: USA went for balance of military power between all Middle East nations. While France and Germany were main arms partners for Israel, US economic aid was evenly divided. Israel received abt $60 million per year between 1946-1971. Arabs received abt $170 million per year. 2/3 of UNRWA budget came from USA supporting Palestinian refugees. USA recognized our shared values with Israel.
was PM from 1954-1955 .
: The Sinai War from October 29 to November 5, 1956. USA's
, whom Israeli agents kidnapped from Argentina. April 11, 1961 to June 1, 1962 when he was hung. John F. Kennedy was 35th USA President then.
1962: "This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free societies that seek a path to peace and honor individual right. We seek peace and prosperity for all of the Middle East firm in our belief that a new spirit of comity in that important part of the world would serve the highest aspirations and interests of all nations. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication to achieve it."
(Message to Zionist Organization of America Annual Conference, 1962)
1967-1968: June 5th to 11th 1967 SIX DAY WAR:
USA regards Israel as an ally in the Middle East. Israel had a victory over Arabs who were backed by the Soviets in the 1967 War. USA realized Israel could help contain Soviet expansion in Middle East. In 1968 Congress agreed to sell US Phantom jets to Israel, but continued to provide sophisticated military equipment to Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, all enemies of Israel. Providing arms is big business. War means business.
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-1969) was USA's 36th President at the time. He said, "
"I may not worry as much as Prime Minister Levi Eshkol does about Israel, but I worry as deeply."
(Conversation with Israeli Ambassador Harman, February 7, 1968) Levi Eshkol of Mapai Party (1963-1969) 11th-13th PM.
Moshe Dayan: Born on a kibbutz on May 20, 1915, died October 16, 1981,
Mainly Defense Minister during the Six-Day War in 1967, he became to the world a fighting symbol of the new state of Israel. After being blamed for the army's lack of preparation before the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and for his failure of nerve during the war, he left the military and joined politics. As Foreign Minister Dayan played an important part in negotiating the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
Richard Nixon (1/9/1913- 4/22/1994) |
Israel captured new Soviet Military Equipment-proves their value to USA.
Operation Rooster 53 was Israel's daring raid when Israeli paratroopers captured the newest Soviet radar in Egypt and gave the technological information to the USA.
Richard Milhous Nixon (1969-1974) 37th President said, "
"The United States stands by its friends. Israel is one of its friends Peace can be based only on agreement between the parties and agreement can be achieved only through negotiations between them.
Syria Threatened Jordan and Israel showed Syria their Star of David from up high. The USA asked Israel to support Jordan when Syrian tanks invaded them, so Israeli jets didn't attack, just flew low to Syrian tank commander to see their Star of David, and they quickly withdrew from Jordan, Israel's neighbor. Nixon and Golda Meier were in the seat of power.
1973: Yom Kippur War from October 6th to 25th 1973.
Richard Milhous Nixon was 37th President from 1969 to 1974. He said, "
The United States will not impose the terms of peace. The United States is prepared to supply military equipment necessary to support the efforts of friendly governments, like Israel's, to defend the safety of their people." Golda Meier PM Labor Party(1969-1974)15th-16th PM.
1987: December - First Intifada uprising begins in Occupied Territories. Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza forms Hamas movement, which rapidly turns to violence against Israel. President Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of USA (1981-1989) , and PM Yitzhak Shamir as heads of state.
Jonathan Netanyahu d: July 4, 1976, 30 yrs old |
PM Menachem Begin 1977-October 10, 1983, dealing with Carter. |
10th & 12thPM Yitzhak Shamir(1981-1984), with Netanyahu, UN Ambassador
July 4, 1976 Jonatan Netanyahu, Benjamin's older brother, killed in Operation Entebbi
1977-1981: James "Jimmy" Earl Carter, Jr.39th President who wrote Palestine, Peace, not Apartheid, a very damning and completely biased book against Israel. He said, ""The special relationship between the United States and Israel still stands. Our total commitments to Israel's security and our hope for peace is still preeminent among all the other considerations that our Nation has in the Middle East ... But there need be no concern among the Israeli people nor among Jews in this country that our Nation has changed or turned away from Israel."
(Press Conference at Illinois State Legislature, May 26, 1978) He was giving us plenty of reason to think otherwise.
1991: GULF WAR George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President (1989-1993) Three Scuds and one Patriot missile hit Ramat Gan in Israel, wounding 96 people; three elderly people die of heart attacks. Also, Operation Solomon: He said, ""The friendship, the alliance between the United States and Israel is strong and solid -- built upon a foundation of shared democratic values, of shared history and heritage that sustain the moral life of our two countries. The emotional bond of our peoples goes -- it transcends politics. Our strategic cooperation -- and I renewed today our determination that that go forward -- is a source of mutual security. And the United States' commitment to the security of Israel remains unshakable. We may differ over some policies from time to time, individual policies, but never over this principle."
(Remarks to Dinner Honoring PM Yitzhak Shamir, April 6, 1989)
IDF forces conduct a secret operation in which approximately 14,400 Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel within 34 hours in 30 IAF and El Al aircraft. Yitzhak Shamir PM (1986-1992 of Likud Party)
1992: Israel deported 415 Hamas activists to Lebanon. That's when George Herbert Walker Bush was USA President and Yitzhak Rabin was PM.
Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995) PM from 1992-1995 |
14th PM Benjamin Netanyahu 1996-1999 |
PM Ehud Barak, Clinton, Arafat |
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton 8/19/1946, 42nd USA President, said,""Israel's democracy is the bedrock on which our relationship stands. It's a shining example for people around the world who are on the frontline of the struggle for democracy in their own lands. |
1993: President Bill Clinton (1993-2001) 42nd President and Dennis Ross, PM Yitzhak Rabin of Labor Party and Shimon Peres, Yasser Arafat started to work on Oslo Peace Process.
Ariel Sharon, former General, PM, (1928-2014)
2000: September, Ariel Sharon visits the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is all under Israel since 1967.
Palestinians were furious when Ariel Sharon, whom they reviled, visited a key Jerusalem holy site in 2000. Violence escalated into the Second Intifada Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon, although Lebanon disputes status of Shebaa Farms area.
2001 January - Failure of last-ditch efforts at restarting Israeli-Palestinian talks in Taba, Egypt, Barak loses elections to Sharon, who declines to continue talks.
2002: March-May - Israeli army launches Operation Defensive Shield on West Bank after spate of Palestinian suicide bombings. Largest military operation on West Bank since 1967.
June - Israel begins building barrier in and around Judea-Samaria. Israel says barrier aimed at stopping Palestinian attacks; Palestinians see it as a tool to grab land. Route is controversial as frequently deviates from pre-1967 ceasefire line into Judea-Samaria.
Separation barrier
JUNE 4, 2003:
The Road Map, when Abbas of the Palestinians, King Abdullah II of Jordan and President
George W. Bush of USA (2001-2009) got together at the Aqaba Summit with plan to get Palestinians to end terrorism and anati-Israel incitement. Israel was to help them build their institutions and freeze settlement building. They planned for a Palestinian state by 2005. THE QUARTET-UN, EU, USA and Russia were to oversee the process. None of them, except the USA, were on Israel's side. Look at past history. Even USA was shaky with many anti-Semites against Israel's future.
Ariel Sharon PM of Likud Party (2001-2006)
APRIL 2004:
Unilateral Disengagement Plan of Gaza: PM Sharon of Israel said they would withdraw unilaterally from the remaining 20% of Gaza and from a large part of the northern JUDEA AND SAMARIA (West Bank) by uprooting all Jewish communities that were living there. George W. Bush President
NOVEMBER 11, 2004 Yasser Arafat died in Paris.
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is elected Chairman of the PLO and later president of the PA.
AUGUST 2005:
Israel finished withdrawal from Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria, even dug up deceased from cemeteries. 16 month procedure to move, leaving businesses, homes, everything but Jews. "
About nine thousand Israeli residents within Gaza were instructed to leave the area or face eviction by the night of Tuesday August 16, 2005." For them it was like the exodus from the Pale of Russia-leaving for the unknown. Israeli Leftist Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical Yigal Amir.
Ehud Olmert |
PM Ariel Sharon had a stroke and Ehud Olmert became PM of Kadima Party.(2006-2009) Hamas terrorists won in PA Parliamentary elections strongly suggested by USA to be held.
MARCH 2006:
Israel's Kadima Party won in elections- Centrist and
Liberal, established by Likud moderates to support the issue of Sharon's plan of leaving Gaza, soon joined by Labor liberal politicians.
Kadima (Hebrew: קדימה, lit. Forward)
JUNE 2006: Fighting took place in Gaza where Hamas terrorists took over, kidnapped Gilad Shalit, demanded release of prisoners.
JULY-AUGUST 2006: Hezbollah War -Arabs taking advantage of liberal party in power, PARTY OF GOD-PART OF IRANIAN REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS FROM SOUTHERN LEBANON. Established by Iran, goals are to establish Islamic state across the Arab world, eliminate Israel and fight Western imperialism. ISIS has carried out part of their goals of Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. President George W. Bush (2001-2009 43rd President, Ehud Olmert and Abbas worked on Oslo Peace Process. Israel went into Lebanon in fighting Hezbollah, 2nd Lebanon War. Criticized over conduct of war forced to leave Hezbollah forces intact.
September 2007: IDF Air Force destroyed nuclear reactor in Syria.
November 2007: Annapolis Conference established 2-state solution for future talks
December 2008: Israel forced to invade Gaza to stop Hamas and others from shooting rockets into Israel. 1 month full-scale invasion.
January 2009: Israel discovery of major offshore natural gas deposits
Benjamin Netanyahu (October 21, 1949) and Barack Hussein Obama II (8/4/1961) have differences from their country of birth, youth, culture, religion, political bent and age with a difference of 13 years. 13 years is a special number, the age a Jewish boy becomes a man with the initiation of a Bar Mitzva.
Netanyahu lost his brother, Yonatan, to terrorists in Operation Entebbi on JULY 4, 1976 and he himself has served in the IDF most all his life. |
2009: Benjamin Netanyahu-right wing Likud forms government on March 31, 2009.
Barack Hussein Obama II became USA 44th president. (2009-2016). Right of Israel and Left of USA start to collide. He said of Israel, "“The United States was the first country to recognize Israel in 1948, minutes after its declaration of independence, and the deep bonds of friendship between the U.S. and Israel remain as strong and unshakeable as ever.”
(Statement on the 61st Anniversary of Israel's Independence, April 28, 2009)
MAY 2010: 9 Turkish pro-Palestinian activists killed on ship trying to break blockade of Gaza when Israeli sailors tried to board, Turkey and Israel almost at breaking point.
SEPTEMBER 2010: Talks resume between Israel and PA, faltered over settlements Obama said, "
"[America] will stand steadfast with Israel in pursuit of security and a lasting peace."
(State of the Union Address, February 12, 2013)
SUMMER 2011: Rising prices, government improves competition in food market, cheaper housing more available.
OCTOBER 2011: Hamas exchanges Gilad Shalit for 1,027 prisoners-deal brokered by Germany and Egypt.
MARCH 2012:
Worst clashes since 2008 with Gaza's armed groups after Israel took out leader Zohair al-Qaisi.
MAY 2012: Israel released bodies of 91 prisoners and suicide bombers in humanitarian gesture-to get talks to restart.
Military campaign against Gaza armed groups for 1 week following months of escalating rocket attacks on Israeli towns.
MARCH 2013: NETANYAHU replaces Jewish groups with centrist and secular parties after strong showing in January elections.
MAY 2013; Israel and Syria shoot as Syrian Civil War reaches Golan Heights.
JULY 2013: Talks resumed with PA under US auspices with John Kerry. Israel released 104 prisoners in goodwill gesture. Talks were to be for 9 months only.
DECEMBER 2013: Israel, Jordan and PA sign agreement to save the Dead Sea from drying up-pump water from Red Sea.
JANUARY 2014: Abu Dhabi held Energy and Water renewable energy conference and Israel attended leading a business delegation to 1st visit to United Arab Emirates since 2010.
MARCH 2014: Protests from ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem against exemptions for religious students from military.
JUNE 2014: 3 Israel teens kidnapped, murdered in Judea-Samaria , Hamas members arrested, militants escalated rocket-fire from Gaza.
JULY-AUGUST 2014: Gaza has armed groups attacking, Israel then had military campaign by air, land, to end missile launching sites and attack tunnels, Clashes end in uneasy Egyptian-brokered ceasefire in August. USA sends representative over to Israel for liberal party to vote against Netanyahu, interfering in Israel's democratic political election.
DECEMBER 2014: Israel had early elections over dispute in tax breaks and to reinforce Jewish nature of state
MAY 2015: Netnayhu won, formed new coalition government, right-wing Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party came in as main junior partner in Likud-led coalition. In an interview on May 21 with Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic, Obama said, "
"I care deeply about preserving that Jewish democracy, because when I think about how I came to know Israel, it was based on images of kibbutzim, and Moshe Dayan, and Golda Meir, and the sense that not only are we creating a safe Jewish homeland, but also we are remaking the world. We’re repairing it. We are going to do it the right way."
President Obama wants Iran deal passed, threatened to shoot down Israeli planes if they attack nuclear plants in Iran. Netanyahu working against the Iran deal for years-Iran has threatened Israel with complete destruction for years.
"According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back. The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran." "Former US diplomat
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who enthusiastically campaigned for Obama in 2008,
called on him to shoot down Israeli planes if they attack Iran. “They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?” said the former national security advisor to former President Jimmy Carter in an interview with
the Daily Beast.

A Kuwaiti newspaper is reporting that President Obama, angered at Israeli plans to strike Iran nuclear facilities in 2014, threatened to shoot down Israeli planes before they could reach their targets.
The paper, Al Jarida, cites only anonymous sources and just a handful of other publications have followed the story. But according to israelnationalnews.com, the Arabic newspaper quoted "well-placed" sources as saying Benjamin Netanyahu and two top aides "had decided to carry out air strikes against Iran's nuclear program after consultations with top security commanders." The administration denies he ever said this.
" From Times of Israel, "Ilan Kfir, co-author of a new Hebrew-language biography of Barak, said he and colleague Danny Dor decided to air the interviews after Barak backtracked on a pledge to give them the rights to the English-language version of the book. Kfir said he and Dor have 100 hours of Barak on tape---which were recorded with his full consent---and that the leaked recordings already appear in text form in the soon-to-be-released Hebrew book, of which the parts relating to Iran have been proofread by Barak and authorized by military censor.
The leaked tapes, detailing three times Israel ostensibly planned to strike Iran but refrained for various reasons, have rocked Israel’s political landscape since they were first aired by Channel 2 news Friday night after being cleared by the country’s military censor. This information was published August 24, 2015. The various reasons are unknown. Now the Russians are in Syria, and ISIS is in Syria and Iraq.
Judaism has the tradition that what we do each year gets written down in the Book Of Life. We exchange the traditional blessing on the 1st evening of Rosh Hashana, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."
Our Jewish sages explain that on Rosh Hashana, the Birthday of the World, we all stand in judgment before G-d...like a flock of sheep before the shepherd. If we are worthy, we are "inscribed" in the Book of Life". Ten days later, on Yom Kippur, the Book is sealed. Through repentance, prayer, and charity, we can sweeten the decree and merit G-d's blessings for health, well-being, and prosperity for the coming year.
Surely, nations come under this record as well.
Resource: magazine, Israel 101 produced by StandWithUs. p. 18, 19.