Wednesday, October 16, 2024

What Jordan Has Pulled Off In A Blind World

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                     

Smoke rises over Amman during clashes between the Jordanian military and the Palestinian fedayeen, 1  October 1970 to 1971
President Joe Biden on May 22, 2024: . Inset, a protester holds a Palestinian flag during a rally in Paris, France. Biden has called for a two-state solution, but has fallen short of recognizing a Palestinian state. Win McNamee/Julien De Rosa/AFP/Getty Images

When asked if Biden would recognize a Palestinian state at this point, a National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson told Newsweek via email on Wednesday, "The President is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career. He believes a Palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition."

Biden has continued the old phrase about a Palestine State next door to Israel, and it hasn't happened.  The truth is, Jordan has already created a Palestine, and nobody has noticed.  Could that be that is is still being called Jordan because it is?  Jordan had created a Palestine 54 years ago!  Here's how.                     

King Hussein after checking an abandoned Israeli tank on 21 March 1968 during the Battle of Karameh. The perceived joint Palestinian-Jordanian victory led to an upsurge in support for the fedayeen in Jordan.

Jordan's population is made up of Palestinians.  Black September, also known as the Jordanian Civil War, was an armed conflict between Jordan, led by King Hussein, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led by chairman Yasser Arafat. The main phase of the fighting took place between 16 and 27 September 1970, though certain aspects of the conflict continued until 17 July 1971. 

After Jordan annexed Judea and Samaria ( the West Bank) in 1950, it conferred its citizenship on the West Bank Palestinians. 

The combined population of the West Bank and Jordan consisted of (2/3s  Palestinians 1/3 in the West Bank and 1/3 in the East Bank) and 1/3 Jordanians.)  Add it up.  That comes to a population of 2/3  Palestinians and 1/3 Jordanians.  It was made of more Palestinians than the Jordanians who were there before Black September.  See below.

And then, just who were the Jordanians?  Where did they come from?  It's said that Abdullah brought his many friends with him in his move.  

1. Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein ( 2 February 1882 – 20 July 1951) was the ruler of Jordan from 11 April 1921 until his assassination in 1951. He was the Emir of Transjordan, a British protectorate, until 25 May 1946, after which he was king of an independent Jordan. As a member of the Hashemite dynasty, the royal family of Jordan since 1921, Abdullah was a 38th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad.   Then he needed a land to rule and talked to Britain who gave him Transjordan !   Abdullah, a prince from the Hashemite family in Arabia, was given the territory of Transjordan (later known as Jordan) to rule by the British, essentially providing him with a state to govern; this is how the Hashemite dynasty came to rule Jordan.  Britain had a mandate over the Ottoman Empire along with France, who earned it by winning WWI and inheriting the Empire.  

They had already made plans to give it to the Jews for a Jewish Homeland, however, with the Balfour Declaration!!! The Balfour Declaration was a public statement made by the British government on November 2, 1917 that supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine: Notice the Jordan River.  In the Old Testament, the Jordan River is simply called "the Jordan" (Hebrew: "ha-Yarden") and is consistently referred to by this name throughout the Bible; there isn't a separate, distinct name used for it in the Old Testament narrative.  This is important to know as it is a dividing line.  

Perhaps the British made the promise to the Arabs out of appeasement.  Many Arabs, in Palestine and elsewhere, were outraged by their failure to receive the nationhood and self-government they had been led to expect in return for their participation in the war against Turkey (Ottoman Empire in WWI). However, Jews fought on the British side as well.  

In the years after World War I, the Jewish population in Palestine increased dramatically, along with the instances of Jewish-Arab violence.  The Brits somehow knew of oil, and threw the dice and decided to favor the Arabs more, as I understand the situation.  They broke Balfour's promise in innumerable ways, like keeping out Jews but allowing Arabs into the land.   

The favored man over the Jews of 1917, Abdullah I,  became emir of Transjordan in April 1921. He upheld his alliance with the British during World War II, and became king after Transjordan gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1946. 

In 1949, Jordan annexed the (Judea and Samaria ) West Bank, which angered Arab countries including Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. He was assassinated in Jerusalem while attending Friday prayers at the entrance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by a Palestinian in 1951. Abdullah was succeeded by his eldest son Talal.

      Talal on left with Palestinian terrorist leader, Arafat in Palestinian Jordan

  • 2. King Talal bin Abdullah:  King Talal was born in Mecca and became king of Jordan in 1951 after the assassination of his father, King Abdullah. He abdicated the throne in 1952 due to health reasons in favor of his eldest son, Hussein. 
  • 3. King Hussein bin Talal:  King Hussein was the eldest son of King Talal and Princess Zein Al-Sharaf bint Jamil. He became king in 1952 and is known as the "father of modern Jordan". He was known for his efforts to build Jordan's infrastructure and improve the quality of life for Jordanians. He died in 1999. 
  • King Hussein bin Talal was the king of Jordan during the war in 1971: Hussein ruled Jordan from 1952 until his death in 1999. He was a member of the Hashemite dynasty, which has ruled Jordan since 1921. In 1970, Hussein led Jordan in a civil war against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The war, also known as Black September, was fought over the PLO's use of Jordan as a base for guerrilla attacks against Israel. Hussein's army drove the PLO out of Jordan by July 1971. Post-Black September: After the war, Hussein sought to improve relations with the PLO, while also maintaining ties with the United States, Great Britain, and other Arab states. In 1988, he gave up Jordan's claim to the West Bank and its role representing Palestinians there,
                                              Abdullah II in 2024
  • 4. We have a Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein (born 30 January 1962) who is King of Jordan today  having ascended the throne on 7 February 1999. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty, who have been the reigning royal family of Jordan since 1921, and is considered a 41st-generation direct descendant of the Islamic prophet MuhammadAbdullah II,  having ascended the throne on 7 February 1999. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty, who have been the reigning royal family of Jordan since 1921, and is considered a 41st-generation direct descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.  He was named for his grandfather, Abdullah, a prince in Arabia.
  •  Abdullah II was born in Amman, as the first child of King Hussein and his wife, Princess Muna. As the king's eldest son, Abdullah was heir apparent until Hussein transferred the title to Abdullah's uncle Prince Hassan in 1965.  King Hussein married his British princess in 1961 and Toni became Muna Al-Hussein on marriage
  • Their son, Abdullah IInow King of Jordan, was born the following year. They welcomed three more children: Faisal, Aisha and Zein. However, the marriage wasn't to last; their divorce was finalized in December 1971.
  •  King Abdullah II of Jordan married Rania Al-Yassin, a Palestinian woman from Kuwait: Meeting: The couple met at a dinner party in January 1993. Marriage: They married on June 10, 1993 at Zahran Palace. Becoming queen: After Abdullah's father, King Hussein, died in 1999, Abdullah became king and elevated Rania from princess to queen. Family: The couple have four children, including Crown Prince Hussein. Advocacy: Rania is a global advocate for women's rights, education, and health. She is also known for her social media use, where she has millions of followers and posts about her family and causes. 

 Jordan provided Palestinians with seats amounting to half (50%;  1/2 )  the parliament, and Palestinians enjoyed equal opportunities in all sectors of the state. This demographic change influenced Jordanian politics.

Take off the blinders, world.  There has been a Palestinian state since 1971 already.  And yet you clamor to take more land from Israel to make another Palestine?   You want to place Hamas terrorists next door to Israel, like pouring vinegar into water?  Accept Jordan as the Palestinian state !  We don't need 2 of them.  King Abdullah II has handled his state so far, so maybe he can rule over more Palestinians.  


3:48pm on 10/16/24  See below:  I had added it up wrong;  it was to add the east and the west Palestinians together against Jordanians and though I added the wrong things, it still came out to be more Palestinians than Jordanians;  

4:29, add on about Jordan River.,Sharifian%20Army

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sukkot, That Wonderful Holiday Observed Completely in Israel More Than USA Except By Synagogues

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                      

    In Israel we used different rugs for hanging sides on the Sukkah.  

Sukkot translated means "Tabernacles" ( a fixed or movable habitation, typically of light construction.): This is a Torah Commanded Holiday.  Moses said to celebrate and remember how we lived in these booths during the Exodus for 40 years.  Religious Jews remember the best, reading about it in (Lev. 23: 42).   It's one of the 3 pilgrim-festivals beginning in the Hebrew month of Tishri and lasts for 7 days.  This year it takes place on the 17th of October, so we start the celebration traditionally at sundown the night before on the 16th.  Actually, as soon as Yom Kippur was finished, people started looking for wood to make their sukkahs.  It is remembered as a festival of harvest from (Exod. 23-16; IIChron. 7-8).                                         


    It is celebrated by taking the 4 Species, which are PALM, CITRON, MYRTLE, AND WILLOW, and carrying them in procession in the synagogue, and of course, actually dwelling -or at least eating all meals in the Sukkah for that period.  During Temple times they added the celebrating of a water  libation festival during that last 7th day of Hashana Rabbah.  It also recalls the booth-like structures in the fields in which the peasants lived  in during the harvest in Israel.  

Sukkot is known as “the Time of our Happiness.”  This year we are remembering the hostages taken that have never been returned, and so it's a very sad time.  

 The problem is, I didn't see it as another holiday like Chanukah, celebrated in full by appreciating the history of our ancestors or any other way except doing some special decoration in a type of booth.                   

    Cities gave out prizes for the best Sukkah.  Here's a fancy one.  It's larger than most.  

 I moved to Israel and really got into it with our own Sukkot; decorating it and serving desserts in it to our friends who dropped over.  Why, we even were on holiday from work!  Schools were closed for this holiday!                                 

      In the synagogue the reading with the 4 species takes place

We move from the introspective and solemn mindset of the High Holidays to unbridled joy, which may seem a bit strange since on Sukkot, we are asked to leave the material comfort of our homes, and build a structure that is imperfect, temporary and open to the elements. But the sukkah’s reminder that our existence is fragile helps us to treasure the joyous moments of life, and its outdoor location helps us focus on the beauty of the world in which we live. 

Indeed, the Sukkah has no roof - but instead is covered with schach, greenery or bamboo, so that we can see the stars when we look up at night. And, the sukkah is a gathering place, a place where it is traditional to welcome guests and enjoy spending time together. You might also see some Jews walking in the street during Sukkot carrying an interesting collection of plants. These are the Arba’at Haminim, or the Four Species. We are commanded to take these four plants and use them to “rejoice before God.” 

And from Israel AM: The holiday of Sukkot (Tabernacles) begins tonight and runs through next weekend.  Added 10/16/24 at 1:01PM

During Sukkot Jews live (eat and sleep) in a hut-like structure called a Sukkah.

The Talmud states two reasons for the mitzvah of living in the Sukkah for seven days.

The first is to commemorate that our ancestors dwelled in Sukkahs in the wilderness. The second is to remember the “clouds of glory” that surrounded and protected the Jews in the desert. The Talmud seems to lean towards the second explanation. If this is the case, then why do we use a hut to represent the clouds? Wouldn’t it make more sense for us to live out in the open air, under the clouds? Wouldn’t that give us more of a feeling of complete dependence on the protection given us by God?

Although, in truth, living out “under the clouds” does starkly represent total dependence on God, real life isn’t as clear cut. We all try to build structures to provide us with security and protection. We live in these structures and feel safe and in control. We view these structures as permanent and without them we could not function. The reality, however, is that our structures are really just flimsy huts that create for us the illusion of permanence and security. They fall apart when we least expect them too.

The Sukkah that we live in for seven days reminds us that our own structures of security – our houses, careers, social status – are just temporary. They last for a week, a month, a year, several years, but are then taken down. The Sukkah reminds us that our real security and protection comes not from the walls that we build but from the graces of God.

May we all be blessed with the wisdom to differentiate between the security that is true and comes only from God and the false security of the hut that just looks real, but is only an illusion. And may we blessed with peace in Israel and the entire world. 

[Taken from my book Deep Waters.]  comment from Israel AM


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

October 7, 2023 and the Events Leading Up To That Horrid Inconceivable Attack

   Nadene Goldfoot                                                                    

Sukkot lasts for seven days and culminates in Hoshana Rabbah (Great Supplication), the last day of the holiday. It is followed by the holidays of Shemini Atzeret (the Eighth Day of Assembly) and Simchat Torah (Rejoicing of the Torah).  In the Gregorian calendar the dates vary from late September to late October. In 2023,was celebrated starting in the evening of Friday, 29 September, 2023 until the evening of  Friday, 6 October, 2023.  And then....the young people had earlier heard of Music Festivals happening in Europe and decided to have a big one on the 7th of October, and it was a big hit.  People came from many places to attend.                                                          
       Militant Palestinian, Mohammed Deif, is a Palestinian  and the head of the Ezzedeen al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamist organization Hamas. Israel claims to have assassinated him in an airstrike on Al-Mawasi on 13 July 2024; however, Hamas denied that he was killed in the airstrike. Mohammed al-Masri was born in 1965 in the Khan Yunis Refugee Camp in the Gaza Strip, to a family that fled or were expelled during the 1948 Palestine war. He reportedly left school temporarily to support his low-income family, later graduating with a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the Islamic University of Gaza in 1988, where he had established a theater group.

The horrid events of October 7th of last year is blamed by some Arabs on one of the many clashes we've had with the Palestinians.  Of course it's a personal event to a militant Palestinian.  What happened was The 2021 Gaza War, sometimes called the Unity Intifada,that  was a major outbreak of violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict that mainly commenced on 10 May 2021, and continued until a ceasefire came into effect on 21 May. It was marked by protests and police riot control, rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip. The crisis was triggered on 6 May, when Palestinians in East Jerusalem began protesting over an anticipated decision of the Supreme Court of Israel on the eviction of six Palestinian families in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Under international law, the area, effectively annexed by Israel in 1980, is a part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank; On 7 May, according to Israel's Channel 12Palestinians threw stones at Israeli police forces, who then stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound using tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades. The crisis prompted protests around the world as well as official reactions from world leaders. Armed police in riot gear stormed the prayer hall of Al-Aqsa mosque before dawn Wednesday, aiming to dislodge "law-breaking youths and masked agitators" they said had barricaded themselves inside. A barrage of rocks and fireworks met the officers, police video showed, and more than 350 people were arrested.    Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups named the attacks Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, while in Israel they are referred to as Black Sabbath or the Simchat Torah Massacre, and internationally as the 7 October attacks. The attacks initiated the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.                                                               At 6:30 a.m. IST, air raid sirens were activated in southern and central Israel in response to Hamas missiles. Concurrently, said to still be alive,  Muhammad Deif, the leader of the Hamas' military wing, announced in a ten-minute recorded message published online the start of "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood", and that "the enemy will understand that the time of their rampaging without accountability has ended", urging Palestinians to attack Israeli settlements with whatever weapons they had. Approximately 1,200 Israeli civilians and soldiers were killed in the Hamas-led attack, while around 250 others were kidnapped.

                   Remembering the people kidnapped and taken away by Hamas
Time Magazine wrote:  Since then, of the 251 individuals who were taken into Gaza, 105 hostages have been freed via negotiations with Hamas. Another eight were rescued during daring but deadly operations. At least 35 hostages have also been confirmed dead since the war began, and approximately 100 remain in captivity one year later.  I believe the number today is down to about 40. Hope I'm wrong and more will remain alive.  Word is that they are to be killed as Israelis approach.  

  • 07:00: The Supernova Music Festival near the Re'im kibbutz was attacked by Hamas militants, some of whom arrived via motorized paragliders.   Of the approximately 3,000 to 5,000 people at the festival, 364 were killed and 40 abducted.                                          
  • 07:40: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that Hamas militants had entered southern Israel and asked residents of Sderot and other cities to remain indoors.
  • 08:15: Sirens were activated in Jerusalem following a rocket barrage that landed in the forested hills on the city's western edge.
  • 08:23: Israel declared a state of alert for war, activating its reservists, in response to continued rocket attacks.

  • 10:47: The Israeli Air Force (IAF) began attacking Gaza.
  • 11:35: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his first statement about the conflict via Twitter, declaring that Israel is at war.
  • 12:21: the IDF began operations to relieve cities in southern Israel as the number of rockets launched from Gaza increased to over 1,200.
  • 12:29: The United States made its first statement, through the National Security Council, which condemned the terrorist attack and reaffirmed US support for Israel.

  • 16:08: President Joe Biden spoke with Netanyahu and expressed his condolences and support, later declaring during a speech that US support for Israel was "...solid and unwavering".
  • 18:00: The Israeli security cabinet said on 8 October that a state of war had officially begun at this time.
                                              Rockets from Gaza aiming at Israel 
  • It was later discovered that the 7 October rocket attacks included a strike on a putative (reputed to be) nuclear missile site. The rocket hit the grounds of Sdot Micha military base, on the outskirts of East Jerusalem. On the morning of 7 October 2023, the day of the Hamas-led attack on Israel, a missile fired from the Gaza Strip is said to have hit the base compound, causing a wildfire of 40 hectares, but no military facilities were seriously damaged, as The New York Times claims to have found out based on satellite images. At the same time, it was emphasized that the nuclear warheads presumably stored there in bunkers could never detonate by an accident or external influence
  • Bruno Mars' concert in Tel Aviv scheduled for Oct 7 evening was cancelled due to the attack on Israel.  Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), known professionally as Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter. He is known for his stage performances, retro showmanship, and for singing in a wide range of musical styles, including popR&Bfunksoulreggaedisco, and rock.
