Friday, January 21, 2022

2022 Update on Israel Happenings

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

    PA  PASSIA-MALKI, RIAD born in 1955, 13 years younger than  Biden 

Born in Bethlehem on 31 May 1955; left for Columbia in 1974 to study Spanish and Engineering and received a BSc in Civil Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia in 1978, and an MSc (1981) in Engineering as well as a PhD (1986) in Transportation, Planning, and Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of New York;

                   President  Joe Biden, born November 20, 1942

What's happening in Israel? Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki criticized U.S. President Biden for moving too slowly to reverse all of the Trump administration's adverse policies against the Palestinians and not using Washington's special relationship to pressure Israel to abandon "its rejection of a two-state solution and peace negotiations."                           

Well, that speech gives Trump a few points for being on Israel's side, for a change. In August 2019, President Donald Trump declared himself “history’s most pro-Israel U.S. president.”  He did follow through with promises to Israel that hadn't happened before with other presidents, like actually moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem where it should have been in the first place Trump had reversed long-standing US policies on several critical security, diplomatic and political issues to Israel’s favour. These include the Iran nuclear accord, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, treatment of Israel at the UN and the status of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.  Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter did not possess the same sentiments and were considered unfriendly.

This is wild, because the Palestinians have spent the past 70 years rejecting all forms of settlements that have been suggested from Israel and others whereby it doesn't turn out that the Jews are driven out and the Palestinians get all that Israel has.

          This is the land planned for the needed housing.  A picture taken from the controversial E1 corridor in the West Bank shows the Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim in the background, Feb. 25, 2020. (Ahamd Gharabli/AFP)

In July of 2020, the foreign ministries of France, Germany, Italy and Spain urged Israel to stop the construction of new housing units in east,  in  Jerusalem. Earlier that month, Israel approved the construction of 3,500 new housing units in east Jerusalem. In a statement, the European countries said that the hundreds of new buildings would "constitute an additional obstacle to the two-state solution.  Israel did comply.  

In other words, Israel is saying that since the Palestinians would not come to a peaceful settlement with them, they're going to go ahead and plan projects badly needed that have been held off for all these years.  Jerusalem is a unified city and housing is badly needed.  This is a Jewish city, has been and always will be, and squatters do not have rights when they are busy trying to kill the citizens who literally are feeding them and clothing them and have been trying to be friends with them.  A slap in the face gets you nowhere. But, they have been holding off, once again. 

                  Israel's Iron Dome hitting some rockets from Gaza

Israel’s Iron Dome antimissile defense weapons, designed to intercept incoming rockets and artillery shells, in Sderot. this time a Sderot boy was killed by incoming rocket.   Credit...Jack Guez/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The foreign ministries just don't get it, and Germany and Italy among those giving the orders to a Jewish country?  They view this situation as their problem which to them is a flat two-dimensional problem, as one country won't let the other become a country.  Stop.  You're using land for that country. It's not.  It's a 3-dimensional problem. They aren't in Israel's shoes and can't possibly understand this situation.  They just see a problem going on that their words coming from such bright people as they should solve.  They are empty words.

                              Fatah in their back yard

There is no way at all that Israel can possibly view eagerness in planning to have a Palestine attached to their extremely small state with all the goodies that come in being a state, like arms, an army, etc.  The Palestinian is not a peaceful group and has not fulfilled all the requirements of being a state in the 70 years they have been attacking Israel and trying to kill all their citizens.  

Besides that, these very same foreign ministries are from countries that are as anti-Semitic as they always have been; favoring Israel's enemy over Israel, and did so even in the beginning of planning for the Jewish Homeland.  

There is Israel, one country among all the nations, that is a Jewish country.  They have but this country only, themselves, that they can depend on as a country viable for Jews that won't turn on them.  The Palestinian Arabs have 48 to 50 Arab majority Muslim countries that they came from in where they can live.  They were never driven out of their home-country because of anti-Palestinianism, except maybe Jordan where they tried to take over in the Black September attack that they started.-in trying to take Jordan. 

They came to Palestine from places nearby, especially Syria,  to get work from  Jews who were busy building a country.  They're still a people who depend on Israel for electricity which they are forever in arrears, and other needs as well.  They build tunnels instead of improvements in Gaza, ready to throw it all away just to see the Israelis harmed.


They do this still by bombing Israel daily with rockets, mortars, missiles, you name it; even fire-balloons to burn Israel's hand-planted forests that they themselves enjoyed.  What happened to the standard that you should be at peace with a country for X amount of years before expecting to be accepted as a country?  I have news for the ministries:  bombing is not a peaceful act.                     

Over the past four years, photographer Giles Clarke has reported from Yemen for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), documenting the tragedy of a country devastated by war but also the resilience of its people. The photojournalism festival Visa pour l’image is featuring his work at an exhibition in Perpignan, France
                         The Present Yemen War

Arabs fight among themselves.  They are a competitive group of people.  Europeans had fought among themselves; they also being competitive with each other.  The latest fight the Arabs have had was the Iraq-Iran war of 8 years when they had to have children fight for lack of soldiers since they were all killed off.  Now, what's going on in Yemen?  More fighting with Iran instigating it all.  Lebanon is destroyed, self-inflicted by this warring, again an Iran-caused war. Yemen is in SW Arabia, off this map.  

Iran is busy trying to destroy Israel and has their claws in several surrounding countries of Israel. Iran's head is in the clouds with the plan of the Ayatollahs to bring back the Iran Empire and take over the domination that Saudi Arabia has in their Islamic religion.  And so Europe wants Israel, with their new policy-makers, to act dumb and welcome a Palestine right next door, as if the taste of Gaza isn't enough for them. This is also a Sunni-Shi'a religious competition with the Ayatollah wanting to be top-dog.        

It's not going to hurt the Arabs to see a country, Israel, which stands for a different way of spending their living hours dedicated to peace and fairness towards their fellow man, yet strong enough to take them on anytime they start something, in their midst.  After all, they all seem to be related to each other anyway. Amazing as it is today, we seem to really be very very distant cousins.   

I see an Abrahamic initiative happening with countries respecting the ideals of Abraham becoming peaceful with Israel, who have joined up with Egypt and Jordan who are at peace with Israel. Four have, and others hopefully will join.  They have more to gain than not to join.  


The 3 patriarchs who are responsible for the creation of the ancient and the old Israel in the first place were Abraham, and his son Isaac and grandson, Jacob.  There was even a day not to long ago, around 1981,  that Egypt saw tourists from Israel, but that had been stopped with all the  Palestinian issues happening.  I believe that Abraham is looked upon as a prophet to the Islamists, still.  



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