZBOLLAH (Party of God) Real Terrorists Out to Destroy Israel

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
Hezbollah was founded in 1982 by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Southern Lebanon but established there by Iran.  They admit that they sent fighters to Syria. 

Their ideology is that of the Shia Islamic fundamentalism.  They are a terrorist group which also act as a Lebanese political party.  The goals of Iran are to establish an Islamic state across the Arab world just like ISIS has been doing, and to eliminate Israel and fight "Western Imperialism."

They act by creating shootings, rocket attacks, bombings, kidnappings and suicide bombings.  For instance, 241 US Marines wee killed by suicide bombers who were driving a truck.  They were the guilty party who bombed the US Marine barracks and embassy in Beirut in 1983. 
William Buckley b: May 30, 1928-murdered June 3, 1985
Served in Korean War, 
They beheaded the United States CIA Chief William Buckley in Beirut in 1985.  Coincidentally, their official manifesto was released on February 16, 1985.  "On March 16, 1984, Buckley was kidnapped by Hezbollah from his apartment building when he was leaving for work." He was dragged from his car at gunpoint March 16, 1984, while traveling the six blocks from the embassy to his 10th-story penthouse apartment." It was thought that one of the reasons he was kidnapped along with two other Americans at different times in Beirut was because of the upcoming trial of 17 Iranian-backed militants that was about to begin in Kuwait. Army Major General Carl Stiner had warned Buckley that he was in danger, but Buckley told him that "I have a pretty good intelligence network. I think I'm secure." 

However, according to Stiner, Buckley continued to live in his apartment and travel the same route to and from work every day." Three weeks after Buckley's abduction, President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 138. This directive was drafted by Oliver North and outlined plans on how to get the American hostages released from Iran and to "neutralize" alleged "terrorist threats" from countries such as Nicaragua. This new secret counterterrorist task force was to be headed by Shackley's old friend, General Richard Secord. This was the beginning of the Iran–Contra affair, which culminated in the exchange of missiles for the release of hostages."On October 4, 1985, Islamic Jihad announced that it had executed Buckley."  Everyone was ready to take credit for his death.  
Hezbollah's charter starts by blaming Israel for defending themselves.  "The Lebanese Hezbollah (Hizbollah, Hezbullah, Hezbu Allah and other spellings) was founded in Lebanon in the 1980s in response to the Israeli invasion. They are a client organization of Iran and Syria, organizing Lebanese Shi'ites and competing with the more moderate Shi'ite party led by Nabih Berri. The name means "Party of God" (Hizbu Allah). The organization follows the theocratic philosophy of governance of the Ayatollah Khomeini. As the organization evolved, it restated its originally announced objectives of expelling Israel and the Americans and French from Lebanon into objectives of destroying Israel."
They killed 29 people in the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992. 
96 people were killed by them in the bombing of the Israeli Cultural Center in Buenos Aires in 1994.

These Hezbollah terrorists who Javier Solana claims are not terrorists committed 813 terrorist attacks between 1990 to 1995. 

They kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli border guards in 2000. 
They committed 183 terrorist attacks between May 2000 to May 2004.

Then they kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers and killed 8 besides shelling northern Israeli towns in 2006 which initiated a war across  the  internationally recognized border of Israel. 

Though not usually made up of Palestinians, they use them as their additional cause to fight so that they support Palestinian terrorist groups completely.  Terrorists stick together as long as they are not competing for power.  To do this their actions have been to set up cells in Judea-Samaria (West Bank) and in Gaza, which is siding with Hamas terrorists.  They continuously attacked across the Israel-Lebanese border. 

Their operatives are in the Caribbean and Central, North and South America.  They've already been caught in the USA planning an attack. 
The US State Department has listed them as a terrorist organization. 
"The group follows the militant Shia doctrines calling for a one Islamic government uniting all Arab nations while liberating Jerusalem from the Jews. Their policy is based on global terrorism, but focus their attacks primarily on Israeli and American targets, with a rational based on both politics and religion. Since the eradication of Israel is their main priority, they usually target advantageous places in Israel. Their manifest calls for opposition to Israel and its western allies. To further its cause, Hezbollah targets key US military spots, have kidnapped and killed US officers, and many other westerners over their existence."

Today, May 25, "Hezbollah said that Israeli warplanes struck a military airport in Syria manned by its fighters.
Al-Akhbar, the official newspaper of the Shiite Islamist group, reported Friday that the previous night’s attack near Homs occurred as Syrian anti-aircraft missiles engaged the planes launching missiles at the airport. Israeli aircraft returned fire, according to the report.  According to the Syrian Center on Human Rights, six missiles were fired at the Edbah Airport, destroying Hezbollah weapons caches. Israel has declined to comment on the strike Thursday."
Hezbollah overtook the area from Sunni rebels in 2013." Iran supports Assad in Syria.  

Research:  Israel 101 produced by StandWithUs from

Thursday, May 24, 2018

When A Fraudulent Immigrant to USA Turned Out to Be a PFLP Terrorist Killing Two Israelis

Nadene Goldfoot
"Rasmea Yousef Odeh in Arabic رسمية يوسف عودة (born 1947/1948; also known as Rasmea YousefRasmieh Steve, and Rasmieh Joseph Steve)] is a Jordanian and former American citizen of Palestinian origin who was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) , a terrorist group,  convicted with life imprisonment  by Israeli courts for her role in the murder of two students, Leon Kanner and Eddie Joffe in the 1969 Jerusalem Supermarket bombing."

The deaths and injuries were caused by a bomb placed in a crowded Jerusalem SuperSol supermarket which the two students stopped in at to buy groceries for a field trip. The same bomb wounded 9 others. A second bomb was found at the supermarket, and defused.

In the investigation that followed the bombings, authorities uncovered an arsenal of PFLP weaponry including explosives

Today her picture is being glorified adorning the wall of an Arab restaurant in Oakland, California called the Reems Bakery.  Since when is it right to glorify a killer?  This is what Abbas of Fatah does in Judea-Samaria-known to people outside as the West Bank.  He glorifies murderers of Jews by naming places after them.  You can be sure that the people who shop in this bakery-restaurant know who she is.  It must draw them there.  However, they're not sitting in the West Bank anymore.  This is California-USA.  What do you think about it, California?  ICE, can you imagine what conversations go on in here?  
PFLP women completing military training coarse 

She spent 10 years in prison before she was released in a prisoner exchange with the PFLP in 1980.  She was released in the exchange, " and she immigrated to the United States, became a U.S. citizen, and she served as associate director at the Arab American Action Network in Chicago, Illinois."

Rasmea was convicted again in 2014, this time in the USA for immigration fraud  by a jury in federal court in DetroitMichigan, for concealing her arrest, conviction, and imprisonment for the 1969 bombings. On December 11, she was released on bond.  Odeh was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison on March 12, 2015, stripped of her US citizenship, and set for deportation to Jordan after serving her time.  Note:  this is all happening during Obama's last years. 

"Convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Yousef Odeh, an organizer of a Day Without a Woman, has agreed to leave the country in exchange for no jail time for failing to disclose the conviction on her U.S. visa application."
On August 17, 2017, Odeh was formally stripped of her US citizenship in a federal court hearing in Detroit before Judge Gershwin Drain. She was subsequently ordered to be deported to Jordan and to pay a $1,000 fine for immigration fraud.
On September 20, 2017, Odeh was deported to Jordan.  She has a following, since PFLP is now a defunct group.  It began in 1967 with George Habash and Ahmad Sadat and was found in the West Bank, Gaza, Syria and Lebanon.  They were Communist revolutionaries believing in armed innsurrection and refused to recognize Israel.  They broke with the PLO of Arafat in 1974 because Arafat planned on his takeover in stages and they want the land right now, then saw it was a little harder to do and returned to the PLO.  They planned plane hijackings, shootings, bombings and suicide attacks against Israel.                 

Bad actors seem to be able to make people think of them as a victim.  This is how she has collected admirers.   Rasmea Odeh is no victim.  She's a terrorist who killed students and injured shoppers.  
The following posts at Legal Insurrection, among others, methodically rebut the propaganda put out by Rasmea and her supporters:
Rasmea in fact was a military member of the PFLP and so important that famed hijacker Leila Khalid formed the “Rasmea Odeh Brigade” to try to free her, and the Black September 1972 Olympic terrorists included Rasmea on a list of prisoners they wanted released.
“They found bomb-making material in her room at her father’s house. And interestingly, the Israelis didn’t prosecute the father [for the bombing]. They reached the determination that he was unaware of what his daughter had in her bedroom. Now if the Israelis were so unfair, why wouldn’t they have prosecuted the father? If all they wanted to do was prosecute innocent Palestinians, why didn’t they prosecute the father? ….
This whole history of Rasmea portrayed by her supporters was a complete fabrication.”  Now Jordan can have her.  