Sunday, September 22, 2024

Where and When My Goldfoots Were During Israel's Days

 Nadene Goldfoot                                          

                                                  A Jew of the Ottoman Empire

Ionus-Jonas  "Judah" Goldfus, patriach of our line, was from Telsiai, Kaunas, Lithuania, and was born in about 1730.  His descendants continued to be from the same town.  

At the time, Palestine (Eretz Yisrael) (Land of Israel) had been taken by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).  The Ottoman Empire conquered Palestine in 1516, marking the beginning of 401 years of Ottoman rule over the region. The Ottoman Empire's conquest of Palestine was achieved after defeating the Mamluk armies at the Battle of Marj Dābiq.  Following the invasion of the Mongol Empire in the late 1250s, the Egyptian Mamluks reunified Palestine under its control, before the Ottoman Empire conquered the region in 1516 and ruled it as Ottoman Syria to the 20th century, largely undisrupted

(from 135 CE by Romans) 1300s to 1516, Palestine  -Eretz Yisrael was under the Mamluks.  

139 years of Goldfus in Telsiai, Lithuania passed by.  Telšiai (pronunciation; Samogitian: Telšē; Polish: Telsze) is a city in Lithuania with about 21,499 inhabitants. It is the capital of Telšiai County and Samogitia region, and it is located on the shores of Lake Mastis.

Telšiai is one of the oldest cities in Lithuania, probably dating earlier than the 14th century. Between the 15th and 20th centuries, Telšiai became a district capital. Until 1795, Telšiai County formed the Duchy of Samogitia within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Between 1795 and 1802 it was included in the Vilnius Governorate. In 1873, Telšiai was transferred to the Kovno Governorate.Why did Goldfus family enter Lithuania?  Duke Vytautas granted privileges to the Jews of Trakai on June 24, 1388. Later similar privileges were granted to the Jews of Brest (July 1, 1388), Grodno (1389), LutskVladimir, and other large towns. The charter was modeled upon similar documents granted by Casimir III, and earlier by Boleslaw of Kalisz, to the Jews in Poland in 1264. Therefore, it seems more than likely that influential Polish Jews cooperated with the leading Lithuanian communities in securing the charters from Vytautas. Evidently Jews went to Poland first after Jerusalem's attack in 70 CE and then slaves taken away by Romans.  From Rome they entered Poland upon request.  

Nathan "Nokhim Avram"Abraham" Goldfus Goldfoot, descendant, born in 1869,  He died at age 43.  was a descendant, born to Movsha ben Josel (John) Goldfus in Telsai as well.  However, Nathan had migrated to Dublin, Ireland, England, Washington and Portland, Oregon last, dying there July 12, 1912 in an accident. 

             Nate and his wife Lorraine Slifman, our 4th cousin. 
Nathan was grandfather of Nate (Nathan) Bernard Goldfoot, born in Portland, but dying in Gresham, Oregon in 2020 at age 86 yrs 2 mo. 1 day.   Nate and I were both named for Nathan, our grandfather.  

Palestine existed within the Ottoman Empire as two districts, also referred to as Sanjaks. The legal origin of citizenship in the Middle East was born of the Ottoman Citizenship Law of 19 January 1869 and the Treaty of Lausanne.                                               

Charles C. "Haskel" Goldfoot, born in 1906 in Council, Adams, Washington was son of Nathan Goldfoot b: 1869 who had immigrated to the USA.  He died in 1949 at age 43.   

Britain had power in Palestine before the Mandate for Palestine because they occupied the region during World War I ( July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918) and had a belligerent occupation status: So......

In 1906, the Ottoman Empire and Britain agreed to a border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, which established the southern border of Israel with EgyptThis border, known as the Rafah-Aqaba Line, runs from the Rafah area in the Gaza Strip to a point near Taba on the Gulf of Aqaba. The British imposed this border on the Ottoman Empire after a long dispute over the border line.                                  

                                       Maurice and Me

Moshe Morris Maurice  Goldfoot was born in 1908 in Portland, Oregon and was my father.  He died in Portland at the age of 59 years-22 days.  

1907:  Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann visits Palestine.1908:  First Palestinian anti-Zionist weekly newspaper is published by Arab Christian Najib Nassar. 


                                 Brother David Alan Goldfoot and me 

1934:  Nadene Goldfoot-me-born in Portland, Oregon. I could have been born in Lithuania but Grandfather Nathan was the traveler and wound up in Portland, Oregon.   

The Organized illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine begins in 1934, following the deteriorating situation of the German Jews after the Nazi Party rise to power in 1933 and also as a result of the adoption of anti-Semitic policies in other European countries which included pogroms, persecutions and restrictions.  Israel was born again on May 14, 1948 when I was still 13 years old.  On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.  Was I affected so far away?  You bet!                                                      

David Alan Goldfoot born August 2, 1942 also in Portland, Oregon-died in Austin, Texas on October 8, 2023, psychologist, Prime Minister of Junior Rose Festival of Portland, Reed College graduate 

On August 2, 1942, the British formed the Palestine Regiment in Mandatory PalestineThe regiment was made up of one Arab battalion and three Jewish battalions. The British intended to use the regiment for guard duty in Egypt and North Africa, and to undermine Hajj Amin al-Husayni's efforts to gain Arab support for the Axis Powers. Mandatory Palestine was a geopolitical entity that existed between 1920 and 1948 in the region of Palestine under the terms of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. By 1948, David was only 6 years old.

My genealogy tree

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